application-assurance commands
— application-assurance
— aarp number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— master-selection-mode keyword
— peer (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— peer-endpoint
— sap
— encap-type keyword
— sap-id string
— spoke-sdp string
— priority number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— cflowd
— field string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— flow-attribute
— attribute string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— group number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— certificate-profile string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— file string
— cflowd
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collector (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— comprehensive
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— flow-rate number
— flow-rate-2 number
— template
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dynamic-fields
— admin-state keyword
— field string
— field-selection keyword
— direct-export
— collector number
— address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— vlan-id number
— export-override
— mode keyword
— prefix string
— obfuscation
— aes-128-encryption-key string
— aes-256-encryption-key string
— rtp-performance
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— audio-template
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dynamic-fields
— admin-state keyword
— field string
— field-selection keyword
— flow-rate number
— flow-rate-2 number
— video-template
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dynamic-fields
— admin-state keyword
— field string
— field-selection keyword
— voice-template
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dynamic-fields
— admin-state keyword
— field string
— field-selection keyword
— tcp-performance
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— flow-rate number
— flow-rate-2 number
— template
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dynamic-fields
— admin-state keyword
— field string
— field-selection keyword
— template-retransmit number
— volume
— rate number
— template
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dynamic-fields
— admin-state keyword
— field string
— field-selection keyword
— dns-ip-cache string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— dns-match
— domain string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— expression string
— trusted-server-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— server-name string
— ip-cache
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— size number
— static-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— http-enrich string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— field string
— aes-initialization-vector string
— anti-spoof boolean
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— calling-line-id boolean
— encode
— cert-base64 reference
— cert-profile reference
— key
— type keyword
— value string
— md5-salt string
— name string
— static-string string
— rat-type-enrichment
— rat-type keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rat-string string
— http-error-redirect string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— error-code number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— custom-message-size number
— http-host string
— participant-id string
— template number
— http-notification string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— interval (number | keyword)
— script-url string
— template number
— http-redirect string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— captive-redirect
— vlan-id number
— description string
— redirect-https boolean
— redirect-url string
— tcp-client-reset boolean
— template number
— ip-identification-assist
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— passive-dns
— monitor boolean
— trusted-server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— partition number
— aa-sub-congestion-detection
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rat-type keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
— rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
— rtt-threshold-tolerance number
— aa-sub-remote boolean
— access-network-location
— source keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rat-type keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
— rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
— rtt-threshold-tolerance number
— source-level keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— aqp-initial-lookup boolean
— cflowd
— export-type keyword
— admin-state keyword
— app-group reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rate-choice keyword
— application reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— rate-choice keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— event-log string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— buffer-type keyword
— max-entries number
— syslog
— address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— description string
— facility keyword
— port number
— severity keyword
— vlan-id number
— gtp
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— gtp-filter string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— gtp-in-gtp keyword
— gtp-tunnel-database
— default-tunnel-endpoint-limit number
— validate-gtp-tunnels boolean
— validate-sequence-number boolean
— validate-source-ip-addr boolean
— imsi-apn-filter
— default-action keyword
— entry number
— action keyword
— apn string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— imsi-mcc-mnc-prefix string
— src-gsn
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— log
— action keyword
— event-log reference
— max-payload-length number
— message-type
— default-action keyword
— entry number
— action keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value (number | keyword)
— message-type-gtp-v2
— default-action keyword
— entry number
— action keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value (number | keyword)
— gtpc-inspection boolean
— log
— action keyword
— event-log reference
— mode keyword
— http-match-all-requests boolean
— http-x-online-host boolean
— ip-identification-contribute boolean
— ip-prefix-list string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— name string
— policy
— app-filter
— entry number
— admin-state keyword
— application reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— expression number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— eq string
— neq string
— type keyword
— flow-setup-direction keyword
— http-match-all-requests boolean
— http-port
— eq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— neq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— ip-identification-assist boolean
— ip-protocol
— eq (number | keyword)
— neq (number | keyword)
— network-address
— eq
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— neq
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— protocol
— eq (string | named-item)
— neq (string | named-item)
— server-address
— eq
— dns-ip-cache reference
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— masked-ip
— address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— netmask (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— neq
— dns-ip-cache reference
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— masked-ip
— address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— netmask (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— server-port
— eq
— first-packet-policy keyword
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— range
— end number
— start number
— gt
— port-number number
— lt
— port-number number
— neq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— range
— end number
— start number
— app-group string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— charging-group reference
— description string
— export-id number
— app-profile string
— aa-sub-suppressible boolean
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— capacity-cost number
— characteristic reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value reference
— description string
— divert boolean
— app-qos-policy
— entry number
— action
— abandon-tcp-optimization boolean
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— bandwidth-policer
— anl reference
— dual-bucket reference
— single-bucket reference
— dns-ip-cache reference
— drop boolean
— error-drop
— event-log reference
— flow-count-limit-policer
— event-log reference
— policer-name reference
— flow-setup-rate-policer
— event-log reference
— policer-name reference
— fragment-drop
— drop-scope keyword
— event-log reference
— gtp-filter reference
— http-enrich reference
— http-error-redirect reference
— http-notification reference
— http-redirect
— flow-type keyword
— name reference
— mirror-source
— all-inclusive boolean
— mirror-service reference
— overload-drop
— event-log reference
— remark
— dscp
— in-profile keyword
— out-profile keyword
— fc keyword
— priority keyword
— sctp-filter reference
— session-filter reference
— tcp-mss-adjust number
— tcp-validate reference
— tls-enrich reference
— url-filter
— characteristic reference
— name reference
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— match
— aa-sub
— esm
— eq string
— neq string
— esm-mac
— eq string
— neq string
— sap
— eq string
— neq string
— spoke-sdp
— eq string
— neq string
— transit
— eq string
— neq string
— aa-sub-tethering keyword
— app-group
— eq reference
— neq reference
— application
— eq reference
— neq reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— characteristic reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— eq reference
— neq reference
— charging-group
— eq reference
— neq reference
— dscp
— eq keyword
— neq keyword
— dst-ip
— eq
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— neq
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— dst-port
— eq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— range
— end number
— start number
— neq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— range
— end number
— start number
— flow-attribute string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— confidence
— eq number
— gte number
— lt number
— ip-protocol
— eq (number | keyword)
— neq (number | keyword)
— src-ip
— eq
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— neq
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— src-port
— eq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— range
— end number
— start number
— neq
— port-list reference
— port-number number
— range
— end number
— start number
— traffic-direction keyword
— app-service-options
— characteristic string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-value string
— value string
— application string
— app-group reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— charging-group reference
— description string
— export-id number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— charging-filter
— entry number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— charging-group reference
— description string
— match
— app-group
— eq reference
— neq reference
— application
— eq reference
— neq reference
— flow-attribute string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— confidence
— eq number
— gte number
— lt number
— tethered-flow
— charging-group string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— export-id number
— notify-start-stop keyword
— custom-protocol string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— expression number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— direction keyword
— eq string
— offset number
— ip-protocol keyword
— default-charging-group reference
— default-tethered-charging-group reference
— policy-override
— aa-sub
— sap string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— characteristic reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value reference
— spoke-sdp string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— characteristic reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value reference
— transit string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— characteristic reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value reference
— port-list string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— port number
— range start number end number
— sctp-filter string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— event-log reference
— ppid
— default-action keyword
— entry number
— action keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— value (number | keyword)
— ppid-range
— max number
— min number
— session-filter string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-action
— action keyword
— event-log reference
— description string
— entry number
— action
— deny
— event-log reference
— http-redirect reference
— permit
— tcp-optimizer reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— match
— dst-ip
— dns-ip-cache reference
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— dst-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— ip-protocol (number | keyword)
— src-ip
— ip-prefix (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— ip-prefix-list reference
— src-port
— eq number
— gt number
— lt number
— port-list reference
— range
— end number
— start number
— shallow-inspection boolean
— statistics
— aa-admit-deny
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— gtp-filter-stats boolean
— policer-stats boolean
— policer-stats-resources boolean
— sctp-filter-stats boolean
— session-filter-stats boolean
— tcp-validate-stats boolean
— aa-app-group
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— aa-application
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— aa-partition
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— tethering-stats boolean
— traffic-type-stats boolean
— aa-protocol
— accounting-policy reference
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— aa-sub
— accounting-policy reference
— aggregate-stats-export-using keyword
— app-group reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— export-using keyword
— application reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— export-using keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— charging-group reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— export-using keyword
— collect-stats boolean
— exclude-tcp-retrans boolean
— max-throughput-stats boolean
— protocol string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— export-using keyword
— radius-accounting-policy reference
— usage-monitoring boolean
— aa-sub-study keyword
— aa-sub
— esm string
— esm-mac string
— sap string
— spoke-sdp string
— transit string
— accounting-policy reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— collect-stats boolean
— tcp-validate string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— log
— all boolean
— event-log reference
— strict boolean
— tethering-detection
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— single-device
— expected-ttl number
— invert-match boolean
— ttl-monitor
— tcp-protocols keyword
— udp-protocols keyword
— threshold-crossing-alert
— criteria keyword direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— gtp-filter reference criteria keyword direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— gtp-filter-entry reference entry-id number direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— policer string direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— sctp-filter reference criteria keyword direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— sctp-filter-entry reference entry-id reference direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— session-filter reference criteria keyword direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— session-filter-entry reference entry-id reference direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— tcp-validate reference direction keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— high-watermark number
— low-watermark number
— transit-ip-policy number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-app-profile reference
— description string
— detect-seen-ip boolean
— dhcp
— admin-state keyword
— diameter
— admin-state keyword
— application-policy reference
— ipv6-address-prefix-length number
— radius
— admin-state keyword
— authentication-policy reference
— seen-ip-radius-acct-policy reference
— static-aa-sub string
— app-profile reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— ip (ipv4-unicast-address | ipv6-prefix)
— sub-ident-policy reference
— transit-auto-create
— admin-state keyword
— inactivity-monitor boolean
— transit-prefix-policy number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— entry number
— aa-sub reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— match
— aa-sub-ip (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— network-ip (ipv4-prefix | ipv6-prefix)
— static-aa-sub string
— app-profile reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— is-remote boolean
— wap1x
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— policer
— anl-bandwidth-policer string
— action keyword
— adaptation-rule
— pir keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— mbs number
— rate-percentage number
— rate-percentage-stage-2 number
— dual-bucket-bandwidth-policer string
— adaptation-rule
— cir keyword
— pir keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— cbs number
— cir (number | keyword)
— congestion-override
— cbs number
— cir (number | keyword)
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— congestion-override-stage-2
— cbs number
— cir (number | keyword)
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— description string
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— time-of-day-override number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— cbs number
— cir (number | keyword)
— description string
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— time-range
— daily
— all-days
— end string
— on keyword
— start string
— weekly
— end
— day keyword
— time string
— start
— day keyword
— time string
— flow-count-limit-policer string
— action keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— granularity keyword
— limit-gtp-flows boolean
— peak-flow-count (number | keyword)
— time-of-day-override number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— peak-flow-count (number | keyword)
— time-range
— daily
— all-days
— end string
— on keyword
— start string
— weekly
— end
— day keyword
— time string
— start
— day keyword
— time string
— flow-setup-rate-policer string
— action keyword
— adaptation-rule
— peak-flow-setup-rate keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— flow-setup-rate-burst-size number
— granularity keyword
— peak-flow-setup-rate (number | keyword)
— time-of-day-override number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— flow-setup-rate-burst-size number
— peak-flow-setup-rate (number | keyword)
— time-range
— daily
— all-days
— end string
— on keyword
— start string
— weekly
— end
— day keyword
— time string
— start
— day keyword
— time string
— single-bucket-bandwidth-policer string
— action keyword
— adaptation-rule
— pir keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— congestion-override
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— congestion-override-stage-2
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— description string
— granularity keyword
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— time-of-day-override number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— mbs number
— pir (number | keyword)
— time-range
— daily
— all-days
— end string
— on keyword
— start string
— weekly
— end
— day keyword
— time string
— start
— day keyword
— time string
— tcp-optimizer string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— dack-timeout number
— description string
— initial-cwnd number
— initial-ss-threshold (number | keyword)
— network-rtt-threshold number
— tcp-stack keyword
— url-filter string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-function-specific-behaviour boolean
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-action
— allow
— block-all
— block-http-redirect reference
— description string
— http-redirect reference
— http-request-filtering keyword
— icap
— custom-x-header string
— default-action
— allow
— block-all
— block-http-redirect reference
— http-redirect reference
— server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— vlan-id number
— local-filtering
— allow-list reference
— deny-list reference
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— default-action
— allow
— block-all
— block-http-redirect reference
— http-redirect reference
— web-service
— category-set number
— classification-overrides
— entry number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— category-name string
— expression string
— classifier keyword
— default-action
— allow
— block-all
— block-http-redirect reference
— default-profile reference
— dns-server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
— fqdn string
— http-redirect reference
— profile string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— block
— category string
— description string
— server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— vlan-id number
— url-list string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— file string
— host-expressions boolean
— key string
— size keyword
— http-enrich
— field string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— http-error-redirect
— error-code number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— template number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— http-notification
— template number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— http-redirect
— template number
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— comment string
— protocol string
— admin-state keyword
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— radius-accounting-policy string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— description string
— interim-update-interval number
— radius-accounting-server
— access-algorithm keyword
— retry number
— router-instance string
— server number
— address string
— apply-groups reference
— apply-groups-exclude reference
— port number
— secret string
— source-address string
— timeout number
— significant-change number
— usage-alert-thresholds
— bit-rate-high-wmark (number | keyword)
— bit-rate-low-wmark number
— datapath-cpu-high-wmark (number | keyword)
— datapath-cpu-low-wmark number
— flow-setup-rate-high-wmark (number | keyword)
— flow-setup-rate-low-wmark number
— flow-table-high-wmark number
— flow-table-low-wmark number
— packet-rate-high-wmark (number | keyword)
— packet-rate-low-wmark number
application-assurance command descriptions
Synopsis | Enter the application-assurance context | |
Context | configure application-assurance | |
Tree | application-assurance | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the attributes of Application Assurance (AA) operations. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aarp [aarp-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the aarp list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number | |
Tree | aarp | |
Description | Commands in this context define an Application Assurance Redundancy Protocol (AARP) instance. This instance is paired with the same AARP ID in a peer node, as part of the configuration to provide flow and packet asymmetry removal for traffic of a multi-homed SAP or spoke SDP. | |
Max. Instances | 100 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[aarp-id] number
Synopsis | AARP ID | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number | |
Tree | aarp | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the AARP instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
master-selection-mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | AARP master selection mode | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number master-selection-mode keyword | |
Tree | master-selection-mode | |
Description | This command configures the AARP mode of operation with the peer instance. The modes affect the AARP state machine behavior according to the specified behavior. | |
Default | minimize-switchovers | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
peer (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | AARP peer IP address | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number peer (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | peer | |
Description | This command defines the IP address of the AARP peer router, which must be a routable system IP address. If no peer is configured when the AARP is administratively enabled, it is configured as a single node AARP instance. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the peer-endpoint context | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number peer-endpoint | |
Tree | peer-endpoint | |
Description | Commands in this context specify the attributes of the peer endpoint parent AA subscriber of the AARP peer. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enable the sap context | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number peer-endpoint sap | |
Tree | sap | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: sap or spoke-sdp. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
encap-type keyword
Synopsis | Encapsulation type for peer endpoint SAP | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number peer-endpoint sap encap-type keyword | |
Tree | encap-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
sap-id string
Synopsis | AARP peer endpoint SAP ID | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number peer-endpoint sap sap-id string | |
Tree | sap-id | |
String Length | 1 to 45 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
spoke-sdp string
Synopsis | AARP peer endpoint spoke SDP | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number peer-endpoint spoke-sdp string | |
Tree | spoke-sdp | |
String Length | 3 to 16 | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: sap or spoke-sdp. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
priority number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | AARP priority | |
Context | configure application-assurance aarp number priority number | |
Tree | priority | |
Description | This command defines the priority for the AARP instance. The priority value is used to determine the master and backup upon initialization or rebalance. | |
Range | 0 to 255 | |
Default | 100 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the cflowd context | |
Context | configure application-assurance cflowd | |
Tree | cflowd | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the field list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance cflowd field string | |
Tree | field | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd record field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance cflowd field string | |
Tree | field | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
comment string
Synopsis | User information comment | |
Context | configure application-assurance cflowd field string comment string | |
Tree | comment | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the flow-attribute context | |
Context | configure application-assurance flow-attribute | |
Tree | flow-attribute | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
attribute [attribute-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the attribute list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance flow-attribute attribute string | |
Tree | attribute | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[attribute-name] string
Synopsis | Attribute name | |
Context | configure application-assurance flow-attribute attribute string | |
Tree | attribute | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
comment string
Synopsis | User information comment | |
Context | configure application-assurance flow-attribute attribute string comment string | |
Tree | comment | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
group [aa-group-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the group list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number | |
Tree | group | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an Application Assurance group and partition parameters. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[aa-group-id] number
Synopsis | AA group ID | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number | |
Tree | group | |
Range | 1 to 255 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
certificate-profile [cert-prof-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the certificate-profile list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string | |
Tree | certificate-profile | |
Description | Commands in this context create a certificate profile to be used for certificate-based encryption in HTTP header enrichment. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[cert-prof-name] string
Synopsis | AA group certificate profile name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string | |
Tree | certificate-profile | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the AA certificate profile | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
file string
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Certificate file name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string file string | |
Tree | file | |
String Length | 1 to 95 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the cflowd context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd | |
Tree | cflowd | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of cflowd export | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
collector [ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number
Synopsis | Enter the collector list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd collector (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number | |
Tree | collector | |
Description | Commands in this context configure flow data collectors for cflowd data. In the current release, the system supports IPv4 addresses only for the cflowd collector host. | |
Max. Instances | 2 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | IP address of the remote cflowd collector host | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd collector (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number | |
Tree | collector | |
Description | This command configures the IP address of the remote cflowd collector host. In the current release, the system supports IPv4 addresses only for the cflowd collector host. | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
port number
Synopsis | Cflowd collector host port number | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd collector (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number | |
Tree | collector | |
Description | This command configures the UDP port number used by the remote cflowd collector host. In the MD-CLI, the default port is 4739. | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the cflowd export | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd collector (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd collector (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the comprehensive context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive | |
Tree | comprehensive | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-rate number
Synopsis | Cflowd flow sampling rate | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive flow-rate number | |
Tree | flow-rate | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | flows per second | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-rate-2 number
Synopsis | Cflowd per-flow second sampling rate | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive flow-rate-2 number | |
Tree | flow-rate-2 | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | flows per second | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the template context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive template | |
Tree | template | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the dynamic-fields context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive template dynamic-fields | |
Tree | dynamic-fields | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the fields that are included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the dynamic fields | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive template dynamic-fields admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Add a list entry for field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command adds a dynamic field to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd template dynamic field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the field to be included in the exported cflowd template.
| |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field-selection keyword
Synopsis | Field selection method | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd comprehensive template field-selection keyword | |
Tree | field-selection | |
Description | This command configures the method for selecting the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Default | legacy | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the direct-export context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export | |
Tree | direct-export | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
collector [collector-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the collector list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number | |
Tree | collector | |
Max. Instances | 16 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[collector-id] number
Synopsis | Cflowd direct export collector ID | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number | |
Tree | collector | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
address [ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number
Synopsis | Enter the address list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number | |
Tree | address | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the cflowd direct export collector IP address. In the current release, the system supports IPv4 addresses only for the cflowd direct export collector. | |
Max. Instances | 2 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | IP address of the remote cflowd collector host | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number | |
Tree | address | |
Description | This command configures the IP address of the remote cflowd collector host. In the current release, the system supports IPv4 addresses only for the cflowd collector host. | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
port number
Synopsis | Cflowd collector host port number | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number | |
Tree | address | |
Description | This command configures the UDP port number used by the remote cflowd collector host. In the MD-CLI, the default port is 4739. | |
Range | 1 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the direct export collector | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) port number admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Description | This command sets the administrative state of the cflowd direct export collector. In the current release, the system supports IPv4 addresses only for the cflowd direct export collector. | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description of the collector | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export collector number description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
vlan-id number
Synopsis | Cflowd direct export VLAN ID | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd direct-export vlan-id number | |
Tree | vlan-id | |
Range | 1 to 4094 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the export-override context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd export-override | |
Tree | export-override | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the AA subtype used in the cflowd record export. The cflowd statistics exported to the cflowd collector look identical to AA for the type of system defined by the mode. The following cflowd export fields are affected:
All AA cflowd record types are affected by export override. To change the export override or prefix, cflowd must first be disabled. When this command is set back to the default, the prefix is also set back to its default. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
mode keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | AA cflowd export override mode | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd export-override mode keyword | |
Tree | mode | |
Description | This command specifies the type of system emulated for the cflowd export. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
prefix string
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | AA group cflowd export override prefix | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd export-override prefix string | |
Tree | prefix | |
Description | This command specifies the prefix-string associated with the export override. The prefix string specifies up to an 8 character string. If the 8 character prefix is "ABCDEFG_" for a particular node, the cflowd export override would generate IPv4 interface names such as ABCDEFG_255.255.255.255 or IPv6 as ABCDEFG_2001:DB8:EF01:2345::/64. By default, the prefix is left blank. | |
String Length | 1 to 8 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the obfuscation context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd obfuscation | |
Tree | obfuscation | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aes-128-encryption-key string
Synopsis | AES-128 encryption key | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd obfuscation aes-128-encryption-key string | |
Tree | aes-128-encryption-key | |
Description | This command specifies the AES-128 key used to encrypt export cflowd fields. | |
String Length | 51 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aes-256-encryption-key string
Synopsis | AES-256 encryption key | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd obfuscation aes-256-encryption-key string | |
Tree | aes-256-encryption-key | |
Description | This command specifies the AES-256 key used to encrypt exported cflowd fields. | |
String Length | 71 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the rtp-performance context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance | |
Tree | rtp-performance | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the audio-template context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance audio-template | |
Tree | audio-template | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the dynamic-fields context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance audio-template dynamic-fields | |
Tree | dynamic-fields | |
Description | Commands in this context configure dynamic fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the dynamic fields | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance audio-template dynamic-fields admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Add a list entry for field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance audio-template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command adds a list entry for fields to include in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd template dynamic field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance audio-template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the field to be included in the exported cflowd template.
| |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field-selection keyword
Synopsis | Field selection method | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance audio-template field-selection keyword | |
Tree | field-selection | |
Description | This command configures the method for selecting the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Default | legacy | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-rate number
Synopsis | Cflowd flow sampling rate | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance flow-rate number | |
Tree | flow-rate | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | flows per second | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-rate-2 number
Synopsis | Cflowd per-flow second sampling rate | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance flow-rate-2 number | |
Tree | flow-rate-2 | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | flows per second | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the video-template context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance video-template | |
Tree | video-template | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the dynamic-fields context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance video-template dynamic-fields | |
Tree | dynamic-fields | |
Description | Commands in this context configure dynamic fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the dynamic fields | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance video-template dynamic-fields admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Add a list entry for field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance video-template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command adds a list entry for the fields to include in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd template dynamic field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance video-template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the field to be included in the exported cflowd template.
| |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field-selection keyword
Synopsis | Field selection method | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance video-template field-selection keyword | |
Tree | field-selection | |
Description | This command configures the method for selecting the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Default | legacy | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the voice-template context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance voice-template | |
Tree | voice-template | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the dynamic-fields context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance voice-template dynamic-fields | |
Tree | dynamic-fields | |
Description | Commands in this context configure dynamic fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the dynamic fields | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance voice-template dynamic-fields admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Add a list entry for field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance voice-template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command adds a cflowd record field to the list included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd template dynamic field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance voice-template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the field to be included in the exported cflowd template.
| |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field-selection keyword
Synopsis | Field selection method | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd rtp-performance voice-template field-selection keyword | |
Tree | field-selection | |
Description | This command configures the method for selecting the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Default | legacy | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the tcp-performance context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance | |
Tree | tcp-performance | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-rate number
Synopsis | Cflowd flow sampling rate | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance flow-rate number | |
Tree | flow-rate | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | flows per second | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
flow-rate-2 number
Synopsis | Cflowd per-flow second sampling rate | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance flow-rate-2 number | |
Tree | flow-rate-2 | |
Range | 1 to 1000 | |
Units | flows per second | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the template context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance template | |
Tree | template | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the dynamic-fields context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance template dynamic-fields | |
Tree | dynamic-fields | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the dynamic fields | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance template dynamic-fields admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Add a list entry for field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command adds a list entry for fields to include in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd template dynamic field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the field to be included in the exported cflowd template.
| |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field-selection keyword
Synopsis | Field selection method | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd tcp-performance template field-selection keyword | |
Tree | field-selection | |
Description | This command configures the method for selecting the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Default | legacy | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
template-retransmit number
Synopsis | Template retransmit time | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd template-retransmit number | |
Tree | template-retransmit | |
Range | 10 to 600 | |
Default | 600 | |
Units | seconds | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the volume context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd volume | |
Tree | volume | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the cflowd volume export. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rate number
Synopsis | Enter the dynamic-fields context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd volume template dynamic-fields | |
Tree | dynamic-fields | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the dynamic fields | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd volume template dynamic-fields admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Add a list entry for field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd volume template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command adds a list entry for the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Cflowd template dynamic field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd volume template dynamic-fields field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the name of the field to be included in the exported cflowd template.
| |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field-selection keyword
Synopsis | Field selection method | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number cflowd volume template field-selection keyword | |
Tree | field-selection | |
Description | This command configures the method for selecting the fields to be included in the exported cflowd template. | |
Default | legacy | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
dns-ip-cache [dns-ip-cache-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the dns-ip-cache list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string | |
Tree | dns-ip-cache | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a DNS IP cache that is used to snoop DNS requests generated by subscribers, to populate a cache of IP addresses that match a specified list of domain names. In the context of strengthening URL-content charging, Operators may also specify a list of trusted DNS servers to populate the DNS IP cache. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[dns-ip-cache-name] string
Synopsis | DNS IP cache name within the AA group | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string | |
Tree | dns-ip-cache | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the AA DNS IP cache object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the dns-match context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match | |
Tree | dns-match | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
domain [domain-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the domain list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match domain string | |
Tree | domain | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a domain expression to populate the DNS IP cache. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[domain-name] string
Synopsis | DNS IP cache domain name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match domain string | |
Tree | domain | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
expression string
Synopsis | AA DNS domain expression to match | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match domain string expression string | |
Tree | expression | |
Description | This command specifies a domain name expression string used to define a pattern match. The domain expression uses the same syntax as the expressions used in configure application-assurance group partition policy app-filter entry app-filters configuration. | |
String Length | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
trusted-server-address [dns-server-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Enter the trusted-server-address list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match trusted-server-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | trusted-server-address | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a trusted DNS server address. DNS responses from this DNS server are used to populate the DNS IP cache. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[dns-server-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Trusted DNS server address | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match trusted-server-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | trusted-server-address | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
server-name string
Synopsis | DNS server name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string dns-match trusted-server-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) server-name string | |
Tree | server-name | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the ip-cache context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string ip-cache | |
Tree | ip-cache | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
high-watermark number
Synopsis | High watermark value for the DNS IP cache | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string ip-cache high-watermark number | |
Tree | high-watermark | |
Description | This command configures the high watermark value for the DNS IP cache. When the number of cached IP addresses exceeds the threshold, the system generates a trap. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 90 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
low-watermark number
Synopsis | Low watermark value for the DNS IP cache | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string ip-cache low-watermark number | |
Tree | low-watermark | |
Description | This command configures the low watermark value for the DNS IP cache. When the number of cached IP addresses exceeds the high watermark threshold, the system generates a trap based on the high watermark. The trap clears after the number of cached IP addresses drops below the configured low watermark value. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
size number
Synopsis | Maximum number of IP addresses stored in the cache | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string ip-cache size number | |
Tree | size | |
Range | 10 to 64000 | |
Default | 10 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
static-address [static-ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Add a list entry for static-address | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string ip-cache static-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | static-address | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[static-ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Trusted IP address for the DNS IP cache | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number dns-ip-cache string ip-cache static-address (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | static-address | |
Description | This command configures an IP address to be used as a trusted IP address. For packets whose destination IP address matches that of the trusted IP address, a cache hit is assumed. | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
http-enrich [http-enrich-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the http-enrich list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string | |
Tree | http-enrich | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the attributes of the HTTP enrichment policy. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[http-enrich-name] string
Synopsis | HTTP header enrichment policy name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string | |
Tree | http-enrich | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the HTTP enrichment policy | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
field [field-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the field list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string | |
Tree | field | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[field-name] string
Synopsis | Field name to insert into the HTTP header | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string | |
Tree | field | |
Description | This command specifies the field type to insert into the HTTTP header. The command must be repeated for each field to be inserted. The same field cannot be inserted twice into the header under different header names. Note: AA can insert two copies of the following fields in the same HTTP header (with a different header name): imei-hyphenated, imei-hyphenated-2, imsi, imsi-2, static-string, static-string-2, user-location-raw, and user-location-raw2. The following field types are supported in any deployment: static-string - header name for the inserted string static-string-2 - header name for the inserted string subscriber-id - header name for the subscriber ID subscriber-ip - header name for the subscriber IP address The following field types are supported in Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) deployments only: apn - complete APN string apn-ni - APN Network Identifier (APN-NI) used by the UE billing-type - UE charging type (charging characteristics) dynamic-acr - dynamic Anonymous Customer Record (ACR) static-acr - static ACR imei-hyphenated - subscriber IMEI with format AABBBBBB-CCCCCC-EE imei-hyphenated-2 - subscriber IMEI with format AABBBBBB-CCCCCC-EE imei-sv - subscriber IMEI with format AABBBBBBCCCCCCEE imsi - subscriber IMSI imsi-2 - subscriber IMSI msisdn - subscriber MSISDN msisdn-ts - subscriber MSISDN appended with the UNIX timestamp msisdn-without-cc - subscriber MSISDN without a country code pgw-ggsn-address - PGW/GGSN address serving the UE plmn-id - Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) ID of the SGSN/MME rat-type - Radio Access Technology (RAT) type timestamp - timestamp inserted in UNIX time format; for example, 1531204313 user-location - UE LOCATION (ULI) user-location-3gpp - ULI encoded as defined in 3GPP 29.061 user-location-raw - ULI in raw format:<ULI-TYPE1>[+<ULI-TYPE2>]=<ULI HEX> Example: x-locinfo: TAI+ECGI=1300622c46130062014adf16 user-location-raw-2 - ULI in raw format:<ULI-TYPE1>[+<ULI-TYPE2>]=<ULI HEX> Example: x-locinfo: TAI+ECGI=1300622c46130062014adf16 | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aes-initialization-vector string
Synopsis | Initialization vector for the AES CBC encryption | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string aes-initialization-vector string | |
Tree | aes-initialization-vector | |
Description | This command configures the initialization vector used for the AES CBC encryption. The vector consists of 34 characters, that is, 0x followed by exactly 32 hexadecimal characters. | |
String Length | 34 | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
anti-spoof boolean
Synopsis | Enable anti-spoofing | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string anti-spoof boolean | |
Tree | anti-spoof | |
Description | When configured to true, this command enables the HTTP header enrichment anti-spoofing functionality. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
calling-line-id boolean
Synopsis | Enable calling line identification | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string calling-line-id boolean | |
Tree | calling-line-id | |
Description | When configured to true, this command configures the HTTP header for “x-up-calling-line-id” anti-spoofing. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the encode context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string encode | |
Tree | encode | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the encoding applied to the HTTP header enrichment field. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
cert-base64 reference
Synopsis | Specifies the certificate profile name to use for encoding this field and in base64 format. | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string encode cert-base64 reference | |
Tree | cert-base64 | |
Reference | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: cert-base64, cert-profile, or key. | |
Introduced | 23.3.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
cert-profile reference
Synopsis | Certificate profile name used for encryption | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string encode cert-profile reference | |
Tree | cert-profile | |
Reference | configure application-assurance group number certificate-profile string | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: cert-base64, cert-profile, or key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the key context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string encode key | |
Tree | key | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the encryption fields. | |
Notes | The following elements are part of a choice: cert-base64, cert-profile, or key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
type keyword
Synopsis | Encoding type | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string encode key type keyword | |
Tree | type | |
Description | This command configures the encoding/ encryption method. | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
value string
Synopsis | Secret key for encrypting the field | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string encode key value string | |
Tree | value | |
String Length | 1 to 114 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
md5-salt string
Synopsis | MD5 salt string | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string md5-salt string | |
Tree | md5-salt | |
Description | This command configures an MD5 salt string. The configured string is appended to the parameter before performing MD5 hashing of the field. | |
String Length | 1 to 16 | |
Introduced | 22.5.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
name string
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | HTTP header field name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string name string | |
Tree | name | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
static-string string
Synopsis | HTTP header enrichment template field static string | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string field string static-string string | |
Tree | static-string | |
String Length | 1 to 16 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the rat-type-enrichment context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string rat-type-enrichment | |
Tree | rat-type-enrichment | |
Description | Commands in this context configure Radio Access Type (RAT) enrichment. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rat-type [rat-type-name] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the rat-type list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string rat-type-enrichment rat-type keyword | |
Tree | rat-type | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[rat-type-name] keyword
Synopsis | RAT type name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string rat-type-enrichment rat-type keyword | |
Tree | rat-type | |
Description | This command configures a customised RAT value for the specified RAT-Type. | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rat-string string
Synopsis | Customised RAT type value | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-enrich string rat-type-enrichment rat-type keyword rat-string string | |
Tree | rat-string | |
String Length | 1 to 31 | |
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
http-error-redirect [http-error-redirect-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the http-error-redirect list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string | |
Tree | http-error-redirect | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an HTTP error redirect policy that contains important information relevant to the redirect server. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[http-error-redirect-name] string
Synopsis | HTTP error redirect policy name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string | |
Tree | http-error-redirect | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the HTTP error redirect object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
error-code [error-code-value] number
Synopsis | Enter the error-code list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string error-code number | |
Tree | error-code | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the HTTP error status codes to which a redirect action is applied. Only messages with sizes less than that configured for the custom-message-size command are eligible for redirect action. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[error-code-value] number
Synopsis | HTTP error code value for an HTTP error redirect | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string error-code number | |
Tree | error-code | |
Range | 400 to 999 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
custom-message-size number
Synopsis | HTTP error redirect error code custom message size | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string error-code number custom-message-size number | |
Tree | custom-message-size | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum message size above which an HTTP error redirect is not performed. | |
Max. Range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Default | 1024 | |
Units | octets | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
http-host string
Synopsis | HTTP host for the HTTP error redirect object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string http-host string | |
Tree | http-host | |
Description | This command specifies the HTTP hostname of the landing server (Barefruit or Xerocole). It is used in the HTTP GET operation from the client (which is being redirected) to the redirect search landing server. The hostname must contain a valid IP address or HTTP hostname or URI for the HTTP GET from the client to the landing server. | |
String Length | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
participant-id string
Synopsis | Participant ID for the HTTP error redirect object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string participant-id string | |
Tree | participant-id | |
Description | This command specifies a string assigned to the operator by Barefruit. It is used by Barefruit landing servers (applies to template # 1 only). | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
template number
Synopsis | Template ID for the HTTP error redirect object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-error-redirect string template number | |
Tree | template | |
Description | This command configures the template of parameters passed from the AA-ISA to the redirect server using JavaScript in the redirect packet. The template is specific to the redirect server used in the network. Currently, two partners are supported with AA-ISA redirect solution, Barefruit, and Xerocole. | |
Max. Range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
http-notification [http-notification-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the http-notification list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string | |
Tree | http-notification | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an HTTP notification object for the subscriber in-browser notification. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[http-notification-name] string
Synopsis | HTTP notification policy name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string | |
Tree | http-notification | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the AA HTTP notification object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
interval (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Minimum HTTP response notification interval | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string interval (number | keyword) | |
Tree | interval | |
Range | 1 to 1440 | |
Default | one-time | |
Units | minutes | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
script-url string
Synopsis | Script URL inserted into the HTTP response | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string script-url string | |
Tree | script-url | |
Description | This command configures the URL of the script used by the HTTP notification policy. | |
String Length | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
template number
Synopsis | Template ID for the AA HTTP notification object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-notification string template number | |
Tree | template | |
Description | This command configures the template that defines the format and attributes included in the HTTP notification message. | |
Max. Range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
http-redirect [http-redirect-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the http-redirect list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string | |
Tree | http-redirect | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the parameters of the HTTP redirect policy. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[http-redirect-name] string
Synopsis | HTTP redirect policy name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string | |
Tree | http-redirect | |
Description | This command specifies the applied HTTP redirect name. If no redirect name is specified, HTTP redirect is not enabled. | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the AA HTTP redirect object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the captive-redirect context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string captive-redirect | |
Tree | captive-redirect | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the captive redirect capability for an HTTP redirect policy. HTTP redirect policies using captive redirect can be used in conjunction with a session-filter policy to terminate TCP flows in the ISA-AA card before reaching the Internet to redirect subscribers to the predefined redirect URL. Non-HTTP TCP flows are TCP reset. Captive redirect uses the provisioned VLAN ID to send the HTTP response to subscribers; therefore, this VLAN ID must be properly assigned in the same VPN as the subscriber. The operator can select the URL arguments to include in the redirect URL using either a specific template ID or by configuring the redirect URL using a supported macro substitution keyword. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
vlan-id number
Synopsis | Captive redirect VLAN ID | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string captive-redirect vlan-id number | |
Tree | vlan-id | |
Description | This command configures the VLAN ID for a captive redirect. Captive redirect uses the provisioned VLAN ID to send the HTTP response to subscribers; therefore, this VLAN ID must be properly assigned in the same VPN as the subscriber. | |
Range | 1 to 4094 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
redirect-https boolean
Synopsis | Enable HTTPS redirect | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string redirect-https boolean | |
Tree | redirect-https | |
Description | When set to true, the HTTP redirect policy redirects HTTPS sessions to the configured redirect URL. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
redirect-url string
Synopsis | HTTP redirect URL | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string redirect-url string | |
Tree | redirect-url | |
Description | This command configures the HTTP redirect URL which is the URL (page) that the user is redirected to when an HTTP redirect takes effect. The operator can select the URL arguments to include in the redirect URL, using either a specific template ID or by configuring any of the following macro substitution keywords:
Only ESM and ESM-MAC sub types support $MAC, $SAP, $CID, and $RID macro substitution. | |
String Length | 1 to 255 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
tcp-client-reset boolean
Synopsis | Enable TCP client reset | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string tcp-client-reset boolean | |
Tree | tcp-client-reset | |
Description | When set to true, this command enables an HTTP-redirect policy to initiate a TCP reset towards the client if the AA policy results in a redirect with packet drop but the HTTP redirect cannot be delivered. Scenarios for this include HTTP (TLS) sessions, blocking of non-HTTP TCP traffic, and blocking of existing flows after a policy re-evaluation of an existing subscriber. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
template number
Synopsis | Template ID for the HTTP redirect object | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number http-redirect string template number | |
Tree | template | |
Description | This command configures the template that defines which parameters are appended to the HTTP host redirect field in the redirect message. The HTTP redirect template provides HTTP 302 redirect containing only the URL specified in the redirect policy, with no other parameters. | |
Max. Range | 0 to 4294967295 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the ip-identification-assist context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist | |
Tree | ip-identification-assist | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the IP identification assist feature, which uses IP addresses to assist in traffic identification. This optional mechanism is enabled by default and consults an internally generated and stored database when app-filters fail to classify the traffic as one of the configured applications from the AppDB. Use the configure application-assurance group ip-identification-assist admin-state command to disable the administrative state of the IP identification assist feature. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of IP identification assist | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | enable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the passive-dns context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist passive-dns | |
Tree | passive-dns | |
Description | Commands in this context configure passive DNS monitoring for the IP identification assist feature. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
monitor boolean
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Use passive DNS monitoring to collect IP addresses | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist passive-dns monitor boolean | |
Tree | monitor | |
Description | When configured to true, the router collects IP addresses by passively monitoring DNS traffic. The router uses the collected IP addresses to build its internal database. | |
Default | true | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
trusted-server [ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | Enter the trusted-server list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist passive-dns trusted-server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | trusted-server | |
Description | Commands in this context configure a DNS server that the IP identification assist feature is allowed to passively monitor. | |
Max. Instances | 64 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[ip-address] (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone)
Synopsis | IP address of the DNS server | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist passive-dns trusted-server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) | |
Tree | trusted-server | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
comment string
Synopsis | Name or description to associate with the DNS server | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number ip-identification-assist passive-dns trusted-server (ipv4-address-no-zone | ipv6-address-no-zone) comment string | |
Tree | comment | |
String Length | 0 to 32 | |
Introduced | 22.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
partition [aa-partition-id] number
Synopsis | Enter the partition list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number | |
Tree | partition | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the AA partition-related policies. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[aa-partition-id] number
Synopsis | Partition ID within the AA group | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number | |
Tree | partition | |
Range | 0 to 65535 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the aa-sub-congestion-detection context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection | |
Tree | aa-sub-congestion-detection | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of congestion detection | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rat-type [rat-type-name] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the rat-type list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection rat-type keyword | |
Tree | rat-type | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the RAT types for which unique RTT thresholds are configured. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[rat-type-name] keyword
Synopsis | Mobile radio access technology (RAT) type | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection rat-type keyword | |
Tree | rat-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Round trip time congestion threshold for a RAT type | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection rat-type keyword rtt-threshold (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rtt-threshold | |
Description | This command configures the maximum acceptable round trip time (RTT) under no congestion. Any measured RTT above the threshold is considered an indication of possible congestion. | |
Range | 1 to 500 | |
Units | milliseconds | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Round trip time congestion threshold | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection rtt-threshold (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rtt-threshold | |
Description | This command configures the default round trip delay threshold used by the DEM gateway algorithm to determine subscriber congestion for NLB-DEM. This default value is used when the current RAT-Type is not known, or has no associated configured RTT threshold. | |
Range | 1 to 500 | |
Default | 173 | |
Units | milliseconds | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rtt-threshold-tolerance number
Synopsis | RTT threshold tolerance for congestion detection | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-congestion-detection rtt-threshold-tolerance number | |
Tree | rtt-threshold-tolerance | |
Description | This command configures the round trip delay threshold tolerance used by the DEM gateway algorithm to determine subscriber-level congestion. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aa-sub-remote boolean
Synopsis | Reverse subscriber traffic direction | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aa-sub-remote boolean | |
Tree | aa-sub-remote | |
Description | When configured to true, the direction of the from-subscriber and to-subscriber traffic is reversed for this group partition. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the access-network-location context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location | |
Tree | access-network-location | |
Description | Commands in this context configure parameters related to dynamic experience management, also known as Access Network Location (ANL). | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
source [source-type] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the source list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword | |
Tree | source | |
Description | Commands in this context configure location sources for dynamic experience management. | |
Max. Instances | 1 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[source-type] keyword
Synopsis | Access network location source | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword | |
Tree | source | |
Description | This command specifies the location or access technology. AA supports access points for WLGW access points or ULI-2gpp for mobile (for example, FWA). | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rat-type [rat-type-name] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the rat-type list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword rat-type keyword | |
Tree | rat-type | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the RAT types for which unique RTT thresholds are configured. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[rat-type-name] keyword
Synopsis | Access network location RAT type | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword rat-type keyword | |
Tree | rat-type | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
Synopsis | RTT congestion threshold for a RAT type | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword rat-type keyword rtt-threshold (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rtt-threshold | |
Description | This command specifies the maximum acceptable round trip time (RTT) under no congestion. Any measured RTT above the threshold is considered an indication of possible congestion. | |
Range | 1 to 500 | |
Units | milliseconds | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is mandatory. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rtt-threshold (number | keyword)
Synopsis | Source round trip time congestion threshold | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword rtt-threshold (number | keyword) | |
Tree | rtt-threshold | |
Description | This command configures the default round trip delay threshold used by the DEM gateway algorithm to determine ANL congestion. This default value is used when either the ANL RAT-Type is not known or has no associated configured RTT threshold. | |
Range | 1 to 500 | |
Default | 173 | |
Units | milliseconds | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rtt-threshold-tolerance number
Synopsis | Source round trip time congestion threshold tolerance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword rtt-threshold-tolerance number | |
Tree | rtt-threshold-tolerance | |
Description | This command configures the ANL round trip delay threshold tolerance used by the DEM gateway algorithm to determine ANL-level congestion. | |
Range | 0 to 100 | |
Default | 50 | |
Units | percent | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
source-level keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element recreates the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Access network location source level | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number access-network-location source keyword source-level keyword | |
Tree | source-level | |
Default | cell | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
aqp-initial-lookup boolean
Synopsis | Enable AQP initial lookup | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number aqp-initial-lookup boolean | |
Tree | aqp-initial-lookup | |
Description | When configured to true, this command allows AA to perform application QoS policy (AQP) lookups on flows prior to complete application identification. As usual, AQP will be looked up again when identification is complete. Without this, AA executes AQPs that are part of the sub-default policy. The sub-default policy is formed by regular AQPs that contain ASOs, subID, or flow direction as matching conditions. This behavior is required, for example, to apply GTP and SCTP filtering on the first packet of a new GTP/SCTP flow (AQP matching conditions). When configured to false, AA only performs AQP lookups when identification is complete. | |
Default | false | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
Synopsis | Enter the cflowd context | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd | |
Tree | cflowd | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the AA partition-based cflowd fields. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
export-type [flow-export-type] keyword
Synopsis | Enter the export-type list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword | |
Tree | export-type | |
Description | Commands in this context configure the scope of traffic subjected to AA cflowd export. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[flow-export-type] keyword
Synopsis | Cflowd flow export type for the partition | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword | |
Tree | export-type | |
Description | This command allows the operator to configure the scope of traffic that can be sampled for cflowd export for the configured cflowd template. | |
Options | ||
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of cflowd export | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
app-group [app-group-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the app-group list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword app-group reference | |
Tree | app-group | |
Description | Commands in this context configure application groups for flow sampling and cflowd export. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[app-group-name] reference
Synopsis | Application group name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword app-group reference | |
Tree | app-group | |
Reference | configure application-assurance group number partition number policy app-group string | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rate-choice keyword
Synopsis | Cflowd rate to use for sampling | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword app-group reference rate-choice keyword | |
Tree | rate-choice | |
Default | flow-rate | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
application [application-name] reference
Synopsis | Enter the application list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword application reference | |
Tree | application | |
Description | Commands in this context configure applications for flow sampling and cflowd export. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[application-name] reference
Synopsis | Application name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword application reference | |
Tree | application | |
Reference | configure application-assurance group number partition number policy application string | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
rate-choice keyword
Synopsis | Cflowd rate to use for sampling | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number cflowd export-type keyword application reference rate-choice keyword | |
Tree | rate-choice | |
Default | flow-rate | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
description string
Synopsis | Text description | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number description string | |
Tree | description | |
String Length | 1 to 80 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
event-log [event-log-name] string
Synopsis | Enter the event-log list instance | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number event-log string | |
Tree | event-log | |
Description | Commands in this context configure an event log. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
[event-log-name] string
Synopsis | Partition event log name | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number event-log string | |
Tree | event-log | |
String Length | 1 to 32 | |
Notes | This element is part of a list key. | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
admin-state keyword
Synopsis | Administrative state of the event log | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number event-log string admin-state keyword | |
Tree | admin-state | |
Default | disable | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms | 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
buffer-type keyword
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Event log buffer type | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number event-log string buffer-type keyword | |
Tree | buffer-type | |
Default | linear | |
Options | ||
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
max-entries number
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Maximum number of entries for the event log | |
Context | configure application-assurance group number partition number event-log string max-entries number | |
Tree | max-entries | |
Range | 1 to 100000 | |
Default | 500 | |
Introduced | 21.10.R1 | |
Platforms |
7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-s, VSR |
WARNING: Modifying this element toggles the admin-state of the parent element automatically for the new value to take effect. | ||
Synopsis | Enter the |