Enrollment over secure transport
The Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) protocol as specified in RFC 7030, Enrollment over Secure Transport, is used to enroll a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA). SR OS supports the following EST client-side operations:
download a CA certificate (/cacert)
enroll a new certificate (/simpleenroll)
renew an existing certificate (/simplereenroll)
Use the commands in the following context to perform the EST client-side operations. Each operation requires an EST profile which contains the EST configuration:
admin system security pki est
- classic
admin certificate est
The following option is supported for SR OS client to authenticate the EST server:
Use the following command to configure Explicit TA which is referenced in the EST profile.
configure system security tls client-tls-profile trust-anchor-profile
No authentication is performed if this option is not configured.
The following options are supported for the EST server authentication to the SR OS client:
Use the commands in the following contexts to achieve the client certificate authentication by configuring the certificate profile name for the client TLS profile referenced in the EST profile.
configure system security tls cert-profile configure system security tls client-tls-profile
Use the following command to configure HTTP authentication.
configure system security pki est-profile http-authentication
- classic
configure system security pki est-profile http-auth
Use the following command to configure the trust anchor profile name referenced in the EST profile.
configure system security tls client-tls-profile trust-anchor-profile
No authentication is performed if the preceding options are not configured.