How do I install an artifact bundle?


Use this procedure to install a bundle of artifact using the NSP Artifact Bundles view. The artifact bundle must be compatible with the Artifacts views; see Table 2-1, Artifacts supported for installation using the NSP Artifacts views. For installation of adaptors for model-driven NE management, see “How do I install adaptor artifacts that are not supported in the Artifacts view?” in the NSP System Administrator Guide.

Before you begin

Before you begin, the artifact bundle must be downloaded from the Nokia NSP software download site and stored to your local system in .zip file format; see Obtaining artifacts.

Importing an artifact bundle transfers it from your local system to the NSP. When the bundle is installed, the contents of the zip file are extracted and made available to their targets.

You can install a bundle at the time you import it, or later.

The installation process starts immediately when you click INSTALL. As the installation process completes for each artifact in the artifact bundle, the artifacts are added to the Artifacts, All Artifacts view. When the automatic reconcile operation occurs next, NSP checks the status of all artifacts, updates the artifact bundle status if possible, and retries any failed installations.

Installing new versions of artifacts

If you install a bundle containing a new version of an artifact that is already installed in Artifacts, the new version is handled according to the version control policy of the target. If the old version of the artifact remains in Artifacts, its status is changed to Obsolete and the status of the bundle is changed to Partially Installed.

If you are installing a bundle whose contents may supersede artifacts you are using, such as an NSP service pack, ensure that you have performed any required backups; see Version management best practices.


Open Artifacts, Artifact Bundles.


In the form that opens, drag and drop up to 10 zip files, or click Browse and navigate to the files on your system.

To install the artifact bundle immediately, click IMPORT & INSTALL. To import without installing, click IMPORT.

The chosen operation is triggered immediately. The artifact bundle status is updated to Imported or Installed when NSP has confirmed the status of all artifacts in the artifact bundle.

To install a bundle in Imported status, choose Install bundle from the png1.png (Table row actions) menu.

End of steps