Service ingress QoS policies
This section provides information to configure SAP ingress QoS policies using the command line interface.
There is one default service ingress policy. The default policy has two classification resources and one meter (the num-qos-classifiers set to value "2" and meter 1 is the default meter). The default policy uses CAM resources from the ingress-internal-tcam>qos-sap-ingress-resource pool for the classification of all traffic to the default FC, and rate-limits the traffic by using a policer that uses the default rate. SAP ingress policies with policing only are supported for SAPs configured on access ports and hybrid ports.
Queuing and shaping on SAP ingress is not supported on the 7210 SAS-T (access-uplink and network mode), 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE.
Each policy can have up to 32 ingress meters. The default policies can be copied and modified but cannot be deleted. The default policies are identified as policy ID 1.
The default policies are applied to the service entry on creation (if applicable). For example, the default SAP ingress policy is applied to access ingress SAPs. You must explicitly associate other QoS policies.
Default SAP ingress policy
The default policy 1 maps all traffic to default forwarding class ‟be” and maps FC ‟be” to meter ‟1”. Meter ‟1” is configured with cir 0 and pir max.
The following is a sample configuration output.
*A:7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress# info detail
description "Default SAP ingress QoS policy."
num-qos-classifiers 2
scope template
meter 1 create
mode trtcm1
adaptation-rule cir closest pir closest
rate cir 0 pir max
mbs default
cbs default
default-fc "be"
SAP-ingress policy defaults
The following table lists the SAP-ingress policy defaults.
Field | Default |
description |
‟Default SAP ingress QoS policy.” |
num-qos-classifiers |
2 |
scope |
template |
meter |
1 |
mode |
trtcm1 |
adaptation-rule |
cir closest pir closest |
rate |
pir = max, cir= 0 |
mbs |
default |
cbs |
default |
default-fc |
be |
Resource allocation for SAP ingress policy
This sections describes resource allocation information for SAP ingress policies.
Use of index file by SAP QoS ingress policy
The 7210 SAS platforms use an index file to store the map that indicates the QoS resource allocation to SAPs. This file is used on reboot to ensure that all the SAPs that were created successfully before a reboot can be recreated after a reboot. Without an index file the system cannot ensure this (that is, without an index file it is possible that all the SAPs that were configured successfully may fail on a reboot after saving the configuration file). The file is stored in the flash memory.
On reboot, if the file is found, the system allocates resources in accordance with the stored map. If the file is not found, the system implements a best-fit algorithm and tries to allocate resources for all the SAPs on a first-come-first-served basis. If the file is not present, it is possible that the saved configuration will not execute successfully after the reboot, because the resources might not be allocated to all SAPs.
The index file used for the QoS map is different from the one used for storing interface indexes.
Use of the keyword ‟multipoint” for default meter ‟11”
The system allows sharing of a single meter for both unicast and multipoint traffic. Users can configure any of the available meters for multipoint traffic. The use of the multipoint keyword during meter creation has been deprecated, except for use with meter ‟11”, as described in the following paragraphs.
When the multipoint keyword is specified with meter "11" the system interprets it to be the default multipoint meter. The default multipoint meter is used for all FCs that do not have explicit multipoint meters configured. The system does the appropriate resource checks to ensure that resources needed to use multipoint meter with all the FCs are available before allowing this change.
When num-qos-classifiers is set to a value of ‟2”, default multipoint meter "11" cannot be used because only a single meter is available for use.
When associating a meter with an FC for broadcast, unknown-unicast, or multicast (BUM) traffic, the system does not validate whether the meter is a multipoint meter, thereby allowing users to use a single meter for unicast and BUM traffic. This implies efficient use of SAP ingress QoS resources. When the multipoint keyword is used, the system system displays a warning to indicate that multipoint is an obsolete CLI command and is not saved in the configuration file, deprecating the use of the multipoint keyword with any meter other than the default.
Example uses of the multipoint meter
This section provides configuration examples of several uses of the multipoint meter.
Example 1
*7210-SAS>config>qos# sap-ingress 12 create
*7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress$ info
num-qos-classifiers 4
meter 1 create
In example 1, all FCs in the SAP-ingress policy use the default meter 1 (for all traffic types). If the configure qos sap-ingress id meter 11 multipoint create command is executed, it attaches the default meter 11 with all the FCs defined in the SAP-ingress policy.
After configuring meter 11 multipoint, all the FCs in this policy use two meters: default meter 1, to meter unicast traffic for all the FCs; and meter 11, to meter BUM traffic for all the FCs. In this example, because only the default FC ‟be” is in use, the multipoint meter is used to meter BUM traffic associated with default FC ‟be”.
The following example shows the policy after the configuration is changed.
*7210-SAS>config>qos# sap-ingress 12
*7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress$ info
num-qos-classifiers 4
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
Deleting the multipoint meter 11 removes all the FCs associated with the multicast-meter, assuming all the FCs are using the default multicast meter and do not have any other multicast meter explicitly configured. Executing the configure qos sap-ingress id no meter 11 command disassociates meter 11 from the FCs, and the FCs use only meter 1 (if no other meter is configured explicitly).
Example 2
*7210-SAS>config>qos# sap-ingress 12
*7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress$ info
configure> qos> sap-ingress 10 create
meter 1 create
meter 3 create
default-fc be
fc be
meter 3
multicast-meter 3
fc af
meter 3
Starting with the policy in example 2, if the user now executes the configure qos sap-ingress id meter 11 multipoint create command, the FC ‟be” continues to use meter 3 and the FC ‟af” uses meter 11 for BUM traffic. In this example, if the user executes the configure qos sap-ingress id fc be no multicast-meter command, the default meter 11 is also used for FC ‟be”.
Example 3
configure> qos> sap-ingress 10 create
meter 1 create
meter 3 create
default-fc be
fc be
meter 3
unknown-meter 3
Upon executing the configure qos sap-ingress id meter 11 multipoint create command, FC "be" unknown-unicast traffic type continues to use meter 3, and broadcast and multicast traffic types use meter 11.
In example 3, if a broadcast-meter was initially configured in the SAP-ingress policy and was followed by executing the configure qos sap-ingress id meter 11 multipoint create command, FC ‟be” changes to use meter 11 for multicast traffic, and broadcast traffic continues to use meter 3 for unknown-unicast traffic and meter 3 for unicast traffic.
Also in example 3, if the user executes the configure qos sap-ingress id fc be no unknown-meter command, meter 3 is used for all traffic types classified to FC ‟be”. But, if the default meter 11 is defined in the policy, FC ‟be” uses meter 11 for BUM traffic.
Service ingress meter selection rules
The following are rules for meter selection by different traffic types under various configurations.
Default policy
In the default policy, only meter ‟1” is defined. All FC and all traffic types use meter ‟1” by default. Meter ‟11” is not created by default and is not available for use.
The following is a sample configuration output.
*7210-SAS>config>qos# sap-ingress 1 create // Default policy
*7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress$ info
num-qos-classifiers 2
meter 1 create
VPLS service without meter ‟11”
The following describes the usage of meters when meter ‟11” in a VPLS service is not configured in the policy:
If an FC is created without explicit meters, the default meter ‟1” is used for unicast traffic and for multipoint traffic types (such as broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic).
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, that meter is used for unicast traffic and for multipoint traffic types (such as broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic).
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit broadcast meter, use these meters for unicast and broadcast traffic respectively and use the unicast meter for all other traffic types.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit multicast meter, use the unicast meter for unicast traffic and multicast meter for all other traffic types.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, an explicit broadcast meter, and an explicit multicast meter, use these meters for unicast, broadcast and multicast traffic types respectively. Unknown unicast traffic type will use the explicitly defined multicast meter.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, an explicit broadcast meter, an explicit unknown-unicast meter, and an explicit multicast meter, use these meters for unicast, broadcast, unknown-unicast and multicast traffic types respectively.
VPLS service with meter ‟11”
The following describes the usage of meters when meter ‟11” in a VPLS service is defined in the policy:
If an FC is created without explicit meters, use the default meter ‟1” for unicast traffic and default meter ‟11” for all other traffic types (such as broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast).
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, use that meter for unicast traffic and use default meter ‟11” for all other traffic types.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit broadcast meter, use these meters for unicast and broadcast traffic respectively and use meter ‟11” for all other traffic types.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit multicast meter, use the unicast meter for unicast traffic and multicast meter for all other kinds of traffic.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, an explicit broadcast meter, and an explicit multicast meter, use these meters for unicast, broadcast and multicast traffic types respectively. Unknown unicast traffic type will use the explicitly defined multicast meter.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, an explicit broadcast meter, an explicit unknown-unicast meter, and an explicit multicast meter, use these meters for unicast, broadcast, unknown-unicast and multicast traffic types respectively.
Epipe, IES, and VPRN services without PIM
The following are rules for meter selection for Epipe, IES and VPRN services:
A multipoint meter cannot be used. A multipoint meter configured in a policy is not used when the policy is applied to a SAP in an Epipe service.
All FCs associated with a meter always use the unicast meter.
These rules apply to IES services when PIM is not enabled in the service.
IES and VPRN services with PIM/multicast and without meter ‟11”
The following are rules for meter selection for IES and VPRN services when PIM/multicast is enabled in the service and describes the usage of meters when meter ‟11” is not configured in the policy:
If an FC is created without explicit meters, the default meter ‟1” is used for unicast traffic and multicast traffic.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, that meter is used for unicast traffic and for multicast traffic.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit multicast meter, use the unicast meter for unicast traffic and multicast meter for multicast traffic.
IES and VPRN services with PIM/multicast and meter ‟11”
The following are rules for meter selection for IES and VPRN services when PIM/multicast is enabled in the service and when meter ‟11” is defined in the policy:
If an FC is created without explicit meters, use the default meter ‟1” for unicast traffic and default meter ‟11” for multicast traffic.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter, use that meter for unicast traffic and use default meter ‟11” for multicast traffic.
If an FC is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit multicast meter, use the unicast meter for unicast traffic and multicast meter for multicast traffic.
Service ingress policy configuration considerations
The num-qos-classifiers parameter cannot be modified when the policy is in use (for example, when it is associated with a SAP). Other parameters in the SAP ingress policy can be changed.
When changing other parameters for a policy that is in use (for example, fc meter map or fc classification match criteria entries), the system recomputes the resources required to accommodate the change. If the resources required exceeds the configured value for num-qos-classifiers, the change is not allowed.
If more resources are needed than the value configured in num-qos-classifiers for a existing policy, then the following options are available:
Copy the existing policy to a new policy, modify the num-qos-classifiers parameter, modify the match criteria entries, and modify the SAP configuration to associate it with the new policy.
Ensure the existing policy is not in use by any SAP (if required, change the SAP configuration to disable the use of the QoS policy with the no qos form of this command), change all the required parameters, and finally modify the SAP configuration to use the policy again.
Note:Both options above have side effects; for example, they can reset the statistics associated with the meters and can potentially cause existing traffic classification not to take effect. However, the system ensures that the default policy is used during the period when policy changes are being made after the two options are performed.
The following items are additional service ingress policy configuration considerations:
In releases before Release 3.0R1, the system always computes the number of resources (like classifiers and meters) required by a policy assuming the number of resources will be used in a VPLS service. This allows the policy to be applied to either an Epipe or VPLS service.
From Release 3.0R1 onwards, on creation of SAP ingress policy, the system does not compute the number of resources required by a policy and validate the number against resources available in the system. The system validates the resources needed only when the SAP ingress policy is attached to a SAP. If enough resources are available the association succeeds, otherwise the system fails the CLI command. Based on the service in which the SAP is configured (such as VLL, VPLS, and so on), for the same SAP ingress policy the amount of resources required is different. The system validates that the amount of QoS resources specified in the num-qos-classifiers command is sufficient for the match criteria, forwarding class, and service specified and that the resources are available in hardware. On failure of the validation, the system disallows the association of the SAP ingress policy with the SAP.
The match criteria type (that is, mac-, ipv4-, and ipv6-criteria) cannot be changed when the SAP ingress QoS policy is in use. For example, if the match-criteria is set to ipv4-criteria and the policy is associated with a SAP, then the ipv6-criteria or mac-criteria cannot be enabled in the same policy. If there is a need to change the criteria, users must remove the association and then change the SAP ingress policy to use the new match criteria. For SAPs configured in VPRN services, the computation of resources is similar to an SAP configured in an Epipe service.
See Resource allocation for service ingress QoS policies using CAM-based classification for more information.
Resource allocation for service ingress QoS policies using CAM-based classification
The available global pool of ingress internal CAM hardware resources can be allocated based on user needs and shared among different features, such as SAP ingress QoS policy, ingress ACLs, and so on. Use the configure>system>resource-profile>ingress-internal-tcam>qos-sap-ingress-resource command to allocate SAP ingress QoS classification and meter resources from this global pool.
In addition, resources can be allocated for different SAP ingress QoS policy classification match criteria based on operator needs. Users can modify resource allocation to scale the number of entries available per match criteria or to scale the number of SAPs. Resources from the global ingress internal CAM pool are allocated in fixed slices. The number of classification entries and meters per slice varies across 7210 SAS platforms.
For more information about number of slices that can be allocated to a feature, see the "System Resource Allocation" section in the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Basic System Configuration Guide. For example, on a 7210 SAS-R6 IMM-b card, each slice allows 256 classification entries and 128 meters. The number of slices allotted for a SAP ingress QoS policy is configured using the configure>system>resource-profile>ingress-internal-tcam>qos-sap-ingress-resource command.
Users can configure the resources available for SAP ingress QoS policies and can limit the amount of resources used per match criteria supported for SAP ingress QoS policies. A specific slice can be used for either MAC criteria or IP criteria or IPv6 criteria, or both MAC and IP criteria. Allocation of classification entries also allocates meter/policer resources that are used to implement per FC per traffic type policing.
For SAP ingress classification, in addition to CAM-based resource allocation, the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 support table-based resource allocation for DSCP-classification on SAP ingress. See Table-based classification using dot1p and IP DSCP for assigning FC and profile on SAP ingress for the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12 for more information.
By default, the system allocates resources for SAP ingress QoS policies to maintain backward compatibility with Release 4.0 and allocates resources for MAC criteria and IP criteria (by setting num-resources to max). Setting the num-resources value to max allows each match criteria to use the available SAP ingress QoS resources on a first-come-first-served model. By default, system does not allocate resources for use by ingress IPv6 classification or for using both IP (any) and MAC (any) criteria in a single SAP ingress policy. You must allocate resources before associating a SAP with an IPv6 SAP ingress policy or both IP (any) and MAC (any) criteria in a SAP ingress policy. Until appropriate resources are allocated, attempts to associate the policy with the SAP will fail.
If the configure>system>resource-profile>qos-sap-ingress-resource command is used to allocate resources for SAP ingress QoS policies, the system allocates resources in slices for a fixed number of entries; the entries allocated per slice is platform-dependent. The use of these entries by different types of match criteria is described in the following table.
Type of match criteria | Description |
mac-criteria (any) |
Before using SAP-ingress policies with mac-criteria (any), use the configure system resource-profile ingress-internal-tcam qos-sap-ingress-resource mac-match-enable CLI command to allocate resources from the SAP-ingress QoS resource pool. Resources are allocated for SAP-ingress policies that use mac-criteria (any and dot1p-only). Each entry in the SAP-ingress QoS policy that is configured to use mac-criteria uses one entry from the slices in the hardware resource pool allocated to mac-criteria. For example, assume a SAP ingress QoS policy is configured to use mac-criteria with 50 entries and uses the configure> system> resource-profile> ingress-internal-tcam> qos-sap-ingress-resource> mac-match-enable 1 CLI command to configure one slice for use by mac-criteria (allowing a total of 512 entries for use by policies that use mac-criteria). In this case, the user can configure 10 SAPs that use the mac-criteria SAP ingress policy and consume 500 entries. |
ipv4-criteria (any) |
The use of ipv4-criteria (any) match criteria is the same as the mac-criteria. Use the configure system resource-profile ingress-internal-tcam qos-sap-ingress-resource ipv4-match-enable CLI command to allocate resources. Additionally, IPv4 criteria can share entries allocated for IPv6 criteria. The SR OS automatically allocates entries from an IPv6 criteria slice to IPv4 criteria policies, if no entries are available in the allocated IPv4 criteria slices and no slices are available for allocation to IPv4 criteria from the SAP-ingress QoS resource pool. If an IPv4 criteria entry uses IPv6 criteria slices, the number of hardware entries used is the same as required by an IPv6 criteria entry (see ipv6-criteria (any) for more information). |
ipv6-criteria (any) |
Before using the ipv6-criteria match criteria, use the configure> system> resource-profile> ingress-internal-tcam> qos-sap-ingress-resource> ipv6-ipv4-match-enable CLI command, and specify the ipv6 keyword for the num-qos-classifiers command to allocate resources from the SAP ingress QoS resource pool. Each ipv4-criteria match entry or ipv6-criteria configured in the QoS policy that uses ipv6-criteria uses two (2) entries from the slices allocated for use by ipv6-criteria (128-bit) in the hardware. The system allocates entries from the ipv6-criteria pool in the following cases:
For example, assume a QoS policy is configured to use ipv6-criteria with 50 entries and the configure>system>resource-profile>ingress-internal-tcam>qos-sap-ingress-resource>ipv4-ipv6-128-match-enable 1 command is used to configure one slice for ipv6-criteria. This allows a total of 256 entries for use by SAPs using SAP ingress QoS policies with ipv6-criteria (because each IPv6 entry uses 2 entries in hardware). In this example, the user can configure five (5) SAPs that use this policy and consume a total of 250 entries. These resources can be shared with policies that use IPv4 criteria, though each IPv4 criteria entry consumes two (2) entries in the hardware. IPv4 criteria policies can consume spare IPv6 resources; however, if a larger number of IPv4 criteria policies are planned, it is good practice to allocate more resources for use with IPv4 criteria. 1 |
IPv4 (any) and MAC (any) match |
Before using IP-criteria (any) and MAC-criteria (any) in a single policy, use the configure>system>resource-profile>ingress-internal-tcam>qos-sap-ingress-resource>ipv4-mac-match-enable command to allocate resources from the SAP ingress QoS resource pool. Each ipv4-criteria match entry or MAC-criteria match entry configured in the QoS policy uses two (2) entries from the allocated slices. The system allocates entries from the ipv4-mac-match-enable pool if the SAP ingress QoS policy uses both ip-criteria (any) and ipv6-criteria (any). The system also allocates entries for all other criteria if there are no resources available to use in the pool allocated to those criteria. That is, if no resources are available in other pools, the following criteria are allocated resources from this pool: only mac-criteria any, only ip-criteria any, mac-criteria dot1p-only, ip-criteria dscp-only, ipv4-criteria dscp-only. 2 |
dot1p-only, IPv4 dscp-only, IPv6 dscp-only, and default SAP ingress QoS policies |
Use the dot1p-only or dscp-only option if only dot1p bits or only IP DSCP bits or only IP precedence bits are used for SAP ingress classification. This facilitates efficient use of available hardware resources and better scaling. SAP ingress policies that use only dot1p bits or only IPv4/IPv6 DSCP or IPv4/IPv6 precedence or default SAP ingress QoS policy bits can use the resources from slices currently allocated for use by either IP-criteria or MAC-criteria or IPv6 criteria. The following is a list of special cases for resource allocation for default, dot1p-only, and dscp-only SAP ingress policies are as follows:
The SAP ingress resource slices described in this section are different from the resources that are configured using the num-qos-classifiers command.The num-qos-classifiers command sets the limit on the resources needed per SAP ingress QoS policy. The qos-sap-ingress-resource resources set the maximum limit on the resources available to all the SAP ingress policies that are in use simultaneously on the system.
The SR OS manages the resource slices allocated to the SAP ingress QoS policy pool and allocates the slice entries when a SAP ingress QoS policy is associated with a SAP. In other words, a SAP specifies the number of QoS resources it needs using the num-qos-classifiers command (in the SAP ingress policy), while the system allocates the resources required by the SAP from the qos-sap-ingress-resource slices, depending on whether the SAP ingress policy uses ip-criteria or mac-criteria or ipv6-criteria.
Use the tools dump system-resources command to view the current usage and availability of system resources. One or more entries per slice are reserved for system use.
Resource configuration guidelines for service ingress QoS policies using CAM-based classification
When a SAP is associated with a default SAP ingress QoS policy and there are no resources available in the pool of slices already allocated for different criteria that are in use, a new slice is allocated and set to either mac-match criteria, ipv4-match criteria, or ip-dscp-port-if-match criteria. This allocation can result in a single slice getting consumed and becoming unavailable for other classification criteria even if the mac-match criteria, ipv4-match criteria, or ip-dscp-port-if-match criteria are not used. To prevent this scenario, the SAP ingress resource configuration can be set to the specific number of slices for each criteria in use so that the SR OS can allocate the slices based on user requirement without allocating resources for any of the mac-match criteria, ipv4-match criteria, or ip-dscp-port-if-match criteria.
Computation of resources used per SAP ingress policy for CAM-based classification
Users can configure the number of classification entries the SAP requires (TQ). The value of TQ is set using the num-qos-classifiers command, where TQ is the total number of QoS resources required by the SAP. To determine TQ, see Determining the number of policers/meters per policy (TP).
Number of meters allocated automatically by system = TQ / 2 (up to a maximum of 32 meters)
To calculate the number of SAPs allowed, assume all SAPs are configured to use ‟TQ” QoS resources per SAP.
The number of SAPs calculated using the equation above is subject to system limits. The above equation is used to derive the limit on the number of SAPs due to QoS resources only.
Users can mix and match SAPs with different QoS resources (that is, use different values of TQ).
The following criteria determine the number of QoS resources allocated for a SAP:
number of match-criteria entries used to identify the FC
number of FCs to use and number of traffic types to be policed per FC
amount of hardware classification resources needed per entry configured by the user; see Resource allocation for service ingress QoS policies using CAM-based classification for more information about resources needed per match entry, which varies based on the different match criteria in use
Only FCs that are in use by the match-criteria classification entries are considered for the number of FCs. These FCs are referred to as ‟FC in use”.
Determining the number of classification entries
This section describes the rules and methods of determining the number of classification entries.
Rules for a SAP in a VPLS
Knowing the number of traffic types to use per ‟FC in use”, apply the following rules for a SAP in a VPLS service to determine the number of classification entries per ‟FC in use”:
If an FC is in use and is created without explicit meters, use default meter ‟1” for unicast traffic and for all other traffic types (that is, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast). This requires one classification entry in hardware. This assumes default mulitpoint meter ‟11” is not created by the user.
If an FC is in use and is created without explicit meters, use default meter ‟1” for unicast traffic and default meter ‟11” (assuming meter ‟11” is created by the user), for all other traffic types (that is, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast). This requires two classification entries in hardware.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter, use that meter for unicast traffic and for all other traffic types (that is, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast). This requires one classification entries in hardware. This assumes default multipoint meter ‟11” is not created by the user.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter, use that meter for unicast traffic and use default meter ‟11” (assuming meter ‟11” is created by the user) for all other traffic types. This requires two classification entries in hardware.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit broadcast meter, use these meters for unicast and broadcast traffic respectively and use the unicast meter for all other traffic types (that is, multicast and unknown-unicast). This requires two classification entries in hardware. This assumes that the default multipoint meter ‟11” is not created by the user.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit broadcast meter, use these meters for unicast and broadcast traffic respectively and use meter ‟11” (assuming meter ‟11” is created by the user) for all other traffic types. This requires three classification entries in hardware.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit multicast meter, use the unicast meter for unicast traffic and multicast meter for all other kinds of traffic. This requires two classification entries in hardware.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter, an explicit broadcast meter, and an explicit multicast meter, use these meters for unicast, broadcast and multicast traffic types respectively. Unknown unicast traffic type will use the explicitly defined multicast meter. This requires three classification entries in hardware.
Rules for a SAP in a VLL, VPRN, or IES service with PIM disabled
Apply the following rules for a SAP in a VLL, VPRN, or IES service with PIM disabled, to determine the number of classification entries per FC:
Multipoint meters cannot be used. Multipoint meter configured in a policy is not used when the policy is applied to a SAP in an Epipe service.
All FCs in use and associated with a meter always use the unicast meter. Therefore, all FCs in use utilize only one classification entry in the hardware.
Rules for a SAP in an IES or VPRN service with PIM/multicast enabled
Knowing the number of traffic types to use per ‟FC in use”, apply the following rules for a SAP in an IES or VPRN service enabled with PIM/multicast enabled to determine the number of classification entries per FC in use:
If an FC is in use and is created without explicit meters, use default meter ‟1” for unicast traffic and for multicast traffic. This requires one classification entry in hardware. This assumes default multipoint meter ‟11” is not created by the user.
If an FC is in use and is created without explicit meters, use default meter ‟1” for unicast traffic and default meter ‟11” (assuming meter ‟11” is created by the user), for multicast traffic. This requires two classification entries in hardware.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter, use that meter for unicast traffic and for multicast traffic. This requires one classification entries in hardware. This assumes default multipoint meter ‟11”” is not created by the user.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter, use that meter for unicast traffic and use default meter ‟11” (assuming meter ‟11” is created by the user) for multicast traffic. This requires two classification entries in hardware.
If an FC is in use and is created with an explicit unicast meter and explicit multicast meter, use the unicast meter for unicast traffic and multicast meter for multicast traffic. This requires two classification entries in hardware.
Calculating the number of classification entries per FC
Apply the rules (above) to determine the number of classification entries per FC (Ci) (only for the ‟FCs in use”) using the following equation:
FCi (unicast), FCi (multicast), FCi (broadcast), and FCi (unknown-unicast) are set to a value of 1 if the FC uses a classifier to identify traffic-type unicast, multicast, broadcast, and unknown-unicast, respectively
FCi (unicast), FCi (multicast), FCi (broadcast), and FCi (unknown-unicast) are set to a value of 0 if the FC does not use a classifier to identify the traffic-type
If the user does not configure meters explicitly for the FC and multipoint meter ‟11” is not created, the default unicast meter is used for all traffic types and therefore, only one classification entry in hardware is required by the FC. If the user does not configure meters explicitly for the FC and multicast meter ‟11” is created, the default unicast meter and the default multicast meter are used. Therefore, by default, two classification entries in hardware are required by an FC.
Determining the number of classification entries per policy (TC)
Taking into account the number of match criteria and the number of FCs used, use the equation below to determine the total number of classification entries per policy, for example:
E(i) is the number of match-criteria entries that classify packets to FCi. For 7210 SAS platforms, the maximum number of classification entries per policy can be 64 (including default).
C(i) is the number of classification entries that are required by FCi to identify different traffic types.
Determining the number of policers/meters per policy (TP)
Determine the number of policers or meters to use (TP). A maximum of 32 meters per policy are available. The number of policers/meters is determined by the number of meters associated with FCs in the SAP-ingress QoS policy.
Use the values of TC and TP to determine the required number of QoS resources (TQ).
Only those meters associated with FCs are considered for the number of meters. Note that only ‟FCs in use” are considered.
The resulting number is rounded up to the next multiple of ‟2” greater than TQ obtained above. For example, if TC = 5 and TP = 2, then max (5, (2 * 2)) is 5, and TQ is rounded up to 6.
The user configures TQ value using num-qos-classifiers command.
For more information and examples about resource calculation, see the following sections:
Table-based classification using dot1p and IP DSCP for assigning FC and profile on SAP ingress for the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
Using an IP DSCP classification policy and a dot1p classification policy is another method used to assign the FC and profile on SAP ingress for use with color-aware meters. Similar to network ingress, you can use an IP DSCP classification policy and a dot1p classification policy to assign the FC and profile on SAP ingress for use with color-aware meters. In this section, this classification is also called table-based classification. Table-based classification is supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp both in low-sap-scale mode and high-sap-scale mode. Table-based classification and CAM-based classification are mutually exclusive.
This is supported along with the capability to use other header fields in MAC and IP packets through the use of the mac-criteria, ipv4-criteria, and ipv6-criteria commands. When using SAP-ingress color-aware meters and policers, users can configure DEI to assign the initial profile on ingress and can configure either MAC criteria or IP criteria (or both) to assign the FC.
To configure IP DSCP classification, users create a DSCP classification policy, associate the policy with a SAP ingress QoS policy or an Ethernet ingress port or L3 interface (as applicable), apply the SAP ingress QoS policy to the SAP or port, and enable the use of the policy.
Similarly, to configure dot1p classification, users create a dot1p classification policy, associate the policy with a SAP ingress QoS policy or an Ethernet ingress port, apply the SAP ingress QoS policy to the SAP or port, and enable the use of the policy.
DSCP and dot1p classification use classification resources from a table classifier and, potentially, a lesser number of resources from the CAM resources, thereby saving CAM resources for other purposes. When a table-based classification policy is enabled, CAM-based classifications from the SAP ingress QoS policy are ignored.
The following topics describe the support for FC and profile assignment based on IP DSCP and dot1p on SAP ingress.
IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy support
This section describes IP DSCP and dot1p classification support.
For SAPs in Layer 2 services (Epipe and VPLS) configured to use table-based classification, you can use the config>qos>sap-ingress>table-classification-criteria CLI command, which provides the option to select one of the following: dot1p or IP DSCP, or both dot1p and IP DSCP, or none. This command is applicable only to SAPs configured in Layer 2 services; it is ignored for Layer 3 services (IES, VPRN and RVPLS services).
The following behavior is supported with table-based classification for SAPs configured in Layer 2 services depending on the configuration option selected with the config>qos>sap-ingress>table-classification-criteria CLI command:
If none is configured, use default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy).
If use-dscp is configured, use the following policies:
DSCP classification policy for IP packets
default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy) for non-IP packets
If use-dot1p is configured, use the following policies:
dot1p classification policy for all tagged packets (IP and non-IP)
default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy) for untagged packets
If both-dscp-dot1p is configured, use the following policies:
DSCP classification policy for IP packets
dot1p classification policy for non-IP tagged packets
default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy) for non-IP untagged traffic
Table-based classification for SAPs configured in Layer 3 services (IES and VPRN) does not allow classification options with the config>qos>sap-ingress>table-classification-criteria CLI command. It must always be set to both-dscp-dot1p. The following behavior is supported:
IP DSCP-based classification to assign FC and profile to an IP packet (both IPv4 and IPv6) received on SAP ingress
All SAPs in an RVPLS service can use either table-based classification or CAM-based classification entries. There cannot be a mix of SAPs where some SAPs use table-based classification and others use CAM entries.
The following is the order of match for packets with table-based classification in Layer-3 services:
IP packets are matched against IP DSCP entries. Ideally, packets match one of the explicitly configured user entries that classifies packets to the configured FC and profile. If there is no match, packets are assigned a default-dscp-fc and profile. If a packet is a non-IP packet, go to 2.
Non-IP tagged Ethernet packets that do not match any IP DSCP entries are matched against dot1p values. Ideally, packets match one of the explicitly configured user entries that classifies packets to the configured FC and profile. If there is no match, packets are assigned a default-dot1p-fc and profile. Alternatively, users have an option to use Drop Eligible Indicator (DEI) to assign the profile. If a packet is an untagged non-IP packet, go to item 3.
All non-IP untagged Ethernet packets are assigned a default-fc/untagged-fc (user-configurable) value for FC and profile out.
Default-FC assignment rules for SAPs in Layer 3 services
The following default-fc assignment rules apply for SAPs configured in Layer 3 services, including RVPLS services:
Bridged IP packets processed in an RVPLS context that do not match any of the explicitly configured DSCP classification entries in the access port DSCP classification policy are assigned the default-dscp-fc configured in the policy. The profile assigned on ingress is in accordance with the user configuration (for example, default-dscp-fc "be" profile out).
Bridged, tagged non-IP Layer 2 Ethernet packets, which are processed in an RVPLS context and that do not match any of the explicitly configured dot1p classification entries in the access port dot1p classification policy, are assigned the default-dot1p-fc configured in the policy. The profile assigned on ingress is in accordance with the user configuration (for example, default-dot1p-fc "be" profile out).Bridged, untagged non-IP Layer 2 Ethernet packets, which are processed in an RVPLS context, will not match any of the explicitly configured dot1p classification entries in the access port dot1p classification policy. They are assigned access port untagged-fc profile.
Routed IP packets processed in an RVPLS context that do not match any of the explicitly configured DSCP classification entries in the DSCP classification policy associated with the interface using the routed-override-qos-policy command are assigned the default-dscp-fc configured in the policy. The profile assigned on ingress is in accordance with user configuration in the DSCP classification policy.
IP packets processed in an IES or VPRN service context that do not match any of the explicitly configured DSCP classification entries in the DSCP classification policy associated with SAP ingress policy are assigned the default-dscp-fc configured in the DSCP classification policy. The profile assigned on ingress is in accordance with user configuration in the DSCP classification policy.
Precedence rules for DEI assignments on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
The following precedence rules pertain to the use of DSCP/dot1p classification policies and DEI profile assignment:
Assigning a profile using an IP DSCP/dot1p classification policy has precedence over assigning a profile using DEI bits. That is, if both a DEI-based initial profile assignment and a DSCP-based initial profile assignment are enabled on a port, the profile assigned by DSCP/dot1p-classification policy takes precedence for IP and non-IP packets, respectively.
The CLI command to enable DEI-based profile assignment (configure>port> ethernet>enable-dei) can be used to assign a profile for SAPs configured to use CAM-based classification entries:
A port can have a mix of SAPs with some SAPs configured to use DEI for profile assignment with CAM-based classification and other SAPs configured to use table-based classification for both FC and profile assignment.
The enable-dei command does not affect SAPs that use table-based classification. That is, a profile assignment for SAPs configured to use table-based classification always uses a DSCP or dot1p classification policy.
Creating an IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy
IP DSCP and dot1p classification policies can be used at SAP ingress, allowing users to define the mapping of an IP DSCP or dot1p value to an FC and profile.
The default values for the default-dscp-fc and default-dot1p-fc command are FC ‟be” and profile ‟out”. Newly-created classification policies contain the default ‟be” and ‟out” values as the default entries. The default-dscp-fc or default-dot1p-fc command assigns the default FC to any IP DSCP or dot1p value that is not explicitly configured by a user.
Up to 50 unique DSCP or dot1p classification policies can be supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12.
Use the following syntax to create a DSCP classification QoS policy.
configure> qos>
dscp-classification classification-id [create]
dscp dscp-name [fc fc-name] [profile [in | out]
default-dscp-fc fc profile [in |out]
The following example shows the command usage to create a DSCP classification QoS policy.
configure> qos>
dscp-classification 101 create
dscp af42 fc af profile in
dscp af43 fc af profile out
dscp af32 fc h1 profile in
dscp af33 fc h1 profile out
dscp nc1 fc nc profile in
default-dscp-fc be profile out
Use the following syntax to create a dot1p classification QoS policy.
configure> qos>
dot1p-classification classification-id [create]
dot1p dot1p-name [fc fc-name] [profile [in | out]
default-dot1p-fc fc profile [in |out]
The following example shows the command usage to create a dot1p classification policy.
configure> qos>
dot1p-classification 101 create
dot1p af42 fc af profile in
dot1p af43 fc af profile out
dot1p af32 fc h1 profile in
dot1p af33 fc h1 profile out
dot1p nc1 fc nc profile in
default-dot1p-fc be profile out
CAM resource usage for IP DSCP and dot1p classification policies on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
The resources for IP DSCP and dot1p classification policies are taken from hardware tables, which is referred to as table-based classification to differentiate it from CAM-based classification. Table-based resources do not use many CAM entries for classification. Only a fixed number of CAM resources is needed to match the FC and traffic type and to assign a meter/policer. Table-based classification uses CAM resources more efficiently than CAM-based classification:
Users can enable an IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy on a per-SAP or per-port basis. See Associating a DSCP or dot1p classification policy.
The rules for associating an IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy with SAPs for different services are different. See Assigning and enabling DSCP and dot1p classification policies to a SAP.
To calculate the number of resources needed, see the following sections:
CAM resource allocation for table-based classification
When table-based classification is used from the SAP ingress resource pool, CAM resources are used to match the FC and the traffic type (unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown) and to assign a meter to the FC. The maximum number of DSCP entries required is 36 entries [8 FCs * 4 traffic types + 1 default FC * 4 traffic types). The maximum number of CAM resources required is 32, which assumes the use of VPLS service with one meter per traffic type, regardless of the number of IP DSCP classification entries. In other words, even if 64 IP DSCP values are matched, only 32 classification resources in the SAP ingress CAM resource pool are needed. For Epipe services, the number of entries is reduced to nine (8 FCs + 1 default FC) since all traffic is treated as unicast.
To allocate resources to meters for a SAP ingress QoS policy that is using table-based DSCP classification, use the ip-dscp-port-if-match-enable num-resources command, found under the configure> system> resource-profile> ingress-internal-tcam> qos-sap-ingress-resource context. The command supports up to 10 resources (meters).
Use the following syntax to allocate resources to meters for table-based classification.
configure> system> resource-profile>
ip-dscp-port-if-match-enable num-resources
The following example shows the command usage to allocate resources to meters for table-based classification.
configure> system> resource-profile>
ip-dscp-port-if-match-enable 5
Associating a DSCP or dot1p classification policy
A DSCP or dot1p classification policy must be associated with a SAP ingress QoS policy or an Ethernet port to map flows to an FC and profile for IP traffic received on SAP ingress.
The dscp-classification policy-id or dot1p-classification policy-id value identifies which classification policy is used to match IP packets and map the IP DSCP or dot1p to an FC and profile. The no form of the dscp-classification or dot1p-classification command associates the default classification policy (policy 1). The default policy maps all IP DSCP or dot1p values to FC ‟be” and profile ‟out”. If a packet does not match any explicitly configured criteria in the policy, the default-fc mapping is used. For details about Layer 2 and Layer 3 scenarios, see IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy support.
Associating a classification policy with a SAP ingress QoS policy
The num-qos-classifiers command allocates meters from the resources allocated toward the qos-sap-ingress pool, from the ingress-internal-tcam resource pool.
MAC, IPv4, and IPv6 criteria do not need to be defined because DSCP classification or dot1p classification is being used.
Use the following syntax to associate an IP DSCP classification policy with a SAP ingress policy.
configure> qos> sap-ingress policy-id [create]
num-qos-classifiers num-resources [ipv6 | no-ipv6]
[no] dscp-classification policy-id
default-fc fc
The following example shows the command usage to associate an IP DSCP classification policy with a SAP ingress policy.
configure> qos> sap-ingress 1000 create
num-qos-classifiers 16
dscp-classification 101
default-fc be
Use the following syntax to associate a dot1p classification policy with a SAP ingress policy.
configure> qos> sap-ingress policy-id [create]
num-qos-classifiers num-resources [ipv6 | no-ipv6]
[no] dot1p-classification policy-id
default-fc fc
The following example shows the command usage to associate a dot1p classification policy with a SAP ingress policy.
— configure> qos> sap-ingress 1000 create
— num-qos-classifiers 16
— dscp-classification 101
— default-fc be
— exit
Use the following syntax to configure the classification policy to classify traffic to a forwarding class.
configure> qos> sap-ingress table-classification-criteria table-classification-criteria
The following example shows the command usage to configure the classification policy to classify traffic to a forwarding class.
configure> qos> sap-ingress table-classification-criteria none
Associating a classification policy with an Ethernet port
Users associate an IP DSCP classification policy with an Ethernet port using the configure>port>ethernet>access>ingress>dscp-classification command.
Users associate a dot1p classification policy with an Ethernet port using the configure>port>ethernet>access>ingress>dot1p-classification command.
Use the following syntax to associate an IP DSCP classification policy with an Ethernet port.
configure> port port-id
ethernet> access> ingress
[no] dscp-classification policy-id>
[no] untagged-fc fc
The following example shows the command usage to associate an IP DSCP classification policy with an Ethernet port.
Example:configure> port 1/1/1
dscp-classification 101
untagged-fc 12
Use the following syntax to associate a dot1p classification policy with an Ethernet port.
— configure> port port-id
— ethernet> access> ingress
— [no] dot1p-classification policy-id>
— [no] untagged-fc fc
configure> port 1/1/1
dot1p-classification 101
Assigning and enabling DSCP and dot1p classification policies to a SAP
The 7210 SAS-Mxp supports table-based classification to assign an initial FC and profile on SAP ingress for epipe and VPLS SAPs, VPRN and IES interface SAPs, and RVPLS SAPs. The use of table-based classification (IP DSCP or dot1p) and CAM-based classification are mutually exclusive. That is, when table-based classification is used, any CAM-based classification configured from the SAP ingress QoS policy is ignored.
Assigning and enabling policies to Epipe and VPLS SAPs
Within Epipe and VPLS services, SAPs can be configured with an IP DSCP or dot1p classification policy per SAP. This applies to SAPs configured on an access port and on a hybrid port. Using the enable-table-classification command means the SAP uses table-based policies along with the meters defined in the SAP ingress policy. CAM-based resources from the SAP ingress policy are ignored.
The enable-table-classification command enables the use of IP DSCP or dot1p tables per SAP ingress to assign an FC and profile. Using table-based classification means ignoring CAM classification in the service ingress policy, using only meters from service ingress policy, and using the IP DSCP classification policy or dot1p classification policy that is configured in the SAP ingress policy. The default FC is assigned per SAP.
The num-qos-classifiers command allocates meters from the IFP, with resources taken from the ingress-internal-tcam resource pool toward qos-sap-ingress.
The dscp-classification command configures which classification policy is used to match IP packets and to map an IP DSCP value to an FC and profile.
The dot1p-classification command configures which classification policy is used to match IP packets and to map a dot1p value to an FC and profile.
The table-classification-criteria command provides an option for all traffic to use either dot1p classification, or DSCP classification, or both IP DSCP and Dot1p classification, or assign default-fc (none option) to all traffic. The default-fc command configures the FC assigned to all untagged packets. All untagged packets are mapped to the profile ‟out”.
MAC, IPv4, and IPv6 criteria do not need to be defined because DSCP or dot1p classification is being used.
The CLI syntax below shows how to enable table classification for an Epipe and a VPLS service.
configure> service> epipe> sap> ingress>
configure> service> vpls> sap> ingress>
[no] qos policy-id [enable-table-classification]
The following is a sample SAP ingress QoS policy 1000 configured with DSCP classification policy 101 and default-fc ‟be”. It is followed by a sample Epipe ingress SAP configured to use SAP ingress policy 1000 with table-based classification enabled.
configure> qos> sap-ingress 1000 create
num-qos-classifiers 16
fc af
meter 1
unknown-meter 2
multicast-meter 3
broadcast-meter 4
dscp-classification 101
table-classification-criteria both-dscp-dot1p
default-fc be
configure> service> epipe> sap>
qos 1000 [enable-table-classification]
Assigning and enabling policies to IES and VPRN interface SAPs
Within IES and VPRN services, SAPs can be configured with an IP DSCP classification policy per SAP. This applies to SAPs configured on an access port and on a hybrid port. Using the enable-table-classification command means the SAP uses table-based policies along with the meters defined in the SAP ingress policy.
The enable-table-classification, num-qos-classifiers, dscp-classification, and default-fc commands for IES and VPRN interface SAPs operate similarly to Epipe and VPLS SAPs (see Assigning and enabling policies to Epipe and VPLS SAPs).
MAC, IPv4, and IPv6 criteria do not need to be configured because DSCP classification is being used.
Use the following syntax to enable table-based classification for an IES and a VPRN service.
[no] qos policy-id [enable-table-classification]
The following is a sample SAP ingress QoS policy 1000 configured with DSCP classification policy 101 and default-fc ‟be”. It is followed by a sample ingress SAP on an IES service interface configured to enable table-based classification using SAP ingress policy 1000.
configure> qos> sap-ingress 1000 create
num-qos-classifiers 16
fc af
meter 1
unknown-meter 2
multicast-meter 3
broadcast-meter 4
dscp-classification 101
default-fc be
qos 1000 [enable-table-classification]
Assigning policies to RVPLS SAPs
For RVPLS SAPs configured on an access port, the 7210 SAS-Mxp supports RVPLS service with per-port IP DSCP classification policies or dot1p classification policies for bridged traffic received on SAPs configured in the RVPLS service. For routed traffic, per-IP interface IP DSCP or dot1p classification policies (that is, the QoS override policy) are used.
For RVPLS SAPs configured on a hybrid port, the network QoS policy of type ‟port” associated with network port ingress is used for RVPLS SAP bridged traffic classification and profile. Only the traffic classification will be used from the network policy. Meters are still used from the SAP ingress policy attached to the RVPLS SAP. For routed traffic received on a hybrid port, the IP DSCP or dot1p policy (that is, the QoS override policy) associated with the RVPLS IP interface is used for traffic classification and profile.
Only meters configured in the SAP ingress policy associated with RVPLS SAPs are used when table-based classification is enabled under the SAP associated with an RVPLS service.
All SAPs in an RVPLS service can use either table-based classification or CAM-based entries. There cannot be a mix of SAPs, where some SAPs use table-based classification and others use CAM entries.
Create a SAP ingress policy and assign the policy to an RVPLS SAP
The following examples create and assign a SAP ingress QoS policy to an RVPLS SAP. Table-based classification is enabled in the override policy associated with the IES interface that is associated with the RVPLS service. In this case, only meters from the SAP ingress QoS policy are used. Ingress CAM entries are ignored (not used).
configure> qos> sap-ingress 1000 create
num-qos-classifiers 16
fc af
meter 1
unknown-meter 2
multicast-meter 3
broadcast-meter 4
configure> service> vpls (type rvpls)>
service-name 'rvpls-example-svc'
sap 1/1/1:100 create
qos 1000 [enable-table-classification]
no shutdown
Table-based classification per IP Interface for routed packets
For routed packets, although the IP DSCP classification is based on the DSCP policy that is attached to the IP interface, the enable-table-classification command must also be set on RVPLS SAPs for table-based classification to work correctly. If enable-table-classification is not set on an RVPLS SAP, only the profile will be taken from the routed-override-qos policy for that SAP. In this case, traffic classification (in accordance with TCAM-based classification) and meters will be taken from the SAP ingress policy attached to the RVPLS SAP.
The following syntax enables table-based classification and specifies the QoS override classification policy in the IES or VPRN interface RVPLS configuration. The policy-id specified in the routed-override-qos-policy command identifies the DSCP policy configured using the configure>qos>dscp-classification command.
configure> service> ies> interface> vpls service-name
[no] enable-table-classification
[no] routed-override-qos-policy policy-id
configure> service> ies> interface>
vpls "rvpls-example-svc"
routed-override-qos-policy 101
Table-based classification per port for bridged packets
For bridged packets, although the DSCP classification is based on the DSCP policy attached to the port, the enable-table-classification command must also be set in the IES or VPRN interface context as well as the respective RVPLS SAP context for table-based classification to work correctly (as shown in the Example). If enable-table-classification is not set on the respective RVPLS SAP then only profile will be taken from the port policy for that SAP. In this case, classification (in accordance with TCAM-based classification) and meters will be taken from the SAP ingress policy.
The following syntax enables table-based classification on an Ethernet port and specifies the DSCP classification policy in the port>ethernet>access>ingress command.
[no] enable-table-classification
[no] dscp-classification policy-id
[no] untagged-fc fc
configure>port 1/1/1
configure>port> 1/1/1
dscp-classification 101
untagged-fc ef
configure> service> ies> interface>
vpls "rvpls-example-svc"
Service meter for SAP ingress (7210 SAS-Mxp)
Service meters for SAP ingress provide an option to use meter resources from the ingress service-meter pool, which provides a larger number of meters/policers for use by access SAPs. This option is available only with table-based classification; it is not available when CAM-based classification is used.
Table-based classification uses meters from either the TCAM pool or the service meter pool, based on the SAP ingress policy type. If the SAP ingress policy is configured to use the use-svc-meter-pool parameter, the policy uses the service meter pool, otherwise the policy uses the TCAM meter pool.
Access to larger numbers of meters/policers from the service-meter pool is useful when there is a need to enforce bandwidth limits for all the FCs and traffic-types (that is, unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast) across a large number of access SAPs. The following functionality is available with the service-meter option:
All access SAPs that use the service-meter pool share a single FC-to-meter-map policy that defines the meter to use for the configured FCs (there is a single configurable policy other than the default FC-to-meter map).
The SAP ingress policy must be configured to use table-based classification with both IP DSCP and dot1p classification policies configured.
SAP ingress policies can be configured with different IP DSCP and dot1p classification policies, which provide flexibility when configuring mappings for IP DSCP and dot1p values to FC for different SAPs.
Even though all access SAPs share the same fc-to-meter-map policy, the meter instances and counter instances are different for each SAP that is configured. This means that each SAP gets an individual instance of meter to enforce rate-limits for traffic that is received on the SAP.
The following usage restrictions apply to meters across FCs and traffic types:
If a meter is mapped to one or more traffic types (unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast) in a specific FC, the meter must be used with the same mapping in other FCs.
Resources are always allocated in chunks of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 meters. Counters are allocated in chunks of power of 2.
Service meter is supported for access SAPs that are configured in Epipe, VPLS, IES, and VPRN services. Service meter is not supported for access SAPs that are configured in an RVPLS service.
Default service meter policy
The following is a sample default service meter policy output.
A:Dut-A>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
dscp-classification 1 create
description "Default DSCP Classification policy"
A:Dut-A>config>qos# fc-meter-map 1
A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info detail
counter-mode in-out-profile-count
meter 1 create
mode trtcm1
adaptation-rule cir closest pir closest
rate cir 0 pir max
mbs default kbits
cbs default kbits
color-mode color-blind
fc be create
meter 1
no broadcast-meter
no multicast-meter
no unknown-meter
Resource usage for service meters
The number of meters used for a SAP ingress policy that is configured to use the service-meter pool is equal to the number of unique meters mapped to different FCs in the fc-meter-map policy that is associated with the SAP ingress policy.
The fc-meter-map defines the association between the meters and the FC-to-meter. Meter resources are allocated only to meters that have an associated FC. For example, if 10 meters are created in the fc-meter-map, and only 5 meters are associated with an FC, the system allocates only 5 meters per SAP (and not 10 meters) and rounds off the number of meters to the nearest power of 2, which results in eight (8) meters to be allocated. Meters that are not associated with an FC are ignored for resource allocation. The number of counters allocated is equal to twice the number of meters per SAP.
Based on the number of meters that the SAP requires, the amount of meter resources allocated in hardware is equal to the nearest power of 2 greater than the number of meters required. For example, if the number of required meter resources as determined by the fc-meter-map is five (5), then eight (8) meter resources are allocated in hardware. Similarly, if the number of meter resources required as determined by the fc-meter-map is 10, then 16 meter resources are allocated in hardware.
The number of counters allocated corresponds to the number of meters. If the number of counter resources required as determined by the fc-meter-map is 16, then 32 counter resources are allocated in the hardware.
Even if no CAM resources are used for either classification (that is, matching of packet header QoS bits) or for meters, at least 1 slice must be allocated to SAP ingress classification and policing from the ingress-internal-tcam>qos-sap-ingress-resource pool.
The slice is used to allocate resources that are required for the default SAP ingress policy (which requires 1 tcam meter resource and 2 tcam classification resources), when the SAP is configured using the create command. Otherwise, SAP configuration using the create command will fail. The remaining SAP ingress resource pool CAM slices from the ingress-internal-tcam resource pool can be reassigned to other entities.
Examples for service meters with computation of resource usage
The examples in this section use the following terminology:
fc-name (Ucast) - unicast meter that is used for FC and specified by the fc-name
For example, to configure a unicast meter that uses the FC value ‟be,” the notation be(Ucast) is used.
B - broadcast meter
U - unknown-unicast meter (also referred to as unknown meter)
M - multipoint meter
This section provides examples of usage for service meters.
*A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
meter 1 create
meter 2 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
meter 11 create
fc be create
Meters being used = 1 [Meter 1 for be(Ucast) and be(BUM)]
Counters being used = 2 (2 x num of meters)
Meter reserved per SAP = 1(nearest exponent of 2 equal to 1)
Counters reserved per SAP = 2(2 x num of meters reserved per SAP)
Single FC configured to use the default unicast meter for all unicast traffic and default multipoint meter (meter 11) for all BUM traffic
*A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
meter 1 create
meter 2 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
meter 11 multipoint create
fc be create
Meters being used = 2 [Meter 1 for be(Ucast) + Meter 11 for be(BUM)]
Counters being used = 4 (2 x num of meters)
Meter reserved per SAP = 2 (nearest exponent of 2 equal to 2)
Counters reserved per SAP = 4(2 x num of meters reserved per SAP)
Two FCs configured to use the default unicast meter for all unicast traffic and default multipoint meter (meter11) for all BUM traffic
*A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
meter 1 create
meter 2 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
meter 11 multipoint create
fc be create
fc l2 create
Meters being used = 2 [Meter 1 for be (Ucast) and l2 (Ucast) + Meter 11 for be(BUM)
and l2(BUM)]
Counters being used = 4 (2 x num of meters)
Meter reserved per SAP = 2(nearest exponent of 2 equal to 2)
Counters reserved per SAP = 4(2 x num of meters reserved per SAP)
Two FCs configured to use the default unicast meter for all unicast traffic, with FC ‟be” configured to use default multipoint meter (meter 11) for all BUM traffic, with FC ‟l2” configured to use an explicit broadcast meter only broadcast traffic and the default multipoint meter 11 for both multicast and unknown-unicast traffic
*A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
meter 1 create
meter 2 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
meter 11 multipoint create
fc be create
fc l2 create
broadcast-meter 2
Meters being used = 3 [Meter 1 for be(Ucast) and l2( Ucast) + Meter 11 for be(BUM)
and l2 (UM) + Meter 2 for l2(B)]
Counters being used = 6 (2 x num of meters)
Meter reserved per SAP = 4(nearest exponent of 2 greater than 3)
Counters reserved per SAP = 8(2 x num of meters reserved per SAP)
Two FCs configured, with one FC (that is, FC ‟be”) to use the explicitly configured unicast meter for unicast traffic and explicit meter for BUM traffic, and the other FC (that is, FC ‟l2”) configured to use default unicast meter for unicast traffic and explicit meter for BUM traffic
*A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
meter 1 create
meter 2 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
meter 11 multipoint create
fc be create
meter 2
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 2
unknown-meter 2
fc l2 create
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 2
unknown-meter 2
Meters being used = 2 [Meter 1 for l2( Ucast) + Meter 2 for be(Ucast) , be(BUM)
and l2 (BUM)]
Counters being used = 4 (2 x num of meters)
Meter reserved per SAP = 2(nearest exponent of 2 equal to 2)
Counters reserved per SAP = 4(2 x num of meters reserved per SAP)
One FC (that is, FC ‟be”) configured to use the explicitly configured unicast meter for all unicast traffic and BUM traffic
*A:Dut-A>config>qos>fc-meter-map# info
meter 1 create
meter 2 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
fc be create
meter 2
Meters being used = 1 [Meter 2 for be(Ucast) and be(BUM)]
Counters being used = 2 (2 x num of meters)
Meter reserved per SAP = 1(nearest exponent of 2 equal to 1)
Counters reserved per SAP = 2(2 x num of meters reserved per SAP)
Calculating resources required for classification
This section provides examples for calculating the resources required for SAP-ingress policy classification when using CAM-based classification and table-based classification.
Examples: calculating resources required for CAM-based classification
This section provides examples for calculating the amount of resources needed for a service ingress policy when CAM-based classification is used. For calculations when IP DSCP table-based classification is used, see Examples: calculating resources required for IP DSCP table-based classification with CAM-based policing (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12).
The resource calculation shown for VLL is also applicable for VPRN services.
The examples in this section use the two equations below to calculate the value for num-qos-classifiers used in the sap-ingress QoS policy. See Computation of resources used per SAP ingress policy for CAM-based classification for more information about these equations.
total number of classification entries (TC)
TC = E(i) * C(i)i = nc, h1, ef, h2, l1, af, l2, bewhere:
E(i) is the number of match-criteria entries that classify packets to FCi
C(i) is the number of classification entries that are required by FCi to identify different traffic types
total number of QoS resources required (TQ)
TQ = max [(TC), (2 * TP))where:
TP is the number of meters/policers used
In addition, the examples show how to determine the number of classification entries for each forwarding class. For example, FCh2 (shown below) is the sum of four traffic types: (unicast (U), broadcast (B), multicast (M), and unknown-unicast (U-u)). See Calculating the number of classification entries per FC for more information.
If BUM entries are not explicit and multipoint traffic is expected, meter "11" is used and the "M" traffic type is given a "1".
Example 1
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-1”
num-qos-classifiers 8
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
scope template
default-fc be
fc be create
meter 3
fc af create
meter 1
fc l1 create
meter 3
fc h2 create
meter 3
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
In the preceding example, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, compute the number of classification entries per FC as follows.
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter, an entry is needed to identify unicast traffic type explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Using the equation, calculate the total number of classification entries (TC) used by this policy, as follows:
TC = (0 * 0)nc + (0 * 0)h1 + (0 * 0)ef + (1 * 2)h2 + (1 * 2)l1 + (1 * 2)af + (0 * 0)l2 + (1 * 2)be = 8 (because three explicit match criteria entries are used to map traffic to each of FC H2, FC L1, and FC AF along with a default classification entry for FC BE).
The total number of meters used = 3 (because FCs use meter ‟1”, meter ‟3” and meter ‟11”).
In this example, num-qos-classifiers 8 is used (maximum of (8, (2 * 3))).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following computation is made:
Using the above equation, total classification entries used = 4 and meters used = 2.
As can be seen here, using the same policy for Epipe SAP can lead to inefficient use of resources. Hence, it is recommended to create a different policy with the required number of resources (that is, with num-qos-classifiers 4)
Example 1a (default multipoint meter 11 is not used):
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy”
num-qos-classifiers 4
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
scope template
default-fc be
fc be create
meter 3
fc af create
meter 1
fc l1 create
meter 3
fc h2 create
meter 3
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, compute the number of classification entries per FC as follows:
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter for all traffic types, we need an entry to classify all traffic types to FCh2 explicitly.
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
(because three explicit match criteria entries are used to map traffic to each of FC H2, FC L1, and FC AF along with a default classification entry for FC BE).
The total number of meters used = 2 (because FCs use meter ‟1” and meter ‟3”).
In this example, num-qos-classifiers 4 is used (maximum of (4, (2 * 2))). Use of unicast meter for all traffic-types allows for use QoS resources efficiently.
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation for TC calculation, total classification entries used = 4 and meters used = 2.
As can be seen here, using the same policy for Epipe SAP can lead to inefficient use of resources. Hence, it is recommended to create a different policy with the required number of resources (that is, with num-qos-classifiers 4).
Example 2
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-1”
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 3 create
rate cir100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
scope template
default-fc be
fc be create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
In the preceding example, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, classification entries used per FC as:
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to FCh2 and use the default meter ‟11”.
Using the above equation for TC calculation, to get the total classification entries used = 12 (because three explicit match criteria entries map to each of FC H2, L1, and AF along with a default classification rule for BE).
The number of meters used = 3 (because FCs use only meter ‟2”, meter ‟3” and meter ‟11”).
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 16 is used (that is, maximum of (12, (2*3))).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, to get total classification entries used = 4 and Meters used = 1.
As can be seen here, using the same policy for Epipe SAP can lead to inefficient use of resources. Hence, it is recommended to create a different policy with the required number of resources (that is, with num-qos-classifiers 4)
Example 2a (default multipoint meter "11" is not used)
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-1”
num-qos-classifiers 8
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
scope template
default-fc be
fc be create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
In the preceding example, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, classification entries used per FC as:
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter for unicast, multicast, and unknown-unicast traffic, and broadcast meter for broadcast traffic, two entries are needed.
Using the above equation, to get the total classification entries used = 8 (since three explicit match criteria entries map to each of FC H2, L1, and AF along with a default classification rule for BE).
The number of meters used = 2 (because FCs use only meter ‟2” and meter ‟3”).
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 8 is used (that is, maximum of (8, (2*2))).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, to get total classification entries used = 4 and Meters used = 1.
As can be seen here, using the same policy for Epipe SAP can lead to inefficient use of resources. Hence, it is recommended to create a different policy with the required number of resources (that is, with num-qos-classifiers 4)
Example 3
sap-ingress 10 create
num-qos-classifiers 16
meter 1 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 4 create
rate cir 10 pir 100
meter 5 create
rate cir 10 pir 10
scope template
default-fc be
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 4
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h1 create
meter 5
broadcast-meter 4
multicast-meter 4
unknown-meter 4
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
entry 4 create
match dot1p 3
action fc h1
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the classification entries used per FC are:
Because FCh1 uses unicast, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast meter, four entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly.
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCl1 uses only unicast meter, an entry is needed to identify this traffic type explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCaf uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 15 and meters used = 6.
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following results:
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 5 and meters used = 3 (because all FCs used only meter ‟1”, meter ‟3” and meter ‟5”).
Example 3a (default multipoint meter "11" is not used):
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-2”
num-qos-classifiers 12
meter 1 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 4 create
rate cir 10 pir 100
meter 5 create
rate cir 10 pir 10
scope template
default-fc be
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 4
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h1 create
meter 5
broadcast-meter 4
multicast-meter 4
unknown-meter 4
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
entry 4 create
match dot1p 3
action fc h1
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the classification entries used per FC are:
Because FCh1 uses unicast, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast meter, four entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly.
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic use the same resource as the unicast traffic.
Because FCl1 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. multicast and unknown-unicast traffic use the same resource as the unicast traffic.
Because FCaf uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because no explicit meters are configured for FC "be", it uses meter "1" for all traffic types and needs one entry is needed to identify these traffic types.
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 12 and meters used = 5. The num-qos-classifiers can be set to 12 (the minimum value).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following results:
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 5 and meters used = 3 (because all FCs used only meter ‟1”, meter ‟3” and meter ‟5”). For Epipe service a policy with num-qos-classifiers set to 6 can be used.
Example 4
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-3”
num-qos-classifiers 32
meter 1 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 4 create
rate cir 10 pir 100
meter 5 create
rate cir 10 pir 10
meter 6 create
rate cir 11 pir 100
meter 8 create
rate cir 20 pir 100
scope template
default-fc be
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 4
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h1 create
meter 5
broadcast-meter 4
multicast-meter 4
unknown-meter 4
fc ef create
meter 6
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 8
fc nc create
meter 6
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 8
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 4
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
entry 4 create
match dot1p 3
action fc h1
entry 5 create
match dot1p 2
action fc ef
entry 6 create
match dot1p 7
action fc nc
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, compute the classification entries per FC as:
Because FCnc uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because FCh1 uses unicast, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast meter, four entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly.
Because FCef uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCaf uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 21 and meters used = 8.
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 7 and meters used = 4.
As can be seen here, using the same policy for Epipe SAP can lead to inefficient use of resources. Hence, it is recommended to create a different policy with the required number of resources (that is, with num-qos-classifiers 8)
Example 4a (default multipoint meter "11" is not used):
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-3”
num-qos-classifiers 20
meter 1 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 4 create
rate cir 10 pir 100
meter 5 create
rate cir 10 pir 10
meter 6 create
rate cir 11 pir 100
meter 8 create
rate cir 20 pir 100
scope template
default-fc be
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 4
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h1 create
meter 5
broadcast-meter 4
multicast-meter 4
unknown-meter 4
fc ef create
meter 6
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 8
fc nc create
meter 6
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 8
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 4
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
entry 4 create
match dot1p 3
action fc h1
entry 5 create
match dot1p 2
action fc ef
entry 6 create
match dot1p 7
action fc nc
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, compute the classification entries per FC as:
Because FCnc uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because FCh1 uses unicast, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast meter, four entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly.
Because FCef uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. multicast and unknown-unicast traffic of the same FC use the unicast resources (both meter and classification entry).
Because FCaf uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because FCbe uses a single meter for all traffic-types only a single meter and single entry is needed.
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 20 and meters used = 7, num-qos-classifiers to use is 20 (the minimum value).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 7 and meters used = 4.
As can be seen here, using the same policy for Epipe SAP can lead to inefficient use of resources. Hence, it is recommended to create a different policy with the required number of resources (that is, with num-qos-classifiers 8).
Example 5
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-3”
num-qos-classifiers 32
meter 1 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 2 create
rate cir 1 pir 20
meter 4 create
rate cir 10 pir 100
meter 5 create
rate cir 10 pir 10
meter 6 create
rate cir 11 pir 100
meter 8 create
rate cir 20 pir 100
scope template
default-fc be
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 4
fc l1 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h2 create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 2
fc h1 create
meter 5
broadcast-meter 4
multicast-meter 4
unknown-meter 4
fc ef create
fc nc create
meter 6
broadcast-meter 2
multicast-meter 8
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 4
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
entry 4 create
match dot1p 3
action fc h1
entry 5 create
match dot1p 2
action fc ef
entry 6 create
match dot1p 7
action fc nc
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, get the classification entries used per FC:
Because FCnc uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Because FCh1 uses unicast, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast meter, four entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly.
Because no meters are explicitly configured, FCef uses the appropriate default meters all the traffic types (that is, unicast traffic uses unicast meter ‟1” and broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast traffic uses multipoint meter ‟11”.
Because FCh2 uses unicast meter and broadcast meter, two entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCaf uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
FCl2 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
FCbe = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 20 and meters used = 8.
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, to get the total classification entries used = 7 and meters used = 4.
Example 6
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-1”
num-qos-classifiers 16
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 3 create
rate cir 100 pir 100
meter 4 create
rate cir 10 pir 50
scope template
default-fc be
fc be create
meter 3
fc af create
meter 1
fc l1 create
meter 3
multicast-meter 4
fc h2 create
meter 3
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dot1p 5
action fc l1
entry 3 create
match dot1p 6
action fc h2
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the following number of classification entries per FC:
Because FCl1 uses unicast meter and multicast meter, an entry is needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Broadcast and unknown-unicast traffic is also classified using the same entry as multicast and use the same meter.
Because FCaf uses unicast meter, an entry is needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 8 and meters used = 4.
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then since all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and since only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 4 and meters used = 2.
Example 7
sap-ingress 10 create
num-qos-classifiers 8
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
fc be create
meter 1
broadcast-meter 11
mulitcast-meter 4
fc af create
meter 3
default-fc be
match entry 1
dot1p 7 fc af
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the following number of classification entries per FC are:
Because FCaf uses unicast meter, an entry is needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed entry to classify broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCbe uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 5 and meters used = 4.
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, the total classification entries used = 2 and meters used = 2.
Example 8
sap-ingress 10 create
num-qos-classifiers 16
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
fc be create
meter 1
broadcast-meter 11
mulitcast-meter 4
fc af create
meter 3
default-fc be
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7 7
action fc af
dot1p 7 fc af
match entry 2
dot1p 5 fc af
match entry 3
dot1p 3 fc af
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the following number of classification entries per FC:
Because FCaf uses unicast meter, an entry is needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCbe uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows
The number of meters used in this policy = 4.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 16 is used (that is, maximum of (9, (2 * 4))).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used in this policy = 2.
Example 9
sap-ingress 10 create
num-qos-classifiers 256
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
fc be create
meter 1
broadcast-meter 11
mulitcast-meter 4
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 11
multicast-meter 4
default-fc be
ip-criteria dscp-only
entry 1 create
match dscp cp1
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dscp cp2
action fc af
entry 3 create
match dscp cp3
action fc af
entry 4 create
match dscp cp4
action fc af
entry 5 create
match dscp cp5
action fc af
entry 6 create
match dscp cp6
action fc af
entry 7 create
match dscp cp7
action fc af
entry 8 create
match dscp cs1
action fc af
entry 9 create
match dscp cp9
action fc af
entry 10 create
match dscp af11
action fc af
entry 11 create
match dscp cp11
action fc af
entry 12 create
match dscp af12
action fc af
entry 13 create
match dscp cp13
action fc af
entry 14 create
match dscp af13
action fc af
entry 15 create
match dscp cp15
action fc af
entry 16 create
match dscp cs2
action fc af
entry 17 create
match dscp cp17
action fc af
entry 18 create
match dscp af21
action fc af
entry 19 create
match dscp cp19
action fc af
entry 20 create
match dscp af22
action fc af
entry 21 create
match dscp cp21
action fc af
entry 22 create
match dscp af23
action fc af
entry 23 create
match dscp cp23
action fc af
entry 24 create
match dscp cs3
action fc af
entry 25 create
match dscp cp25
action fc af
entry 26 create
match dscp af31
action fc af
entry 27 create
match dscp cp27
action fc af
entry 28 create
match dscp af32
action fc af
entry 29 create
match dscp cp29
action fc af
entry 30 create
match dscp af33
action fc af
entry 31 create
match dscp cp31
action fc af
entry 32 create
match dscp cs4
action fc af
entry 33 create
match dscp cp33
action fc af
entry 34 create
match dscp af41
action fc af
entry 35 create
match dscp cp35
action fc af
entry 36 create
match dscp af42
action fc af
entry 37 create
match dscp cp37
action fc af
entry 38 create
match dscp af43
action fc af
entry 39 create
match dscp cp39
action fc af
entry 40 create
match dscp cs5
action fc af
entry 41 create
match dscp cp41
action fc af
entry 42 create
match dscp cp42
action fc af
entry 43 create
match dscp cp43
action fc af
entry 44 create
match dscp cp44
action fc af
entry 45 create
match dscp cp45
action fc af
entry 46 create
match dscp ef
action fc af
entry 47 create
match dscp cp47
action fc af
entry 48 create
match dscp nc1
action fc af
entry 49 create
match dscp cp49
action fc af
entry 50 create
match dscp cp50
action fc af
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the following number of classification entries per FC:
Because FCaf uses unicast meter, an entry is needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Another entry is needed to classify broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast traffic type to the same FC and use the default meter ‟11”.
Because FCbe uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter.
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used in this policy = 4.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 256 is used (maximum of (153, (2 * 4)) = 153, rounded off to the next multiple of 2 will be 154).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used in this policy = 2.
Hence for Epipe SAP it is recommended to define another sap-ingress policy with num-qos-classifiers 64 is used (that is, maximum of (51, (2 * 2)) = 51, rounded off to the next multiple of 2 will be 52).
Example 9a (default multipoint meter "11" is not used):
sap-ingress 10 create
num-qos-classifiers 154
meter 1 create
meter 3 create
meter 4 create
meter 11 create
fc be create
meter 1
broadcast-meter 11
multicast-meter 4
fc af create
meter 3
broadcast-meter 11
multicast-meter 4
default-fc be
ip-criteria dscp-only
entry 1 create
match dscp cp1
action fc af
entry 2 create
match dscp cp2
action fc af
entry 3 create
match dscp cp3
action fc af
entry 4 create
match dscp cp4
action fc af
entry 5 create
match dscp cp5
action fc af
entry 6 create
match dscp cp6
action fc af
entry 7 create
match dscp cp7
action fc af
entry 8 create
match dscp cs1
action fc af
entry 9 create
match dscp cp9
action fc af
entry 10 create
match dscp af11
action fc af
entry 11 create
match dscp cp11
action fc af
entry 12 create
match dscp af12
action fc af
entry 13 create
match dscp cp13
action fc af
entry 14 create
match dscp af13
action fc af
entry 15 create
match dscp cp15
action fc af
entry 16 create
match dscp cs2
action fc af
entry 17 create
match dscp cp17
action fc af
entry 18 create
match dscp af21
action fc af
entry 19 create
match dscp cp19
action fc af
entry 20 create
match dscp af22
action fc af
entry 21 create
match dscp cp21
action fc af
entry 22 create
match dscp af23
action fc af
entry 23 create
match dscp cp23
action fc af
entry 24 create
match dscp cs3
action fc af
entry 25 create
match dscp cp25
action fc af
entry 26 create
match dscp af31
action fc af
entry 27 create
match dscp cp27
action fc af
entry 28 create
match dscp af32
action fc af
entry 29 create
match dscp cp29
action fc af
entry 30 create
match dscp af33
action fc af
entry 31 create
match dscp cp31
action fc af
entry 32 create
match dscp cs4
action fc af
entry 33 create
match dscp cp33
action fc af
entry 34 create
match dscp af41
action fc af
entry 35 create
match dscp cp35
action fc af
entry 36 create
match dscp af42
action fc af
entry 37 create
match dscp cp37
action fc af
entry 38 create
match dscp af43
action fc af
entry 39 create
match dscp cp39
action fc af
entry 40 create
match dscp cs5
action fc af
entry 41 create
match dscp cp41
action fc af
entry 42 create
match dscp cp42
action fc af
entry 43 create
match dscp cp43
action fc af
entry 44 create
match dscp cp44
action fc af
entry 45 create
match dscp cp45
action fc af
entry 46 create
match dscp ef
action fc af
entry 47 create
match dscp cp47
action fc af
entry 48 create
match dscp nc1
action fc af
entry 49 create
match dscp cp49
action fc af
entry 50 create
match dscp cp50
action fc af
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, the following number of classification entries per FC:
Because FCaf uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are required to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter. Additionally note that meter "11" is not defined to be multipoint meter, but is used as a normal unicast meter.
Because FCbe uses unicast, broadcast and multicast meter, three entries are needed to identify these traffic types explicitly. Unknown-unicast traffic type is classified using the same entry as multicast traffic type and uses the same meter. Additionally note that meter "11" is not defined to be multipoint meter, but is used as a normal unicast meter.
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used in this policy = 4. Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 154 is used (maximum of (153, (2 * 4)) = 153, rounded off to the next multiple of 2 will be 154).
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 154 is used (maximum of (153, (2 * 4)) = 153, rounded off to the next multiple of 2 will be 154).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used in this policy = 2.
Hence for Epipe SAP it is recommended to define another sap-ingress policy with num-qos-classifiers 52 is used (that is, maximum of (51, (2 * 2)) = 51, rounded off to the multiple of 2 will be 52).
Example 10
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-1”
num-qos-classifiers 4
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 0 pir max
scope template
default-fc l2
fc l2 create
meter 1
fc af create
meter 1
mac-criteria any
entry 1 create
match dot1p 7
action fc af
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, compute the number of classification entries per FC as follows:
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used = 2 (because both FCs use meter ‟1” and meter ‟11”).
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 4 is used (that is, maximum of (4, (2 * 2))).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, calculate the total classification entries used = 2 and meters used = 1.
As can be seen here, for Epipe SAP with the same amount of resources allocated one can have more FCs if need be.
Example 11
sap-ingress 10 create
description ‟example-policy-1”
num-qos-classifiers 4
meter 1 create
rate cir 0 pir max
meter 11 multipoint create
rate cir 0 pir max
scope template
default-fc be
In the example above, assuming the policy is attached to a SAP in a VPLS service, compute the number of classification entries per FC as follows:
Using the equation, calculate the total classification entries used by this policy, as follows:
The number of meters used = 2 (because default FC uses meter ‟1” and meter ‟11”).
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers 4 is used (that is, maximum of (2, (2 * 2))).
If the same policy were to be used for a SAP in an Epipe service, then because all traffic is classified to a unicast traffic type and because only unicast meters are used, the following:
Using the above equation, total classification entries used = 1 and meters used = 1.
As can be seen here, for Epipe SAP with the same amount of resources allocated one can have more FCs if need be.
Examples: calculating resources required for IP DSCP table-based classification with CAM-based policing (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12)
This section provides examples for calculating the amount of resources needed for a service ingress policy when using IP DSCP table-based classification with CAM-based policing. For calculations when CAM-based classification is used, see Examples: calculating resources required for CAM-based classification.
The examples in this section use the two equations below to calculate the value for num-qos-classifiers used in the sap-ingress QoS policy. See Computation of resources used per SAP ingress policy for CAM-based classification for details on these equations.
total number of classification entries (TC)
TC = E(i) * C(i)i = nc, h1, ef, h2, l1, af, l2, be, default-fcwhere:
E(i) is equal to 1 if FC(i) is in use by the dscp-classification policy. Otherwise, E(i) is equal to 0.
C(i) is the number of classification entries that are required by FCi to identify different traffic types. For a given FC, for each traffic type (unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast) configured to use a meter, a classification entry is needed.
Note:The default FC requires one or more additional resources even if all the eight FCs are configured in the dot1p or IP DSCP classification policy, as shown in the example in section Example 1: Epipe, IES, and VPRN services using unicast traffic type.
total number of QoS resources required (TQ)
TQ = max [(TC), (2 * TP))where:
TP is the number of meters/policers used
In addition, the examples show how to determine the number of classification entries for each forwarding class. For example, FCh2 (shown below) is the sum of four traffic types: (unicast (U), broadcast (B), multicast (M), and unknown-unicast (U-u)). See Calculating the number of classification entries per FC for more information.
If BUM entries are not explicit and multipoint traffic is expected, meter "11" is used and the "M" traffic type is given a "1".
Consider the following items when calculating the resources required when using IP DSCP table-based classification:
The meters used per FC for different traffic types is in accordance with the rules given in Service ingress meter selection rules and the number of classification entries per FC is provided in Determining the number of classification entries. In addition:
If an FC uses one meter for all four traffic types, then the maximum of four classification entries are needed.
As a minimum, an FC uses a single meter.
Users are provided an option to use between one and four meters per FC, one meter each for four different traffic types, in a VPLS service.
Users are provided an option to use either one and two meters per FC, one meter each for two traffic types, in IES and VPRN service when using multicast.
Users can use only a single meter per FC, for unicast traffic, in Epipe, IES, and VPRN service, where IES and VPRN are not configured to use multicast.
For an Epipe, VPLS, IES, or VPRN SAP, the FCs in use can be determined by counting the FCs configured in the DSCP classification policy and the default FC configured in the SAP ingress policy.
For routed VPLS (RVPLS), to determine the FCs in use, use the following:
For SAPs on access port, the FCs in use is the sum total of all FCs configured across the following four items:
the DSCP classification policy associated as an override policy under the IP interface context
the port DSCP classification policy associated with the access port
the untagged-fc value configured under the access port
the default-fc configured in the SAP ingress policy
For SAPs on hybrid ports, the FCs in use is the sum total of all FCs configured across the following three items:
the DSCP classification policy associated as an override policy under the IP interface context
the network port policy associated with the hybrid port
the default FC value configured under the SAP ingress policy
Example 1: Epipe, IES, and VPRN services using unicast traffic type
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification# info detail
description "dscp-classification-23"
default-dscp-fc "be" profile in
dscp cs3 fc "be"
dscp cs4 fc "ef" profile out
dscp af31 fc "af" profile in
dscp af33 fc "l1" profile in
dscp af41 fc "nc"
dscp cp25 fc "l2"
dscp cp31 fc "h2" profile out
dscp cp33 fc "h1" profile in
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 23
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-23"
num-qos-classifiers 16
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 11
fc "be" create
meter 9
fc "ef" create
meter 14
fc "h1" create
meter 15
fc "h2" create
meter 13
fc "l1" create
meter 12
fc "l2" create
meter 10
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 23
*A:dut-a# configure service epipe 7
*A:dut-a>config>service>epipe# info
description "Default epipe for service id 7"
sap 1/1/3:201 create
description "Default sap for service id 7"
qos 23 enable-table-classification
no shutdown
In the above example, all eight FCs are configured and eight meters are configured. For Epipe service only unicast traffic-type is identified. This requires one classification entry per FC configured and an additional one for the default-fc assignment, for a total of 9 classification entries.
TP = Total meters used is 8.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is set to (maximum (9, (8*2)) = 16.
If the same policy was going to be attached to an IES or VPRN SAP without multicast enabled (VPRN example shown below, IES is similar), the num-qos-classifiers required would be the same as that for am Epipe service (that is, 16). The calculations are the same as that for Epipe service.
vprn 7 customer 1 create
description "Default VPRN ID 7"
route-distinguisher 3:7
interface "int1VPRN201" create
sap 1/1/3:201 create
description "sap-7-"
qos 23 enable-table-classification
service-name "XYZ Vprn 7"
no shutdown
Example 2: VPLS using unicast and BUM meter with IES or VPRN using multicast
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification# info detail
description "dscp-classification-23"
default-dscp-fc "be" profile in
dscp cs3 fc "be"
dscp cs4 fc "ef" profile out
dscp af31 fc "af" profile in
dscp af33 fc "l1" profile in
dscp af41 fc "nc"
dscp cp25 fc "l2"
dscp cp31 fc "h2" profile out
dscp cp33 fc "h1" profile in
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 23
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-23"
num-qos-classifiers 18
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 11
fc "be" create
meter 9
fc "ef" create
meter 14
fc "h1" create
meter 15
fc "h2" create
meter 13
fc "l1" create
meter 12
fc "l2" create
meter 10
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 23
vpls 7 customer 1 svc-sap-type any create
description "Default tls for service id 7"
sap 1/1/3:201 create
description "Default sap for service id 7"
qos 23 enable-table-classification
no shutdown
In the above example, all eight FCs are configured and eight meters are configured. In addition, multipoint meter "11" is configured for use. For the VPLS service, four traffic types are identified (unicast and BUM). Because multicast meter "11" is defined, BUM traffic type for all FCs will use meter "11". The number of classification entries required is:
TP = Total meters used is 8.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is set to (maximum (18, (8*2)) = 18.
If the same policy is attached to an IES or an VPRN service with multicast enabled, then the number of resources required would be 18 (that is, num-qos-classifiers needs to be set to 18). The calculations are the same those for VPLS service (shown above).
Example 3: VPLS service using unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast with additional FCs
In this example, the sap-ingress policy in Example 2 is changed to define additional meters (shown below) and applied to a SAP configured in a VPLS service.
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 24
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-24"
num-qos-classifiers 18
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 20 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 5
mbs 50 kbits
cbs 50 kbits
meter 21 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 10
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 22 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 50
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 11
broadcast-meter 22
fc "be" create
meter 9
fc "ef" create
meter 14
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h1" create
meter 15
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h2" create
meter 13
broadcast-meter 22
fc "l1" create
meter 12
broadcast-meter 22
unknown-unicast 21
fc "l2" create
meter 10
broadcast-meter 20
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 23
For the VPLS service, four traffic types are identified (unicast and BUM). Because multicast meter "11" is defined, BUM traffic types for all FCs will use meter "11" (since the user has not configured an explicit multicast-meter for the FC). Hence, the number of classification entries required is determined as shown below:
FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (ef) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (h2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (l1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, one for unknown-unicast & one for multicast) FC (af) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (l2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, since default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)
TP = Total meters used is 11.
Hence, in this example, num-qos-classifiers is calculated to be maximum (25, (11*2)) = 25, but is set to 26 after rounding off to the next highest even number.
If the same policy is attached to an IES or an VPRN service with multicast enabled, then the number of resources required would be 18 (that is, num-qos-classifiers needs to be set to 18). This is because for IES and VPRN only unicast and multicast traffic types are supported; broadcast and unknown-unicast traffic types are not supported and do not consume any resources. The calculation is as shown below:
FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (ef) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h2) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (l1) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (af) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (l2) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, since default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)
TP = Total meters used is 8 (meter 20, meter 21, and meter 22 are not used because they are associated with broadcast and unknown-unicast traffic types, which are not supported for IES and VPRN).
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is set to (maximum (18, (8*2)) = 18.
Example 4: routed VPLS on access port using unicast, broadcast, multicast, and unknown-unicast with additional FCs
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification# info detail
description "dscp-classification-23"
default-dscp-fc "be" profile in
dscp cs3 fc "be"
dscp cs4 fc "ef" profile out
dscp af31 fc "af" profile in
dscp af33 fc "l1" profile in
dscp af41 fc "nc"
dscp cp25 fc "l2"
dscp cp31 fc "h2" profile out
dscp cp33 fc "h1" profile in
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 24
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-24"
num-qos-classifiers 26
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 20 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 5
mbs 50 kbits
cbs 50 kbits
meter 21 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 10
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 22 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 50
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 11
broadcast-meter 22
fc "be" create
meter 9
fc "ef" create
meter 14
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h1" create
meter 15
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h2" create
meter 13
broadcast-meter 22
fc "l1" create
meter 12
broadcast-meter 22
unknown-unicast 21
fc "l2" create
meter 10
broadcast-meter 20
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 23
IES service and routed VPLS service configuration is shown below.
ies 7 customer 1 vpn 7 create
description "Default Ies service id 7"
interface "int1IES201" create
vpls "rvpls607"
routed-override-qos-policy 23
service-name "XYZ Ies 7"
no shutdown
vpls 607 customer 1 r-vpls svc-sap-type any create
description "Default tls service id 607"
service-name "rvpls607"
sap 1/1/3:201 create
description "Default sap service id 607"
qos 23 enable-table-classification
no shutdown
The configuration for the DSCP classification policy associated with the access port that the RVPLS SAP is configured on, and which is used for classifying bridged packets is shown below:
*A:dut-a# configure port 1/1/3
*A:dut-a>config>port# info
mode access
dscp-classification 23
untagged-fc ef
encap-type dot1q
mtu 9212
no shutdown
For the bridged traffic in a VPLS service four traffic types are identified (unicast and BUM). Because multicast meter "11" is defined, BUM traffic type for all FCs will use meter "11". (An explicit multicast-meter for the FC has not been configured).
The number of classification entries required is as follows:
FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (ef) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (h2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (l1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, one for unknown-unicast & one for multicast) FC (af) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown- unicast) FC (l2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown- unicast) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, because default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)
TP = Total meters used is 11.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is set to (maximum (25, (11*2)) = 25, which means 26 after rounding off to the next highest even number.
For routed traffic in the routed VPLS service only the unicast traffic type is supported currently. This does not change the amount of resources needed since bridged traffic requires higher amount of resources. To reduce the amount of resources, users can dedicate a single meter for BUM traffic from all FCs, as shown in the following example (note that meter "11" is used for all FCs automatically when meter "11" is defined in the policy).
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 34
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-34"
num-qos-classifiers 18
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 20 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 400000 pir 1000000
mbs 5000 kbits
cbs 500 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 9
fc "be" create
meter 20
fc "ef" create
meter 14
fc "h1" create
meter 15
fc "h2" create
meter 13
fc "l1" create
meter 12
fc "l2" create
meter 10
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 23
In the above example, all eight FCs are configured and nine meters are configured, with multipoint meter "11" dedicated to all BUM traffic for all FCs in use. For the VPLS service four traffic-types are identified (unicast and BUM). Because multicast meter "11" is defined, BUM traffic type for all FCs will use meter "11". The number of classification entries required is as follows:
TP = Total meters used is 9.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is set to (maximum (18, (9*2)) = 18.
Example 5: routed VPLS service on a hybrid port using unicast, broadcast, multicast and unknown-unicast for some FCs
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification# info detail
description "dscp-classification-23"
default-dscp-fc "be" profile in
dscp cs3 fc "be"
dscp cs4 fc "ef" profile out
dscp af31 fc "af" profile in
dscp af33 fc "l1" profile in
dscp af41 fc "nc"
dscp cp25 fc "l2"
dscp cp31 fc "h2" profile out
dscp cp33 fc "h1" profile in
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 24
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-24"
num-qos-classifiers 26
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 20 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 5
mbs 50 kbits
cbs 50 kbits
meter 21 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 10
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 22 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 50
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 11
broadcast-meter 22
fc "be" create
meter 9
fc "ef" create
meter 14
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h1" create
meter 15
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h2" create
meter 13
broadcast-meter 22
fc "l1" create
meter 12
broadcast-meter 22
unknown-unicast 21
fc "l2" create
meter 10
broadcast-meter 20
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 23
The IES service and routed VPLS service configuration is as follows:
ies 7 customer 1 vpn 7 create
description "Default Ies service id 7"
interface "int1IES201" create
vpls "rvpls607"
routed-override-qos-policy 23
service-name "XYZ Ies 7"
no shutdown
vpls 607 customer 1 r-vpls svc-sap-type any create
description "Default tls service id 607"
service-name "rvpls607"
sap 1/1/3:201 create
description "Default sap service id 607"
qos 24 enable-table-classification
no shutdown
The configuration for the network port policy for a hybrid port, followed by associating the policy with hybrid port 1/1/3 is shown below. This configuration is used for classifying RVPLS SAP bridged packets and also for classifying IP traffic received and processed in the context of the network port IP interface.
**A:dut-a >config>qos# network 23
**A:dut-a >config>qos>network# info
default-action fc be profile in
meter 1 create
dscp cs4 fc ef profile out
dscp af31 fc af profile in
dscp af33 fc l1 profile in
dscp af41 fc nc profile in
dscp cp25 fc l2 profile out
dscp cp31 fc h2 profile out
dscp cp33 fc h1 profile in
*A:dut-a #/configure port 1/1/3
A:NS1543C2102>config>port# info
mode hybrid
encap-type dot1q
queue-policy "_tmnx_hybrid_default"
qos 23
For the bridged traffic in a VPLS four traffic types are identified (unicast and BUM). Because multicast meter "11" is defined, BUM traffic type for all FCs will use meter "11". (The user has not configured an explicit multicast-meter for the FC). The number of classification entries required is as follows.
FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (ef) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (h2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (l1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, one for unknown-unicast & one for multicast) FC (af) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown- unicast) FC (l2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown- unicast) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, since default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)
TP = Total meters used is 11.
Hence, in this example num-qos-classifiers is calculated to be (maximum (25, (11*2)) = 25, but is set to 26 after rounding off to the next highest even number.
Example 6: routed VPLS on access port and hybrid port
Example 6 is similar to Example 5, except that FCs in use from the port policy and the override policy are considered. The following configuration shows the policy association with two SAPs configured in the routed VPLS, with one SAP on the access port and the other SAP on the hybrid port.
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification 23 create
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification# info detail
description "dscp-classification-23"
default-dscp-fc "be" profile in
dscp cs3 fc "be"
dscp cs4 fc "ef" profile out
dscp af31 fc "af" profile in
dscp af33 fc "l1" profile in
dscp af41 fc "nc"
dscp cp25 fc "l2"
dscp cp31 fc "h2" profile out
dscp cp33 fc "h1" profile in
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification 24 create
*A:dut-a>config>qos>dscp-classification# info detail
description "dscp-classification-24"
default-dscp-fc "be" profile in
dscp cs4 fc "ef" profile out
dscp af31 fc "af" profile in
*A:dut-a# configure qos sap-ingress 24
*A:dut-a>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "sap-Ingress-Policy-24"
num-qos-classifiers 26
meter 1 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 9 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 10 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 11 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 2000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 12 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 3500 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 13 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 7000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 14 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 5000 pir 6000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 15 create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 4000 pir 5000
mbs 200 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 20 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 5
mbs 50 kbits
cbs 50 kbits
meter 21 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 10
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
meter 22 multipoint create
mode trtcm2
rate cir 0 pir 50
mbs 100 kbits
cbs 100 kbits
fc "af" create
meter 11
broadcast-meter 22
fc "be" create
meter 9
fc "ef" create
meter 14
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h1" create
meter 15
broadcast-meter 22
fc "h2" create
meter 13
broadcast-meter 22
fc "l1" create
meter 12
broadcast-meter 22
unknown-unicast 21
fc "l2" create
meter 10
broadcast-meter 20
fc "nc" create
meter 1
dscp-classification 24
The following are sample IES service and routed VPLS service configuration outputs.
ies 7 customer 1 vpn 7 create
description "Default Ies service id 7"
interface "int1IES201" create
vpls "rvpls607"
routed-override-qos-policy 24
service-name "XYZ Ies 7"
no shutdown
vpls 607 customer 1 r-vpls svc-sap-type any create
description "Default tls service id 607"
service-name "rvpls607"
sap 1/1/24:201 create // SAP on hybrid port
description "Default sap service id 607"
qos 24 enable-table-classification
sap 1/1/3:201 create // SAP on access port
description "Default sap service id 607"
qos 24 enable-table-classification
no shutdown
The configuration of the network port policy for a hybrid port, followed by associating the policy with hybrid port 1/1/3 is shown below. This configuration is used for classifying RVPLS SAP bridged packets and also for classifying IP traffic received and processed in the context of the network port IP interface.
**A:dut-a >config>qos# network 123
**A:dut-a >config>qos>network# info
default-action fc be profile in
meter 1 create
dscp cs4 fc ef profile out
dscp af31 fc af profile in
dscp af33 fc l1 profile in
dscp af41 fc nc profile in
dscp cp25 fc l2 profile out
dscp cp31 fc h2 profile out
dscp cp33 fc h1 profile in
*A:dut-a #/configure port 1/1/24
A:NS1543C2102>config>port# info
mode hybrid
encap-type dot1q
queue-policy "_tmnx_hybrid_default"
qos 123
The configuration of the DSCP classification policy associated with the access port, which is the port that the RVPLS SAP is configured on, is shown below. The policy is used for classifying bridged packets.
*A:dut-a# configure port 1/1/3
*A:dut-a>config>port# info
mode access
dscp-classification 24
untagged-fc ef
encap-type dot1q
mtu 9212
no shutdown
To determine the resources needed for RVPLS SAP 1/1/3:201 consider the FCs configured in the DSCP classification policy configured in access port 1/1/3 context—there are three FCs (be, af, ef) configured. In addition, consider the FCs configured in the DSCP classification policy configured in the context of IES IP interface—there are three FCs (be, af, ef) configured. The total number of resources for RVPLS SAP 1/1/3:201 is computed as follows using the meter configuration under SAP ingress policy 24.
FC (ef) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (af) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (be) = 1 +0 +1 +0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM)
TP = Total meters used is 4 (meter 11, meter 9, meter 22, and meter 14).
Hence, to use the available resources efficiently for the RVPLS SAP 1/1/3:201 we need a policy with num-qos-classifiers set to (maximum (10, (4*2)) = 10.
To determine the resources needed for RVPLS SAP 1/1/24:201 consider the FCs configured in the network port policy 123, which is associated with network port 1/1/24—all eight FCs are configured. In addition, consider the FCs configured in the DSCP classification policy configured in the context of IES IP interface—three FCs (be, af, ef) are configured. The total number of resources for RVPLS SAP 1/1/24:201 is computed as follows, using the meter configuration under the SAP ingress policy 24:
FC (nc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (h1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (ef) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (h2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast & unknown-unicast) FC (l1) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, one for unknown-unicast & one for multicast) FC (af) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (l2) = 1 + 1 + 1 + 0 = 3 (one for unicast, one for broadcast, and one for both multicast and unknown-unicast) FC (be) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM) FC (default-fc) = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 2 (one for unicast and one for all of BUM, because default-dscp-fc is configured to be FC 'be' in the dscp-classification policy)
TP = Total meters used is 11.
Hence, for RVPLS SAP /1/124:201, we need a policy with num-qos-classifiers in the policy is calculated to be (maximum (25, (11*2)) = 25, but is set to 26 after rounding off to the next highest even number.
Basic configurations
A basic service ingress QoS policy must conform to the following:
Have a unique service ingress QoS policy ID.
Allocate number of classifier and meter resources needed for use
Have a QoS policy scope of template or exclusive.
Have at least one default unicast forwarding class meter/queue.
(optionally) Use multipoint forwarding class meter/queues.
Configuring and applying QoS policies is optional. If no QoS policy is explicitly applied to a SAP, a default QoS policy is applied.
Create service ingress QoS policies
To create a service ingress QoS policy, define the following:
A policy ID value. The system will not dynamically assign a value.
Include a description. The description provides a brief overview of policy features.
Specify the num-qos-classifiers num-resources parameter. The default value is 2.
Specify a default forwarding class for the policy. All packets received on an ingress SAP using this ingress QoS policy will be classified to the default forwarding class.
Define forwarding class parameters:
Modify the unicast-meter/queue default value to override the default unicast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name.
Modify the multicast-meter/queue default value to override the default multicast forwarding type meters/queue mapping for fc fc-name.
Modify the unknown-meter/queue default value to override the default unknown unicast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name.
Modify the broadcast-meter default value to override the default broadcast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name.
On platforms where applicable, specify the appropriate classification criteria: IPv4/IPv6 or MAC criteria, or both IP and MAC criteria. You can define IPv4/IPv6, MAC-based, and MAC- and IP-based SAP ingress policies to select the appropriate ingress meter and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic. See Service ingress IP match criteria and Service ingress MAC match criteria.
A SAP ingress policy is created with a template scope. The scope can be modified to exclusive for a special one-time use policy. Otherwise, the template scope enables the policy to be applied to multiple SAPs.
The following is a sample service ingress policy configuration output.
A:ALA-7>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
sap-ingress 100 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
num-qos-classifications 2
no meter
dscp-classification 100 (7210 SAS-Mxp only)
no ip-criteria
no ipv6-criteria
no mac-criteria
scope template
Service ingress QoS meter
To create service ingress meter parameters, define the following:
A new meter ID value — The system will not dynamically assign a value.
Meter parameters — Ingress meters support the definition of either srTCM (Single Rate Tri-Color Meter) or trTCM (Two Rate Tri-Color Meter), CIR/PIR, CBS/MBS parameters.
The following is a sample ingress meter configuration output.
A:ALA-7>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-ingress 100 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
meter 2 create
rate cir 11000
meter 3 create
cbs 32
rate 11000
meter 4 create
rate 1
meter 5 create
cbs 64
mbs 128
rate cir 1500 pir 1500
meter 6 create
mode srtcm
rate cir 2500 pir 2500
meter 7 create
cbs 256
mbs 512
rate cir 100 pir 36
meter 8 create
cbs 256
mbs 512
rate cir 11000
meter 9 create
rate cir 11000
meter 10 create
rate cir 1
meter 12 create
rate cir 1500 pir 1500
meter 13 create
rate cir 2500 pir 2500
meter 14 create
rate cir 36 pir 100
meter 15 create
rate cir 36 pir 100
meter 16 create
cbs 128
mbs 256
rate cir 36 pir 100
Service ingress IP match criteria
When specifying SAP ingress match criteria, only one match criteria type can be configured in the SAP ingress QoS policy.
The following are two sample ingress IP criteria configuration outputs.
7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
num-qos-classifiers 32
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
fc "h2" create
ip-criteria any
entry 16 create
description "test"
action fc "be"
7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
num-qos-classifiers 4
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
ip-criteria dscp-only
entry 30 create
action fc "l2"
Service ingress MAC match criteria
To configure service ingress QoS policy MAC criteria, define the following:
a new entry ID value
Entries must be explicitly created. The system will not dynamically assign entries or a value.
The action to associate the forwarding class with a specific MAC criteria entry ID.
a description
The description provides a brief overview of policy features.
The following is a sample ingress MAC criteria configuration output.
7210-SAS>config>qos>sap-ingress# info
description "test"
num-qos-classifiers 16
meter 1 create
meter 11 multipoint create
mac-criteria dot1p-only
entry 25 create
no action
default-fc "h1"
Applying service ingress policies
This section describes applying SAP ingress policies to service SAPs.
The following is a sample Epipe service configuration output with SAP ingress policy 100 applied to the SAP. The enable-table-classification keyword applies only to the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12.
A:ALA-7>config>service# info
epipe 6 customer 6 vpn 6 create
description "Epipe service to west coast"
sap 1/1/10:10 create
qos 100 [enable-table-classification]
The following is a sample VPLS service configuration output with SAP ingress policy 100. The enable-table-classification keyword applies only to the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12.
A:ALA-7>config>service# info
vpls 700 customer 7 vpn 700 create
description "test"
sap 1/1/9:10 create
qos 100 [enable-table-classification]
The following is a sample VPRN service configuration output. The enable-table-classification keyword applies only to the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12.
A:ALA-7>config>service# info
vprn 1 customer 1 create
autonomous-system 10000
route-distinguisher 10001:1
auto-bind ldp
vrf-target target:10001:1
interface "to-ce1" create
sap 1/1/10:1 create
qos 100 [enable-table-classification]
no shutdown
The following is a sample IES service configuration output. The enable-table-classification keyword applies only to the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12.
A:ALA-7>config>service# info
ies 1 customer 1 create
interface "to-c1" create
sap 1/1/10:100 create
qos 100 [enable-table-classification]
no shutdown
Service management tasks
This section describes service management tasks.
Deleting QoS policies
Every service SAP is associated, by default, with the appropriate ingress policy (policy-id 1). You can replace the default policy with a customer-configured policy, but you cannot entirely remove the policy from the SAP configuration. When you remove a non-default service ingress policy, the association reverts to the default policy-id 1.
A QoS policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all SAPs where they are applied.
A:ALA-7>config>qos# no sap-ingress 100
MINOR: CLI SAP ingress policy "100" cannot be removed because it is in use.
Remove a QoS policy from service SAPs
The following Epipe service output examples show that the SAP service ingress reverted to policy-id ‟1” when the non-default policies were removed from the configuration.
A:ALA-104>config>service>epipe# info detail
description "Distributed Epipe service to west coast"
no tod-suite
qos 1
no filter
no filter
no collect-stats
no accounting-policy
no shutdown
Copying and overwriting QoS policies
You can copy an existing service ingress policy, rename it with a new policy ID value, or overwrite an existing policy ID. The overwrite option must be specified or an error occurs if the destination policy ID exists.
Use the following syntax to copy and overwrite QoS policies.
config>qos# copy {sap-ingress} source-policy-id dest-policy-id [overwrite]
*A:ALU-7210>config>qos# info
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
sap-ingress 100 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
meter 1 create
meter 2 multipoint create
meter 10 create
rate cir 11000
meter 11 multipoint create
sap-ingress 101 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
meter 1 create
meter 2 multipoint create
meter 10 create
rate cir 11000
meter 11 multipoint create
sap-ingress 200 create
description "Used on VPN sap"
meter 1 create
meter 2 multipoint create
meter 10 create
rate cir 11000
meter 11 multipoint create
Remove a policy from the QoS configuration
Use the following syntax to remove a policy from the QoS configuration.
config>qos# no sap-ingress policy-id
config>qos# no sap-ingress 100
Editing QoS policies
You can change QoS existing policies and entries. The changes are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. To prevent configuration errors copy the policy to a work area, make the edits, and then write over the original policy.
Service ingress QoS policy command reference
Command hierarchy
Service ingress QoS policy commands
- qos
- [no] sap-ingress policy-id [create] [use-svc-meter-pool]
- default-fc fc
- no default-fc
- description description-string
- no description
- dot1p-classification policy-id
- no dot1p-classification
- dscp-classification policy-id
- no dscp-classification
- [no] fc fc-name [create]
- broadcast-meter meter-id
- no broadcast-meter
- meter meter-id
- no meter
- multicast-meter meter-id
- no multicast-meter
- unknown-meter meter-id
- no unknown-meter
- [no] ip-mac-match {ip-first | mac-first}
- [no] ip-criteria [any | dscp-only]
- [no] entry entry-id [create]
- action [fc fc]
- no action
- description description-string
- no description
- match [protocol protocol-id]
- no match
- dscp dscp-value | dscp-name [dscp-mask]
- no dscp
- dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
- no dst-ip
- dst-port {eq} dst-port-number
- no dst-port
- ip-prec ip-prec-value [ip-prec-mask]
- no ip-prec
- src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
- no src-ip
- src-port {eq} src-port-number
- no src-port
- renum [old-entry-id new-entry-id]
- [no] ipv6-criteria [any | dscp-only] [IPv6 Match Criteria]
- [no] entry entry-id [create]
- action [fc fc]
- no action
- description description-string
- no description
- match [next-header next-header]
- no match
- dscp dscp-value | dscp-name [dscp-mask]
- no dscp
- dst-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length}
- no dst-ip
- dst-port {eq} dst-port-number}
- no dst-port
- ip-prec ip-prec-value [ip-prec-mask]
- no ip-prec
- src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length}
- no src-ip
- src-port {eq} src-port-number
- no src-port
- renum [old-entry-id new-entry-id]
- [no] mac-criteria [any | dot1p-only]
- [no] entry entry-id
- action [fc fc]
- no action
- description description-string
- no description
- [no] match
- dot1p dot1p-value [dot1p-mask]
- no dot1p
- dst-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
- no dst-mac
- etype 0x0600..0xffff
- no etype
- src-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
- no src-mac
- renum
- meter meter-id [multipoint] [create]
- no meter meter-id
- adaptation-rule [cir adaptation-rule] [pir adaptation-rule]
- no adaptation-rule
- cbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]
- no cbs
- color-mode color-mode
- no color-mode
- mbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]
- no mbs
- mode {trtcm1 | trtcm2 | srtcm}
- no mode
- rate cir-rate-in-kbps [pir pir-rate-in-kbps]
- no rate
- num-qos-classifiers [num-resources] [ipv6 | no-ipv6]
- scope {exclusive | template}
- no scope
- table-classification-criteria table-classification-criteria
Table-based IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy commands for SAP ingress (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12)
- qos
- dot1p-classification classification-id [create]
- no dot1p-classification classification-id
- default-dot1p-fc fc profile [in | out | dei]
- no default-dot1p-fc
- description description-string
- no description
- dot1p dot1p-priority fc fc-name [profile {in | out | dei}]
- no dot1p dot1p-priority
- dscp-classification classification-id [create]
- no dscp-classification classification-id
- no default-dscp-fc fc profile {in | out}
- description description-string
- no description
- dscp dscp-name fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]
- no dscp dscp-name
Service meter commands for SAP ingress (7210 SAS-Mxp only)
- qos
- [no] sap-ingress policy-id [create] [use-svc-meter-pool]
- default-fc fc-name
- no default-fc
- dot1p-classification policy-id
- no dot1p-classification
- dscp-classification policy-id
- no dscp-classification
- fc-meter-map policy-id [create]
- no fc-meter-map policy-id
- counter-mode counter-mode
- no counter-mode
- fc fc-name [create]
- no fc fc-name
- broadcast-meter meter-id
- no broadcast-meter
- meter meter-id
- no meter
- multicast-meter meter-id
- no multicast-meter
- unknown-meter meter-id
- no unknown-meter
- meter meter-id [create]
- no meter meter-id
- adaptation-rule [cir adaptation-rule] [pir adaptation-rule]
- no adaptation-rule
- cbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]
- no cbs
- color-mode color-mode
- no color-mode
- mbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]
- no mbs
- mode mode [trtcm1 | trtcm2 | srtcm]
- no mode
- rate cir cir-rate-in-kbps [pir pir-rate-in-kbps]
- [no] rate
Operational commands
- qos
- copy sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
Show commands
- qos
- dot1p-classification [policy-id] association
- dot1p-classification [policy-id] [detail]
- dscp-classification [policy-id] association
- dscp-classification [policy-id] [detail]
- sap-ingress policy-id [detail | association | match-criteria]
- fc-meter-map [policy-id] association
- fc-meter-map [policy-id] [detail]
Command descriptions
Configuration commands
Generic commands
description description-string
no description
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.
The no form of this command removes any description string from the context.
no description
- description-string
Specifies a text string describing the entity. Allowed values are any string up to 80 characters composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
Service ingress QoS policy commands
[no] sap-ingress policy-id [create] [use-svc-meter-pool]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command creates or edits the ingress policy. The ingress policy defines the Service Level Agreement (SLA) enforcement service packets receive as they ingress a SAP. SLA enforcement is accomplished through the definition of meters and queues (depends on the support available on a platform) that have Forwarding Class (FC), Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR), Committed Burst Size (CBS), and Maximum Burst Size (MBS) characteristics. The simplest policy defines a single queue or meter that all ingress traffic flows through. Complex policies have multiple meters/queues combined with classification entries that indicate which meter or queue a packet will flow though.
Policies in effect are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. Meters defined in the policy are not instantiated until a policy is applied to a service SAP.
Only one service ingress policy can be provisioned. The SAP ingress policy with policy-id 1 is a system-defined policy applied to services when no other policy is explicitly specified. The system SAP ingress policy can be modified but not deleted. The no sap-ingress command restores the factory default settings when used on policy-id 1. See Default SAP ingress policy for more information.
Any changes made to the existing policy, using any of the sub-commands are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy ID. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete and then written over the original policy ID. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.
Before associating a SAP ingress policy with a SAP, resources must be allocated using the config system resource-profile ingress-internal-tcam qos-sap-ingress-resource command. For more information about this CLI command and resource allocation, see Service ingress QoS policies and the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Basic System Configuration Guide.
Only meters with the SAP ingress policy are supported on 7210 SAS-T (access-uplink and network mode), 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE; ingress queues are not supported.
The no form of this command deletes the SAP ingress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all services where it is applied. The system default SAP ingress policy is a special case; the no command reverts the factory defaults to policy ID 1.
Default SAP ingress policy ID 1 is used in low-sap-scale mode. See the 7210 SAS-Mxp, S, Sx, T Services Guide for more information about low-sap-scale mode and high-sap-scale mode.
- policy-id
Specifies the policy.
- create
Keyword to create a SAP ingress policy.
- use-svc-meter-pool
Specifies that the SAP ingress policy uses policers or meters from the service-meter pool. When this parameter is specified, an FC meter map is attached to the policy by default. Only table-based classification policies are used for classification; the CAM-based classification entries are ignored. If this parameter is not specified, the meter resources for the SAP ingress policy are allocated from the CAM-based meter resource pool. This parameter is only supported on 7210 SAS-Mxp.
scope {exclusive | template}
no scope
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures the Service Ingress QoS policy scope as exclusive or template.
The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.
- exclusive
Specifies that the policy can only be applied to one SAP. If a policy with an exclusive scope is assigned to a second SAP an error message is generated. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it becomes available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.
- template
Specifies that the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.
Default QoS policies are configured with template scopes. An error is generated when the template scope parameter to exclusive scope on default policies is modified.
table-classification-criteria table-classification-criteria
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command allows the user to choose the dot1p or DSCP classification policies to classify the traffic to an FC. The option to select either dot1p, DSCP, or both, applies only to SAPs configured in Layer 2 services (Epipe and VPLS). It is not applicable to SAPs configured in Layer 3 services (IES, VPRN and RVPLS). See Table-based IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy commands for SAP ingress (7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12) for more information.
The following options can be used to configure the classification policy.
If none is configured, use default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy).
If use-dscp is configured, use the following policies:
DSCP classification policy for IP packets
default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy) for non-IP packets
If use-dot1p is configured, use the following policies:
dot1p classification policy for all tagged packets (IP and non-IP)
default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy) for untagged packets
If both-dscp-dot1p is configured, use the following policies:
DSCP classification policy for IP packets
dot1p classification policy for non-IP tagged packets
default-fc fc-name profile out (from the SAP ingress policy) for non-IP untagged traffic
table-classification-criteria both-dscp-dot1p
- table-classification-criteria
Specifies the table classification criteria to use.
default-fc fc
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures the default forwarding class for the policy. If an ingress packet does not match a higher priority (more explicit) classification command, the default forwarding class will be associated with the packet. Unless overridden by an explicit forwarding class classification rule, all packets received on an ingress SAP using this ingress QoS policy will be classified to the default forwarding class.
The default forwarding class is best effort (be). The default-fc settings are displayed in the show configuration and save output regardless of inclusion of the detail keyword.
- fc
Specifies the forwarding class name for the queue or meter. The value given for fc must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
dscp-classification policy-id
no dscp-classification
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command associates a DSCP classification policy with a SAP ingress QoS policy.
The no form of this command removes the DSCP classification policy from its association with the SAP ingress QoS policy.
no dscp-classification
- policy-id
Specifies the policy ID that uniquely identifies the DSCP classification policy.
[no] fc fc-name [create]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command creates a class instance of the forwarding class fc-name. Once the fc-name is created, classification actions can be applied and can be used in match classification criteria.
The no form of this command removes all the explicit queue mappings for fc-name forwarding types. The queue mappings revert to the default meters for fc-name.
- fc-name
Specifies the forwarding class name for the queue. The value given for the fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes for the system.
- create
Keyword to create a forwarding class.
[no] ip-mac-match {ip-first | mac-first}
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command must be executed if user intends to match on both IP and MAC criteria in a SAP ingress policy. If this command is not executed software does not allow for configuration of both IP and MAC criteria in a SAP ingress policy. That is, without this command in a SAP ingress policy IP and MAC criteria are mutually exclusive.
The user also has the option to specify if all the IP criteria entries configured in the policy need to be matched first followed by all the MAC criteria entries or vice-versa. That is, if ip-first is configured all the IP criteria entries are matched and only if there are no matches in the MAC criteria entries are matched. If a match is found no further matches are done and the actions associated with the matched entry are taken.
no ip-mac-match
- ip-first
Keyword to match all the IP criteria entries first before matching any of the MAC entries.
- mac-first
Keyword to match all the MAC criteria entries first before matching any of the IP entries.
[no] ip-criteria policy id [any | dscp-only]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command creates or edits policy entries that specify IP criteria DiffServ code point. IP criteria-based SAP ingress policies are used to select the appropriate ingress meter and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.
The user can specify either any or dscp-only as the sub-criteria. The sub-criteria determines what fields can be used to match traffic. The resource allocation for classification is affected by the sub-criteria in use. See SAP ingress resource allocation and match criteria types for more information.
The 7210 SAS OS implementation exits on the first match found and executes the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. For this reason entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.
When the use-svc-meter-pool parameter is set or when table-based-classification is used, the ip-criteria entries in the policy are ignored.
The no form of this command deletes all the entries specified under this node. Once IP criteria entries are removed from a SAP ingress policy, the IP criteria is removed from all services where that policy is applied.
- any
Specifies that entries can use any of the fields available under ip-criteria for matching; for example, IP source, IP destination, IP protocol fields can be used.
- dscp-only
Specifies that entries can use the IP DSCP field or IP precedence field.
- policy-id
Specifies the policy.
[no] ipv6-criteria policy-id [any | dscp-only]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command selects the appropriate ingress meters and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.
This command is used to enter the node to create or edit policy entries that specify IPv6 criteria such as IP quintuple lookup or DiffServ code point.
The 7210 SAS OS implementation exits on the first match found and executes the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. For this reason entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.
Before associating a SAP ingress policy configured to use IPv6 criteria with a SAP, resources must be allocated using the config system resource-profile ingress-internal-tcam qos-sap-ingress-resource ipv6-ipv4-match-enable command. See the 7210 SAS-Mxp, R6, R12, S, Sx, T Basic System Configuration Guide for more information about this CLI command and resource allocation.
The no form of this command deletes all the entries specified under this node. Once ipv6-criteria entries are removed from a SAP ingress policy, the ipv6-criteria is removed from all services where that policy is applied.
When the use-svc-meter-pool parameter is set or when table-based-classification is used, the ip-criteria entries in the policy are ignored.
- any
Specifies that entries can use any of the fields available under ipv6-criteria for matching; for example, IPv6 source, IPv6 destination, IPv6 protocol fields can be used.
- dscp-only
Specifies that entries can use the IP DSCP field or IPv6 precedence field.
- policy-id
Specifies the policy.
[no] mac-criteria policy id [any | dot1p-only]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command selects the appropriate ingress meters and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.
The user can specify either any or dot1p-only as the sub-criteria. The sub-criteria determines what fields can be used to match traffic. The resource allocation for classification is affected by the sub-criteria in use. See SAP ingress resource allocation and match criteria types for more information.
This command is used to enter the node to create or edit policy entries that specify MAC criteria.
The 7210 SAS OS implementation exits on the first match found and executes the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. For this reason, entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.
When the use-svc-meter-pool parameter is set or when table-based-classification is used, the ip-criteria entries in the policy are ignored.
The no form of this command deletes all the entries specified under this node. Once mac-criteria entries are removed from a SAP ingress policy, the mac-criteria is removed from all services where that policy is applied.
- any
Specifies that entries can use any of the fields available under mac-criteria; for example, MAC source, MAC destination, and MAC Ethertype fields can be used)
- dot1p-only
Specifies that entries can use only the dot1p field.
- policy-id
Specifies the policy.
num-qos-classifiers [num-resources] [ipv6 | no-ipv6]
no num-qos-classifiers
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures the number of classifiers the SAP ingress Qos policy can use. A user cannot modify this parameter when it is in use (that is, applied to a SAP).
The num-resources parameter determines the maximum number of meters that are available to this policy. The maximum number of meters available for use by the forwarding classes (FC) defined under this policy is equal to half the value specified in the parameter num-resources. Any of these meters is available for use to police unicast or multipoint traffic. Any of these meters is available for use by more than one FC (or a single meter is available for use by all the FCs).
The keyword ipv6 allows users to indicate that they plan to use the ipv6-criteria and the resources needed for this SAP ingress QoS policy must be allocated for the chunk allocated to IPv6 criteria.
On the 7210 SAS-Mxp, this parameter is ignored if the use-svc-meter-pool parameter is set.
num-qos-classifiers 2 no-ipv6
- num-resources
Specifies the number of resources planned for use by this policy, expressed as multiple of 2.
- ipv6
Specifies that the user intends to use the ipv6-criteria and software must allocate resources from the chunks alloted to IPv6 criteria.
- no-ipv6
Specifies that the user intends to use the ipv6-criteria. Resources are then allocated from the chunk alloted to either IPv4 criteria or MAC criteria, depending on what criteria the user uses.
Service ingress QoS policy entry commands
action [fc fc]
no action
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This mandatory command associates the forwarding class with specific IP or MAC criteria entry ID. The action command supports setting the forwarding class parameter. Packets that meet all match criteria within the entry have their forwarding class overridden based on the parameters included in the action parameters.
The action command must be executed for the match criteria to be added to the active list of entries.
Each time action is executed on a specific entry ID, the previous entered values for fc is overridden with the newly defined parameters.
The no form of this command removes the entry from the active entry list. Removing an entry on a policy immediately removes the entry from all SAPs using the policy. All previous parameters for the action is lost.
action specified by the default-fc.
- fc fc
Specifies the forwarding class name for the queue or meter. The value given for fc must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
[no] entry entry-id [create]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command creates or edits an IP or MAC criteria entry for the policy. Multiple entries can be created using unique entry-id numbers.
The list of flow criteria is evaluated in a top down fashion with the lowest entry ID at the top and the highest entry ID at the bottom. If the defined match criteria for an entry within the list matches the information in the egress packet, the system stops matching the packet against the list and performs the matching entries reclassification actions. If none of the entries match the packet, the IP flow reclassification list has no effect on the packet.
An entry is not populated in the list unless the action command is executed for the entry. An entry that is not populated in the list has no effect on egress packets. If the action command is executed without any explicit reclassification actions specified, the entry is populated in the list allowing packets matching the entry to exit the list, preventing them from matching entries lower in the list. Because this is the only flow reclassification entry that the packet matched and this entry explicitly states that no reclassification action is to be performed, the matching packet will not be reclassified.
The no form of this command removes the specified entry from the policy. Entries removed from the policy are immediately removed from all services where that policy is applied.
- entry-id
Specifies a match criterion and the corresponding action. It is recommended that multiple entries be given entry-ids in staggered increments. This allows users to insert a new entry in an existing policy without requiring renumbering of all the existing entries.
An entry cannot have any match criteria defined (in which case, everything matches) but must have at least the keyword action fc fc-name for it to be considered complete. Entries without the action keyword will be considered incomplete and therefore will be rendered inactive.
- create
Keyword to create a flow entry when the system is configured. Objects may be accidentally created when this protection is disabled and an object name is mistyped when attempting to edit the object. This keyword is not required when the protection is disabled. The keyword is ignored when the flow entry already exists.
[no] match [protocol protocol-id]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures match criteria for SAP QoS policies. When the match criteria have been satisfied the action associated with the match criteria is executed.
Only a single match criteria (either MAC or IP) is allowed at any point of time.
- protocol protocol-id
Specifies an IP protocol to be used as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.
The protocol type such as TCP/UDP/OSPF is identified by its respective protocol number. Well-known protocol numbers include ICMP(1), TCP(6), UDP(17).
no match
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command enables the context for entering and editing match MAC criteria for ingress SAP QoS policy match criteria. When the match criteria have been satisfied the action associated with the match criteria is executed.
If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured, all criteria must be satisfied (AND function) before the action associated with the match will be executed.
A match context can consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be entered per entry.
The no form of this command removes the match criteria for the entry-id.
match [next-header next-header]
no match
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures match criteria for ingress SAP QoS policy match IPv6 criteria. When the match criteria have been satisfied the action associated with the match criteria is executed.
If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured, then all criteria must be satisfied (AND function) before the action associated with the match is executed.
A match context can consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be entered per entry.
The no form of this command removes the match criteria for the entry-id.
- next-header next-header
Specifies the next header to match.
The protocol type such as TCP/UDP/OSPF is identified by its respective protocol number. Well-known protocol numbers include ICMP(1), TCP(6), UDP(17).
Service ingress QoS policy forwarding class commands
broadcast-meter meter-id
no broadcast-meter
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command overrides the default broadcast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name. The specified meter-id must exist within the policy as a multipoint meter before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all broadcast traffic on a SAP using this policy will be forwarded using the meter-id.
The broadcast forwarding type usually tracks the multicast forwarding type definition. This command overrides that default behavior.
The no form of this command reverts the broadcast forwarding type meter-id to the default of tracking the multicast forwarding type meter mapping.
- meter-id
Specifies an existing multipoint queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
meter meter-id
no meter
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command overrides the default unicast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name. The specified meter-id must exist within the policy as a non-multipoint meter before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unicast traffic (this includes all traffic, even broadcast and multicast for services) on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id.
The no form of this command reverts the unicast (point-to-point) meter-id to the default meter for the forwarding class (meter 1).
- meter-id
Specifies an existing non-multipoint meter defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
multicast-meter meter-id
no multicast-meter
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command overrides the default multicast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name. The specified meter-id must exist within the policy as a multipoint meter before the mapping can be made. After the forwarding class mapping is executed, all multicast traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id.
The multicast forwarding type includes the unknown unicast forwarding type and the broadcast forwarding type unless each is explicitly defined to a different multipoint meter. When the unknown and broadcast forwarding types are left as default, they will track the defined meter for the multicast forwarding type.
The no form of this command reverts the multicast forwarding type meter-id to the default meter for the forwarding class. If the broadcast and unknown forwarding types were not explicitly defined to a multipoint meter, they will also be set back to the default multipoint meter (11).
- meter-id
Specifies an existing multipoint queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
unknown-meter meter-id
no unknown-meter
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command overrides the default unknown unicast forwarding type meter mapping for fc fc-name. The specified meter-id must exist within the policy as a multipoint meter before the mapping can be made. After the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unknown traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id.
The unknown forwarding type usually tracks the multicast forwarding type definition. This command overrides that default behavior.
The no form of this command reverts the unknown forwarding type meter-id to the default of tracking the multicast forwarding type meter mapping.
- meter-id
Specifies an existing multipoint meter defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
IP QoS policy match commands
dscp dscp-value | dscp-name [dscp-mask]
no dscp
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) code point to be used for classification of packets from the specified FC.
The no form of this command removes the DSCP match criterion.
This feature is applicable for ip-criteria (any and dscp-only), and ipv6-criteria (any and dscp-only).
Either DSCP name or DSCP value with a mask can be configured.
When the user configures dscp value alone, the show command displays the dscp value as the configured value and the dscp-mask as the FC.
- dscp-value
Specifies the DSCP value in either hexadecimal format, decimal format or binary format.
- dscp-name
Specifies a DSCP name that has been previously mapped to a value using the dscp-name command. The DiffServ code point can only be specified by its name.
- dscp-mask
Specifies a 6-bit mask that can be configured using the following formats:
Format Style Format Syntax Example Decimal
To select a range from 4 up to 7 specify 4 and 0b000100 for value and mask.
dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
no dst-ip
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a destination address range to be used as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.
To match on the destination address, specify the address and its associated mask; for example, The conventional notation of can also be used.
The no form of this command removes the destination IP address match criterion.
- ip-address
Specifies the IP address of the destination IP or IPv6 interface. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted-decimal notation.
- netmask
Specifies the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
dst-port {eq} dst-port-number
no dst-port
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a destination TCP or UDP port number for a SAP QoS policy match criterion.
The no form of this command removes the destination port match criterion.
- eq dst-port-number
Specifies the TCP or UDP port number to match, specified as equal to (eq) the destination port value specified as a decimal integer.
fragment {true | false}
no fragment
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures fragmented or non-fragmented IP packets as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.
The no form of this command removes the match criterion.
fragment false
- true
Keyword to configure a match on all fragmented IP packets. A match will occur for all packets that have either the MF (more fragment) bit set OR have the Fragment Offset field of the IP header set to a non-zero value.
- false
Keyword to configure a match on all non-fragmented IP packets. Non-fragmented IP packets are packets that have the MF bit set to zero and have the Fragment Offset field also set to zero.
ip-prec ip-prec-value [ip-prec-mask]
no ip-prec
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command defines a specific IP Precedence value that must be matched to perform the associated classification actions. If an ingress packet on the SAP where the SAP ingress QoS policy is applied to matches the specified IP Precedence value, the actions associated with this entry are taken.
The ip-prec-value is derived from the most significant three bits in the IP header ToS byte field (precedence bits). The three precedence bits define 8 Class-of-Service (CoS) values commonly used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior. The precedence bits are also part of the newer DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) method of mapping packets to QoS behavior. The DSCP uses the most significant six bits in the IP header ToS byte and so overlaps with the precedence bits.
Both IP precedence and DSCP classification rules are supported. A match entry cannot match on both IP DSCP and IP precedence values. That is, the user can use either IP DSCP or IP precedence match in a match entry but not both. The software blocks configuration of IP precedence match if ip-dscp is configured already. The converse is also true. A single policy having multiple match entries can have entries such that some of them match IP DSCP and some others match IP precedence. The order of the entry determines the priority of the match.
The no form of this command removes the IP Precedence match criterion.
- ip-prec-value
Specifies the unique IP header ToS byte precedence bits value that will match the IP precedence rule.
- ip-prec-mask
Specifies the mask to use for the match.
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
no src-ip
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a source IP or IPv6 address range to be used as an SAP QoS policy match criterion.
To match on the source IP or IPv6 address, specify the address and its associated mask; for example, The conventional notation of can also be used.
The no form of this command removes the source IP or IPv6 address match criterion.
- ip-address | ipv6-address
Specifies the IP or IPv6 address of the source IP interface. This address must be unique within the subnet and specified in dotted-decimal notation.
- mask
Specifies the subnet mask length, expressed as an integer or in dotted-decimal notation.
- netmask
Specifies the subnet mask, in dotted-decimal notation.
src-port {eq} src-port-number
no src-port
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a source TCP or UDP port number for a SAP QoS policy match criterion.
The no form of this command removes the source port match criterion.
- eq src-port-number
Specifies the TCP or UDP port number to match specified as equal to (eq) to the source port value specified as a decimal integer.
Service ingress MAC QoS policy match commands
dot1p dot1p-value [dot1p-mask]
no dot1p
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures the IEEE 802.1p value to be used as the match criterion.
The no form of this command removes the dot1p value as the match criterion.
- dot1p-value
Specifies the IEEE 802.1p value in decimal.
- dot1pmask
Specifies a 3-bit mask that can be configured using the following formats:
Format Style Format Syntax Example Decimal
To select a range from 4 up to 7, specify p-value of 4 and a mask of 0b100 for value and mask.
dst-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
no dst-mac
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a destination MAC address or range to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match criterion.
The no form of this command removes the destination mac address as the match criterion.
- ieee-address
Specifies the MAC address to be used as a match criterion.
- ieee-address-mask
Specifies a 48-bit mask to match a range of MAC address values.
This 48-bit mask can be configured using the following formats:
Format Style Format Syntax Example Decimal
All packets with a source MAC OUI value of 00-03-FA subject to a match condition should be specified as: 0003FA000000 0x0FFFFF000000
etype etype-value
no etype
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures an Ethernet type II value for use as a service ingress QoS policy match criterion.
The Ethernet type field is a two-byte field used to identify the protocol carried by the Ethernet frame. For example, 0800 is used to identify IPv4 packets.
The Ethernet type field is used by the Ethernet version-II frames. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frames use the dsap, ssap or snap-pid fields as match criteria; the Ethernet type field is not used.
The snap-pid, etype, ssap, and dsap fields are mutually exclusive and cannot be part of the same match criteria.
The dataplane processes a maximum of two VLAN tags in a received packet. The Ethertype used in the MAC matching criteria for ACLs is the Ethertype that is found in the packet after processing single-tagged frames, double-tagged frames, and no-tag frames
The packet is considered to have no tags if at least one of the following criteria is true:
the packet is a null-tagged frame
the packet is a priority-tagged frame
the outermost Ethertype does not match the default Ethertype (0x8100)
the outermost Ethertype does not match the configured dot1q-etype on Dot1q encapsulated ports
the outermost Ethertype does not match the configured qinq-etype on QinQ encapsulated ports
The packet is considered to have a single tag if at least one of the following criteria is true:
the outermost Ethertype matches the default Ethertype (0x8100)
the outermost Ethertype matches the configured dot1q-etype on Dot1q encapsulated ports
the outermost Ethertype matches the configured qinq-etype on QinQ encapsulated ports
The packet is considered to have double tags if at least one of the following criteria is true:
the outermost Ethertype matches the default Ethernet type (0x8100)
the configured dot1q-etype on Dot1q encapsulated ports and the immediately following Ethertype match the default Ethertype (0x8100)
the configured qinq-etype on QinQ encapsulated ports and the immediately following Ethertype match the default Ethertype (0x8100)
The no form of this command removes the previously entered etype field as the match criteria.
- etype-value
Specifies the Ethernet type II frame Ethertype value to be used as a match criterion, expressed in decimal or hexadecimal.
src-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
no src-mac
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command configures a source MAC address or range to be used as a service ingress QoS policy match criterion.
The no form of this command removes the source mac as the match criteria.
- ieee-address
Specifies the 48-bit IEEE MAC address to be used as a match criterion.
- ieee-address-mask
Specifies a 48-bit mask. This 48 bit mask can be configured using the following formats:
Format Style Format Syntax Example Decimal
To configure all packets with a source MAC OUI value of 00-03-FA are subject to a match condition, then the entry should be specified as: 003FA000000 0xFFFFFF000000
Service meter QoS policy commands
meter meter-id [multipoint] [create]
no meter meter-id
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
Commands in this context configure an ingress service access point (SAP) QoS policy meter.
This command allows the creation of multipoint meters. Only multipoint meters can receive ingress packets that need flooding to multiple destinations. By separating the unicast for multipoint traffic at service ingress and handling the traffic on separate multipoint meters special handling of the multipoint traffic is possible. Each meter acts as an accounting and (optionally) policing device offering precise control over potentially expensive multicast, broadcast and unknown unicast traffic. Only the back-end support of multipoint traffic (between the forwarding class and the meter based on forwarding type) needs to be defined. The individual classification rules used to place traffic into forwarding classes are not affected. Meters must be defined as multipoint at the time of creation within the policy.
The multipoint meters are for multipoint-destined service traffic. Within non-multipoint services, such as Epipe services, all traffic is considered unicast due to the nature of the service type. Multicast and broadcast-destined traffic in an Epipe service will not be mapped to a multipoint service meter.
When an ingress SAP QoS policy with multipoint meters is applied to an Epipe SAP, the multipoint meters are not created.
Any billing or statistical queries about a multipoint meter on a non-multipoint service returns zero values. Any meter parameter information requested about a multipoint meter on a non-multipoint service returns the meter parameters in the policy. Multipoint meters would not be created for non-multipoint services.
The no form of this command removes the meter-id from the SAP ingress QoS policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. Any forwarding class mapped to the meter, will revert to their default meters. When a meter is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP meter created due to the definition of the meter in the policy is discarded.
- meter-id
Specifies the meter ID, expressed as an integer. The meter-id uniquely identifies the meter within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the meter command is executed.
- multipoint
Keyword that creates the meter as a multipoint meter.
- create
Keyword to create a meter.
adaptation-rule [cir adaptation-rule] [pir adaptation-rule]
no adaptation-rule
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.
This command defines the method used by the system to derive the operational CIR and PIR rates when the meter is provisioned in hardware. For the cir and pir parameters, the system attempts to find the best operational rate depending on the defined constraint.
The adaptation rule configured for the rate influences the step-size used for the burst. See Adaptation rule for meters for information.
The no form of this command removes any explicitly defined constraints used to derive the operational CIR and PIR created by the application of the policy. When a specific adaptation-rule is removed, the default constraints for cir and pir apply.
adaptation-rule cir closest pir closest
- cir adaptation-rule
Specifies the adaptation rule and defines the constraints enforced to adapt the CIR rate defined using the meter meter-id rate command. The cir parameter requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used to derive the operational CIR rate for the meter. When the cir command is not specified, the default constraint applies. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest qualifiers are mutually exclusive. See Supported hardware rates and burst step sizes for CIR and PIR values on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-T for information about supported hardware step-size rates.
- pir adaptation-rule
Specifies the adaptation rule and defines the constraints enforced to adapt the PIR rate defined using the meter meter-id rate command. The pir parameter requires a qualifier that defines the constraint used to derive the operational PIR rate for the meter. When the rate command is not specified, the default constraint applies. The max (maximum), min (minimum), and closest qualifiers are mutually exclusive. See Supported hardware rates and burst step sizes for CIR and PIR values on the 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, and 7210 SAS-T for information about supported hardware step-size rates.
cbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]
no cbs
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.
This command provides a mechanism to override the default CBS for the meter. The committed burst size parameter specifies the maximum burst size that can be transmitted by the source while still complying with the CIR. If the transmitted burst is lower than the CBS value then the packets are marked as in-profile by the meter to indicate that the traffic is complying meter configured parameters.
The adaptation rule configured for the rate influences the step-size used for the burst. See Adaptation rule for meters for information.
The no form of this command reverts the CBS size to the default value.
cbs 32 kbits
- size
Specifies the number of kilobits, kilobytes, or bytes that are reserved for the meter. For example, if a value of 100 kbits is required, enter the value 100. The bucket size is rounded off to the next highest 4096 bytes boundary.
color-mode color-mode
no color-mode
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.
This command specifies that the meter operates in either color-aware mode or color-blind mode.
In color-blind mode, the profile/color assigned to the packet on ingress is ignored. The CIR and PIR rate configured for the meter is used to determine the final color/profile for the packet. If the packet is within the CIR, then the final profile/color assigned to the packet is in-profile/green and if the packets exceeds the CIR and is within the PIR, then the final profile/color assigned to the packet is out-of-profile/yellow. Packets that exceed the PIR rate are dropped.
In color-aware mode, the meter uses the profile assigned to the packet on ingress. Assign the profile on ingress by doing one of the following:
enable DEI classification on access ports
enable DSCP classification on access ports (7210 SAS-Mxp only)
assign profile based on either Dot1p or DEI as done on network ports and access-uplink ports
In color-aware mode, the following behavior is expected.
If the packet is pre-colored as an ‟in-profile” packet (which are also called ‟green” packets), depending on the burst size of the packet, the meter can mark the packet in-profile or out-profile.
If the packet is pre-colored as an ‟out-profile” packet (which are also called ‟yellow” packets), even if the packet burst is less than the current available CBS, it would not be marked as in-profile and remain as out-profile.
If the packet burst is higher than the MBS then it would be marked as ‟red” and would be dropped by meter at ingress.
The final disposition of the packet when a hierarchical meter is used depends on the parent meter/policer that is associated with the per FC meter. For example, on the 7210 SAS, when a SAP ingress aggregate meter is used, the final color, and therefore the action taken, also depends on the rate that is configured for the SAP ingress aggregate meter. The SAP ingress aggregate meter, which acts as the parent meter, accounts for the color assigned by the per FC meter.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
- color-mode
Specifies if the meter operates in color-aware or color-blind mode.
mbs size [kbits | bytes | kbytes]
no mbs
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.
This command provides a mechanism to override the default MBS for the meter. The mbs command specifies the maximum burst size that can be transmitted by the source while still complying with the CIR. If the transmitted burst is lower than the MBS value, the packets are marked as in-profile by the meter to indicate that the traffic is complying with meter-configured parameters.
The adaptation rule configured for the rate influences the step-size used for the burst. See Adaptation rule for meters for information.
The no form of this command reverts the MBS size to the default value.
mbs 512 kbits
- size
Specifies the number of kilobits, kilobytes, or bytes that are reserved for the meter. For example, if a value of 100 kbits is required, enter the value 100. The bucket size is rounded off to the next highest 4096 bytes boundary.
mode {trtcm1 | trtcm2 | srtcm}
no mode
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.
This command defines the mode of the meter. The mode can be configured as Two Rate Three Color Marker (trTCM1) or Single Rate Three Color Marker (srTCM). The mode command can be executed at any time.
The meter counters are reset to zero when the meter mode is changed.
For more information about the interpretation of rate parameters when the meter mode is configured as trtcm2, see the command description of the policer rate command.
The no form of this command reverts to the default mode trtcm1.
mode trtcm 1
- trtcm1
Keyword to implement the policing algorithm defined in RFC2698. This keyword meters the packet stream and marks its packets either green, yellow, or red. A packet is marked red if it exceeds the PIR. Otherwise, it is marked either yellow or green depending on whether it exceeds the CIR. The trTCM1 is useful, for example, for ingress policing of a service, where a peak rate needs to be enforced separately from a committed rate. Two token buckets are used, the CBS bucket and the MBS bucket. Tokens are added to the buckets based on the CIR and PIR rates. The algorithm deducts tokens from both the CBS and the MBS buckets to determine a profile for the packet.
- trtcm2
Keyword to implement the policing algorithm defined in RFC4115. This keyword meters the packet stream and marks its packets either green, yellow, or red. A packet is marked red if it exceeds the PIR. Otherwise, it is marked either yellow or green depending on whether it exceeds or does not exceed the CIR. The trtcm2 is useful; for example, for ingress policing of a service, where a peak rate needs to be enforced separately from a committed rate. Two token buckets are used, the CBS bucket and the EBS bucket. Tokens are added to the buckets based on the CIR and EIR rates. The algorithm deducts tokens from either the CBS bucket (that is, when the algorithm identifies the packet as in-profile or green packet) or the EBS bucket (that is.,when the algorithm identifies the packet as out-of-profile or yellow packet).
Note:When the meter mode is configured in trtcm2 mode, the system interprets the PIR rate parameter as EIR for use by the RFC 4115 algorithm.
- srtcm
Keyword to meter an IP packet stream and marks its packets either green, yellow, or red. Marking is based on a CIR and two associated burst sizes, a CBS and an Maximum Burst Size (MBS). A packet is marked green if it does not exceed the CBS, yellow if it does exceed the CBS, but not the MBS, and red otherwise. The srTCM is useful, for example, for ingress policing of a service, where only the length, not the peak rate, of the burst determines service eligibility.
rate cir cir-rate-in-kbps [pir pir-rate-in-kbps]
no rate
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
The config>qos>fc-meter-map>meter context is only supported on the 7210 SAS-Mxp.
This command defines the administrative PIR and CIR parameters for the meter.
It alters the PIR and CIR for all meters created through the association of the SAP ingress QoS policy with the meter-id.
If the trtcm2 keyword is used to configure the meter mode commands, the system interprets the PIR parameter as the EIR for use by the algorithm defined in RFC 4115. Consequetly, the system configures the policer EIR based on the configured PIR value.
The no form of this command reverts all meters created with the specific meter-id by through the association of the QoS policy with the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0). The max default specifies the amount of bandwidth in kilobits per second.
The following table lists the maximum CIR and PIR values for 7210 SAS platforms.
7210 SAS platform | Maximum meter rate value (in Gb/s) |
7210 SAS-Mxp |
40 Gb/s |
7210 SAS-R6 |
100 Gb/s |
7210 SAS-R12 |
100 Gb/s |
7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE |
40 Gb/s |
7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE |
400 Gb/s |
7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE and 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE in standalone-VC mode |
40 Gb/s |
7210 SAS-T |
20 Gb/s |
rate cir 0 pir max
- cir cir-rate-in-kbps
Specifies the CIR, which overrides the default administrative CIR used by the meter. If the rate command has not been executed or the cir-rate-in-kbps parameter value is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed.
Fractional values are not allowed and the CIR must be specified as a positive integer.
The actual CIR depends on the meter adaptation-rule command parameters and the hardware.
- pir pir-rate-in-kbps
Specifies the administrative PIR, in kilobits, for the meter. A valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined when this command is run. If the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed. If the rate command is executed, setting the PIR is optional.The max value is mutually exclusive with the pir-rate-in-kbps value.
Fractional values are not allowed and the PIR must be specified as a positive integer.
The actual PIR depends on the meter adaptation-rule command parameters and the hardware.
IP DSCP and dot1p classification policy commands (for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12)
dot1p-classification classification-id [create]
no dot1p-classification classification-id
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command defines the map from the dot1p value that is in the Ethernet header of the received frame to the FC and ingress profile.
The no form of this command removes the definition of the map. The no form of this command replaces the specified dot1p-classification with dot1p-classification 1 in the SAP ingress policy or access port.
default policy 1
- classification-id
Specifies the unique identifier for the policy.
- create
Keyword to create the dot1p classification.
default-dot1p-fc fc profile {in | out | dei}
no default-dot1p-fc
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command assigns the configured FC and profile to all VLAN tagged Ethernet packets that do not match any of the explicitly configured dot1p values.
The no form of this command assigns a default FC value of be and a profile value of out.
default-dot1p-fc be profile out
- fc
Specifies the forwarding class.
- profile {in | out | dei}
Specifies that all packets assigned to this forwarding class are considered in or out of profile based on this command. A value must be specified when the profile keyword is used in the command. If the profile is not assigned to a forwarding class, the packets of that FC are treated as ‟out-of-profile” packets.
dot1p dot1p-priority fc fc-name [profile {in | out | dei}]
no dot1p dot1p-priority
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command maps the dot1p value to a forwarding class and also assign the ingress profile to the packet. This command can be repeated for each dot1p value that the user needs to map.The configured value is used to match the value in the outermost VLAN tag of the received tagged Ethernet packet and assign the configured forwarding class and profile on a exact match.
The no form of this command removes the mapping of the dot1p value to forwarding class.
A default forwarding class is not assigned on executing the no form of this command. If the VLAN tagged packet does not match the explicitly configured dot1p values, it is assigned the FC and profile value configured with the default-dot1p-fc command.
default forwarding class is not assigned and must be explicitly configured
- fc
Specifies the forwarding class.
- fc-name
Specifies the system-defined forwarding class name (it is case-sensitive).
- profile {in | out | dei}
Specifies that all packets assigned to this forwarding class are considered in or out of profile based on this command. A value must be specified when the profile keyword is used in the command. If the profile is not assigned to a forwarding class, the packets of that FC are treated as ‟out-of-profile” packets.
- dot1p-priority
Specifies the dot1p priority value to match.
dscp-classification classification-id [create]
no dscp-classification classification-id
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command creates or edits a DSCP classification policy.
The no form of this command replaces the specified DSCP classification policy with dscp-classification 1 in the respective SAP ingress policy or access port.
default policy 1
- classification-id
Specifies the ID of the DSCP classification policy.
default-dscp-fc fc profile {in | out}
[no] default-dscp-fc
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command configures the default FC and profile values used to map all DSCP values that are not explicitly defined using the dscp command.
The no form of this command reverts the configured default-dscp-fc command FC and profile values to their default settings.
default-dscp-fc ‟be” profile out
- fc
Specifies the forwarding class assigned as the default FC.
- profile {in | out}
Specifies the profile state assigned as the default profile, either in-profile or out-of-profile.
dscp dscp-name fc fc-name [profile {in | out}]
no dscp dscp-name
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command maps a DSCP value to an FC and profile. The command can be repeated for each DSCP value that the user needs to map. It is used to match the IP DSCP in the received IP packets to assign the configured FC and profile value.
The no form of this command removes the mapping for the specified dscp-name. If the IP packet does not match the explicitly configured IP DSCP values, it is assigned the FC and profile value that is configured with the default-dscp-fc command.
no dscp
- dscp-name
Specifies the IP DSCP value that gets mapped to the FC and profile specified in the command.
- fc-name
Specifies the name of the forwarding class assigned to the dscp-name.
- in | out
Specifies the profile state assigned to the dscp-name, either in-profile or out-of-profile.
Service meter commands for SAP ingress (for 7210 SAS-Mxp)
dot1p-classification policy-id
no dot1p-classification
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies that the SAP ingress policy uses the dot1p classification for the specified policy ID.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
policy-id 1
- policy-id
Specifies the SAP ingress policy ID that will use the dot1p classification.
dscp-classification policy-id
no dscp-classification
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command specifies that the SAP ingress policy uses the DSCP classification for the specified policy ID.
The no form of this command reverts to the default.
policy id 1
- policy-id
Specifies the DSCP classification policy ID that the SAP ingress policy will use.
fc-meter-map policy-id [create]
no fc-meter-map policy-id
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command specifies an FC meter map for a SAP ingress policy. The user cannot modify the FC meter map if it is being referenced by a SAP. The user must update the map before attaching SAP ingress policies on the SAPs.
A single user configurable fc-meter-map policy is available to be used by all SAP ingress policies.
The no form of this command reverts to the default FC meter map policy.
fc-meter-map 1
- policy-id
Specifies the policy ID for the FC meter map policy.
- create
Specifies an FC meter map policy that is not the default.
counter-mode counter-mode
no counter-mode
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command is used to configure a counter mode for an FC meter map policy. The in-out-profile-count parameter specifies that in-profile and out-profile packets and octets are counted per meter. The forward-drop-count parameter specifies that forwarded and dropped packets and octets are counted per meter. For all counter modes, packets and bytes are counted simultaneously. The counter counts the in-profile and out-profile packets and octets based on the final profile assigned by the meter/policer using the configured rates.
The no form of this command reverts to the default counter mode.
- counter-mode
Specifies which counter mode the FC meter map policy uses.
fc fc-name [create]
no fc fc-name
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command configures FC to meter mappings for an FC meter map policy.
The no form of this command removes all the explicit FC to meter mappings and reverts to the default.
fc be
- fc-name
Specifies the forwarding class that is assigned as the default FC.
- create
Keyword to create an FC for an FC meter map policy that is not the default.
broadcast-meter meter-id
no broadcast-meter
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command overrides the default broadcast forwarding type meter mapping for the fc fc-name command.
The meter-id parameter must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. After the forwarding class mapping is executed, all broadcast traffic on a SAP that is using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id parameter specified.
The broadcast forwarding type usually tracks the multicast forwarding type definition. This command overrides that default behavior. For more information, see Use of the keyword ‟multipoint” for default meter ‟11” and Service ingress meter selection rules.
The no form of this command reverts the broadcast forwarding type meter-id parameter to the default of tracking the multicast forwarding type meter mapping.
- meter-id
Specifies the meter ID for the broadcast meter.
meter meter-id
no meter
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command overrides the default unicast forwarding type meter mapping for the fc fc-name command. The specified meter-id parameter must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. After the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unicast traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id parameter specified.
If meter 11 is not configured in the policy, all multipoint traffic (that is, multicast, broadcast, and unknown-unicast traffic) is forwarded using the meter-id. For more information, see Use of the keyword ‟multipoint” for default meter ‟11” and Service ingress meter selection rules.
The no form of this command reverts the unicast meter-id to the default meter for the FC.
- meter-id
Specifies the meter ID for the meter.
multicast-meter meter-id
no multicast-meter
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command overrides the default multicast forwarding type meter mapping for the fc fc-name command. The specified meter-id parameter must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. After the forwarding class mapping is executed, all multicast traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id.
The multicast forwarding type includes the unknown unicast forwarding type and the broadcast forwarding type unless each is explicitly defined to a different meter. When the unknown and broadcast forwarding types are left as default, they track the defined meter for the multicast forwarding type. For more information, see Use of the keyword ‟multipoint” for default meter ‟11” and Service ingress meter selection rules.
The no form of this command reverts the multicast forwarding type meter-id to the default meter for the forwarding class. If the broadcast and unknown forwarding types are not explicitly defined to a multipoint meter, they are also reverted to the default multipoint meter. By default, the multicast forwarding type uses meter 1, unless the default multipoint meter 11 is configured.
- meter-id
Specifies the meter ID for the multicast meter.
unknown-meter meter-id
no unknown-meter
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command overrides the default unknown unicast forwarding type meter mapping for the fc fc-name command. The specified meter-id parameter must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. After the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unknown traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the meter-id.
The unknown forwarding type usually tracks the multicast forwarding type definition. This command overrides that default behavior. For more information, see Use of the keyword ‟multipoint” for default meter ‟11” and Service ingress meter selection rules.
The no form of this command reverts the unknown forwarding type to the default of tracking the multicast forwarding type meter mapping.
- meter-id
Specifies the meter ID for the unknown meter.
meter meter-id [create]
no meter meter-id
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command configures a meter for an FC meter map policy.
- meter-id
Specifies the meter ID for the FC meter map policy.
- create
Keyword to create a meter.
Operational commands
The 7210 SAS platform QoS capabilities vary across platforms. In the description the term queue/meter is used and based on the platform capabilities both of them or one of them can be used. The description also mentions the capabilities of the node/platform in certain commands, as applicable.
copy sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy ID to another QoS policy ID.
The copy command is a configuration level maintenance tool used to create new policies using existing policies. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.
- sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol
Specifies the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and the destination policy ID to which the command will copy a duplicate of the policy. This parameter indicates that the source policy ID and the destination policy ID are SAP ingress policy IDs.
- overwrite
Keyword to replace the existing destination policy. Everything in the existing destination policy will be overwritten with the contents of the source policy. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy ID exists.
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document, including those operating in access-uplink mode
This command renumbers existing QoS policy criteria entries to properly sequence policy entries.
This can be required in some cases since the 7210 SAS exits when the first match is found and executes the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. This requires that entries be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.
- old-entry-id
Specifies the entry ID of the existing QoS policy criteria entry.
- new-entry-id
Specifies the entry ID for the new QoS policy criteria entry.
Show commands
dot1p-classification [policy-id] association
dot1p-classification [policy-id] [detail]
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command displays dot1p classification policy information.
- policy-id
Displays information about the specific policy ID.
- association
Displays the policy associations of the dot1p classification policy.
- detail
Displays detail information for the dot1p classification policy.
The following output is an example of dot1p classification information, and Output fields: dot1p classification policy describes the output fields.
Sample output*A:Dut-A>config>qos# show qos dot1p-classification 10 association
DOT1P Classification Maps
Dot1P Class Id : 10
Description : (Not Specified)
Network Policy Associations
No Network Policy Associations found.
SAP Ingress Associations
SAP Ingress Id : 100
*A:Dut-A>config>qos# show qos dot1p-classification 10 detail
DOT1P Classification Maps
Dot1P Class Id : 10
Description : (Not Specified)
Dot1P Bit Map Forwarding Class Profile
2 l2 In
3 ef Out
5 nc None
7 be Ukwn
Network Policy Associations
No Network Policy Associations found.
SAP Ingress Associations
SAP Ingress Id : 100
Label | Description |
Dot1p Classification Maps |
Dot1p Class Id |
The dot1p classification identifier which identifies the dot1p classification policy |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy context in the configuration file |
Default fc |
Specifies the default forwarding class for the policy, which is used for all DSCP values that are not explicitly defined in the policy |
Default Profile |
Specifies the default profile for the policy, which is used for all dot1p values that are not explicitly defined in the policy |
Dot1p Bit Map |
The dot1p bit value that maps to the forwarding class and profile |
Forwarding Class |
The forwarding class that maps to the dot1p bit value |
Profile |
The profile that maps to the dot1p bit value |
Port Attachments |
Port-id |
The port identifier of a port that is configured to use the dot1p classification policy |
SAP Ingress Associations |
SAP Ingress Id |
The policy identifier of a SAP ingress QoS policy to which the dot1p classification policy is associated |
dscp-classification [policy-id] association
dscp-classification [policy-id] [detail]
7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, and 7210 SAS-R12
This command displays DSCP classification policy information.
- policy-id
Displays information about the specific policy ID.
- associations
Displays the policy associations of the DSCP classification policy.
- detail
Displays detail information for the DSCP classification policy.
The following output is an example of DSCP classification policy information, and Output fields: DSCP classification policy describes the output fields.
Sample output*A:Dut-A# show qos dscp-classification 1 association
DSCP Classification Maps
Dscp Class Id : 1
Description : Default DSCP Classification policy
Port Attachments
Port-id : 3/1/1
Port-id : 3/1/2
Port-id : 3/1/3
Port-id : 3/1/4
Port-id : 4/1/1
Port-id : 5/1/2
Port-id : 5/1/3
Port-id : 5/1/4
SAP Ingress Associations
SAP Ingress Id : 1
SAP Ingress Id : 17
Override policy attachment
Router Interface : a
*A:Dut-A# show qos dscp-classification 1 detail
DSCP Classification Maps
Dscp Class Id : 1
Description : Default DSCP Classification policy
Default fc : be
Default Profile : Out
Dscp Bit Map Forwarding Class Profile
No Matching Entries
Port Attachments
Port-id : 3/1/1
Port-id : 3/1/2
Port-id : 3/1/3
Port-id : 3/1/4
Port-id : 4/1/1
Port-id : 5/1/2
Port-id : 5/1/3
Port-id : 5/1/4
SAP Ingress Associations
SAP Ingress Id : 1
SAP Ingress Id : 17
Override policy attachment
Router Interface : a
Label | Description |
DSCP Classification Maps |
Dscp Class Id |
The DSCP classification identifier which identifies the DSCP classification policy |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file |
Default fc |
Specifies the default forwarding class for the policy, which is used for all DSCP values that are not explicitly defined in the policy |
Default Profile |
Specifies the default profile for the policy, which is used for all DSCP values that are not explicitly defined in the policy |
Dscp Bit Map |
The DSCP bit value that maps to the forwarding class and profile |
Forwarding Class |
The forwarding class that maps to the DSCP bit value |
Profile |
The profile that maps to the DSCP bit value |
Port Attachments |
Port-id |
The port identifier of a port that is configured to use the DSCP classification policy |
SAP Ingress Associations |
SAP Ingress Id |
The policy identifier of a SAP ingress QoS policy to which the DSCP classification policy is associated |
Override policy attachment |
Router Interface |
Identifies the IES or VPRN interface in an RVPLS that has an override DSCP classification policy configured |
sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | detail]
Supported on all 7210 SAS platforms as described in this document
This command displays SAP ingress QoS policy information.
- policy-id
Displays information about the specific policy ID.
- associations
Displays the policy associations of the sap-ingress policy.
- match-criterion
Displays the match-criterion of the sap-ingress policy.
- detail
Displays detail information for the sap-ingress policy.
The following outputs are examples of SAP ingress QoS policy information, and Output fields: SAP-ingress QoS policy describes the output fields:
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Mxp (IP criteria, DSCP value, and DSCP mask configured)
Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 (DSCP value and DSCP mask configured)
Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 (DSCP name configured)
*A:NS1543C2102# show qos sap-ingress 4 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (4)
Policy-id : 4 Scope : Template
Default FC : be
Criteria-type : MAC IP-Mac Rule Priority : None
Mac Sub-Criteria : dot1p IP Sub-Criteria : None
IPv6 Enabled : False
DSCP Class Policy Id : 1
Accounting : packet-based
Classifiers Allowed : 16 Meters Allowed : 8
Service Meter Enabled: : False
Cam-based Resource Requirement
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) : 3 Meters Reqrd (VPLS) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 3 Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) : 3 Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) : 1
Table-based Resource Requirement
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) : 2 Meters Reqrd (VPLS) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 2 Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) : 2 Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) : 1
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Dynamic Configuration Information
PccRule Insert Point : n/a DynPlcr Insert Point : n/a
CBS : Def MBS : Def
Parent : (Not Specified)
Level : 1 Weight : 1
Packet Byte Offset : 0
Stat Mode : minimal
Meter Mode CIR Admin CIR Rule PIR Admin PIR Rule CBS Admin MBS Admin
Color Mode CIR Oper PIR Oper CBS Oper MBS Oper
1 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest def kbits def kbits
color-blind 0 40000000 32 kbits 1024 kbits
FC UCastM MCastM BCastM UnknownM
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Match Criteria
Mac Match Criteria
Entry : 1 FrameType : Ethernet *
Description : (Not Specified)
Src MAC :
Dst MAC :
Ethernet-type : Disabled
FC : be
Entry : 2 FrameType : Ethernet *
Description : (Not Specified)
Src MAC :
Dst MAC :
Ethernet-type : Disabled
FC : nc
SAP Associations
Service-Id : 1 (Epipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/1/4
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Sample output for 7210 SAS-Mxp (IP criteria, DSCP value, and DSCP mask configured)
*A:NS1543C2102# show qos sap-ingress 3 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (3)
Policy-id : 3 Scope : Template
Default FC : be
Criteria-type : IP IP-Mac Rule Priority : None
Mac Sub-Criteria : None IP Sub-Criteria : dscp
IPv6 Enabled : False IPv6 Sub-Criteria : dscp
DSCP Class Policy Id : 1
Accounting : packet-based
Classifiers Allowed : 2 Meters Allowed : 1
Service Meter Enabled: : False
Cam-based Resource Requirement
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) : 2 Meters Reqrd (VPLS) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 2 Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) : 2 Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) : 1
Table-based Resource Requirement
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) : 2 Meters Reqrd (VPLS) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 2 Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) : 2 Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) : 1
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Dynamic Configuration Information
PccRule Insert Point : n/a DynPlcr Insert Point : n/a
CBS : Def MBS : Def
Parent : (Not Specified)
Level : 1 Weight : 1
Packet Byte Offset : 0
Stat Mode : minimal
Meter Mode CIR Admin CIR Rule PIR Admin PIR Rule CBS Admin MBS Admin
Color Mode CIR Oper PIR Oper CBS Oper MBS Oper
1 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest def kbits def kbits
color-blind 0 40000000 32 kbits 1024 kbits
FC UCastM MCastM BCastM UnknownM
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Match Criteria
IP Match Criteria
Entry : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Source IP : Undefined
Dest. IP : Undefined
Source Port : None Dest. Port : None
Protocol : none DSCP value/mask : 4/5
Fragment : Off Ip Precedence : None
FC : be Priority : Default
IPv6 Match Criteria
No Match Criteria Entries found.
SAP Associations
No Associations Found.
Label | Description |
Policy-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy |
Scope |
Exclusive — Implies that this policy can only be applied to a single SAP Template — Implies that this policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router |
Default FC |
Specifies the default forwarding class for the policy |
Criteria-type |
IP — Specifies that an IP criteria-based SAP ingress policy is used to select the appropriate ingress meter and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic MAC — Specifies that a MAC criteria-based SAP is used to select the appropriate ingress meters and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic |
Sub-Criteria-type |
Displays the configured sub-criteria-type |
Classifiers Allowed |
Indicates the number of classifiers allowed for a service |
Meters Allowed |
Indicates the number of meters allowed for a service |
Description |
A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file |
Cam-based Resource Requirement |
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) |
The number of CAM-based classification entries required for the VPLS service |
Meters Reqrd (VPLS) |
The number of CAM-based meters required for the VPLS service |
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) |
The number of CAM-based classification entries required for the Layer 3 multicast service |
Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) |
The number of CAM-based meters required for the Layer 3 multicast service |
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) |
The number of CAM-based classification entries required for the Epipe VLL service |
Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) |
The number of CAM-based meters required for the Epipe VLL service |
Table-based Resource Requirement |
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) |
The number of table-based classification entries required for the VPLS service |
Meters Reqrd (VPLS) |
The number of table-based meters required for the VPLS service |
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) |
The number of table-based classification entries required for the Layer 3 multicast service |
Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) |
The number of table-based meters required for the Layer 3 multicast service |
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) |
The number of table-based classification entries required for the Epipe VLL service |
Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) |
The number of table-based meters required for the Epipe VLL service |
Meter |
Displays the meter ID |
Mode |
Specifies the configured mode of the meter (trTcm1 or srTcm) |
Color Mode |
Specifies the configured color mode of the meter (color-blind or color-aware) |
CIR Admin |
Specifies the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the meters |
CIR Oper |
Specifies the operational Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the meters |
CIR Rule |
min — The operational CIR for the meters will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command max — The operational CIR for the meter will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command closest — The operational PIR for the meters will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational PIR |
PIR Admin |
Specifies the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the meters |
PIR Oper |
Specifies the operational Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the meters |
PIR Rule |
min — The operational PIR for the meter will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command max — The operational PIR for the meters will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command closest — The operational PIR for the meters will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command |
CBS Admin CBS Oper |
def — Specifies the default CBS value for the meters value — Specifies the value to override the default reserved buffers for the meters |
MBS Admin MBS Oper |
def — Specifies the default MBS value value — Specifies the value to override the default MBS for the meter |
FC |
Specifies the forwarding class |
UCastM |
Specifies the default unicast forwarding type meters mapping |
MCastM |
Specifies the overrides for the default multicast forwarding type meter mapping |
BCastM |
Specifies the default broadcast forwarding type meters mapping |
UnknownM |
Specifies the default unknown unicast forwarding type meters mapping |
Match Criteria |
Entry |
Indicates the entry ID |
Specifies a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) name used for an ingress SAP QoS policy match |
DSCP value/mask |
Specifies a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value and mask used for an ingress SAP QoS policy match |
Src MAC |
Specifies a source MAC address or range to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match |
Dst MAC |
Specifies a destination MAC address or range to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match |
Dot1p |
Specifies a IEEE 802.1p value to be used as the match |
Ethernet-type |
Specifies an Ethernet type II Ethertype value to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match |
FC |
Specifies the entry’s forwarding class |
Service Association |
Service-Id |
The unique service ID number which identifies the service in the service domain |
Customer-Id |
Specifies the customer ID which identifies the customer to the service |
Specifies the a Service Access Point (SAP) within the service where the SAP ingress policy is applied |
*A:7210 SAS> show qos sap-ingress 2 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (2)
Policy-id : 2 Scope : Template
Default FC : be
Criteria-type : IP IP-Mac Rule Priority : None
Mac Sub-Criteria : None IP Sub-Criteria : any
IPv6 Enabled : False IPv6 Sub-Criteria : dscp
Accounting : packet-based
Classifiers Allowed : 2 Meters Allowed : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) : 2 Meters Reqrd (VPLS) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 2 Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) : 2 Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Meter Mode CIR Admin CIR Rule PIR Admin PIR Rule CBS Admin MBS Admin
Color Mode CIR Oper PIR Oper CBS Oper MBS Oper
1 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest def def
color-blind 0 20000000 32 512
FC UCastM MCastM BCastM UnknownM
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Match Criteria
IP Match Criteria
Entry : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Source IP : Undefined Source Port : None
Dest. IP : Undefined Dest. Port : None
Protocol : none DSCP value/mask : 4/5
Fragment : Off Ip Precedence : None
FC : be
IPv6 Match Criteria
No Match Criteria Entries found.
SAP Associations
Service-Id : 1 (Epipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/1/24
Sample output for 7210 SAS-R6 and 7210 SAS-R12 (DSCP name configured)
*A:NS1117C0020>config>service>epipe>sap$ /show qos sap-ingress 2 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (2)
Policy-id : 2 Scope : Template
Default FC : be
Criteria-type : IP IP-Mac Rule Priority : None
Mac Sub-Criteria : None IP Sub-Criteria : any
IPv6 Enabled : False IPv6 Sub-Criteria : dscp
Accounting : packet-based
Classifiers Allowed : 2 Meters Allowed : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (VPLS) : 2 Meters Reqrd (VPLS) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 2 Meters Reqrd (L3 Mc) : 1
Classifiers Reqrd (EPIPE) : 2 Meters Reqrd (EPIPE) : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Meter Mode CIR Admin CIR Rule PIR Admin PIR Rule CBS Admin MBS Admin
Color Mode CIR Oper PIR Oper CBS Oper MBS Oper
1 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest def def
color-blind 0 20000000 32 512
FC UCastM MCastM BCastM UnknownM
No FC-Map Entries Found.
Match Criteria
IP Match Criteria
Entry : 1
Description : (Not Specified)
Source IP : Undefined Source Port : None
Dest. IP : Undefined Dest. Port : None
Protocol : none DSCP : cp63
Fragment : Off Ip Precedence : None
FC : be
IPv6 Match Criteria
No Match Criteria Entries found.
SAP Associations
Service-Id : 1 (Epipe) Customer-Id : 1
- SAP : 1/1/24
fc-meter-map [policy-id] association
fc-meter-map [policy-id] [detail]
7210 SAS-Mxp
This command displays information about the FC meter map policy, and shows all the SAP ingress policy IDs that use this map.
- policy-id
Specifies the policy ID, up to 64 characters.
- detail
Displays detailed information about the FC meter map policy.
- associations
Displays the policy associations of the FC meter map policy.
The following output is an example of FC meter map information, and Output fields: FC meter map policy describes the output fields.
Sample output*A:Dut-A>config>qos# show qos fc-meter-map 1 detail
QoS Fc Meter Map
Fc Meter Map (1)
Policy-id : 1 Counter-mode : forward-drop-count
Meter Mode CIR Admin CIR Rule PIR Admin PIR Rule CBS Admin MBS Admin
Color Mode CIR Oper PIR Oper CBS Oper MBS Oper
1 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest def kbits def kbits
color-blind 0 40000000 32 kbits 1024 kbits
2 TrTcm1 300 closest 4000 closest def kbits def kbits
color-blind 304 304 32 kbits 1000 kbits
4 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest 3030 kbytes def kbits
color-blind 0 40000000 2959 kbytes 1024 kbits
FC UCastM MCastM BCastM UnknownM
be 1 (def) def def def
l2 1 (def) 4 def def
ef 1 (def) def 2 def
SAP Ingress Associations
SAP Ingress Id : 10
SAP Ingress Id : 65536
*A:Dut-A>config>qos# show qos sap-ingress 10 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (10)
Policy-id : 10 Scope : Template
Default FC : be
Criteria-type : None IP-Mac Rule Priority : None
Mac Sub-Criteria : None IP Sub-Criteria : None
IPv6 Enabled : False
DSCP Class Policy Id : 1 DOT1P Class Policy Id: 1
Accounting : packet-based
Service Meter Enabled: : True
Service-Meter Resource Details
FC Meter Map ID : 1
Service Meter Counter Mode: Forward_Drop_cou*
Max Number of Meters : 3
Max Number of Counters : 6
Name : (Not Specified)
Description : (Not Specified)
Dynamic Configuration Information
PccRule Insert Point : n/a DynPlcr Insert Point : n/a
CBS : Def MBS : Def
Parent : (Not Specified)
Level : 1 Weight : 1
Packet Byte Offset : 0
Stat Mode : minimal
Meter Mode CIR Admin CIR Rule PIR Admin PIR Rule CBS Admin MBS Admin
Color Mode CIR Oper PIR Oper CBS Oper MBS Oper
1 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest def kbits def kbits
color-blind 0 40000000 32 kbits 1024 kbits
2 TrTcm1 300 closest 4000 closest def kbits def kbits
color-blind 304 304 32 kbits 1000 kbits
4 TrTcm1 0 closest max closest 3030 kbytes def kbits
color-blind 0 40000000 2959 kbytes 1024 kbits
FC UCastM MCastM BCastM UnknownM
be 1 (def) def def def
l2 1 (def) 4 def def
ef 1 (def) def 2 def
Match Criteria
No Matching Criteria.
SAP Associations
No Associations Found.
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Label | Description |
Policy-Id |
The ID that uniquely identifies the policy |
Counter-mode |
in-out-profile-count — Specifies that in-profile and out-profile packets are counted per meter forward-drop-count — Specifies that forwarded and dropped packets are counted per meter |
Meter |
Displays the meter ID |
Mode |
Specifies the configured mode of the meter (trTcm1 or srTcm) |
Color Mode |
Specifies the color mode of the meter (color-blind or color-aware) |
CIR Admin |
Specifies the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the meters |
CIR Oper |
Specifies the operational Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the meters |
CIR Rule |
min — Specifies that the operational CIR for the meters is equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command max — Specifies that the operational CIR for the meter is equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command closest — Specifies that the operational PIR for the meters are the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command, without exceeding the operational PIR |
PIR Admin |
Specifies the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the meters |
PIR Oper |
Specifies the operational PIR parameters for the meter |
PIR Rule |
min — Specifies that the operational PIR for the meter is equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command max — Specifies that the operational PIR for the meters is equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command closest — Specifies that the operational PIR for the meters is the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command |
CBS Admin CBS Oper |
def — Specifies the default CBS value for the meters value — Specifies the value to override the default reserved buffers for the meters |
MBS Admin MBS Oper |
def — Specifies the default MBS value value — Specifies the value to override the default MBS for the meter |
FC |
Specifies the forwarding class |
UCastM |
Specifies the default unicast forwarding type meter mapping |
MCastM |
Specifies the overrides for the default multicast forwarding type meter mapping |
BCastM |
Specifies the default broadcast forwarding type meter mapping |
UnknownM |
Specifies the default unknown unicast forwarding type meter mapping |
Service-Meter Resource Details |
FC Meter Map ID |
The unique FC meter map ID number |
Service Meter Counter Mode |
Specifies the service meter counter mode, either in-out-profile-count or forward-drop-count |
Max Number of Meters |
Specifies the maximum number of meters |
Max Number of Counters |
Specifies the maximum number of counters |
Name |
Specifies the name of the service meter |
Description |
Provides a description of the service meter |