Static cellular interface IPv4 mode

When a PDN router interface is configured for static cellular interface IPv4 mode, consider the following points when setting up a service over a PDN router interface and its associated cellular port:

  • The system IP address used to manage the node is not the same as one of the cellular PDN interface IP addresses assigned during the cellular attachment procedure.

  • SDPs that are destined for the local node from other nodes must be configured to use the PDN interface IP address of the local node as the far-end address. They must not use the system IP address of the local node as the far-end address.

  • T-LDP signaling sessions from the local node to peers must use the PDN interface IP address as the source IP address for these sessions; otherwise, GRE-MPLS services will not function properly. Operators must use the local-lsr-id LDP command to specify that the PDN router interface address is the local LSR ID on this 7705 SAR-Hm for these T-LDP sessions. For information about configuring the local-lsr-id command, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide. When the local-lsr-id is configured, T-LDP sets the source IP address of session packets to the PDN interface IP address.

  • BGP sessions from the local node to peers where BGP VPWS, BGP VPLS, MP-BGP, and BGP routing is required for services must use the PDN interface IP address as the source IP address for these sessions. If these sessions do not use the PDN interface IP address as the source IP address, then GRE-MPLS services that require BGP-advertised information will not function properly.

    Operators must configure the BGP local-address command to specify that the PDN router interface is the local address on the local 7705 SAR-Hm series node for these BGP sessions. For information about configuring the BGP local address, see Using a router interface address as the BGP local address. When the local-address is configured, BGP sets the source IP address of session packets to the PDN interface IP address.

  • Static cellular interface IPv4 mode supports all service types.

When dual SIM operation is required, the points listed above must be considered for each PDN router interface configured for each SIM.