DHCP client configuration, show, tools, debug, and clear command hierarchies

The following router interface commands are supported on the 7705 SAR-Hm series of routers for a DHCP client in the IPv4 mode of operation.

The commands shown in red text apply specifically to a DHCP client on the 7705 SAR-Hm series and are described in this guide.

For a description of the commands shown in black text, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide and the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Clear, Monitor, Show, and Tools CLI Command Reference Guide.

    - router [router-name]
        - [no] interface interface-name
            - autoconfigure
                - dhcp-client
                    - class-id [hex hex-string] [string ascii-string]
                    - no class-id 
                    - client-id [hex hex-string] [interface] [string ascii-string] [use-mac]
                    - no client-id 
                    - lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [infinite]
                    - request-options 
                        - [no] dns-server
                        - [no] router
                        - [no] static-route
                    - [no] shutdown
    - router
        - autoconfigure 
            - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name
            - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name routes
            - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name statistics
        - interface interface-name detail
        - dns 
        - route-table [family] [ip-prefix[/prefix-length] [longer | exact | protocol protocol-name] [instance instance-id] [all] [next-hop-type type] [qos] [alternative]
        - route-table [family] summary
        - route-table family [ip-prefix[/prefix-length] [longer | exact | protocol protocol-name] [instance instance-id] extensive [all]
    - dump
        - router
            - autoconfigure
                    - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name offer
                    - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name offer config-apply-status
                    - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name offer raw
    - perform 
        - router 
            - autoconfigure
                - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name lease-renew
                - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name restart
    - router 
            - autoconfigure
                - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name 
                    - [no] events
                    - [no] packet
                        - detail-level {low | medium | high}
                        - no detail-level 
                        - mode {dropped-only | ingr-and-dropped | egr-ingr-and-dropped}
                        - no mode 
                    - [no] rtm
    - router 
        - autoconfigure
            - dhcp-client interface ip-int-name statistics