File system management

The 7705 SAR-Hm series routers use the SR OS file system to store files used and generated by the system; for example, image files, configuration files, logging files, and accounting files.

The file commands allow you to copy, create, move, and delete files and directories, navigate to a different directory, and display file or directory contents and the image version. The routers in the 7705 SAR-Hm series use on-board flash memory for storing software images. The file system on the 7705 SAR-Hm series of routers is case sensitive.

For more information about file system management support, see "File management" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Basic System Configuration Guide.


The routers in the 7705 SAR-Hm series do not have cf1: or cf2: devices. They only have the cf3: device, which is provided via on-board flash memory.