How do I create a physical map layout?


Complete this procedure to create a common physical map layout for NSP map views. You can only create one layout.

You can create your map layout with regions and zones, based on imported NFM-P equipment groups, or you can create an empty layout and add regions one at a time.


Open Map Layouts and Groups.

On the Layouts list on the left-hand side of the GUI, click png12.png Add Layout. The Add New Layout form appears.

Specify a name for the layout.

Complete one of the following substeps:

  1. If you want NE objects to be positioned on the map layout based on the NEs’ geographical coordinates, turn on the GEO NE positioning option.

    NE coordinate information may be stored in the NFM-P database, or directly on individual NEs.

  2. If you want to automatically organize NEs into regions or zones, based on equipment groups imported from NFM-P, enable the Automatically Create Regions option and enable one of the import options:
    • Import NFM-P Top Level Equipment Groups Into Regions: each top level equipment group from NFM-P is created as a region in NSP, with sub-groups created as zones within the regions.

    • Import NFM-P Top Level Equipment Groups Into Zones: a single region is created in NSP, with each top level equipment group from NFM-P created as a zone within the region. This option is intended for smaller networks where only one region is needed.

    Each NFM-P equipment group is imported and converted to a region or zone. NFM-P map coordinates are also imported.

The GEO NE Positioning and Automatically Create Regions options cannot be enabled at the same time. if you choose to import map information from NFM-P, then you cannot enable the GEO NE Positioning option. You can enable GEO positioning for the layout after it is imported.

Click Ok.

The new layout is added to the Layouts list.

Click png13.png Map Layout to view the layout in graphic format.

Complete How do I create a region for a physical map layout? to create and add more regions to the layout.

End of steps