Part I. NSP Network Automation
What is artifact support in NSP?
How do I install an artifact bundle?
How do I view artifact bundle contents?
How do I uninstall an artifact bundle?
What is automatic reconcile of artifacts?
How do I retry a failed artifact operation?
How do I edit or delete an artifact?
How do I roll back an artifact version?
How do I start the SDK application?
How do I generate a key and a certificate?
What are the components of an intent type?
What is a composite intent type?
What is an intent type version?
How do I create an intent type?
How do I import an intent type from my computer?
How do I clone an intent type?
How do I add or change a View file?
How do I delete an intent type?
How do I change the state of an intent type?
How do I create a new version of an intent type?
How do I export an intent type or its view files?
How do I configure user access to an intent type?
What is the difference between synchronize and reconcile?
What are approved misalignments?
How do I approve misalignments?
How do I modify approved misalignments?
How do I execute an action from an intent?
How do I create an intent policy?
How do I import files from my computer?
How can I interact with the Nokia Git repository from NSP?
How do I update an input form?
How do I change the status of a workflow?
How do I configure user access to a workflow?
10. Actions and action executions
How do I create an adhoc action?
How do I create an action execution?
How do I create an environment?
How do I clone an environment?
How do I modify an environment?
How do I create a Jinja2 template?
How do I clone a Jinja2 template?
How do I edit a Jinja2 template?
How do I rerun a workflow execution?
How do I update the description of a workflow execution?
How do I stop a workflow execution?
How do I change the state of a running or failed workflow execution?
How do I evaluate a YAQL expression?
How do I create a Kafka trigger?
How do I edit a Kafka trigger?
How do I create a workflow execution cleanup policy?