System management

This chapter provides information about configuring basic system management parameters.

System management commands

System management commands allow you to configure basic system management functions, such as the system name, contact, router location and coordinates, naming objects, and CLLI code, as well as time zones, Network Time Protocol (NTP), Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) synchronization, Precision Time Protocol (PTP), and CRON.

On SR OS routers, it is possible to query the DNS server for IPv6 addresses. By default, the DNS names are queried for A-records only (address-preference is IPv4-only). If the address-preference is set to IPv6 first, the DNS server is queried for AAAA-records first, and if there is no successful reply, then A-records.

System information

This section describes the system information components.


You can configure a name for the system device. The name is used in the prompt string. Only one system name can be configured. If multiple system names are configured the last one encountered overwrites the previous entry. Use the following command to configure the system name.

configure system name


Use the contact command to specify the name of a system administrator, IT staff member, or other administrative entity. Use the following command to configure the system contact.

configure system contact


Use the location command to specify the system location of the device. For example, enter the city, building address, floor, room number, and so on, where the router is located. Use the following command to configure the system location.

configure system location


You can optionally configure the GPS location of the device. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes. Use the following command to configure the system coordinates.

configure system coordinates

Naming objects

Avoid configuring named objects with a name that starts with ‟_tmnx_” and with ‟_” in general.

Common language location identifier

A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) for the device is an 11-character standardized code string that uniquely identifies the geographic location of places and specific functional categories of equipment unique to the telecommunications industry. The CLLI code is stored in the Nokia Chassis MIB tmnxChassisCLLICode object.

The CLLI code can be any ASCII printable text string of up to 11 characters.

DNS security extensions

DNS Security (DNSSEC) Extensions are now implemented in the SR OS, allowing users to configure DNS behavior of the router to evaluate whether the Authenticated Data bit was set in the response received from the recursive name server and to trust the response, or ignore it.

System time

Routers are equipped with a real-time system clock for timekeeping purposes. When set, the system clock always operates on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), but the software has options for local time translation as well as system clock synchronization.

Time zones

Setting a time zone in SR OS allows for times to be displayed in the local time rather instead of UTC. SR OS has both user-defined and system-defined time zones.

A user-defined time zone has a user-assigned name of up to four printable ASCII characters in length and is unique from the system-defined time zones. For user-defined time zones, the offset from UTC is configured as well as any summer time adjustment for the time zone.

SR OS includes multiple commands to control the presentation of times in either UTC or local time zone format. For a CLI session, the environment variable time-display may be set to indicate UTC or local time zone. This setting only affects time strings shown during that specific CLI session. A global setting of the following command can be used to control time strings for objects with larger scope than a single CLI session.
configure system time prefer-local-time

Time strings include the following:

  • log filenames and log header information
  • times in rollback information
  • times in rollback and configuration files header information
  • times related to CRON scripts
  • times related to CRON scripts
  • times in the event handler system
  • times in NETCONF and gRPC date-and-time leafs
A separate control per log file controls the format of the time strings on the event recorded into the logs (separate from the log filename and header information). Use the following command to set these time strings.
configure log log-id time-format

The SR OS system-defined time zones are listed in the following table, which includes both time zones with and without daylight saving (summer) time adjustment.

Table 1. System-defined time zones and UTC offsets
Acronym Time zone name UTC offset



Greenwich Mean Time



British Summer Time

UTC +1


Irish Summer Time

UTC +1*


Western Europe Time



Western Europe Summer Time

UTC +1


Central Europe Time

UTC +1


Central Europe Summer Time

UTC +2


Eastern Europe Time

UTC +2


Eastern Europe Summer Time

UTC +3


Moscow Time

UTC +3


Moscow Summer Time

UTC +4

US and Canada:


Atlantic Standard Time

UTC -4


Atlantic Daylight Time

UTC -3


Eastern Standard Time

UTC -5


Eastern Daylight Saving Time

UTC -4


Eastern Time

Either as EST or EDT, depending on place and time of year


Central Standard Time

UTC -6


Central Daylight Saving Time

UTC -5


Central Time

Either as CST or CDT, depending on place and time of year


Mountain Standard Time

UTC -7


Mountain Daylight Saving Time

UTC -6


Mountain Time

Either as MST or MDT, depending on place and time of year


Pacific Standard Time

UTC -8


Pacific Daylight Saving Time

UTC -7


Pacific Time

Either as PST or PDT, depending on place and time of year


Hawaiian Standard Time

UTC -10


Alaska Standard Time

UTC -9


Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time

UTC -8

Australia and New Zealand:


Western Standard Time (for example, Perth)

UTC +8 hours


Central Standard Time (for example, Darwin)

UTC +9.5 hours


Eastern Standard/Summer Time (for example, Canberra)

UTC +10 hours


New Zealand Standard Time

UTC +12 hours


New Zealand Daylight Saving Time

UTC +13 hours


NTP is the Network Time Protocol defined in RFC 1305, Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, Implementation and Analysis and RFC 5905, Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification. It allows for the participating network nodes to keep time more accurately and more importantly they can maintain time in a more synchronized fashion between all participating network nodes.

SR OS uses an NTP process based on a reference build provided by the Network Time Foundation. Nokia strongly recommends that the users review RFC 8633, Network Time Protocol Best Current Practices, when they plan to use NTP with the router. The RFC section ‟Using Enough Time Sources” indicates that using only two time sources (NTP servers) can introduce instability if they provide conflicting information. To maintain accurate time, Nokia recommends configuring three or more NTP servers.

NTP uses stratum levels to define the number of hops from a reference clock. The reference clock is considered to be a stratum-0 device that is assumed to be accurate with little or no delay. Stratum-0 servers cannot be used in a network. However, they can be directly connected to devices that operate as stratum-1 servers. A stratum-1 server is an NTP server with a directly-connected device that provides Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), such as a GPS or atomic clock.

The higher stratum levels are separated from the stratum-1 server over a network path, therefore, a stratum-2 server receives its time over a network link from a stratum-1 server. A stratum-3 server receives its time over a network link from a stratum-2 server.

SR OS routers normally operate as a stratum-2 or higher device. The router relies on an external stratum-1 server to source accurate time into the network. However, SR OS also allows for the use of the local PTP recovered time to be sourced into NTP. In this latter case, the local PTP source appears as a stratum-0 server and SR OS advertises itself as a stratum-1 server. Activation of the PTP source into NTP may impact the network NTP topology because the SR OS router is promoted to stratum-1.

SR OS router runs a single NTP clock which then operates NTP message exchanges with external NTP clocks. Exchanges can be made with external NTP clients, servers, and peers. These exchanges can be through the base, management, or VPRN routing instances.

NTP operates associations between clocks as either client or server, symmetric active and symmetric passive, or broadcast modes. These modes of operation are applied according to which elements are configured on the router. To run server mode, the user must enable NTP server mode for the base and each needed VPRN routing instance. To run client mode, the user must configure external servers. If both the local router and remote router are configured with each other as peers, then the router operates in symmetric active mode. If only one side of the association has peering configured, then the modes are symmetric passive. To operate using broadcast mode, interfaces must be configured to transmit as broadcast servers or receive as broadcast clients.

NTP server operation for both unicast and broadcast communication within a VPRN is configured within the VPRN (see the NTP Within a VPRN Service section in 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Layer 3 Services Guide: IES and VPRN).

Note: NTP provides lightweight synchronization across a network for alignment of system time for logging purposes. NTP does not provide the high accuracy time needed for the on-air applications of the mobile base stations. The more recent PTP protocol has been developed for these applications (see Network synchronization).

The following NTP elements are supported:

  • server mode

    In this mode, the node advertises the ability to act as a clock source for other network elements. The node, by default, transmits NTP packets in NTP version 4 mode.

  • authentication keys

    Authentication keys implement increased security support in carrier and other networks. Both DES and MD5 authentication are supported, as well as multiple keys.

  • operation in symmetric active mode

    This capability requires that NTP be synchronized with a specific node that is considered more trustworthy or accurate than other nodes carrying NTP in the system. This mode requires that a specific peer is set.

  • server and peer addressing using IPv6

    Both external servers and external peers may be defined using IPv6 or IPv4 addresses. Other features (such as multicast, broadcast) use IPv4 addressing only.

  • broadcast or multicast modes

    When operating in these modes, the node receives or sends using either a multicast (default or a broadcast address. Multicast is supported only on the CPM MGMT port.

  • alert when NTP server is not available

    When none of the configured servers are reachable on the node, the system reverts to manual timekeeping and issues a critical alarm. When a server becomes available, a trap is issued indicating that standard operation has resumed.

  • NTP and SNTP

    If both NTP and SNTP are enabled on the node, then SNTP transitions to an operationally down state. If NTP is removed from the configuration or shut down, then SNTP resumes an operationally up state.

  • gradual clock adjustment

    As several applications (such as Service Assurance Agent (SAA)) can use the clock, and if determined that a major (128 ms or more) adjustment needs to be performed, the adjustment is performed by programmatically stepping the clock. If a minor (less than 128 ms) adjustment must be performed, then the adjustment is performed by either speeding up or slowing down the clock.

  • To avoid the generation of too many events/trap the NTP module rates limit the generation of events/traps to three per second. At that point a single trap is generated that indicates that event/trap squashing is taking place.


The 7750 SR supports frequency synchronization using a Layer 1 interface such as synchronous Ethernet, and ToD synchronization using a protocol such as NTP or PTP. In cases where these methods are not possible, or where accuracy cannot be ensured for the service, you can deploy a GNSS receiver as a synchronous timing source. GNSS data is used to provide network-independent frequency and ToD synchronization.

GNSS receivers on the following platforms support GPS and Galileo reference using an integrated GNSS RF port:

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1x-48D
  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-24D
  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-48D
  • 7750 FP5 SR-1x-92S
  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-46S
  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-92S
  • 7750 FP5 SR-1se
  • 7750 FP5 SR-2se

A 7750 SR chassis equipped with a GNSS receiver and an attached GNSS antenna can be configured to receive frequency traceable to Stratum-1 (PRC/PRS). The GNSS receiver provides a synchronization clock to the SSU in the router with the corresponding QL for SSM. This frequency is distributed to the rest of the router from the SSU as configured with the following commands:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock ref-order
    configure system central-frequency-clock ql-selection
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing ref-order
    configure system sync-if-timing ql-selection
The GNSS reference is qualified only if the GNSS receiver is in a position hold state and has a frequency successfully recovered. A PTP timeTransmitter or boundary clock can also use this frequency reference with PTP peers.

If GNSS signal loss or jamming result in the unavailability of timing information, the GNSS receiver automatically prevents output of clock or synchronization data to the system, and the system can revert to alternate timing sources. With Assisted Partial Timing Support (APTS), the system can perform a seamless switch when reverting to a backup PTP session; see GNSS failure with APTS.

GNSS redundancy

The 7750 SR-2se chassis can be equipped with redundant CPMs. Each CPM includes an integrated GNSS receiver. Each integrated GNSS receiver can be connected to its own dedicated GNSS antenna, or both GNSS receivers can be connected to one shared GNSS antenna using a splitter.

For maximum resiliency, each CPM can use its own integrated GNSS receiver as well as the integrated GNSS receiver in the mate CPM installed in the same 7750 SR-2se chassis. The GNSS receivers in the redundant pair of CPMs actively synchronize with GNSS satellites so they are always in a hot standby state.

The active CPM has a startup preference for its own integrated GNSS receiver. If its own integrated GNSS receiver is down or the signal is degraded, the active CPM can automatically select and use the integrated GNSS receiver in the standby CPM, provided that receiver is up and the signal is not degraded.

After a CPM switchover, the integrated GNSS receiver in the newly standby CPM is reset.

GNSS failure with APTS

When the G.8275.2 profile is used for GNSS-enabled 7750 SR platforms, the APTS capability frequently measures and stores the delay offset between the GNSS time and a backup PTP session time. If a GNSS failure occurs, the backup PTP session automatically becomes the selected reference for time and frequency, and the stored delay offset value is added to or subtracted from the backup PTP session time to keep time and phase for the router as accurate as possible.

When GNSS has recovered and is stable, the system automatically switches back to GNSS for time and frequency reference, and backup PTP monitoring and delay measurement resumes.


The CRON feature supports periodic and date and time-based scheduling in SR OS. CRON can be used, for example, to schedule Service Assurance Agent (SAA) functions. CRON functionality includes the ability to specify scripts that need to be run, when they are scheduled, including one-time only functionality (one-shot), interval and calendar functions. Scheduled reboots, peer turn ups, service assurance agent tests and more can all be scheduled with CRON, as well as OAM events, such as connectivity checks, or troubleshooting runs.

CRON supports the schedule element. The schedule function configures the type of schedule to run, including one-time only (one-shot), periodic, or calendar-based runs. All runs are determined by month, day of month or weekday, hour, minute, and interval (seconds).

High Availability

This section describes the High Availability (HA) features that service providers can use to diminish vulnerability at the network or service provider edge and alleviate the effects of a lengthy outage on IP networks.

HA is an important feature in service provider routing systems because the demand from enterprise and residential communities has led to unprecedented growth of IP services and applications in service provider networks. Downtime can be very costly, and, in addition to lost revenue, customer information and business-critical communications can be lost. Availability is the combination of continuous uptime over long periods (Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)) and the speed at which failover or recovery occurs (Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)).

The advantage of HA routing is evident at the network or service provider edge, where thousands of connections are hosted and rerouting options around a failed piece of equipment are often limited. As service providers converge business-critical services, such as real-time voice (VoIP), video, and VPN applications over their IP networks, the requirements for HA become much more stringent compared to the requirements for best-effort data.

Network and service availability become critical aspects when offering advanced IP services which dictates that IP routers that are used to construct the foundations of these networks be resilient to component and software outages.

For high availability configuration information, see Synchronization and redundancy.

HA features

As more and more critical commercial applications move onto the IP/MPLS networks, providing high availability services becomes increasingly important. This section describes high availability features for routers. Most of these features only apply to routers with two Control Processor Modules (CPM).


The redundancy features enable the duplication of data elements to maintain service continuation in case of outages or component failure.

See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice ISA and ESA Guide for information about redundancy for the Integrated Service Adapter (ISA).

Software redundancy

Software outages are challenging even when baseline hardware redundancy is in place. A balance should be maintained when providing HA routing, otherwise router problems typically propagate not only throughout the service provider network, but also externally to other connected networks possibly belonging to other service providers. This could affect customers on a broad scale. Currently supports several software availability features are supported that contribute to the percentage of time that a router is available to process and forward traffic.

All routing protocols specify minimum time intervals in which the peer device must receive an acknowledgment before it disconnects the session:

  • OSPF default session timeout is approximately 40 seconds. The timeout intervals are configurable.

  • BGP default session timeout is approximately 120 seconds. The timeout intervals are configurable for the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS only.

Therefore, the router software must recover faster than the specified time interval to maintain up time.

Configuration redundancy

Features configured on the active device CPM are saved on the standby CPM as well. When the active device CPM fails, these features are brought up on the standby device CPM that takes over the mastership.

Even with modern modular and stable software, the failure of route processor hardware or software can cause the router to reboot or cause other service impacting events. In the best circumstances, failure leads to the initialization of a redundant route processor, which hosts the standby software configuration to become the active processor. The following options are available:

  • warm standby

    The router image and configuration is already loaded on the standby route processor. However, the standby could still take a few minutes to become effective because it must first re-initialize connections by bringing up Layer 2 connections and Layer 3 routing protocols, then rebuild routing tables.

  • hot standby

    The router image, configuration, and network state is already loaded on the standby route processor and it receives continual updates from the active route processor; swapover is immediate. However, hot standby affects conventional router performance as more frequent synchronization increases consumption of system resources. Newer generation routers, like the SR OS routers, address this issue because they already have extra processing built into the system.

Component redundancy

Component redundancy is critical to reduce MTTR for the system and primarily consists of the following router features:

  • dual route processor modules

    For a highly available architecture, redundant Control Processor Modules (CPM) are essential. The route processing functions of the CPM calculate the most efficient route to an Internet destination and communicate the best path information to peer routers. Rapid information synchronization between the primary and secondary CPMs is crucial to minimize recovery time.

  • switch fabric (SFM) redundancy

    Failure of a single switch fabric card can occur with little to no loss of traffic.

  • redundant line cards

    LAG, ECMP and other techniques are employed to spread traffic over multiple line cards so that a failure of one line card does not impact the services being delivered.

  • redundant power supply

    A power module can be removed without impact on traffic.

  • redundant fan

    Failure of a fan module can occur without impacting traffic.

  • hot swap

    Components in a live system can be replaced or become active without taking the system down or affecting traffic flow to/from other modules.

Router hardware architecture plays a key role in the availability of the system. The principle router architecture styles are centralized and distributed. In these architectures, both active and standby route processors, I/O modules (IOMs) (also called line cards), fans, and power supplies maintain a low MTTR for the routing system.

However, in a centralized architecture, packet processing and forwarding is performed in a central shared route processor and the individual line cards are relatively simple. The cards rely solely on the route processor for routing and forwarding intelligence and, should the centralized route processor fail, there is greater impact to the system overall, as all routing and packet forwarding stops.

In a distributed system, the packet forwarding functionality is situated on each line card. Distributing the forwarding engines off the central route processor and positioning one on each line card lowers the impact of route processor failure as the line cards can continue to forward traffic during an outage.

The distributed system is better suited to enable the convergence of business critical services such as real-time voice (VoIP), Video, and VPN applications over IP networks with superior performance and scalability. The centralized architecture can be prone to performance bottleneck issues and limits service offerings through poor scalability which may lead to customer and service SLA violations.

Service redundancy

All service-related statistics are kept during a switchover. Services, SDPs, and SAPs remain up with a minimum loss of forwarded traffic during a CPM switchover.

Accounting configuration redundancy

When there is a switchover and the standby CPM becomes active, the accounting servers are checked and if they are administratively up and capable of coming online (media present, and so on), the standby is brought online and new accounting files are created. Users must manually copy the accounting records from the failed CPM.

Nonstop forwarding

In a control plane failure or a forced switchover event, the router continues to forward packets using the existing stale forwarding information. Nonstop forwarding requires clean control plane and data plane separation.

Usually, the forwarding information is distributed to the IOMs, XCMs and XMAs.

Nonstop forwarding is used to notify peer routers to continue forwarding and receiving packets, even if the route processor (control plane) is not working or is in a switch-over state. Nonstop forwarding requires clean control plane and data plane separation and usually the forwarding information is distributed to the line cards. This method of availability has both advantages and disadvantages. Nonstop forwarding continues to forward packets using the existing stale forwarding information during a failure. This may cause routing loops and black holes, and also requires that surrounding routers adhere to separate extension standards for each protocol. Every router vendor must support protocol extensions for interoperability.

Nonstop Routing

With nonstop routing (NSR) on the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR router devices, routing neighbors are unaware of a routing process fault. If a fault occurs, a reliable and deterministic activity switch to the inactive control complex occurs such that routing topology and reachability are not affected, even in the presence of routing updates. NSR achieves high availability through parallelization by maintaining up to date routing state information, at all times, on the standby route processor. This capability is achieved independently of protocols or protocol extensions, providing a more robust solution than graceful restart protocols between network routers.

The NSR implementation on the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR routers supports all routing protocols. NSR makes it possible to keep the existing sessions (BGP, LDP, OSPF, and so on) during a CPM switchover, including support for MPLS signaling protocols. Peers do not see any change.

Protocol extensions are not required. There are no interoperability issues and there is no need to define protocol extensions for every protocol. Unlike nonstop forwarding and graceful restart, the forwarding information in NSR is always up to date, which eliminates possible black holes or forwarding loops.

Traditionally, addressing HA issues have been patched through nonstop forwarding solutions. With the implementation of NSR, these limitations are overcome by delivering an intelligent hitless failover solution. This enables a carrier-class foundation for transparent networks, required to support business IP services backed by stringent SLAs. This level of HA poses a major issue for conventional routers whose architectural design limits or prevents them from implementing NSR.

CPM switchover

During a switchover, system control and routing protocol execution are transferred from the active to the standby CPM.

An automatic switchover may occur under the following conditions:

  • A fault condition that causes the active CPM to crash or reboot.

  • The active CPM is declared down (not responding).

  • Online removal of the active CPM.

A manual switchover can occur if a switchover is forced from an active CPM to a standby, using the admin redundancy force-switchover command. Use the following command to configure a batch file that executes automatically after a CPM failover:

  • MD-CLI
    configure redundancy switchover-exec
  • classic CLI
    configure system switchover-exec


Synchronization between the CPMs includes the following:

Configuration and boot-env synchronization

Use the following command to configure synchronization for the configuration and boot environment.

configure redundancy synchronize

Use commands in the following context to perform manual synchronization.

admin redundancy synchronize
State database synchronization

If a new standby CPM is inserted into the system, it synchronizes with the active CPM upon a successful boot process.

If the standby CPM is rebooted, it synchronizes with the active CPM upon a successful boot process.

When configuration or state changes occur, an incremental synchronization is conducted from the active CPM to the standby CPM.

If the synchronization fails, the standby does not reboot automatically. Use the following command to display synchronization output information.
show redundancy synchronization
If the active and standby are not synchronized, use the following command on the active or standby CPM to manually reboot and synchronize the standby CPM.
admin reboot standby

Synchronization and redundancy

7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR routers supporting redundancy use a 1:1 redundancy scheme. Redundancy methods facilitate system synchronization between the active and standby Control Processor Modules (CPMs) so they maintain identical operational parameters to prevent inconsistencies in the event of a CPM failure.

When automatic system synchronization is enabled for an entity, any save or delete file operations configured on the primary, secondary or tertiary choices on the active CPM file system are mirrored in the standby CPM file system.

Although software configurations and images can be copied or downloaded from remote locations, synchronization can only occur locally between compact flash drives (cf1:, cf2:, and cf3:).

The types of synchronization are as follows:

  • automatically

    Automatic synchronization is disabled by default. You configure automatic synchronization for the BOF, boot.ldr, configuration, YANG schema, and image files or you can configure it for only the configuration files. Use the following commands to configure which types of changes cause automatic synchronization.

    configure redundancy synchronize boot-env
    configure redundancy synchronize config

    If the schema YANG files are not found, the files are not copied but the rest of the synchronization is not affected.

    Automatic synchronization also occurs whenever the BOF is modified and when you execute an admin save command with no file URL specified.

  • manually

    You can manually synchronize the BOF, boot.ldr, configuration, YANG schema, and image files, only the configuration files, or the imported certificate/key/CRL files. Use the following commands to perform manual synchronization:
    • MD-CLI
      admin redundancy synchronize boot-environment
      admin redundancy synchronize configuration
      admin redundancy synchronize certificate
    • classic CLI
      admin redundancy synchronize boot-env
      admin redundancy synchronize config
      admin redundancy synchronize cert
    Note: Use the classic CLI command to manually synchronize certificate, key, and CRL files.

Active and standby designations

Typically, the first Switch Fabric (SF)/CPM card installed in a redundant 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR router chassis assumes the role as active, regardless of whether it is inserted in Slot A or B. The next CPM installed in the same chassis then assumes the role as the standby CPM. If two CPM are inserted simultaneously (or almost simultaneously) and are booting at the same time, then preference is given to the CPM installed in Slot A.

If only one CPM is installed in a redundant router device, then it becomes the active CPM regardless of the slot it is installed in.

The active and standby designations can be visually determined by LEDs on the CPM/CCM faceplate. See the appropriate platform Installation Guide for LED indicator details.

The following example shows the output when the CPM installed in Slot A is acting as the active CPM and the CPM installed in Slot B is acting as the standby.

Show card command output on the 7950 XRS

Card Summary
Slot   Provisioned Type                            Admin Operational   Comments
           Equipped Type (if different)            State State
1      xcm-x20                                     up    provisioned
A      cpm-x20                                     up    up/active
B      cpm-x20                                     up    up/standby

The following example shows the console message when a CPM boots, sees an active CPM, and becomes the standby CPM.

Console message for CPM switch to standby

Slot A contains the Active CPM
This CPM (Slot B) is the Standby CPM

When the active CPM goes offline

When an active CPM goes offline (because of reboot, removal, or failure), the standby CPM takes control without rebooting or initializing itself. It is assumed that the CPMs are synchronized, therefore, there is no delay in operability. When the CPM that went offline boots and then comes back online, it becomes the standby CPM.

When the standby CPM comes online, the following output is shown.

Active CPM in Slot A has stopped
Slot B is now active CPM

Attempting to exec configuration file:
'cf3:/config.cfg' ...


Executed 49,588 lines in 8.0 seconds from file cf3:\config.cfg

OOB management Ethernet port redundancy

SR OS provides a resilient out-of-band (OOB) management Ethernet redundancy mode for system management.

Use the following command to enable OOB management Ethernet port redundancy.

configure redundancy mgmt-ethernet

When the management Ethernet port is down on the active CPM, the OOB Ethernet redundancy feature allows the active CPM to use the management Ethernet port of the standby CPM, as shown in the following figures.

Figure 1. Management Ethernet: normal mode
Figure 2. Management Ethernet: redundancy mode

DHCP persistence

The DHCP persistence feature on the 7750 SR allows information learned through DHCP snooping across reboots to be kept. This information can include data such as the IP address, MAC binding information, lease length information, and ingress SAP information (required for VPLS snooping to identify the ingress interface). This information is referred to as the DHCP lease-state information.

When a DHCP message is snooped, there are steps that make the data persistent in a system with dual CPMs. In systems with only one CPM, only Step 1 applies. In systems with dual CPMs, all steps apply.

  1. When a DHCP ACK is received from a DHCP server, the entry information is written to the active CPM Compact Flash. If writing was successful, the ACK is forwarded to the DHCP client. If persistency fails completely (bad cflash), a trap is generated indicating that persistency can no longer be guaranteed. If the complete persistency system fails the DHCP ACKs are still forwarded to the DHCP clients. Only during small persistency interruptions or in overload conditions of the Compact Flash, DHCP ACKs may get dropped and not forwarded to the DHCP clients.

  2. DHCP message information is sent to the standby CPM and also there the DHCP information is logged on the Compact Flash. If persistency fails on the standby also, a trap is generated.

DDP access optimization for DHCP leases

A high rate of DHCP renewals can create a load on the compact flash file system when subscriber management and DHCP server persistence is enabled. To optimize the access to the Dynamic Data Persistency (DDP) files on the compact flash, a lease-time threshold can be specified that controls the eligibility of a DHCP lease for persistency updates when no other data other than the lease expiry time is to be updated.

The following example shows the configuration of a DHCP lease-time threshold.

[ex:/configure system persistence]
A:admin@node-2# info
    dhcp-server {
        location cf2
    subscriber-mgmt {
        location cf2
    options {
        dhcp-leasetime-threshold 90061
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>persistence# info
                location cf2:
                location cf2:
                dhcp-leasetime-threshold days 1 hrs 1 min 1 sec 1

When the offered lease time of the DHCP lease is less than the configured threshold, the lease is flagged to skip persistency updates and is installed with its full lease time upon a persistency recovery after a reboot.

The dhcp-leasetime-threshold command controls persistency updates for:

  • DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 leases for a DHCP relay or proxy (enabled with persistence subscriber-mgmt)

  • DHCPv4 leases for DHCP snooping in a VPLS service (enabled with persistence subscriber-mgmt)

  • DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 leases for a DHCP server (enabled with persistence dhcp-server)

To check if a DHCP relay or proxy lease is flagged to skip persistency updates, use the tools dump persistence submgt record record-key CLI command. When flagged to skip persistency updates, the persistency record output includes ‟Skip Persistency Updates: true”.

To check if a DHCP server lease is flagged to skip persistency updates, use the tools dump persistence dhcp-server record record-key CLI command. When flagged to skip persistency updates, the persistency record output includes ‟lease mode : LT” (LT = Lease Time) and a ‟lease time : …” field. When not flagged to skip persistency updates, the persistency record output includes ‟lease mode : ET” (ET = Expiry Time) and an ‟expires : …” field.

Network synchronization

This section describes network synchronization capabilities available on SR OS platforms. These capabilities involve multiple approaches to network timing; namely Synchronous Ethernet, BITS, and Adaptive clocking and a Precision Time Protocol (PTP) IEEE 1588v2. These features address barriers to entry by:

  • provide synchronization quality required by the mobile space, such as radio operations and circuit emulation services (CES) transport

  • augment and potentially replace the existing timing infrastructure and deliver high-quality network timing for frequency and time-sensitive wireline applications

The network time architecture in the following figure shows how network synchronization is commonly distributed in a hierarchical PTP topology at the physical layer.

Figure 3. Conventional network timing architecture (North American nomenclature)

The architecture shown in the preceding figure provides the following benefits:

  • limits the need for high-quality clocks at each network element and only requires reliable and accurate replication of the input to remain traceable to its reference

  • uses reliable physical media to provide transport of the timing signal. It does not consume any bandwidth and requires limited additional processing

The synchronization network is designed so a clock always receives timing from a clock of equal or higher stratum level or quality level. This ensures that if an upstream clock has a fault condition (for example, loses its reference and enters a holdover or free-run state) and begins to drift in frequency, the downstream clock is able to follow it. For greater reliability and robustness, most offices and nodes have at least two synchronization references that can be selected in priority order (such as primary and secondary).

Further levels of resiliency can be provided by designing a capability in the node clock that operates within prescribed network performance specifications in the absence of any reference for a specified period. A clock operating in this mode is said to hold the last known state over (or holdover) until the reference lock is once again achieved. Each level in the timing hierarchy is associated with minimum levels of network performance.

Each synchronization capable port can be independently configured to transmit data using the node reference timing or loop timing.

Specifically for synchronous Ethernet, transmission of a reference clock through a chain of Ethernet equipment requires that all equipment supports synchronous Ethernet. A single piece of equipment that is not capable of performing synchronous Ethernet breaks the chain. Ethernet frames still get through, but downstream devices should not use the recovered line timing because it is not traceable to an acceptable stratum source.

Central synchronization subsystem

The timing subsystem for platforms has a central clock located on the CPM (motherboard). The timing subsystem performs many duties of the network element clock as defined by Telcordia (GR-1244-CORE) and ITU-T G.781.

The system can select from up to three (7950 XRS) or four (7450 ESS and 7750 SR) timing inputs to train the local oscillator. The priority order of these references must be specified. This is a simple ordered list of inputs: {bits, ref1, ref2, ptp}. The CPM clock output has the ability to drive the clocking for all line cards in the system. The routers support selection of the node reference using Quality Level (QL) indications. See CPM clock synchronization reference selection for more information about this selection process.

Note: Not all signals are available on all platforms.
Figure 4. CPM clock synchronization reference selection

The recovered clock can derive its timing from any of the following:

  • Synchronous Ethernet ports

  • BITS port on the CPM or CCM module

  • GNSS RF ports (supported 7750 SR FP5 platforms)
  • 10GE ports in WAN PHY mode

  • IEEE 1588v2 timeReceiver port (PTP) (7450 ESS and 7750 SR)

  • SyncE/1588 port on the CPM or the CCM

The BITS ports accept T1 or E1 signal formats. Some hardware also supports the 2048 kHz signal format. The format must be common between all BITSin and BITSout ports.

All settings of the signal characteristics for the BITS input apply to both ports. When the active CPM considers the BITS input as a possible reference, it first considers the BITS input port on the active CPM or CCM, followed by the BITS input port on the standby CPM or CCM, in that relative priority order. This relative priority order is in addition to the user-definable ref-order. For example, a ref-order of bits ref1 ref2 would actually be BITS in (active CPM or CCM), followed by BITS in (standby CPM or CCM), followed by ref1, followed by ref2. When ql-selection is enabled, the QL of each BITS input port is viewed independently. The higher QL source is chosen.

When the active CPM considers the SyncE/1588 as a possible reference, the active CPM first considers the SyncE/1588 port on the active CPM or CCM, followed by the SyncE/1588 port on the standby CPM or CCM in that relative priority order. This relative priority order is in addition to the user-definable ref-order. For example, a ref-order of synce ref1 ref2 would actually be SyncE/1588 (active CPM or CCM), followed by SyncE/1588 (standby CPM or CCM), followed by ref1, followed by ref2. When ql-selection is enabled, the QL of each SyncE/1588 input port is viewed independently. The higher QL source is chosen.

The following behavior applies to the platform architecture existing on 7750 SR-7/12/12e, 7750 SR-2s/7s/14s, 7750 SR-1e/2e/3e, 7750 SR-a4/a8, and 7450 ESS-7/12. When the BITS or SyncE port on the standby CPM is an option as input reference into the central clock of the active CPM, a display of the central clock data on the standby CPM indicates that it is locked to its local BITS or SyncE input. This is expected behavior and required to make the BITS input on the standby available to the active CPM as an option for reference selection.

The restrictions on the location for the source-port or source-bits for ref1 and ref2 are listed in Ref1 and ref2 timing references.

Table 2. Ref1 and ref2 timing references
Platform Ref1 slots Ref2 slots Notes

7450 ESS-7

1 to 2

3 to 5

7450 ESS-12

1 to 5

6 to 10

7750 SR-1



Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MDA

7750 SR-7

1 to 2

3 to 5

7750 SR-12

1 to 5

6 to 10

7750 SR-12e

1 to 5

6 to 9

7750 SR-a4



Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MDA. Two CPMs must be installed to allow two references to be used

7750 SR-a8

1 to 2

1 to 2

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same forwarding complex (IOM).

7750 SR-1e



Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MDA

7750 SR-2e

1 to 2

1 to 2

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MDA

7750 SR-3e

1 to 3

1 to 3

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MDA

7750 SR-1s



Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MAC chip.

See the 7750 SR-1s Installation Guide or use the show datapath command for the mappings

When using XIOM and MDA, ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same MDA

7750 SR-1x-48D

7750 SR-1-24D

7750 SR-1-48D

7750 SR-1x-92S

7750 SR-1-46S

7750 SR-1-96S

7750 SR-1se



Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same breakout connector

7750 SR-2s

1 to 2

1 to 2

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same slot

7750 SR-2se

1 to 2

1 to 2

Ref1 and Ref 2 cannot be on the same slot

7750 SR-7s

1 to 6

1 to 6

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same slot

Slot 6 cannot be used if a CPM has been installed in that slot

7750 SR-14s

1 to 6

1 to 6

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same slot

7950 XRS-20

1 to 10

1 to 10

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same slot

7950 XRS-20e

1 to 10

1 to 10

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same slot

7950 XRS-40

1 to 10

1 to 10

Ref1 and ref2 cannot be on the same slot

The BITS output ports can be configured to provided either the unfiltered recovered line clock from a line card port or the output of the central clock. The first case would be used if the port was connected to deliver an input reference directly to dedicated timing device in the facility (BITS or SASE device). The second case would be used to test the quality of the clocking used by the router.

When QL selection mode is disabled, the reversion setting controls when the central clock can reselect a previously failed reference.

The following table lists the selection operation for two references in both revertive and non-revertive modes:

Table 3. Revertive, non-revertive timing reference switching operation
Status of reference A Status of reference B Active reference non-revertive case Active reference revertive case











































A or B


7950 XRS-40 extension chassis central clocks

The central clock architecture previously described applies to each chassis of the 7950 XRS-40. There is a central clock located on each of the CPMs present in the extension chassis. However, there is no configuration for the central clocks on the CPMs of the extension chassis. The central clocks only use the BITS input ports of the extension chassis for their input reference. It is assumed that the quality of the reference provided into the BITS input ports of the extension chassis CPMs is equal to the quality of the Master chassis central clocks. See the Installation Guide for appropriate physical cabling to support this architecture.

Synchronization Status Messages

Note: See “Synchronization Status Messages (SSM)” in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Basic System Configuration Advanced Configuration Guide for Classic CLI for information about advanced configurations.

Synchronization Status Messages (SSMs) allow the synchronization distribution network to determine the quality level of the clock sourcing a specific synchronization trail, and to allow a network element to select the best of multiple input synchronization trails. SSMs have been defined for various transport protocols including T1/E1, and synchronous Ethernet, for interaction with office clocks, such as BITS or SSUs, and embedded network element clocks.

SSMs allow equipment to autonomously provision and reconfigure (by reference switching) their synchronization references, while helping to avoid the creation of timing loops. These messages are particularly useful to allow synchronization re-configurations when timing is distributed in both directions around a ring.

The following sections provide details about the SSM message functionality for different signal types. These functions apply to all platforms that support the signal type.

DS1 signals

DS1 signals can indicate the quality level of the source generating the timing information using the SSM transported within the 1544 kb/s signal Extended Super Frame (ESF) Data Link (DL), as specified in Recommendation G.704. No such provision is extended to SF formatted DS1 signals.

The format of the data link messages in ESF frame format is "0xxx xxx0 1111 1111", transmitted rightmost bit first. The six bits denoted "xxx xxx" contain the actual message; some of these messages are reserved for synchronization messaging. It takes 32 frames (such as 4 ms) to transmit all 16 bits of a complete DL.

E1 signals

E1 signals can indicate the quality level of the source generating the timing information using the SSM as specified in Recommendation G.704.

One of the Sa4 to Sa8 bits (the actual Sa bit is for user selection) is allocated for SSMs. To prevent ambiguities in pattern recognition, it is necessary to align the first bit (San1) with frame 1 of a G.704 E1 multi-frame.

A San bit is one of a 4-bit nibble, San1 to San4. San1 is the most significant bit; San4 is the least significant bit.

The message set in San1 to San4 is a copy of the set defined in SDH bits 5 to 8 of byte S1.


DS3/E3 signals are not required to be synchronous. However, it is acceptable for their clocking to be generated from a synchronization source. The 7750 SR and the 7450 ESS allow E3/DS3 physical ports to be specified as a central clock input reference.

DS3/E3 signals do not support an SSM channel. QL-override should be used for these ports if ql-selection is enabled

Synchronous Ethernet

Note: See "Synchronous Ethernet" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Basic System Configuration Advanced Configuration Guide for Classic CLI for information about advanced configurations.

Traditionally, Ethernet-based networks employ the physical layer transmitter clock to be derived from an inexpensive +/-100ppm crystal oscillator and the receiver locks onto it. There is no need for long term frequency stability because the data is packetized and can be buffered. For the same reason there is no need for consistency between the frequencies of different links. However, you can derive the physical layer transmitter clock from a high quality frequency reference by replacing the crystal with a frequency source traceable to a primary reference clock. This would not affect the operation of any of the Ethernet layers, for which this change would be transparent. The receiver at the far end of the link would lock onto the physical layer clock of the received signal, and therefore gain access to a highly accurate and stable frequency reference. Then, in a manner analogous to conventional hierarchical network synchronization, this receiver could lock the transmission clock of its other ports to this frequency reference and a fully time synchronous network could be established.

The advantage of using Synchronous Ethernet, compared with methods that rely on sending timing information in packets over an unclocked physical layer, is that it is not influenced by impairments introduced by the higher levels of the networking technology (packet loss, packet delay variation). Hence, the frequency accuracy and stability may be expected to exceed those of networks with unsynchronized physical layers.

Synchronous Ethernet allows users to gracefully integrate existing systems and future deployments into conventional industry-standard synchronization hierarchy. The concept behind synchronous Ethernet is analogous to SONET/SDH system timing capabilities. It allows the user to select any (optical) Ethernet port as a candidate timing reference. The recovered timing from this port is then used to time the system (for example, the CPM locks to this configured reference selection). The user then could ensure that any of system output would be locked to a stable traceable frequency source.

If the port is a fixed copper Ethernet port and in 1000BASE-T mode of operation, there is a dependency on the 802.3 link timing for the Synchronous Ethernet functionality (see ITU-T G.8262). The 802.3 link timing states must align with the wanted direction of Synchronous Ethernet timing flow. When a fixed copper Ethernet port is specified as an input reference for the node or when it is removed as an input reference for the node, an 802.3 link auto-negotiation is triggered to ensure the link timing aligns properly.

The SSM of Synchronous Ethernet uses an Ethernet OAM PDU that uses the slow protocol subtype. For a complete description of the format and processing, see ITU-T G.8264.

Timing reference selection based on quality level

For a BITS physical port, or for a synchronous Ethernet interface that supports Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC), a timing input or PTP clock class provides a quality level value to indicate the source of timing of the far-end transmitter. These values provide input to the selection process on the nodal timing subsystem. This selection process determines which input to use to generate the signal on the SSM egress ports and the reference to use to synchronize the nodal clock, as follows:

  • For the two reference inputs (ref1 and ref2) and for the BITS input ports, if the interface configuration supports the reception of a QL over SSM or ESMC, the quality level value is associated with the timing derived from that input.

  • For the two reference inputs and for the BITS input ports, if the interface configuration is T1 with SF framing, the quality level associated with the input is QL-UNKNOWN.

  • For the two reference inputs, if they are synchronous Ethernet ports and the ESMC is disabled, the quality level value associated with that input is QL-UNKNOWN.

  • For the two reference inputs and for the BITS input ports, if the interface configuration supports the reception of a QL over SSM (and not ESMC), and no SSM value has been received, the quality level value associated with the input is QL-STU.

  • For the two reference inputs and for the BITS input ports, if the interface configuration supports the reception of a QL over SSM or ESMC, but the quality level value received over the interface is not valid for the type of interface, the quality level value associated with that input is QL-INVALID.

  • For the two reference inputs, if they are external synchronization ports, the quality level value associated with the input is QL-UNKNOWN.

  • For the two reference inputs, if they are synchronous Ethernet ports and the ESMC is enabled, but no valid ESMC Information PDU has been received within the previous 5 s, the quality level value associated with that input is QL-FAILED.

  • For GNSS reference input, the quality level is PRS if a frequency is successfully recovered; otherwise, the quality level is QL-FAILED.

  • If the user has configured an override for the quality level associated with an input, the node displays both the received and override quality level value for the input. If no value has been received, the associated value is displayed instead.

After the quality level values have been associated with the system timing inputs, the two reference inputs and the external input timing ports are processed by the system timing module to select a source for the SSU. This selection process is as follows.

  • Before an input can be used as a potential timing source, it must be enabled using the following command:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system central-frequency-clock ql-selection
    • classic CLI
      configure system sync-if-timing ql-selection
    If the ql-selection command option is disabled, the priority order of the inputs for the Synchronous Equipment Timing Generator (SETG) is the priority order configured under the following command:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system central-frequency-clock ref-order
    • classic CLI
      configure system sync-if-timing ref-order
  • If the ql-selection command is enabled, the priority of the inputs is calculated using the associated quality level value of the input and the priority order configured under the ref-order command. The inputs are ordered by the internal relative quality level based on their associated quality level values. If two or more inputs have the same quality level value, they are placed in order based on where they appear in the ref-order priority. The priority order for the SETG is based on both the reference inputs and the external synchronization input ports.

  • After a prioritized list of inputs is calculated, the SETG and the external synchronization output ports are configured to use the inputs in their respective orders.

  • After the SETG and external synchronization output ports priority lists are programmed, the highest-qualified priority input is used. To be qualified, the signal is monitored to ensure that it has the expected format and a frequency that is within the pull-in range of the SETG.

Clock source quality level definitions

The following clock source quality levels have been identified for tracking network timing flow. These levels make up all the defined network deployment options described in Recommendation G.803 and G.781. The Option I network is a network developed on the original European SDH model. The Option II network is a network developed on the North American SONET model.

In addition to the QL values received over SSM of an interface, the standards also define additional codes for internal use. These include the following:

  • QL INVx is generated internally by the system if and when an unallocated SSM value is received, where x represents the binary value of this SSM. All these independent values are assigned as the single value of QL-INVALID.

  • QL FAILED is generated internally by the system if and when the terminated network synchronization distribution trail is in the signal fail state.

There is also an internal quality level of QL-UNKNOWN. This is used to differentiate from a received QL-STU code, but is equivalent for the purposes of QL selection.

The following table lists the synchronization message coding and source priorities for SSM received.

Table 4. Synchronization message coding and source priorities — SSM received
SSM value received on port Internal relative quality level
SDH interface or SyncE interface in SDH mode SONET interface or SyncE interface in SONET mode E1 interface T1 interface (ESF)

0010 (prc)

0001 (prs)

0010 (prc)

00000100 11111111 (prs)

1. Best quality

0000 (stu)

00001000 11111111 (stu)


0111 (st2)

00001100 11111111 (ST2)


0100 (ssua)

0100 (tnc)

0100 (ssua)

01111000 11111111 (TNC)


1101 (st3e)

01111100 11111111 (ST3E)


1000 (ssub)

1000 (ssub)


1010 (st3/eec2)

00010000 11111111 (ST3)


1011 (sec/eec1)

1011 (sec)

8. Lowest quality qualified in QL-enabled mode

1100 (smc)

00100010 11111111 (smc)


00101000 11111111 (st4)


1110 (pno)

01000000 11111111 (pno)


1111 (dnu)

1111 (dus)

1111 (dnu)

00110000 11111111 (dus)


Any other

Any other

Any other




15. QL-UNC

The following table lists the synchronization message coding and source priorities for SSM transmitted.

Table 5. Synchronization message coding and source priorities — SSM transmitted
Internal relative quality level SSM values to be transmitted by interface of type
SDH interface or SyncE interface in SDH mode SONET interface or SyncE interface in SONET mode E1 interface T1 interface (ESF)

1. Best quality

0010 (prc)

0001 (PRS)

0010 (prc)

00000100 11111111 (PRS)


0100 (ssua)

0000 (stu)

0100 (ssua)

00001000 11111111 (stu)


0100 (ssua)

0111 (st2)

0100 (ssua)

00001100 11111111 (st2)


0100 (ssua)

0100 (tnc)

0100 (ssua)

01111000 11111111 (tnc)


1000 (ssub)

1101 (st3e)

1000 (ssub)

01111100 11111111 (st3e)


1000 (ssub)

1010 (st3/eec2)

1000 (ssub)

00010000 11111111 (st3)


1011 (sec/eec1)

1010 (st3/eec2)

1011 (sec)

00010000 11111111 (st3)

8. Lowest quality qualified in QL-enabled mode

1011 (sec/ eec1)

1100 (smc)

1011 (sec)

00100010 11111111 (smc)


1111 (dnu)

1100 (smc)

1111 (dnu)

00100010 11111111 (smc)


1111 (dnu)

1111 (dus)

1111 (dnu)

00101000 11111111 (st4)


1111 (dnu)

1110 (pno)

1111 (dnu)

01000000 11111111 (pno)


1111 (dnu)

1111 (dus)

1111 (dnu)

00110000 11111111 (dus)


1111 (dnu)

1111 (dus)

1111 (dnu)

00110000 11111111 (dus)


1111 (dnu)

1111 (dus)

1111 (dnu)

00110000 11111111 (dus)

15. QL-UNC

1011 (sec/eec1)

1010 (st3/eec2)

1011 (sec)

00010000 11111111 (st3)

Note: When the internal Quality Level is in the range of 9 through 14, the output codes shown in the preceding table, appear only if QL selection is disabled. If ql-selection is enabled, all the internal states are changed to internal state 15 (Holdover) and the ssm value generated reflects the holdover quality of the internal clock.

Advanced G.781 features

The central clock of the node supports several advanced features of the ITU-T G.781 standard. These include the specification of minimum acceptable QL values for the input references and the BITS output port, the ability to squelch the BITS output signal, and the specification of a Wait To Restore timer for input references. These features allow for more options in the management of the synchronization topology.

IEEE 1588v2 PTP

Note: See "IEEE 1588 for Frequency, Phase, and Time Distribution" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Basic System Configuration Advanced Configuration Guide for Classic CLI for information about advanced configurations.
Note: The IEEE 1588 Working Group has introduced the terms timeTransmitter and timeReceiver as alternatives to the former master/slave terminology. This document has been updated with these new terms.

Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a timing-over-packet protocol defined in the IEEE 1588v2 standard 1588 PTP 2008.

PTP may be deployed as an alternative timing-over-packet option to Adaptive Clock Recovery (ACR). PTP provides the capability to synchronize network elements to a Stratum-1 clock or primary reference clock (PRC) traceable frequency source over a network that may or may not be PTP-aware. PTP has several advantages over ACR. It is a standards-based protocol, has lower bandwidth requirements, can transport both frequency and time, and can potentially provide better performance.

Support is provided for an ordinary clock in timeReceiver or timeTransmitter mode or a boundary clock. When configured as an ordinary clock timeTransmitter, PTP can only be used for the distribution of a frequency reference, not a time reference. The boundary clock and ordinary clock timeReceiver can be used for both frequency and time distribution.

The ordinary clock timeTransmitter, ordinary clock timeReceiver, and boundary clock communicate with neighboring IEEE 1588v2 clocks. These neighbor clocks can be ordinary clock timeTransmitters, ordinary clock timeReceivers, or boundary clocks. The communication can be based on either unicast IPv4/IPv6 sessions transported through IP interfaces or multicast Ethernet transported through Ethernet ports.

Note: The source address used for the originating IPv6 PTP messages must have an IPv6 address defined using the following commands:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system security source-address ipv6 address
    configure service vprn source-address ipv6 address
  • classic CLI
    configure system security source-address application6
    configure service vprn source-address application6

For the unicast IP sessions, the external clocks are labeled 'peers'. There are two types of peers: configured and discovered. An ordinary clock timeReceiver or a boundary clock should have configured peers for each PTP neighbor clock from which it may accept synchronization information. The router initiates unicast sessions with all configured peers. An ordinary clock timeTransmitter or boundary clock accepts unicast session requests from external peers. If the peer is not a configured peer, then it is considered a discovered peer. An ordinary clock timeTransmitter or boundary clock can deliver synchronization information toward discovered peers. Peer clocks shows the relationship of various neighbor clocks using unicast IP sessions to communicate with a 7750 SR configured as a boundary clock with two configured peers.

Figure 5. Peer clocks

For multicast Ethernet operation, the router listens for and transmits PTP messages using the configured multicast MAC address. Neighbor clocks are discovered via the reception of messages through an enabled Ethernet port. An ordinary clock timeTransmitter, ordinary clock timeReceiver, and a boundary clock support more than one neighbor PTP clock connecting into a single port. This may be encountered with the deployment of an Ethernet multicast LAN segment between the local clock and the neighbor PTP ports using an end-to-end transparent clock or an Ethernet switch. The Ethernet switch is not recommended because of the introduction of PDV and the potential degradation of performance but it can be used if appropriate to the application. Ethernet multicast ports shows the relationship of various neighbor clocks using multicast Ethernet sessions to a 7750 SR configured as a boundary clock. The 7750 SR has three ports configured for multicast Ethernet communications. Port 1/2/1 of the 7750 SR shows a connection where there are two neighbor clocks connecting to one port of the 7750 SR through an end-to-end transparent clock.

Figure 6. Ethernet multicast ports

The ordinary clock timeTransmitter, ordinary clock timeReceiver, and boundary clock allow for PTP operation over both unicast IPv4/IPv6 and multicast Ethernet at the same time.

The IEEE 1588v2 standard includes the concept of PTP profiles. These profiles are defined by industry groups or standards bodies that define how IEEE 1588v2 is to be used for a particular application.

The following profiles are supported:

  • IEEE 1588v2 (ieee1588-2008)

  • G.8265.1 (g8265dot1-2010)

  • G.8275.1 (g8275dot1-2014)

  • G.8275.2 (g8275dot2-2016)

When an ordinary clock timeReceiver or a boundary clock receive Announce messages from one or more configured peers or multicast neighbors, it executes a Best TimeTransmitter Clock Algorithm (BTCA) to determine the state of communication between itself and the peers. The system uses the BTCA to create a hierarchical topology allowing the flow of synchronization information from the best source (the grandmaster clock) out through the network to all boundary and timeReceiver clocks. Each profile has a dedicated BTCA.

If the profile setting for the clock is ieee1588-2008, the precedence order for the BTCA is as follows:

  1. priority1

  2. clockClass

  3. clockAccuracy

  4. PTP variance (offsetScaledLogVariance)

  5. priority2

  6. clockIdentity

  7. stepsRemoved from the grandmaster

The ordinary clock timeTransmitter, ordinary clock timeReceiver, and boundary clock set their local parameters as listed in Local clock parameters when profile is set to ieee1588-2008.

Table 6. Local clock parameters when profile is set to ieee1588-2008
Parameter Value


Chassis MAC address following the guidelines of of IEEE 1588


6 — local clock is configured using a time reference from a GNSS receiver

7 — local clock is in holdover after losing time reference from the local GNSS receiver for no more than ten minutes

13 — local clock configured as ordinary clock timeTransmitter and is locked to an external reference

14 — local clock configured as ordinary clock timeTransmitter and in holdover after having been locked to an external source

248 — local clock configured as ordinary clock timeTransmitter and is in free run or the router is configured as a boundary clock

255 — local clock configured as ordinary clock timeReceiver


FE — unknown

21 — when using a time reference from a GNSS receiver


FFFF — not computed

If the profile setting for the clock is g8265dot1-2010, the precedence order for the best timeTransmitter selection algorithm is:

  1. clockClass

  2. priority

The ordinary clock timeTransmitter, ordinary clock timeReceiver, and boundary clock use local settings as listed in Local clock parameters when profile is set to itu-telecom-freq.

Table 7. Local clock parameters when profile is set to itu-telecom-freq
Parameter Value


80-110 — value corresponding to the QL out of the central clock as per Table 1/G.8265.1

255 — the clock is configured as ordinary clock timeReceiver

domain number

0 to 255 — configured domain value must be within this range when the G.8265.1 profile is used, and is 4 by default

The g8265dot1-2010 profile is for use in an environment with only ordinary clock timeTransmitters and timeReceivers for frequency distribution.

If the profile setting for the clock is g8275dot1-2014, the precedence order for the best timeTransmitter selection algorithm is very similar to that used with the default profile. It ignores priority1, includes a localPriority and includes the ability to force a port to never enter timeReceiver state (timeTransmitter-only).

The precedence is as follows:

  1. clockClass

  2. clockAccuracy

  3. PTP variance (offsetScaledLogVariance)

  4. priority2

  5. localPriority

  6. clockIdentity (See Note)

  7. stepsRemoved from the grandmaster

Note: If the two clocks being compared have a clockClass less than 128, this step is skipped. Skipping this step is the normal case because most clocks used as grandmasters advertise a clockClass less than 128.

The ordinary clock timeTransmitter, ordinary clock timeReceiver, and boundary clock use local settings listed in Local clock settings when profile is set to g8275dot1-2014.

Table 8. Local clock settings when profile is set to g8275dot1-2014
Parameter Value


Chassis MAC address following the guidelines of of IEEE 1588


165 — local clock configured to a boundary clock and the boundary clock was previously locked to a grandmaster with a clock class of 6

248 — local clock configured as boundary clock

255 — local clock configured as ordinary clock timeReceiver


FE — unknown


FFFF — not computed

If the profile setting for the clock is g8275dot2-2016, the precedence order for the best master selection algorithm is very similar to that used with the g8275dot1-2014 profile. It ignores the priority1 parameter, includes a localPriority parameter, and includes the ability to force a port to never enter slave state (master-only). The precedence is as follows:

  • clockClass

  • clockAccuracy

  • PTP variance (offsetScaledLogVariance)

  • priority2

  • localPriority

  • clockIdentity

  • stepsRemoved from the grandmaster

Note: If the two clocks being compared have a clockClass of less than 128, the comparison of the clockIdentity is skipped. Skipping the comparison of the clockIdentity is the normal case because the vast majority of clocks used as grandmasters advertise a clockClass of less than 128.

The following table describes the local parameter settings when the profile setting for the clock is g8275dot2-2016.

Table 9. Local Clock Parameters: g8275dot2-2016


Value and Description


Chassis MAC address following the guidelines of of IEEE 1588


6 — local clock is using a time reference from a GNSS receiver

165 — local clock is configured as a boundary clock in holdover; the boundary clock was previously locked to a grandmaster clock with a clock class of 6

248 — local clock is configured as a grandmaster clock or boundary clock in free-run mode

255 — local clock is configured as an ordinary clock slave


0xFE — unknown

0x21 — when using a time reference from a GNSS receiver


0xFFFF — not computed

0x4e5d (1.8E-15) — when using a time reference from a GNSS receiver

There is a limit on the number of external PTP clocks to which the ordinary clock timeReceiver or boundary clock requests unicast service (number of configured peers) and also a limit to the number of external PTP clocks to which the ordinary clock timeTransmitter or boundary clock grants unicast service (number of discovered peers). An association where the boundary clock has a symmetric relationship with another boundary clock (in other words, they both have the other as a configured peer) consumes a request and a grant unicast service in each router.

The number of configured Ethernet ports is not restricted.

There are limits to the maximum transmitted and received event message rates supported in the router. Each unicast IP service established consumes a portion of one of the unicast message limits. When either limit is reached, additional unicast service requests are refused by sending a grant response with zero in the duration field.

See the scaling guide for the appropriate release for the specific unicast message limits related to PTP.

Multicast messages are not considered when validating the unicast message limit. When multicast messaging on Ethernet ports is enabled, the PTP load needs to be monitored to ensure the load does not exceed the capabilities. There are several commands that you can use for this monitoring. If the capacity usage reaches 100%, the PTP software process on the router is at its limit of transmitting and receiving PTP packets.

Use the following command to identify the load of the PTP software process.
show system cpu

Because you cannot control the amount of PTP messages being received over the Ethernet ports, you can use statistics commands to identify the source of the message load.

Use the following command to display aggregate packet rates.
show system ptp statistics

Use the following commands to display received packet rates.

show system ptp port
show system ptp port detail

Messaging sequence between the PTP timeReceiver clock and PTP timeTransmitter clock shows the unicast negotiation procedure performed between a timeReceiver and a peer clock that is selected to be the timeTransmitter clock. The timeReceiver clock requests Announce messages from all peer clocks but only request Sync and Delay_Resp messages from the clock selected to be the timeTransmitter clock.

Figure 7. Messaging sequence between the PTP timeReceiver clock and PTP timeTransmitter clock

PTP clock synchronization

The IEEE 1588v2 standard synchronizes the frequency and time from a timeTransmitter clock to one or more timeReceiver clocks over a packet stream. This packet-based synchronization standard defines transport to use UDP/IP with unicast or Ethernet with multicast.

As part of the basic synchronization timing computation, a number of event messages are defined for synchronization messaging between the PTP timeReceiver port and PTP timeTransmitter port. A one-step or two-step synchronization operation can be used, with the two-step operation requiring a follow-up message after each synchronization message. Ordinary clock timeTransmitter and boundary clock timeTransmitter ports use one-step operation; ordinary clock timeReceiver and boundary clock timeReceiver ports can accept messages from either one-step or two-step operation timeTransmitter ports.

The IEEE 1588v2 standard includes a mechanism to control the topology for synchronization distribution. The Best TimeTransmitter Clock Algorithm (BTCA) defines the states for the PTP ports on a clock. One port is set into timeReceiver state and the other ports are set to timeTransmitter (or passive) states. Ports in timeReceiver state recovered synchronization delivered by from an external PTP clock and ports in timeTransmitter state transmit synchronization to toward external PTP clocks.

The following figure shows the basic synchronization timing computation between the PTP timeReceiver clock and PTP best timeTransmitter. This figure illustrates the offset of the timeReceiver clock referenced to the best timeTransmitter signal during startup.

Figure 8. PTP timeReceiver clock and timeTransmitter clock synchronization timing computation

When using IEEE 1588v2 for distribution of a frequency reference, the timeReceiver calculates a message delay from the timeTransmitter to the timeReceiver based on the timestamps exchanged. A sequence of these calculated delays contain information of the relative frequencies of the timeTransmitter clock and timeReceiver clock but has a noise component related to the PDV experienced across the network. The timeReceiver must filter the PDV effects to extract the relative frequency data, then adjust the timeReceiver frequency to align with the timeTransmitter frequency.

When using IEEE 1588v2 for distribution of time, the 7750 SR and 7450 ESS use the four timestamps exchanged using the IEEE 1588v2 messages to determine the offset between the router time base and the external timeTransmitter clock time base. The router determines the offset adjustment and then in between these adjustments, the router maintains the progression of time using the frequency from the central clock of the router. This allows time to be maintained using a BITS input source or a Synchronous Ethernet input source even if the IEEE 1588v2 communications fail. When using IEEE 1588v2 for time distribution, the central clock should at a minimum have a system timing input reference enabled.

The following figure shows a logical model for using PTP/1588 for network synchronization.

Figure 9. Logical model for using PTP/1588 for network synchronization
Synchronization uncertainty

The PTP protocol uses the BTCA to build the network topology from a PTP grandmaster, through one or more boundary clocks, and into timeReceiver clocks. This mechanism relies on the grandmaster information contained in the Announce messages sent between these clocks. While the BTCA is designed to create the topology quickly and without any timing loops, it does not address the fact that as each clock selects a new parent clock, it takes time for each clock to align its local time to that of its parent clock.

To address this, the IEEE and ITU-T adds the synchronizationUncertain bit to the header of Announce messages. A grandmaster or boundary clock sets this bit to true when it is calibrating. In addition, if this bit is set to true in the Announce messages from its parent clock, the boundary clock always transmits the bit as true. This allows the topology to settle quickly but also provides an indication to the final timeReceiver clocks as to when they can trust the time being delivered by the network.

The optional synchronizationUncertain bit (flagField octet 1, bit 6) defined in the G.8275.1, G.8275.2, and IEEE 1588 specifications in Announce messages indicates the synchronization uncertainty of the PTP clock to the user and downstream clocks. A synchronizationUncertain bit value of 1 indicates a SyncUncertain TRUE state, meaning the local clock is still in the transient phase and attempting to achieve stability; a synchronizationUncertain bit value of 0 indicates a SyncUncertain FALSE state, meaning the local clock has reached the steady state phase.

The SyncUncertain state transitions to FALSE when all of the following conditions are true for a number of consecutive, stable PTP time update windows:

  • the parent PTP clock is in a SyncUncertain FALSE state
  • PTP time recovery is locked
  • the grandmaster PTP clock is Clock Class 6 or 7
  • the central frequency clock is locked, and the quality level of the frequency is QL-PRC/QL-PRS
  • PTP frequency recovery is locked if PTP is used for frequency and the profile is G.8275.2 or IEEE 1588v2

The SyncUncertain state transitions back to TRUE if any of the above conditions are not met, even momentarily, and the stable PTP time update window count resets to 0.

In some deployments, other PTP clocks in the network may not support the synchronizationUncertain bit. If the upstream clocks do not support synchronizationUncertain, the synchronizationUncertain bit is 0, indicating a SyncUncertain FALSE state regardless of the actual state of the local clock. If the downstream clocks do not support synchronizationUncertain, it may be desirable to stop the transmission of Announce messages while the local clock is in a state of SyncUncertain TRUE. Use the following command to stop this transmission:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system ptp tx-while-sync-uncertain false
  • classic CLI
    configure system ptp no tx-while-sync-uncertain
If this command is used to stop the transmission of Announce messages while the local clock is in a state of SyncUncertain TRUE, unicast negotiation grant requests are not granted and current grants are canceled.

Performance considerations

Although IEEE 1588v2 can be used on a network that is not PTP-aware, the use of PTP-aware network elements (boundary clocks) within the packet switched network improves synchronization performance by reducing the impact of PDV between the grandmaster clock and the timeReceiver clock. When IEEE 1588v2 is used to distribute high accuracy time, such as for mobile base station phase requirements, the network architecture requires the deployment of PTP awareness in every device between the grandmaster clock and the mobile base station timeReceiver.

In addition, performance is also improved by the removal of any PDV caused by internal queuing within the boundary clock or timeReceiver clock. This is accomplished with hardware that is capable of detecting and time stamping the IEEE 1588v2 packets at the Ethernet interface. This capability is referred to as port-based time stamping.

Port-based timestamping of PTP messages

To meet the stringent performance requirements of PTP mobile network applications, the 1588 packets must be timestamped at the ingress and egress ports. This requires the use of 1588 port-based timestamping on the ports handling the PTP messages. This avoids any possible PDV that may be introduced between the port and the CPM. The ability to timestamp in the interface hardware is provided on a subset of the IMM and MDA assemblies of the routers. Generally, all FP4 and later generations of the XMA, XMA-s, and MDA-e-XP modules support 1588 port-based timestamping. For other assemblies, contact your Nokia representative to verify the support for 1588 port-based timestamping.

Port-based timestamping of 1588v2 packets cannot be used simultaneously for Ethernet encapsulation and IP encapsulation on a specified port. This means that PTP cannot be configured on an Ethernet port if the ptp-hw-assist command option is already configured on a Layer 3 interface associated with that port. Similarly, this command option cannot be configured on a Layer 3 interface if the associated port is already configured as a PTP port.

When configuring the ptp-hw-assist command for PTP over IP, a loopback address must be used for PTP to ensure these message are timestamped at the port even after the routing topology changes. To configure the loopback address, use one of the following commands:

  • MD-CLI

    configure system security source-address ipv4 ptp address address
    configure system security source-address ipv6 ptp address address
  • classic CLI

    configure system security source-address application ptp address
    configure system security source-address application6 ptp address

Enabling the ptp-hw-assist command option within a Layer 3 interface is only supported if one of the following conditions is met:

  • All physical ports contained in the interface support PBT for PTP over UDP/IPv4.

  • All physical ports contained in the interface support PBT for PTP over UDP/IPv6 and a loopback IPv6 address is configured for PTP using the following commands:

    • MD-CLI

      configure system security source-address ipv6 ptp address address
      configure service vprn source-address ipv6 ptp address address
    • classic CLI

      configure system security source-address application6 ptp address
      configure service vprn source-address application6 ptp address
While the ptp-hw-assist feature supports port timestamping for a single router interface per physical port, the ptp-timestamping port-level configuration feature supports port timestamping for multiple router interfaces per physical port. The ptp-timestamping feature applies port timestamping to PTP messages using UDP/IPv4 or UDP/IPv6 transport. The destination IP address(es) specified under the port-level ptp-timestamping feature should be configured as one of the addresses defined for PTP use with the following commands:
  • MD-CLI

    configure system security source-address ipv4 ptp address address
    configure service vprn source-address ipv4 ptp address address
    configure system security source-address ipv6 ptp address address
    configure service vprn source-address ipv6 ptp address address
  • classic CLI

    configure system security source-address application ptp address
    configure service vprn source-address application ptp address
    configure system security source-address application6 ptp address
    configure service vprn source-address application6 ptp address

The ptp-timestamping feature enables the local PTP clock to use PTP over IP over multiple router interfaces per physical port. The feature can also be used for router interfaces across different router instances that have the same local PTP IP address.

When using the ptp-timestamping feature, all received messages that match the characteristics (PTP protocol, UDP over IP with the configured address, PTP event message) must be delivered to the PTP process of the node.

Caution: If PTP traffic on the port within a VLAN is forwarded across the node and does not end up at the PTP process of the node, the traffic may become corrupted. This traffic should be moved to a different physical port to avoid corruption.
The configure port ethernet ptp-timestamping command and any of the following are mutually exclusive; they cannot be used on the same physical port:
configure router interface ptp-hw-assist
configure service ies interface ptp-hw-assist
configure service vprn interface ptp-hw-assist
configure system ptp port

PTP capabilities

For each PTP message type to be exchanged between the router and an external 1588 clock, a unicast session must be established using the unicast negotiation procedures. The router allows the configuration of the message rate to be requested from external 1588 clocks. The router also supports a range of message rates that it grants to requests received from the external 1588 clocks. The IEEE 1588 standard allows the grantor port to respond with a shorter duration than what was in the request. The router can accept such a grant and uses that duration. The router issues a renegotiation before the duration expires.

Message rates ranges and defaults describes the ranges for both the rates that the router can request and grant.

Table 10. Message rates ranges and defaults
Message type Rates requested by the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Rates granted by the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR

Min Max Min Max


1 packet every 16 seconds

8 packets/second

packet every 16 seconds

8 packets/second


1 packet/second

64 packet/second

1 packet/second

128 packet/second


1 packet/second

64 packets/second

1 packet/second

128 packets/second






State and statistics data for each PTP peer are available to assist in the detection of failures or unusual situations.

PTP ordinary timeReceiver clock for frequency

Traditionally, only clock frequency is required to ensure smooth transmission in a synchronous network. The PTP ordinary clock with timeReceiver capability on the router provides another option to reference a Stratum-1 traceable clock across a packet-switched network. The recovered clock can be referenced by the internal SSU and distributed to all slots and ports.

The following figure shows a PTP ordinary timeReceiver clock network configuration.

Figure 10. PTP ordinary timeReceiver clock for frequency

The PTP timeReceiver capability is implemented on the CPM, version 3 or later. The IEEE 1588v2 messages can ingress and egress the router on any line interface. The following figure shows the operation of an ordinary PTP clock in timeReceiver mode.

Figure 11. Ordinary timeReceiver clock operation

PTP ordinary timeTransmitter clock for frequency

The router supports the PTP ordinary clock in timeTransmitter mode. Normally, an IEEE 1588v2 grandmaster is used to support many timeReceivers and boundary clocks in the network. In cases where only a small number of timeReceivers and boundary clocks exist and only frequency is required, a PTP integrated timeTransmitter clock can greatly reduce hardware and management costs to implement PTP across the network. It also provides an opportunity to achieve better performance by placing a timeTransmitter clock closer to the edge of the network, as close to the timeReceiver clocks as possible. The following figure shows a PTP timeTransmitter clock network configuration.

Figure 12. PTP timeTransmitter clock

All packets are routed to their destination via the best route as determined in the route table, as shown in the following figure. It does not matter which ports are used to ingress and egress these packets (unless port based time stamping is enabled for higher performance).

Figure 13. Ordinary timeTransmitter clock operation

PTP boundary clock for frequency and time

The router supports boundary clock PTP devices in both timeTransmitter and timeReceiver states.

IEEE 1588v2 can function across a packet network that is not PTP-aware. However, the performance may be unsatisfactory and unpredictable. PDV across the packet network varies with the number of hops, link speeds, utilization rates, and the inherent behavior of the routers. By using routers with boundary clock functionality in the path between the grandmaster clock and the timeReceiver clock, one long path over many hops is split into multiple shorter segments, allowing better PDV control and improved timeReceiver performance. This allows PTP to function as a valid timing option in more network deployments and allows for better scalability and increased robustness in specific topologies, such as rings.

Boundary clocks can simultaneously function as a PTP timeReceiver of an upstream grandmaster (ordinary clock) or boundary clock, and as a PTP timeTransmitter of downstream timeReceivers (ordinary clock) and boundary clocks, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 14. PTP boundary clock for frequency and time

In addition, the use of port-based timestamping in every network element between the grandmaster and the end timeReceiver application is highly recommended for delivering time to meet one microsecond accuracies required of mobile applications.

The router always uses the frequency output of the central frequency clock to maintain the timebase within the router. When using the G.8275.1 profile, it is mandatory to have the central frequency clock configured to use a Layer 1 frequency source, such as a BITS input or a SyncE port. For other profiles, Nokia recommends using a Layer 1 frequency source. If a Layer 1 frequency source is unavailable, enable PTP as a source for the central frequency clock to have frequency for timestamping traceable to a high accuracy source.

When a router with an enabled GNSS port is configured with boundary clock functionality, the boundary clock acts as a grandmaster clock. The timeReceiver function stops and the timeTransmitter ports use frequency and time recovered from the GNSS port.

PTP timeTransmitter clock for frequency and time distribution

PTP timeTransmitter clock capability for frequency and time distribution is implemented on the following 7750 SR equipment:

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1x-48D

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-24D

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-48D

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1x-92S

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-46S

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1-92S

  • 7750 FP5 SR-1se

  • 7750 FP5 SR-2se

GNSS must be the active system timing and frequency reference for routers that are used as a grandmaster clock. The PTP timeTransmitter clock can be used for frequency and time distribution. See Configuring system timing to use a GNSS RF port for information about configuring the router to use GNSS as a system timing reference.

Use the following commands to configure the router as a grandmaster clock:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system ptp profile ieee1588-2008
    configure system ptp clock-type master-only
    configure system ptp admin-state enable
  • classic CLI
    configure system ptp profile ieee1588-2008
    configure system ptp clock-type ordinary master
    configure system ptp no shutdown

ITU-T G.8275.2 profile and APTS

The 7750 SR supports Recommendation ITU-T G.8275.2, which, similar to Recommendation ITU-T G.8275.1, specifies the architecture that allows the distribution of time and phasing. Recommendation ITU-T G.8275.1 supports full-timing from the network and Recommendation ITU-T G.8275.2 supports partial-timing (PTS) and APTS.

When the 7750 SR is configured to use the G.8275.1 or G.8275.2 profile, it uses an alternate BTCA for best timeTransmitter clock selection. This BTCA includes a PTP dataset comparison that is defined in IEEE 1588-2008, but with the following differences:

  • the priority1 value is removed from the dataset comparison
  • the master-only value must be considered
  • multiple active grandmaster clocks are allowed; therefore, the BTCA selects the nearest clock of equal quality
  • a port-level local-priority attribute value is used to select a timeReceiver port if two ports receive an Announce message. This attribute is used as a tiebreaker in the dataset comparison algorithm if all other previous attributes of the datasets being compared are equal.
  • the local-priority value is considered for the default dataset

When the clock is configured as a boundary clock, the GNSS is treated as a virtual PTP port into the BTCA. On systems with redundant GNSS, the preference in the BTCA shall be the local GNSS followed by the standby GNSS. The GNSS receiver shall only be considered into the BTCA if it is in locked state. Also in these systems, when one of the GNSS is selected as the parent clock, there may still be a PTP port running frequency and time recovery from a remote PTP timeTransmitter port as a backup. The ptp statistics reflect this backup session.

When the PTP clock is configured to use the G.8275.2 profile without GNSS configured, the clock operates using PTS. When the PTP clock is configured to use the G.8275.2 profile and the internal GNSS is configured and operationally up, GNSS is the preferred reference by default and is selected as the source of time for PTP. For extra resilience, APTS can be deployed by configuring a PTP backup over a network with PTP support to a remote grandmaster clock.

When the clock is configured as a boundary clock, the GNSS is treated as a virtual PTP port into the BTCA. On systems with redundant GNSS, the preference in the BTCA is the local GNSS followed by the standby GNSS. The GNSS receiver is considered into the BTCA when it is in locked state. Also in these systems, when one of the GNSS is selected as the parent clock, there may still be a PTP port running frequency and time recovery from a remote PTP timeTransmitter port as a backup. The PTP statistics reflect this backup session.

During normal operation, the local GNSS source is the reference for time and frequency. If the GNSS source fails, the PTP backup is automatically used to keep the clocks synchronized and stable. The delay offset value, which is calculated while the GNSS source was up, is applied to the PTP backup to keep time and phase as accurate as possible. See GNSS failure with APTS for more information about APTS functionality during a GNSS failure.

The following table describes the mapping between ITU-T G.8275.2 and PTP clock types. T-BC-A and T-TSC-A clocks are applicable to APTS.

Table 11. Mapping between ITU-T G.8275.2 and PTP clock types
Clock type from ITU-T G.8275.2 Description Clock type from IEEE 1588


timeTransmitter ordinary clock (clock with a single PTP port; cannot be a timeReceiver from another PTP clock)

Ordinary clock

timeTransmitter boundary clock (clock with multiple PTP ports; cannot be a timeReceiver from another PTP clock)

Boundary clock1

T-BC-P (partial)

Boundary clock (may become a grandmaster clock, or may be a timeReceiver from another PTP clock)

Boundary clock

T-BC-A (assisted partial)

Boundary clock assisted by a local time reference that is used as a primary source of time (may become a grandmaster clock, or may be a timeReceiver to another PTP clock)

Boundary clock2

T-TSC-P (partial)

Always timeReceiver; single-port ordinary clock

Ordinary clock

PTP clock at the end of the PTP synchronization chain; multiple port clock

Boundary clock1

T-TSC-A (assisted partial)

Always timeReceiver; single-port ordinary clock assisted by a local time reference that is used as a primary source of time

Ordinary clock2

PTP clock at the end of the PTP synchronization chain; multiple-port clock assisted by a local time reference that is used as a primary source of time

Boundary clock1, 2

1 As defined by IEEE 1588, a clock with multiple PTP ports is a boundary clock.
2 Examples of a local time reference include PRTC or a GNSS-based time source.

PTP clock redundancy

The PTP module in the router exists on the CPM. The PTP module on the standby CPM is kept synchronized to the PTP module on the active CPM. All sessions with external PTP peers are maintained over a CPM switchover.

PTP message encapsulations

For physical ports located on an MDA/IMM/XMA/MDA-s of a 7750 SR or a 7950 XRS platform, PTP messages are supported in the following encapsulations:

  • PTP within raw Ethernet (no VLAN header)
  • PTP within UDP/IPv4 or UDP/IPv6 within raw Ethernet (no VLAN header)
  • PTP within UDP/IPv4 or UDP/IPv6 within dot1q Ethernet (one VLAN header)

For the SyncE/1588 ports located on the CPM or CCM of a 7750 SR or a 7950 XRS platform, PTP supports PTP messages within raw Ethernet (no VLAN header).

For physical ports located on a 7210 SAS satellite, PTP supports PTP messages within raw Ethernet (no VLAN header).

No other encapsulations are supported.

PTP time for system time and OAM time

PTP has the potential to provide much more accurate time into the router than can be obtained with NTP. This PTP recovered time can be made available for system time and OAM packet time stamping to improve the accuracies of logged events and OAM delay measurements. The mechanism to activate PTP as the source for these internal time bases is to allocate PTP as a local server into NTP. This allows the NTP time recovery to use PTP as a source for time and then distribute it within the router to system time and the OAM process. This activation also affects the operation of the NTP server within the SR OS. The PTP server appears as NTP stratum 0 server and therefore the SR OS advertises itself as an NTP Stratum 1 server to external peers and clients. This activation may impact the NTP topology.

PTP within routing instances

PTP is supported over direct Ethernet encapsulation (that is, PTP ports) and UDP/IP encapsulation (that is, PTP peers). PTP ports operate below the routing plane. They can be used on appropriate ports irrespective of any type of router interface also on the port. PTP peers operate at the routing plane and have restrictions based on and across the following router instances.

Transmission and reception of PTP messages using PTP peers is supported in the following contexts:

  • Network interface in the Base routing instance (configure router interface)

  • IES interface (configure service ies interface)

  • VPRN interface (configure service vprn interface)

Transmission and reception of PTP messages using PTP peers is not supported in the following contexts:

  • IES spoke SDP interface (configure service ies spoke-sdp interface)

  • VPRN spoke SDP interface (configure service vprn spoke-sdp interface)

  • VPRN transport tunnel (configure service vprn auto-bind-tunnel or configure service vprn spoke-sdp)

  • Any interface of the management router instance

  • Any interface of the vpls-management router instance

  • Any interface of a user created CPM router instance

It is important to note that there is only one PTP clock within the router. All PTP ports and PTP peers communicate into one clock instance. Only one router instance may have PTP peers configured, which means that only that router instance (or PTP port) can run the timeReceiver functionality and recover time from an external PTP clock. All other router instances only support the dynamic PTP peers. The PTP process in the router only includes outward server time toward the dynamic PTP peers. The dynamic PTP peers are shared across all router instances. If it is needed to control the number of dynamic peers that can be consumed by a routing instance, then it must be configured for that routing instance.

PTSF-unusable for G.8275.1

The PTP clock in the router monitors the Sync, Follow_Up (if present), and Delay_Resp messages received from external neighbor ports. If a high variation is detected in the network path between the external neighbor port and the local port, that neighbor port is considered unusable (PTSF-unusable as defined in the ITU-T G.8275.1 recommendation). When a neighbor is unusable, all Announce messages from that neighbor are discarded on reception and excluded from the BTCA. If the neighbor is the parent clock to the local clock, the local clock must either select a new parent clock or go into holdover. In addition, any neighbor clock marked as unusable cannot act as the parent to the local PTP clock until underlying condition is investigated and resolved, and the unusable state is cleared. The unusable state is cleared when PTP, PTSF-unusable monitoring, or the local PTP port is administratively disabled, the PTP port is deleted, or the external neighbor port stops sending messages to the node. It can also be cleared by using the appropriate clear command.

Profile interworking

There is one PTP clock within an SR OS system. The clock runs a BTCA and can set a port into timeReceiver state to recover frequency, time, or both. The recovery process is controlled by the rules of a primary profile. The SR OS also allows frequency, time, or both to be distributed outward from the clock using PTP messages that conform to the rules of an alternate profile. The primary profile and alternate profiles include a parameter to configure the standard profile that defines these rules. The following guidelines apply to profile interworking.

  • Alternate profiles can only be configured if the primary profile is using standard profile g8275dot1-2014 or g8275dot2-2016.
  • Alternate profiles can use standard profiles g8275dot1-2014, g8275dot2-2016, g8265dot1-2010, or ieee1588-2008.
  • The primary profile and an alternate profile can use the same standard profile.
  • Multiple alternate profiles can also use the same standard profile.
Note: The last two cases described in the preceding list may be useful if external clocks require different domain numbers or announce message rates.

Alternate profiles are associated with PTP ports and peers. Alternate profile associations are configured for PTP ports and learned by PTP peers. PTP peer alternate profiles are learned by matching the domain number of received unicast messaging with the domain of the configured alternate profile. Configured peers always use the primary profile.

Caution: When a PTP port is configured, the log-delay-interval and log-sync-interval commands are automatically configured based on the primary PTP profile that is configured. When an alternate profile is assigned to the PTP port, these values are not changed. The user must configure the log delay interval and the log sync interval to align with the requirements of the attached equipment.

Additionally, if the log-delay-interval and log-sync-interval commands are not changed from their default values, the values change if the primary profile changes. This behavior may result in an unexpected message rate if the default values are retained.

The following table lists the profile interworking between the primary and alternate profiles depending on the standard profile used in the primary.

Table 12. Allowed standard profiles in alternate profile
Standard profile used in primary profile Standard profile allowed in alternate profile












not allowed


not allowed

Annex J performance monitoring statistics

Support is provided for the collection of performance monitoring statistics for the time recovery algorithm based on Annex J/IEEE1588-2019. The following table describes the record index values.

Table 13. Performance monitor record index values

Record index value

Record shown


current 15-minute interval


15-minute interval within the last 24 hours


current 24-hour interval


previous 24-hour interval


current minute interval


one-minute interval within the last 15 minutes

Each record includes the average, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation for the following statistics:

  • offset-from-master
  • mean-path-delay
  • timeTransmitter-to-timeReceiverDelay (master-to-slave-delay)
  • timeReceiver-to-timeTransmitter delay (slave-to-master-delay)

These performance statistics are available in the following scenarios:

  • local active timeReceiver port to remote PTP parent
  • local active GNSS to backup PTP port
  • local active timeReceiver port to other selected local PTP ports

In the local active timeReceiver port to remote PTP parent scenario, the local active timeReceiver port and the remote parent timeTransmitter port are compared. In a system where the PTP has stabilized, the offset-from-master tends toward 0. A high value indicates that the PTP path has high packet delay variation or high asymmetry.

In the local active GNSS to backup PTP port scenario, when a platform includes a GNSS receiver that is being used as a PTP time source with G.8275.1 or G.8275.2 as the PTP profile, the PTP clock runs a PTP timeReceiver port with an external timeTransmitter port, if one is available. If the PTP clock runs a PTP timeReceiver port, the Annex J statistics are computed as a comparison between the timeReceiver computed time and the GNSS time. Computing the Annex J statistics this way can provide a good indication for PTP performance should the GNSS lose lock and the node switches to use PTP input as its source of time.

In the local active timeReceiver port to other selected local PTP ports scenario, the local active timeReceiver port and another timeReceiver port in the router are compared. Up to four timeReceiver ports can be monitored simultaneously. In this case, these timeReceiver port are designated to be monitored by configuring the PTP port (or PTP peer) to be a monitorReceiver. At the remote end of these monitored PTP ports, the timeTransmitter port can be configured to be monitorSender so that the monitor process can proceed correctly, no matter the PTP state of the port.

Synchronization with Ethernet satellites

Synchronous Ethernet is supported on Ethernet satellites. Support is provided for both the distribution of frequency from the central clock of the host outward via client ports and also the option to use one or two client ports of the satellite as options to feed inward to the central frequency clock of the host.

If sync-e is configured, under the following contexts, the settings for ref1 and ref2 can be created:

  • MD-CLI
    configure satellite ethernet-satellite sync-e
  • classic CLI
    configure system satellite eth-sat sync-e

The ref1 and ref2 commands are configured under the following contexts:

  • MD-CLI
    configure satellite ethernet-satellite central-frequency-clock
  • classic CLI
    configure satellite ethernet-satellite sync-if-timing

The source ports of ref1 and ref2 of the satellite clock can be configured to both be uplink ports (frequency synchronization flows from host system into satellite) or client ports (frequency synchronization always derived from local client ports, never the host) or one host port and the other a client port. The satellite central clock always uses ql-selection so Nokia strongly recommends having ESMC frames enabled on the devices feeding SyncE toward the satellite client ports.

There are two settings for a satellite when using PTP from the host across a satellite. The satellite must be enabled to support updating the PTP event message correction field. Setting ptp-tc to enabled turns on support for use of PTP over Ethernet from the host across the satellite.

Use the following command to enable ptp-tc:

  • MD-CLI
    configure satellite ethernet-satellite feature ptp-tc
  • classic CLI
    configure system satellite eth-sat feature ptp-tc

When used with PTP over Ethernet from the host, the performance is optimized. This allows for the inclusion of the host and satellite system in a network chain targeting one microsecond accurate time in the end application (see ITU-T recommendation series G.827x). PTP over IP can be used with this solution, but the performance is much less than with PTP over Ethernet and one microsecond accurate time cannot be guaranteed.

When a satellite is enabled for ptp-tc, all PTP messages encapsulated in the raw Ethernet frames that any of the satellite client ports receive must be destined for the 7750 SR host PTP process. If the PTP messages are not extracted for the host PTP process, those messages are corrupted.

To use PTP over IP from the host across a satellite, in addition to enabling ptp-tc, the command options in ptp-ip also need to be configured. This subtree allows the PTP over IP updating to be enabled and defines the specific IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses that are used by the PTP over IP packets. Any PTP messages that use IPv4 must match the IPv4 address and any PTP messages that use IPv6 must match the IPv6 address. PTP over IP messages can enter the satellite client ports with raw or dot1q encapsulation; QinQ encapsulation for these messages is not supported. The IPv4 and IPv6 address used for PTP must be common for all PTP messages for the host PTP process. The routing interfaces can exist in different routing instances, but the address used for PTP across those routing instances must be the same.

QinQ network interface support

Use the following command to enable the creation of network interfaces on a QinQ-encapsulated VLAN on a system-wide level.
configure system ip allow-qinq-network-interface
When enabled, the egress IOM limits are changed to allow a maximum of 11 MPLS labels instead of 12.

QinQ combination (✓) and restriction (x) table lists the allowed and restricted QinQ combinations.

Table 14. QinQ combination (✓) and restriction (x) table

SAP x.0 SAP x.* SAP x.y Nw interface x.0 Nw interface x.* Nw interface x.y SAP *.* SAP *.NULL SAP 0.* Inverse SAP

SAP x.0






SAP x.*






SAP x.z



Nw interface x.0







Nw interface x.*








Nw interface x.z





SAP *.*





SAP 0.*



Inverse SAP










The IEEE 802.1ab Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a unidirectional protocol that uses the MAC layer to transmit specific information related to the capabilities and status of the local device. LLDP can send and receive information from a remote device stored in the related MIBs.

LLDP does not contain a mechanism for soliciting information received from other LLDP agents, nor does it provide the means to confirm the receipt of information. LLDP provides the flexibility of enabling a transmitter and receiver separately. The following LLDP configurations are allowed.

  • An LLDP agent can only transmit information.

  • An LLDP agent can only receive information.

  • An LLDP agent can transmit and receive information.

The information fields in each LLDP frame are contained in an LLDP Data Unit (LLDPDU) as a sequence of variable length information elements, which each include type, length, and value fields (TLVs).

  • Type indicates the nature of information being transmitted.

  • Length indicates the length of the information string in octets.

  • Value is the information that is transmitted (for example, a binary bit map or an alphanumeric string that can contain one or more fields).

Each LLDPDU contains four mandatory TLVs and can contain optional TLVs as selected by the NMS, as follows:

  • Chassis ID TLV

  • Port ID TLV

  • Time-To-Live TLV

  • End of LLDPDU TLV

  • Zero or more optional TLVs, depending on the maximum size of the LLDPDU allowed.

An LLDP agent or port is identified by a concatenated string formed by the Chassis ID TLV and the Port ID TLV. This string is used by a recipient to identify an LLDP port or agent. The combination of the Port ID and Chassis ID TLVs remains unchanged until the port or agent is operational.

The TTL (Time To Live) field of a Time-To-Live TLV can be either zero or a non-zero value. A zero value in the TTL field notifies the receiving LLDP agent to immediately discard all information related to the sending LLDP agent. A non-zero value in the TTL field indicates the time duration for which the receiving LLDP agent should retain the information related to the sending LLDP agent. The receiving LLDP agent discards all information related to the sending LLDP agent after the time interval indicated in the TTL field is complete.

Note: A TTL value of zero can be used to signal that the sending LLDP port has initiated a port shutdown procedure.

The End Of LLDPDU TLV indicates the end of the LLDPDU.

The IEEE 802.1ab standard defines a protocol that:

  • advertises connectivity and management information about the local station to adjacent stations on the same IEEE 802 LAN

  • receives network management information from adjacent stations on the same IEEE 802 LAN

  • operates with all IEEE 802 access protocols and network media

  • establishes network management information schema and object definitions that are suitable for storing connection information about adjacent stations

  • Provides compatibility with a number of MIBs as depicted in LLDP internal architecture for a network node.

    Figure 15. LLDP internal architecture for a network node

Network operators must be able to discover the topology information to detect and address network problems and inconsistencies in the configuration. Moreover, standard-based tools can address the complex network scenarios where multiple devices from different vendors are interconnected using Ethernet interfaces.

The example displayed in Customer use example for LLDP depicts a MPLS network that uses Ethernet interfaces in the core or as an access/hand off interfaces to connect to different kind of Ethernet enabled devices such as service gateway/routers, QinQ switches, DSLAMs or customer equipment.

Figure 16. Customer use example for LLDP

IEEE 802.1ab LLDP running on each Ethernet interfaces in between all the above network elements may be used to discover the topology information.

IP hashing as an LSR

It is now possible to include IP header in the hash routine at an LSR for the purpose of spraying labeled-IPv4 and labeled-IPv6 packets over multiple equal cost paths in ECMP in an LDP LSP and over multiple links of a LAG group in all types of LSPs.

A couple of configurable options are supported. The first option is referred to as the Label-IP Hash option and is designated in the CLI as lbl-ip. When enabled, the hash algorithm parses down the label stack and after it hits the bottom of the stack, it checks the next nibble. If the nibble value is four or six then it assumes it is an IPv4 or IPv6 packet. The result of the hash of the label stack, along with the incoming port and system IP address, is fed into another hash along with source and destination address fields in the IP packet's header. The second option is referred to as IP-only hash and is enabled in CLI using ip-only. It operates the same way as the Label-IP Hash method except the hash is performed exclusively on the source and destination address fields in the IP packet header. This method supports both IPv4 and IPv6 payload.

By default, MPLS packet hashing at an LSR is based on the whole label stack, along with the incoming port and system IP address. This method is referred to as the Label-Only Hash option and is enabled by entering lbl-only.

Use the following context to configure lbl-only, lbl-ip, and ip-only on a system-wide basis or override them on a per-IP-interface basis.
configure system load-balancing lsr-load-balancing


The 7210 SAS and 7250 IXR satellites are supported on the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS as Ethernet satellites.

Satellites act as port extenders to the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS through an external chassis, without requiring management of the external chassis. Satellites are a logically integrated part of the 7750 SR chassis and share a single IP address. They are configured on the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS and use theSR OS host to:

  • apply all service-level QoS policies
  • configure deep buffering and granular queuing
  • shape all egress traffic to the configured satellite access command options
Note: If a user configures CRC and symbol monitoring, the system uses the CRC and symbol monitoring Signal Degrade (SD) state to pick the best available host port for communicating with the management plane of the downstream satellite.

Satellites can be colocated with the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS or remotely located within the same building, campus, or within a several-kilometer range. This range is determined by the pluggable optics. The connection between the host and satellite must be a direct Ethernet connection.

The following figure shows the satellite solution capabilities.

Figure 17. Satellite solution capabilities

Perform the following primary tasks to configure a satellite:

  1. Create a software repository that specifies where the satellite obtains its correct software image.

  2. Create an Ethernet satellite association that binds a chassis to a set of uplinks and a software repository.

  3. Configure the satellite ports to specify port configuration and service association.

Ethernet satellites

The Ethernet satellite support feature allows the following chassis to act as a port extension for the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS host:

  • 7210 SAS-Sx
  • 7210 SAS-S
  • 7250 IXR-X1/7250 IXR-Xs
  • 7250 IXR-s
  • 7250 IXR-e 24SFP+ 8SFP28 2QSFP28

In this configuration, the host node performs all configuration and management functions. Management of the satellite node is not required when it is configured in an Ethernet satellite operations mode. A direct, non-switched, Ethernet connection between the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS host and the Ethernet satellite must be provided. The use of active Layer 2 switching devices in the path between the host and satellite is not supported.

Supported 7210 SAS Ethernet satellite chassis and Supported 7250 IXR Ethernet satellite chassis list the supported Ethernet satellite chassis.

Table 15. Supported 7210 SAS Ethernet satellite chassis
Chassis type SAT-type string

7210 SAS-Sx 24-port fiber


7210 SAS-Sx 48-port fiber


7210 SAS-S 24F4SFP+


7210 SAS-S 48F4SFP+


7210 SAS-Sx 24-port copper

7210 SAS-S 24-port copper


7210 SAS-Sx 48-port copper

7210 SAS-S 48-port copper


7210 SAS-Sx 24-port copper + PoE

7210 SAS-S 24-port copper + PoE


7210 SAS-Sx 48-port copper + PoE

7210 SAS-S 48-port copper + PoE


7210 SAS-Sx 64-port 10GE + 4-port QSFP28


7210 SAS-Mxp


Table 16. Supported 7250 IXR Ethernet satellite chassis
Chassis type SAT-type string
7250 IXR-Xs es6-qsfpdd+48-sfp56
7250 IXR-X1 es32-qsfp28+4-qsfpdd
7250 IXR-s es48-sfpp+6-qsfp28
7250 IXR-e 24SFP+ 8SFP28 2QSFP28 es24-sfpp+8-sfp28+2-qsfp28
  • The 7210 SAS-Sx 64-port 10GE Ethernet satellite supports both 10GE and 1GE optics. See the 7210 Optics Guide for a list of supported modules.
  • The 7210 SAS-Mxp, 64x10GE + 4xQSFP28 7210 SAS-Sx, and 7250 IXR satellites do not support the local-forwarding feature.
  • PoE functionality is not supported when the 7210 SAS PoE-capable switches are used in satellite mode.
  • For traffic sent by the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS host to the 7210 SAS satellite, the satellite Q-tag P-bits and DEI bits are set based on the forwarding class and profile associated with the traffic through the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS system.
  • For CRC monitoring on Ethernet satellite ports, limit the setting of signal-failure thresholds to only a subset of the uplinks. Setting the signal-failure threshold on all the links could result in satellite isolation if CRC errors are seen simultaneously on all uplinks.
  • Dual-homing or multihoming of satellites to two or more hosts is not supported.

Software repositories for satellites

The software repositories define the locations from where the host can obtain software for subcomponents including Ethernet satellites. The software repository is also used to upgrade an existing subcomponent by changing the location of the image to be served to the remote device. The software repositories are not used for management of the host router software, which is managed using the standard procedures described in the SR OS R25.x.Rx Software Release Notes.

Each software repository supports up to three locations to search for the software. A location may be a URL or a directory on a compact flash. When an upgrade operation is initiated, each of the three locations is checked in sequence to locate the required software. The upgrade operation fails if the software is not located in any of the configured locations. The satellite booting operation also fails if the software cannot be located.

At least one software repository must be configured to support a satellite connected to the local host as follows:

  1. Create a software repository using a unique repository name.
  2. Specify the primary location for the SAS/IXR image.
  3. Optionally, specify a secondary or tertiary image location and a description:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system software-repository
    configure satellite ethernet-satellite software-repository
    Note: First configure the software repository in the system context and then reference it in the satellite software-repository context.
  • classic CLI
    configure system software-repository
    configure system satellite eth-sat software-repository
Caution: Software for TDM satellites and Ethernet satellites should be stored in separate software repositories. There is one file that has the same name for both types of software, that is overwritten if they are placed in the same repository.

Upgrading satellite software

This procedure describes how to change or upgrade the satellite software.
  1. Copy the new satellite software images to a local compact flash card. It is recommended that the new image files be placed in a different directory.
    Although you can store the satellite software on a remote server and use a URL to reference the remote location, Nokia recommends that the primary image location is locally accessible.
  2. Create a new software repository using a new name and at least a primary-location for the 7210 SAS/7250 IXR image.
  3. Use the following contexts to modify the satellite configuration such that the software-repository references the newly created software repository.
    • MD-CLI
      configure satellite ethernet-satellite
    • classic CLI
      configure system satellite eth-sat
  4. Reboot the satellite to load the new software. Depending on whether a firmware update is needed, perform one of the following steps to reboot the satellite.
    • If a satellite firmware update is not required:
      1. The satellite loads the new software the next time it reboots.

      2. If required, use the following administrative command to reset the satellite:

        • MD-CLI
          admin satellite ethernet-satellite reboot now
        • classic CLI
          admin satellite eth-sat reboot now
    • If a satellite firmware update is required:
      1. Use one of the following commands to continue the upgrade to the 7210 firmware image and allow it to execute completely:

        • MD-CLI
          admin satellite ethernet-satellite synchronize
        • classic CLI
          admin satellite eth-sat sync-boot-env
      2. Use the following command to reboot the satellite to update the firmware image. This causes the 7210 SAS-Sx to upgrade the included firmware images. This process takes longer than a normal reboot.

        • MD-CLI
          admin satellite ethernet-satellite reboot upgrade
        • classic CLI
          admin satellite eth-sat reboot upgrade now

Provisioning a 7250 IXR satellite

  • Compact flash with the ZTP software kit for the 7250 IXR chassis (Release 22.10 or later)
  • 7250 IXR MAC address printed on the chassis label or from the console during the ZTP autoboot

This task describes the recommended provisioning model for 7250 IXR satellites using the 7250 IXR ZTP boot mechanism.

  1. Insert the compact flash with the ZTP software kit in the 7250 IXR chassis (Release 22.10 or later).
  2. Connect the associated uplinks between the 7750 SR or 7950 XRS host and the 7250 IXR chassis and power on the7250 IXR chassis.
  3. Obtain the MAC address from the 7250 IXR.

    This information is printed on the chassis label or it displays on the console during ZTP autoboot.

  4. Configure a software repository containing the 7250 IXR images.
  5. Use the commands in the following context to configure and enable the satellite on the host:
    • MD-CLI
      configure satellite ethernet-satellite
    • classic CLI
      configure system satellite eth-sat
  6. Configure and enable the satellite uplinks (breakout, RS-FEC, and admin status enabled) and establish the port topology for the uplink-to-host port.

Satellite configuration

After creating the software repositories, configure the satellite. The satellite configuration is required to create a satellite binding to a satellite ID, and to provide more information that uniquely identifies the satellite chassis, chassis type, and the software repository to be used to boot the remote satellite.

The following can be specified for a satellite:

  • MAC address

    The satellite chassis MAC address must be specified. This is used to bind a specific chassis to the associated satellite ID. (The local host router boots only satellites with configured MAC addresses.) This is mandatory.

  • satellite type

    The satellite chassis type must be specified and must match the chassis type that the satellite advertises during the boot process. This is mandatory.

  • software repository

    A preconfigured software repository must be specified in the satellite configuration. This defines the location of the software image to boot the associated 7210 SAS-Sx. This is mandatory.

  • enabled state

    By default, a new satellite is in the disabled state and must be administratively enabled. This is mandatory.

  • description

    Configure an optional description string associated with the satellite.

  • sync-e

    Enable sync-e for an Ethernet satellite.

Note: For some Ethernet satellite platforms, before you can reference the uplinks you must configure the breakout connection on the Ethernet satellite uplink ports (and any other uplink ports). You can only configure the connector after you configure the satellite on the host. Only specific platforms require this command option, for example, the 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE.

Satellite client port ID formats

When referencing satellite ports, always use 1 for the slot number.

Use the following format to reference Ethernet satellite client ports:

port esat-sat-id/1/portNum
Reference Ethernet satellite client ports
port esat-4/1/2

Use the following format to reference Ethernet satellite uplink ports:

port esat-sat-id/1/uportNum
Reference Ethernet satellite uplink ports
port esat-5/1/u2

Ethernet satellite client ports support all port modes (access, network, and client).

Configuring services associated with satellite client ports is the same as configuring services on local 7750 SR ports, except that satellite client ports are referenced with the syntax for the Ethernet satellite port described above. It is required that a port-scheduler-policy is created to ensure that the 7750 SR is able to shape the traffic for the egress satellite port type and speed.

Local forwarding

Note: This information applies to the classic CLI.

The local forwarding capability allows traffic to be forwarded between two client satellite ports without going through the SR host, which allows for optimal forwarding by preserving uplink bandwidth:

  • Locally forwarded traffic is identified based on the ingress VLAN tag.

  • The outer VLAN tag used to identify the traffic to be locally forwarded can be different at the two bypass endpoints. In that case, as traffic is forwarded from the ingress to the egress, the outer VLAN tag is modified.

  • The bypass paths are bidirectional, so only a single local-forwarding path needs to be defined to allow for traffic flow in both directions.

Local forwarding shows an example of local forwarding.

Figure 18. Local forwarding

A local-forward bypass is created by using the following commands to create a local-forward bypass, then associating a set of two satellite access points as endpoints for the local-forward bypass:

  • The two endpoints must be ports on the same Ethernet satellite chassis.

  • If a LAG is used as an endpoint, all member links must be ports on the same Ethernet satellite.

  • All satellite ports must be client ports by default, or must be configured as a client port using the port-template command.

The following example shows the commands to configure a local-forward bypass between client ports esat-2/1/1:66 and esat-2/1/50:101.

classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>satellite# info
          local-forward 10 create
               description "local-forward to offload router"
               sap esat-2/1/1:66 create
               sap esat-2/1/50:101 create
               no shutdown

Port template

The port-template command hierarchy allows the creation of a satellite template that reconfigures the port role and uplink association for one or more satellite ports. This template can then be applied to one or more Ethernet satellite instances, in which case those satellites inherit the specified port role and uplink associations.

The port template is necessary when reconfiguring a satellite uplink as a client port for use as part of a local-forward bypass path. Use the following command to create satellite templates:

  • MD-CLI
    configure satellite port-template
  • classic CLI
    configure system satellite port-template

7210 SAS 10GE client ports

Ports 51 and 52 on the 48xGE + 4x10GE satellite chassis can be reassigned as client ports instead of uplink ports. This provides the flexibility to offer 10GE services from these satellite chassis. These two 10GE ports can be reconfigured as client ports using the port-template configuration commands described above. The port template configuration must be done before SAPs, interfaces, or services can be applied to the associated satellite ports.

7210 SAS 100GE client ports

Connectors 3 and 4 on the 64x10GE+4xQSFP28 (sat-type es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28) can be reassigned as client ports instead of uplinks. This provides the flexibility to offer 100GE services from these satellite chassis. These two 100GE ports can be reconfigured as client ports using the port-template configuration commands. The port template must be configured before port topology bindings are configured as well as before SAPs, interfaces, or services can be applied to the associated satellite ports.

10GE uplinks on the 64x10GE+4xQSFP28 satellite

On the 7210 SAS-Sx 64x10GE+4xQSFP28 (sat-type es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28) satellite, selected 10GE ports can be reconfigured and used as satellite uplinks to the host router running SR OS.

Up to 16 10GE interfaces can be used as uplinks for the associated satellite. You must create a new satellite template that configures the needed 10GE interfaces as uplinks. In addition, use a port template to specify the uplink association between the remaining client ports and configured uplinks.

Apply the new template to the satellite using the template-name command, where the template-name is the name configured in the port-template context.

This feature requires the 7210 SAS-Sx to be running Release 9.0.R10 or later for the 7210 SAS-Sx 64x10GE+4x100GE and 7210 SAS Release 10.0 or later for the 64x10GE+4xqSFP28 satellite.

The following restrictions apply:

  • The 10GE ports used as satellite uplinks must start at port 1 and be sequential, up to the maximum of 16 10GE uplinks.

  • When 10GE ports are used as uplinks, the 4x100GE ports are not available for use and should be configured as role none.

The following example shows the 10GE port satellite uplink configuration.

[ex:/configure satellite]
A:admin@node-2# info
    port-template "10gUp" {
        admin-state enable
        sat-type es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28 
        port "1/1/1" {
            role uplink
        port "1/1/2" {
            role uplink
        port "1/1/3" {
            role uplink
        port "1/1/9" {
            uplink 1/1/1
        port "1/1/10" {
            uplink 1/1/1
        port "1/1/16" {
            uplink 1/1/2
        port "1/1/17" {
            uplink 1/1/2
        port "1/1/65" {
            role none
        port "1/1/66" {
            role none
    ethernet-satellite 20 {
        admin-state enable
        mac-address d0:99:d5:96:ee:41
        sat-type es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28 
        software-repository rep1
        port-template "10gUp"
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>satellite# info
          port-template "10gUp" sat-type "es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28" create
               port 1/1/1
                    role uplink
                    uplink none
               port 1/1/2
                    role uplink
                    uplink none
               port 1/1/3
                    role uplink
                    uplink none
               port 1/1/9
                    uplink 1/1/1
               port 1/1/10
                    uplink 1/1/1
               port 1/1/16
                    uplink 1/1/2
               port 1/1/17
                    uplink 1/1/2
               port 1/1/65
                    role none
               port 1/1/66
                    role none
               no shutdown
          eth-sat 20 create
               mac-address d0:99:d5:96:ee:41
               sat-type "es64-10gb-sfpp+4-100gb-qsfp28"
               port-template "10gUp"
               software-repository "rep1"
               no shutdown

Satellite uplink resiliency

An option in the port-map configuration allows a secondary uplink to be assigned to enable uplink resiliency. A secondary uplink is used to carry the traffic associated with the client port if the primary uplink becomes unavailable. If traffic is switched to the secondary uplink, when the primary uplink becomes available, traffic is reverted to the primary as soon as possible.

Use the following command to configure a secondary uplink per client port:

  • MD-CLI
    configure satellite ethernet-satellite port-map secondary
  • classic CLI
    configure system satellite eth-sat port-map secondary

To configure a secondary uplink, after the primary uplink is specified, the secondary keyword should be included, followed by the intended uplink to be used as the secondary uplink.

[ex:/configure satellite]
A:admin@node-2# info
     ethernet-satellite 1 {
          port-map esat-1/1/2 {
               primary esat-1/1/u1
               secondary esat-1/1/u3
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>satellite# info
          eth-sat 1 create
               port-map esat-1/1/2
               primary esat-1/1/u1
               secondary esat-1/1/u3
  • If there are no SAPs or interfaces bound to a client port, then any change can be made to the uplinks.

  • If a SAP or interface is bound to a client port, or the client port is member of a LAG or ETH tunnel, then only one uplink change per configuration command is allowed (see below).

  • The primary cannot be changed directly, this requires multiple steps.

    1. swap primary and secondary

    2. remove secondary

    3. add new secondary

    4. do a second swap of primary and secondary

The following are basic actions allowed with a single command:

  • add or delete secondary uplink

  • swap primary and secondary

  • add a secondary uplink and swap secondary with primary

Uplink mapping can be changed, but a client uplink must be maintained throughout the process. For example, client-10 is mapped to uplink-1 (U-1), but must move to uplink-2 (U-2). To do this, add U-2 as the secondary uplink, then swap the primary and secondary, making U-2 the primary uplink for client-10 and switching traffic to U-2. After the switch is complete, remove U-1. U-1 cannot be directly replaced with U-2, as the client port would have no uplink during the switch.

Dynamic uplink resiliency

The host system can use the dynamic uplink resiliency mechanism to automatically manage uplink resiliency assignments. Through this mechanism, the host dynamically assigns a primary and secondary uplink for each satellite client port. Depending on the configuration options specified, the uplinks (primary and secondary) can be distributed over one or two FP forwarding engines.

Uplink distribution behavior

When using dynamic uplink resiliency, the primary and secondary uplink assignments are reevaluated each time an uplink on a satellite becomes operationally up or goes operationally down. This rebalances uplink assignments for optimal distribution of client ports. If a new client port is created, as a result of applying or modifying a connector breakout, the router runs the algorithm and assigns the client port primary and secondary uplinks. If the client port is deleted, the port is just removed; the algorithm is not rerun.

Uplinks are assigned to achieve fair distribution of client ports based on the following criteria:

  • FP distribution

  • MDA distribution

  • connector distribution

Note: Dynamic uplink resiliency requires that the Ethernet satellite is running SR OS Release 20.9.R1 or later for the 7210 SAS satellites.
Dynamic uplink resiliency configuration

The following example shows the dynamic uplink resiliency configuration.

[ex:/configure satellite]
A:admin@node-2# info
    ethernet-satellite 1 {
        admin-state enable
        sat-type es48-1gb-sfp
        dynamic-uplink true
        uplink-distribution dual-complex
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>satellite# info
          eth-sat 1 create
               sat-type es48-1gb-sfp
               dynamic-uplink true
               uplink-distribution dual-complex
               no shutdown

Ethernet LAGs with satellite member links

Ethernet LAGs can use a mixture of physical Ethernet ports (including connector-based ports) and satellite access ports. However, satellite access ports are not supported within mixed speed LAGs.

Note: All LAG member links must share the same QoS profile; however, this is not possible with a mixture of physical Ethernet ports and satellite access ports in a single LAG. As a result, Nokia recommends users do not use LAG in a mixed LAG configuration for an extended period of time.

Satellite client ports can also be used in MC-LAGs as both primary and standby link members, either using LACP or power-off signaling modes. MC-LAGs can also use a combination of physical and satellite client ports as link members.

Figure 19. Ethernet LAGs with satellite member links

All SR OS service access capabilities are supported. Where satellite access ports are used, the service entry point begins at the satellite access port.

CRC monitoring

This topic describes CRC monitoring for Ethernet satellite ports.

Use the commands in the following context to configure Ethernet CRC monitoring for Ethernet satellite hosts and uplink ports.
configure port ethernet crc-monitor

For CRC monitoring on Ethernet satellite ports, limit the setting of signal-failure thresholds to only a subset of the uplinks. Setting the signal-failure threshold on all the links could result in satellite isolation if CRC errors are seen simultaneously on all the uplinks. If a port enters a signal-failed state, it must be administratively reset to be re-enabled. If this occurs on the satellite uplink side, console access to the satellite must be available or the satellite must be rebooted.

Configuration of signal-degrade and signal-failure thresholds on Ethernet ports (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet crc-monitor]
A:admin@node-2# info
    port esat 2/1/r/u {
        admin-state enable
        ethernet {
            crc-monitor {
                signal-degrade {
                    threshold 9
                signal-failure {
                    threshold 9
    port 1/1/c35/1 {
        admin-state enable
        ethernet {
            crc-monitor {
                signal-degrade {
                    threshold 9
                signal-failure {
                    threshold 9
Configuration of signal-degrade and signal-failure thresholds on Ethernet ports (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config#  info
        port esat2/1/r/u
                    sd-threshold 9
                    sf-threshold 9
            no shutdown
        port 1/1/c35/1
                    sd-threshold 9
                    sf-threshold 9
            no shutdown


Auto-provisioning is used to provision a node using an external DHCP server and file server. It is used to obtain a configuration file and an image file from an external server using an in-band mechanism. Auto-provisioning is not compatible with an out-of-band management port.

Before using auto-provisioning, the SR OS must be booted up and running the application image. In addition, it needs to have some minimum configuration before the auto-provision script is executed by the user.

After the auto-provision application is triggered using a tools command, SR OS checks all operationally up ports without IP addresses and send DHCP discovery to these interfaces. The DHCP server needs to be configured with Option 67 and the user must provide the SR OS with the URL of a file server and the corresponding directory for the image.

Example of a network with no DHCP relay to Example of a network with multiple subnets describe scenarios in which auto-provisioning are used.

In Example of a network with no DHCP relay, there is no DHCP relay and all IP addresses are assigned from a single pool.

Figure 20. Example of a network with no DHCP relay

In Example of a network with a DHCP relay, there is a DHCP relay which injects the Option 82 as a gateway address. The DHCP server is assigned the IP address from the pool dictated by the gateway address option 82. The DHCP server and HTTP server are in the same subnet. The DHCP offer has option 3 "router" which is used for a default gateway creation on the 7750 SR.

Figure 21. Example of a network with a DHCP relay

In Example of a network with multiple subnets, all components are in different subnets. The DHCP relay adds Option 82 to the DHCP request as the gateway address which is used for pool selection. The DHCP server must add option 3 configured with the gateway address of the HTTP server.

Figure 22. Example of a network with multiple subnets

Auto-provisioning limits

The following are some configuration limits for auto-provisioning:

  • A maximum of 12 Layer 3 interfaces are supported for auto-provisioning.

  • Only IPv4 auto-provisioning is supported.

  • It is highly recommended to only have a basic card, MDA, port, and interface configuration as described in this document and no additional static routes or IGP or BGP protocols when performing auto-provisioning because auto-provisioning installs default static routes that may be affected by any extra routing configuration.

  • A maximum of 255 characters is supported for the remote URL (200 character maximum for the filepath, the rest for the main URL consisting of the protocol, login credentials, and host IP). A maximum of 200 characters is supported for the local URL. The local file or folder name must not exceed 99 characters.

  • The maximum number of file pairs for each image/config record is 10.

Auto-provisioning process

In this process, the node detects operational ports, attempts to discover its IP address, and downloads the relevant files for provisioning.

  1. The node sends a DHCP discovery request to the DHCP server using the out-of-band management port. If DHCP discovery is unsuccessful, the node reattempts it using the in-band management ports.

  2. After DHCP discovery is successful, the DHCP server returns an IPv4 or IPv6 FTP or HTTP URL of a file server from which the node can retrieve provisioning information.

  3. The node downloads the provisioning information and performs the auto-provisioning according to the specifications in the files.

  4. After the node is successfully provisioned, it automatically reboots and becomes operationally up.

See Provisioning files for more information about the auto-provisioning process.

The SR OS can also initiate the auto-provisioning process using a tools command.

Auto-provisioning DHCP rules

The following are the DHCP rules in the auto-provisioning stage:

  1. First, auto-provisioning walks through the interfaces with a configured port, where the port is in operational status up, one by one.

  2. It sends a DHCP request to the first configured interface with a port up and no IP address configured.

    • If, on this interface, multiple DHCP offers arrives, only the first offer is sent to the auto-provisioning task and the other offers are ignored. This could occur if the node is on a LAN and multiple DHCP servers are connected to the interface.

    • The DHCP client has an exponential retry mechanism. If the DHCP offer does not arrive from the server, the client resends a DHCP request at 2, 4, 8, 32 and 64 s, with 64 s being the maximum timeout, If the 64 s timeout interval is reached, the DHCP client keeps retrying every 64 s. The user can configure a timeout value. If no DHCP offer has arrived by this timeout value, the auto-provisioning process moves to the next interface.

    • If the DHCP offer arrives on the port and the DHCP client task does not acknowledge the DHCP offer, for any reason, it disables the DHCP client and remove the IP from the port.

    • If the DHCP offer arrives on the port and the DHCP client acknowledges the offer, it sends the information to auto-provisioning. If auto-provisioning does not like the offer, because there is no Option 67, Option 67 is malformed, or for any other reason listed in Auto-provisioning failure, the auto-provisioning process deconfigures the DHCP client and the DHCP client sends a DHCP release, and unassigns the IP address.

    • In case of failure, more information is displayed by the auto-provisioning process and the process moves to the next port that is up and does not have an IP address.

  3. If auto-provisioning is successful using the offer and its option, the provisioning file download starts though the protocol dictated by Option 67.

The auto-provisioning command is CLI blocking. All information about the auto-provisioning process is displayed on the CLI and logged.

Auto-provisioning failure

Auto-provisioning fails for the following reasons:

  • There is no Option 67.

  • The Option 67 format is not acceptable to auto-provisioning.

  • The format is a URL or DNS is not supported. There is a failure in the download provisioning file or the server is not reachable.

  • There is failure in the download of the image or config file using the provisioning file information, for example, the server is not available, the wrong directory is listed, or the wrong credentials are given.

  • The image or config fails to copy to the compact flash.

  • The image or config fails to sync to the inactive CPM.

  • The BOF does not point to the compact flash, for example, it is pointing to the network.

If the auto-provisioning procedure on this interface fails, then auto-provisioning does the following:

  1. Displays information about the blocked CLI and in the log, describing the failure in detail.

  2. Updates the DHCP task so the DHCP task can take the appropriate actions to release the IP address on the interface. This is done by sending a DHCP release for the DHCP ack received from the server.

  3. Goes to the next interface with port up and no IP address.

    Note: If no other interface with port up is found, the auto-provisioning task stops and a failure error is displayed on the CLI and in the log.

Administrative tasks

This section contains information to perform administrative tasks.

Saving configurations

Whenever configuration changes are made, the modified configuration must be saved so they are not lost when the system is rebooted.

Configuration files are saved by executing explicit command syntax which includes the file URL location to save the configuration file as well as options to save both default and non-default configuration parameters. Boot option file (BOF) parameters specify where the system should search for configuration and image files as well as other operational parameters during system initialization.

For more information about boot option files, see the Boot Options section.

Specifying post-boot configuration files

Two post-boot configuration extension files are supported and are triggered when either a successful or failed boot configuration file is processed. The boot-bad-exec and boot-good-exec commands specify URLs for the CLI scripts to be run following the completion of the bootup configuration. A URL must be specified or no action is taken.

For example, after a configuration file is successfully loaded, the specified URL can contain a nearly identical configuration file with specific commands enabled or disabled, or particular parameters specified and according to the script which loads that file.

Network timing

In Time Domain Multiplexed networks, the concept of network timing is used to prevent over-run or under-run issues where circuits are groomed (rebundled) and switched. Hardware exists in each node that takes a common clock derived from an internal oscillator, a specific receive interface, or special BITS interface and provides it to each synchronous interface in the system. Usually, each synchronous interface is allowed to choose between using the chassis-provided clock or the clocking recovered from the received signal on the interface. The clocking is used to drive the transmit side of the interface. The appropriate configuration at each node which defines how interface clocking is handled must be considered when designing a network that has a centralized timing source so each interface is operating in a synchronous manner.

The effect of timing on a network is dependent on the nature of the type of traffic carried on the network. With bit-wise synchronous traffic (traditional circuit-based voice or video), non-synchronous transmissions cause a loss of information in the streams affecting performance. With packet-based traffic, the applications expect and handle jitter and latency inherent to packet-based networks. When a packet-based network is used to carry voice or video traffic, the applications use data compression and elasticity buffering to compensate for jitter and latency. The network itself relies on appropriate Quality of Service (QoS) definitions and network provisioning to further minimize the jitter and latency the application may experience.

Power supplies

SR OS supports a power-supply command to configure the type and number of power supplies present in the chassis. The operational status of a power source is always displayed by the LEDs on the Control Processor/Switch Fabric Module (CP/SFM) front panel, but the power supply information must be explicitly configured in order for a power supply alarm to be generated if a power source becomes operationally disabled.

Automatic synchronization

Use the CLI syntax displayed below to configure synchronization components relating to active-to-standby CPM switchover. In redundant systems, synchronization ensures that the active and standby CPMs have identical operational configuration, including the active configuration, CPM, XCM, and IOM images in the event of a failure or reset of the active CPM.

The admin redundancy force-switchover command forces a switchover to the standby CPM card.

You can configure automatic synchronization to occur when you execute the following commands to save the configuration:

  • MD-CLI
    admin save
    admin save bof
  • classic CLI
    admin save
    bof save

When boot-env is specified, the bof.cfg, primary/secondary/tertiary configuration files (.cfg and .ndx), li, and SSH files are automatically synchronized. When config is specified, only the configuration files are automatically synchronized, which takes significantly less time.

Synchronization also occurs whenever the BOF is modified and when an admin save command is entered with no filename specified.

Boot-env option

The boot-env option enables a synchronization of all the files used in system initialization.

When configuring the system to perform this synchronization, the following occurs:

  1. The BOF used during system initialization is copied to the same compact flash on the standby CPM (in redundant systems). The synchronization options on the standby CPM are preserved.

  2. The primary, secondary, and tertiary images, (provided they are locally stored on the active CPM) are copied to the same compact flash on the standby CPM.

  3. The primary, secondary, and tertiary configuration files, (provided they are locally stored on the active CPM) are copied to the same compact flash on the standby CPM.

Config option

The config option synchronizes configuration files by copying the files specified in the active CPM BOF file to the same compact flash on the standby CPM.

Both image files (CPM and IOM) must be located in the same directory. Failure to locate and synchronize both images causes an error to be generated.

Manual synchronization

Use the following command to perform manual CPM of the BOF, image, and configuration files in redundant systems.
admin redundancy synchronize
You can also use this context to synchronize only the configuration files in redundant systems.

Forcing a switchover

The force-switchover now command forces an immediate switchover to the standby CPM card.

If the active and standby are not synchronized for some reason, users can manually synchronize the standby CPM by rebooting the standby by issuing the admin reboot command on the active or the standby CPM.

System router instances

SR OS supports multiple Layer 3 router instances. These instances have their own IP addressing spaces and configuration options. Router instances are isolated from each other.

The following are the different types of router instances in SR OS:

  • Base

    All SR OS routers have the base router instance: the system created default router instance used to forward user IP traffic among router line card ports. Router interfaces (that is, network interfaces configured under configure router [Base]) and IES services and interfaces exist in the base router instance. The base router instance is identified in SNMP as vRtrType = baseRouter (1) and has a vRtrID of 1.

  • VPRN instances

    Another type of router instance is the set of user-configured VPRN services. Each VPRN service has a unique router instance. For more information about VPRN services and their associated router instances, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Layer 3 Services Guide: IES and VPRN. VPRN router instances are identified in SNMP as vRtrType = vprn (2), and the vRtrID is dynamically allocated.

  • Special system router instances

    SR OS routers also support the following special router instances:

    • management

      The management router instance is a system created router instance that is used for management of the router. The management router instance is bound to CPM/CCM ports A/1 and B/1. This is a CPM router instance which cannot be renamed or deleted by a user. The management router instance is identified in SNMP as vRtrType = vr(3), and the vRtrID is 4095.

    • vpls-management

      The vpls-management router instance is used for management of VPLS services. It is identified in SNMP as vRtrType = vr(3), and the vRtrID is 4094.

    • User created CPM router instances

      User created CPM router instances are user defined router instances that are mainly used with Ethernet ports on the CPM/CCM cards: CPM router instances only use CPM/CCM Ethernet ports as interfaces. CPM router instances have a user-defined name and are the only types of non-VPRN router instances that can be created by the user. User created CPM router instances are identified in SNMP as vRtrType = vr(3), and the vRtrID is dynamically allocated.

Some management protocols can use either the base routing instance (in-band) or the management routing instance (out-of-band). A listing of these protocols can be found in the CPM Filter: Protocols and Ports section of the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide. Unless otherwise stated in the detailed description of the protocol, when the server or client for the protocol is reachable via the management routing instance, those protocol messages use the management interface for the protocol communication.

If BOF is set up with autoconfiguration and the DHCP server provides a general default route such as, with some protocols (like PCEP, TACACS+, RADIUS, and LDAP), Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) always prefers OOB over in-band connectivity. This is because these protocols prefer to use the OOB management port first. If a matching route is not found, in-band is attempted. The static route provided by DHCP must be properly set to ensure the correct route preference is made by these protocols.

System configuration process overview

The following figure shows the process for basic system provisioning.

Figure 23. System configuration and implementation flow

Configuration notes

The system must be correctly initialized and the boot loader and BOF successfully executed to access the CLI.

Configuring system management features

This section provides information about configuring system management features.

Saving configurations

Whenever configuration changes are made, the modified configuration must be saved so the changes are not lost when the system is rebooted. The system uses the configuration and image files, as well as other operational parameters necessary for system initialization, according to the locations specified in the boot option file (BOF) parameters. For more information about BOFs, see the System initialization and boot options chapter of this manual:

Configuration files are saved by executing the explicit or implicit commands.

  • An explicit save writes the configuration to the location specified in the save command (the file URL).

  • An implicit save writes the configuration to the file specified in the primary configuration location.

    If the file-url is not specified in the save command configuration, the system attempts to save the current configuration to the current BOF primary configuration source. If the primary configuration source (path and/or filename) changed since the last boot, the new configuration source is used.

The save command includes an option to save both default and non-default configuration (the detail option).

The index option specifies that the system preserves system indexes when a save command is executed, regardless of the persistent status in the BOF file. During a subsequent boot, the index file is read along with the configuration file. As a result, a number of system indexes are preserved between reboots, including the interface index, LSP IDs, path IDs, and so on. This reduces resynchronizations of the Network Management System (NMS) with the affected network element.

If the save attempt fails at the destination, an error occurs and is logged. The system does not try to save the file to the secondary or tertiary configuration sources unless the path and filename are explicitly named with the save command.

Basic system configuration

This section provides information to configure system parameters and provides configuration examples of common configuration tasks. The minimum system parameters that should be configured are:

  • System information

  • System time elements

Use the following command to display basic system information such as the system name, platform type, and so on.

configure system information

Common configuration tasks

This section provides an overview of the CLI commands used to configure system parameters:

System information

This section describes the basic system information commands that configure the system name of the router, contact information, location (such as an address, floor, room number, and so on), CLLI code, and global positioning system (GPS) coordinates.

System name

The device's system name is used in the prompt string. Only one system name can be configured; if multiple system names are configured, the last one overwrites the previous entry.

Use the following command to configure the system name.

configure system name


Use the contact command to specify the name of a system administrator, IT staff member, or other administrative entity.

Use the following command to configure the contact.

configure system contact


Use the location command to specify the location of the device. For example, enter the city, building address, floor, room number, and so on, where the router is located.

Use the following command to configure the location.

configure system location

CLLI code

The Common Language Location Code (CLLI code) is an 11-character standardized geographic identifier that is used to uniquely identify the geographic location of a router.

Use the following command to configure the CLLI code.

configure system clli-code

GPS coordinates

Use the optional coordinates command to specify the GPS location of the device. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, and so on), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.

Use the following command to configure the coordinates.

configure system coordinates

System time elements

The system clock maintains time according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Configure the time zone and summer time (daylight saving time) command options to correctly display time according to the local time zone.


The zone command sets the time zone and time zone UTC offset for the router. SR OS supports system-defined and user-defined time zones. The system-defined time zones and offsets are listed in System-defined time zones and UTC offsets.

Use the following command to set the time zone and time zone UTC offset.
configure system time zone

Summer (daylight saving) time

Configure the start and end dates and offset for summer (daylight saving) time to override system defaults or for user-defined time zones. When configured, the time will be adjusted by changing to the configured offset when summer time starts and returning to the configured offset when summer time ends.

Use commands in the following context to configure the start day, end day, and offset of the summer.

configure system time dst-zone

If the time zone configured is listed in System-defined time zones and UTC offsets, the start and end command options and offset do not need to be configured with this command unless there is a need to override the system defaults. The command will return an error if the start and end dates and times are not available either in System-defined time zones and UTC offsets or entered as optional command options in this command.


NTP is the Network Time Protocol defined in RFC 1305, Network Time Protocol (Version 3) Specification, Implementation and Analysis and RFC 5905, Network Time Protocol Version 4: Protocol and Algorithms Specification. It allows for the participating network nodes to keep time more accurately and more importantly they can maintain time in a more synchronized fashion between all participating network nodes.

SR OS uses an NTP process based on a reference build provided by the Network Time Foundation. Nokia strongly recommends that the users review RFC 8633, Network Time Protocol Best Current Practices, when they plan to use NTP with the router. The RFC section ‟Using Enough Time Sources” indicates that using only two time sources (NTP servers) can introduce instability if they provide conflicting information. To maintain accurate time, Nokia recommends configuring three or more NTP servers.

NTP uses stratum levels to define the number of hops from a reference clock. The reference clock is considered to be a stratum-0 device that is assumed to be accurate with little or no delay. Stratum-0 servers cannot be used in a network. However, they can be directly connected to devices that operate as stratum-1 servers. A stratum-1 server is an NTP server with a directly-connected device that provides Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), such as a GPS or atomic clock.

The higher stratum levels are separated from the stratum-1 server over a network path, therefore, a stratum-2 server receives its time over a network link from a stratum-1 server. A stratum-3 server receives its time over a network link from a stratum-2 server.

SR OS routers normally operate as a stratum-2 or higher device. The router relies on an external stratum-1 server to source accurate time into the network. However, SR OS also allows for the use of the local PTP recovered time to be sourced into NTP. In this latter case, the local PTP source appears as a stratum-0 server and SR OS advertises itself as a stratum-1 server. Activation of the PTP source into NTP may impact the network NTP topology because the SR OS router is promoted to stratum-1.

SR OS router runs a single NTP clock which then operates NTP message exchanges with external NTP clocks. Exchanges can be made with external NTP clients, servers, and peers. These exchanges can be through the base, management, or VPRN routing instances.

NTP operates associations between clocks as either client or server, symmetric active and symmetric passive, or broadcast modes. These modes of operation are applied according to which elements are configured on the router. To run server mode, the user must enable NTP server mode for the base and each needed VPRN routing instance. To run client mode, the user must configure external servers. If both the local router and remote router are configured with each other as peers, then the router operates in symmetric active mode. If only one side of the association has peering configured, then the modes are symmetric passive. To operate using broadcast mode, interfaces must be configured to transmit as broadcast servers or receive as broadcast clients.

NTP server operation for both unicast and broadcast communication within a VPRN is configured within the VPRN (see the NTP Within a VPRN Service section in 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Layer 3 Services Guide: IES and VPRN).

Note: NTP provides lightweight synchronization across a network for alignment of system time for logging purposes. NTP does not provide the high accuracy time needed for the on-air applications of the mobile base stations. The more recent PTP protocol has been developed for these applications (see Network synchronization).

The following NTP elements are supported:

  • server mode

    In this mode, the node advertises the ability to act as a clock source for other network elements. The node, by default, transmits NTP packets in NTP version 4 mode.

  • authentication keys

    Authentication keys implement increased security support in carrier and other networks. Both DES and MD5 authentication are supported, as well as multiple keys.

  • operation in symmetric active mode

    This capability requires that NTP be synchronized with a specific node that is considered more trustworthy or accurate than other nodes carrying NTP in the system. This mode requires that a specific peer is set.

  • server and peer addressing using IPv6

    Both external servers and external peers may be defined using IPv6 or IPv4 addresses. Other features (such as multicast, broadcast) use IPv4 addressing only.

  • broadcast or multicast modes

    When operating in these modes, the node receives or sends using either a multicast (default or a broadcast address. Multicast is supported only on the CPM MGMT port.

  • alert when NTP server is not available

    When none of the configured servers are reachable on the node, the system reverts to manual timekeeping and issues a critical alarm. When a server becomes available, a trap is issued indicating that standard operation has resumed.

  • NTP and SNTP

    If both NTP and SNTP are enabled on the node, then SNTP transitions to an operationally down state. If NTP is removed from the configuration or shut down, then SNTP resumes an operationally up state.

  • gradual clock adjustment

    As several applications (such as Service Assurance Agent (SAA)) can use the clock, and if determined that a major (128 ms or more) adjustment needs to be performed, the adjustment is performed by programmatically stepping the clock. If a minor (less than 128 ms) adjustment must be performed, then the adjustment is performed by either speeding up or slowing down the clock.

  • To avoid the generation of too many events/trap the NTP module rates limit the generation of events/traps to three per second. At that point a single trap is generated that indicates that event/trap squashing is taking place.


NTP supports an authentication mechanism to provide some security and access control to servers and clients. The authentication check feature provides the option to skip the rejection of NTP PDUs that do not match the authentication key or authentication type requirements.

The default behavior when authentication is configured is to reject all NTP PDUs that have a mismatch in either the authentication key ID, type, or key.

When authentication check is configured, NTP PDUs are authenticated on receipt. However, mismatches cause a counter to be increased, one counter for key ID, one for type, and one for key value mismatches.

Use commands in the following context to enable authentication check.

configure system time ntp authentication-check
[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    authentication-check true
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                no shutdown

The authentication-key command configures an authentication key ID, key type, and key used to authenticate NTP PDUs sent to and received from other network elements participating in the NTP. For authentication to work, the authentication key ID, authentication type, and authentication key value must match.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    authentication-key 1 {
        key "OAwgNUlbzgI hash2"
        type des
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                authentication-key 1 key "OAwgNUlbzgI" hash2 type des

The broadcast command is used to transmit broadcast packets on a given interface. Interfaces in the base routing context or the management interface may be specified. Due the relative ease of spoofing of broadcast messages, it is strongly recommended to use authentication with broadcast mode. The messages are transmitted using a destination address that is the NTP Broadcast address. The following example enables NTP and configures the broadcast interface.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    broadcast "Base" interface-name "int11" {
        version 4
        ttl 127
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                broadcast interface int11 version 4 ttl 127
                no shutdown

The broadcastclient command enables listening to NTP broadcast messages on the specified interface. Interfaces in the base routing context or the management interface may be specified. Due the relative ease of spoofing of broadcast messages, it is strongly recommended to use authentication with broadcast mode. The messages must have a destination address of the NTP Broadcast address. The following example enables NTP and configures the broadcast client.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    broadcast-client "Base" interface-name "int11" {
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                broadcastclient interface int11
                no shutdown

When configuring NTP the node can be configured to transmit or receive multicast packets on the CPM MGMT port (CPM applies to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR). Broadcast and multicast messages can easily be spoofed; therefore, authentication is strongly recommended. Multicast is used to configure the transmission of NTP multicast messages. When transmitting multicast NTP messages the default address of is used. The following example enables NTP and multicast.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    multicast {
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                no shutdown

The multicastclient command is used to configure an address to receive multicast NTP messages on the CPM MGMT port (7450 ESS and 7750 SR). Broadcast and multicast messages can easily be spoofed, therefore, authentication is strongly recommended. If multicastclient is not configured, all NTP multicast traffic is ignored. The following example enables NTP and configures the address to receive multicast NTP messages.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    multicast-client {
        authenticate true
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                no shutdown

The ntp-server command configures the node to assume the role of an NTP server. Unless the server command is used, this node will function as an NTP client only and will not distribute the time to downstream network elements. If the authenticate command option is specified, the NTP server requires client packets to be authenticated.

The following is an example of a configuration output of NTP enabled with the ntp-server command configured.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    ntp-server {
        authenticate true
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
        no shutdown

Configuration of an NTP peer configures symmetric active mode for the configured peer. Although any system can be configured to peer with any other NTP node, Nokia recommends configuring authentication and to configure known time servers as their peers. Administratively disable this command to remove the configured peer.

Use commands in the following context to configure symmetric active mode.

configure system time ntp peer
[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    peer router-instance "Base" {
        key-id 1
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
            no shutdown
            peer key-id 1 

The server command is used when the node should operate in client mode with the NTP server specified in the address field. Up to ten NTP servers can be configured. The following example enables NTP and configures the server.

[ex:/configure system time ntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    server router-instance "Base" {
        key-id 1
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>ntp# info
                no shutdown
                server key 1
Configuring system time to use a GNSS RF port

A 7750 SR FP5 equipped with an integrated GNSS RF port that is connected to an active GNSS antenna can be configured to receive a system time reference from the port.

When the GNSS RF port is enabled and configured for system timing or frequency, the PTP timeTransmitter clock uses GNSS for frequency and time distribution. See 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Guide for information about enabling ports and configuring system timing to use a GNSS RF port.

Use the commands in the following context to specify PTP as an NTP server and source of system time.

configure system time ntp


SNTP is a compact, client-only version of NTP. SNTP can only receive the time from SNTP/NTP servers; it cannot be used to provide time services to other systems. SNTP can be configured in either broadcast or unicast client mode.

SNTP time elements include the Broadcast-client and Server-address.

Use the commands in the following context to configure the SNTP.

configure system time sntp
Use the following command to enable listening at the global device level to SNTP broadcast messages on interfaces with broadcast client configured:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system time sntp sntp-state broadcast
  • classic CLI
    configure system time sntp broadcast-client

The following example shows SNTP enabled with the broadcast client.

[ex:/configure system time sntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    sntp-state broadcast
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>sntp# info
                no shutdown
Use the following command to configure an SNTP server for SNTP unicast client mode:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system time sntp server
  • classic CLI
    configure system time sntp server-address

The following is an example of a configuration output of SNTP enabled with the server-address command configured.

[ex:/configure system time sntp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    server {
        version 1
        prefer true
        interval 100
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>time>sntp# info
                server-address version 1 preferred interval 100
                no shutdown


The CRON feature supports periodic and date and time-based scheduling in SR OS. CRON can be used, for example, to schedule Service Assurance Agent (SAA) functions. CRON functionality includes the ability to specify scripts that need to be run, when they are scheduled, including one-time only functionality (one-shot), interval and calendar functions. Scheduled reboots, peer turn ups, service assurance agent tests and more can all be scheduled with CRON, as well as OAM events, such as connectivity checks, or troubleshooting runs.

CRON supports the schedule element. The schedule function configures the type of schedule to run, including one-time only (one-shot), periodic, or calendar-based runs. All runs are determined by month, day of month or weekday, hour, minute, and interval (seconds).


The schedule command configures the type of schedule to run, including one-time only (oneshot), periodic, or calendar-based runs. All runs are determined by month, day of the month or weekday, hour, minute, and interval (seconds). If the end-time and interval command options are both configured, whichever condition is reached first is applied.

The following is an example of a configuration output that schedules a script named ‟test” to run every 15 minutes on the 17th of each month and every Friday until noon on July 17, 2007.

[ex:/configure system cron]
A:admin@node-2# info
    schedule "test" owner "TiMOS CLI" {
        day-of-month [17]
        minute [0 15 30 45]
        weekday [friday]
        end-time {
            date-and-time 2007-07-17T12:00:00.0+00:00
classic CLI
*A:node-2>config>system>cron# info 
        schedule "test"
            day-of-month 17           
            minute 0 15 30 45
            weekday friday 
            end-time 2007/07/17 12:00

ANCP enhancements

Persistency is available for subscriber ANCP attributes and is stored on the on-board compact flash card. ANCP data stays persistent during an ISSU as well as node reboots. During recovery, ANCP attributes are first restored fully from the persistence file, and incoming ANCP sessions are temporarily on hold. Afterwards, new ANCP data can overwrite any existing values. This new data is then stored into the compact flash in preparation for the next event.

Configuring backup copies

The config-backup command allows you to specify the maximum number of backup versions of configuration and index files kept in the primary location.

For example, assume the maximum number of backup versions is set to 5 and the configuration file is called xyz.cfg. When the configuration is saved, the file xyz.cfg is saved with a .1 extension. Each subsequent config-backup command increments the numeric extension until the maximum count is reached. The oldest file (5) is deleted as more recent files are saved.

  • xyz.cfg

  • xyz.cfg.1

  • xyz.cfg.2

  • xyz.cfg.3

  • xyz.cfg.4

  • xyz.cfg.5

  • xyz.ndx

Each persistent index file is updated at the same time as the associated configuration file. When the index file is updated, the save is performed to xyz.cfg and the index file is created as xyz.ndx. Synchronization between the active and standby SF/CPMSF/CPM is performed for all configurations and their associated persistent index files.

Use the following commands to specify the maximum number of backup versions of the configuration and index files kept in the primary location:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system management-interface configuration-save configuration-backups
  • classic CLI
    configure system config-backup

System timing

When network timing is required for the synchronous interfaces in the router, a timing subsystem provides a clock to all synchronous interfaces within the system.

This section describes the commands used to configure and control the timing subsystem.

Entering edit mode

Note: This applies to the classic CLI.

Use the following command to enter the edit mode and edit timing references.

configure system sync-if-timing begin

The following is an example of an error message that is displayed if you try to modify sync-if-timing parameters without entering the begin keyword.

A:node-2>config>system>sync-if-timing>ref1# source-port 2/1/1
MINOR: CLI The sync-if-
timing must be in edit mode by calling begin before any changes can be made.
MINOR: CLI Unable to set source port for ref1 to 2/1/1.

Configuring timing references

Use commands in the following context to configure timing reference settings:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing

The source port specified for ref1 and ref2 is dependent on the router model type and chassis slot. See the details in the specific command descriptions in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide.

Using the revert command

The revert function allows the clock to revert to a higher-priority reference if the current reference goes offline or becomes unstable.

When mode is non-revertive, a failed clock source is not selected again. If a node enters holdover because of the references being in previous failed state, then the node selects one of the previously failed references instead of going into holdover.

If revertive switching is enabled, the highest-priority valid timing reference is used. If a reference with a higher priority becomes valid, a switchover to that reference is initiated. If a failure on the current reference occurs, the next highest reference takes over. Use the following command to enable revert mode:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock revert true
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing revert
If non-revertive switching is enabled, the active reference always remains selected while its valid, even if a higher priority reference becomes available. If the active reference becomes invalid, a reference switchover to a valid reference with the highest priority is initiated. The failed reference is eligible for selection when it becomes operational. Use the following command to turn off revert mode:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock revert false
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing no revert

Committing and discarding changes

Use the following command to save changes made to the timing references during a session. Modifications are not persistent across system boots unless you enter this command.

  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock commit
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing commit

Use the following command to discard changes that have been made to the timing references during a session:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock discard
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing abort

Forcing a specific reference

This applies to the classic CLI.

The debug sync-if-timing force-reference command should only be used to test and debug problems. Network synchronization problems may appear if network elements are left with this manual override setting. When the system timing reference input has been forced, it may be cleared using the no force-reference command.

Force the CPM clock to use a specific input reference using the force-reference command.

When the command is executed, the CPM clock on the active CPM immediately switches its input reference to that specified by the command. If the specified input is not available (shutdown), or in a disqualified state, the CPM clock shall use the next qualified input reference based on the selection rules.

This command also affects the BITS output port. If the BITS output port selection is set to line-reference and the reference being forced is not the BITS input port, then the system uses the forced reference to generate the signal out the BITS output port. If the BITS output port selection is set to internal-clock, then the system uses the output of the CPM clock to generate the signal for the BITS output port.

On a CPM activity switch, the force command is cleared and normal reference selection is determined.

Configuring system timing to use a GNSS RF port

Use the following command to configure a GNSS RF port as a system timing reference:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system central-frequency-clock gnss admin-state enable
  • classic CLI
    configure system sync-if-timing gnss no shutdown

Timing reference configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure system central-frequency-clock]
A:admin@node-2# info
    gnss {
        admin-state enable

Timing reference configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>system>sync-if-timing# info
               no shutdown

Configuring power supply

The following example configures power supply settings for the 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and 7450 ESS.


[ex:/configure chassis router chassis-number 1]
A:admin@node-2# info
    power-supply 1 {
        power-supply-type dc-single

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system# info
        power-supply 1 dc

Configuring synchronization and redundancy

Configuring persistence

The following example shows subscriber management system persistence command usage for the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.


[ex:/configure system persistence]
A:admin@node-2# info
    subscriber-mgmt {
        description "cf3:SubMgmt-Test"
        location cf3

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>persistence# info
                description "cf3:SubMgmt-Test"
                location cf3:

Configuring a CLI script file for synchronization

You can specify the location and name of the CLI script file executed following a redundancy switchover from the previously active CPM card. Use the following command to configure the file URL:

  • MD-CLI
    configure redundancy switchover-exec file-url
  • classic CLI
    configure system switchover-exec file-url

Configuring synchronization options

You can specify the type of synchronization operation to perform between the primary and secondary CPMs after a change is made to the configuration files or the boot environment information in the boot options file (BOF).

Use the following commands to configure which types of changes cause automatic synchronization:

configure redundancy synchronize boot-env
configure redundancy synchronize config

Displaying synchronization options

Use the following command to display the synchronization information.

show redundancy synchronization

Synchronization information with boot-env option configured

Synchronization Information
Standby Status               : disabled
Last Standby Failure         : N/A
Standby Up Time              : N/A
Standby Version              : N/A
Failover Time                : N/A
Failover Reason              : N/A
Boot/Config Sync Mode        : Boot Environment
Boot/Config Sync Status      : No synchronization
Last Config File Sync Time   : Never
Last Boot Env Sync Time      : Never
Rollback Sync Mode           : None
Rollback Sync Status         : No Rollback synchronization
Last Rollback Sync Time      : Never
Certificate Sync             : Enabled
Cert Sync Status             : unknown
Last Cert Sync Time          : Never

Performing manual synchronization

You can manually synchronize the BOF, boot.ldr, configuration, YANG schema, and image files, only the configuration files, or the imported certificate/key/CRL files. Use the following commands to perform manual synchronization:
  • MD-CLI
    admin redundancy synchronize boot-environment
    admin redundancy synchronize configuration
    admin redundancy synchronize certificate
  • classic CLI
    admin redundancy synchronize boot-env
    admin redundancy synchronize config
    admin redundancy synchronize cert
Note: To configure automatic synchronization, use the configure redundancy command.

Forcing a switchover

Use the following command to force an immediate switchover to the standby CPM card.

admin redundancy force-switchover now

If the active and standby are not synchronized, use the following command on the active or the standby CPM to manually reboot and synchronize the standby CPM.

admin reboot standby

Configuring multichassis redundancy for LAG

When configuring the associated LAG ID, the LAG must be in access mode and LACP must be enabled. The following example configures multichassis redundancy features.


[ex:/configure redundancy multi-chassis]
A:admin@node-2# info
    peer {
        admin-state enable
        description "Mc-Lag peer"
        mc-lag {
            admin-state enable
            lag "lag-1" {
                lacp-key 32666
                system-id 00:00:00:33:33:33
                system-priority 32888

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>redundancy>multi-chassis# info
        peer create
            description "Mc-Lag peer"
                no shutdown
            no shutdown

Post-boot configuration extension files

Two post-boot configuration extension files are supported and are triggered when either a successful or failed boot configuration file is processed. The commands specify URLs for the CLI scripts to be run following the completion of the startup configuration. A URL must be specified or no action is taken. The commands are persistent between router reboots and are included in the configuration saves.

Use the following commands to specify the CLI scripts that are run following the completion of the boot-up configuration.

configure system boot-bad-exec
configure system boot-good-exec

Show command output and console messages

Use the following command to show the current value of the bad and good exec URLs and indicate whether a post-boot configuration extension file was executed when the system was booted.

show system information

If an extension file was executed, the command also indicates whether it completed successfully.

The following example shows the show output for the 7750 SR.

Show system information output for the 7750 SR

System Information
System Name            : node-2
BOF Source             : cf1:
Image Source           : primary
Config Source          : primary
Last Booted Config File:
Last Boot Cfg Version  : MON MAR 07 16:58:46 2022 UTC
Last Boot Config Header: # TiMOS-B-22.2.R1 both/x86_64 Nokia 7750 SR
                         Copyright (c) 2000-2022 Nokia. 
                         # All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements. 
                         # Built on Sat Feb 26 15:31:00 PST 2022 by builder in /
                         # Configuration format version 22.2 revision 0 
                         # Generated MON MAR 07 16:58:46 2022 UTC
Last Boot Index Version: N/A
Last Boot Index Header : N/A
Last Saved Config      : N/A
Time Last Saved        : N/A
Changes Since Last Save: Yes
Time Last Modified     : 2004/03/06 03:30:45
Max Cfg/BOF Backup Rev : 7
Cfg-OK Script          :
Cfg-OK Script Status   : not used
Cfg-Fail Script        :
Cfg-Fail Script Status : not used

When executing a post-boot configuration extension file, status messages are displayed on the console before the ‟Login” prompt.

The following example shows a failed bootup configuration that caused a boot-bad-exec file containing another error to be executed.

Failed start-up configuration error message

Attempting to exec configuration file:
’’ ...
System Configuration
Log Configuration
MAJOR: CLI #1009 An error occurred while processing a CLI command -
File, Line 195: Command "log" failed.
CRITICAL: CLI #1002 An error occurred while processing the configuration file.
The system configuration is missing or incomplete.
MAJOR: CLI #1008 The SNMP daemon is disabled.
If desired, enable SNMP with the ’config>system>snmp no shutdown’ command.
Attempting to exec configuration failure extension file:
’’ ...
Config fail extension
Enabling SNMP daemon
MAJOR: CLI #1009 An error occurred while processing a CLI command -
File, Line 5: Command "abc log" failed.
TiMOS-B-x.0.Rx both/hops ALCATEL Copyright (c) 2000-20011 Alcatel-Lucent.
All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.
Built on Thu Nov 207 19:19:11 PST 2008 by builder in /rel5x.0/b1/Rx/panos/main


Configuring system monitoring thresholds

This section provides information about configuring system monitoring thresholds.

Creating events

The event command controls the generation and notification of threshold crossing events configured with the alarm command. When a threshold crossing event is triggered, the rmon event configuration optionally specifies whether an entry in the RMON-MIB log table is created to record the occurrence of the event. It can also specify whether an SNMP notification (trap) be generated for the event. There are two notifications for threshold crossing events: a rising alarm and a falling alarm.

Creating an event entry in the RMON-MIB log table does not create a corresponding entry in the event logs. However, when the event is set to trap, the generation of a rising alarm or falling alarm notification creates an entry in the event logs and that is distributed to whatever log destinations are configured: console, session, memory, file, syslog, or SNMP trap destination. The logger message includes a rising or falling threshold crossing event indicator, the sample type (absolute or delta), the sampled value, the threshold value, the RMON alarm ID, the associated RMON event ID, and the sampled SNMP object identifier.

The alarm command configures an entry in the RMON-MIB alarm table. The alarm command controls the monitoring and triggering of threshold crossing events. For notification or logging of a threshold crossing event to occur, there must be at least one associated rmon event configured.

The agent periodically takes statistical sample values from the MIB variable specified for monitoring and compares them to thresholds that have been configured with the alarm command. The alarm command configures the MIB variable to be monitored, the polling period (interval), sampling type (absolute or delta value), and rising and falling threshold parameters. If a sample has crossed a threshold value, the associated event is generated.

Preconfigured CLI threshold commands are available. Preconfigured commands hide some of the complexities of configuring RMON alarm and event commands and perform the same function. The preconfigured commands do not require the user to know the SNMP object identifier to be sampled. The preconfigured threshold configurations include memory warnings and alarms and compact flash usage warnings and alarms.


[ex:/configure system thresholds]
A:admin@node-2# info
    cflash-cap-warn-percent "cf1-B:" {
        rising-threshold 100
        falling-threshold 50
        interval 240
        startup-alarm either
    kb-memory-use-alarm {
        rising-threshold 50000000
        falling-threshold 45999999
        interval 500
        startup-alarm either
    rmon {
        event 5 {
            description "alarm testing"
            owner "Timos CLI"

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>thresholds# info
                event 5 description "alarm testing" owner "Timos CLI"
            cflash-cap-warn cf1-B: rising-threshold 2000000 falling-threshold
1999900 interval 240 trap
            memory-use-alarm rising-threshold 50000000 falling-threshold 
45999999 interval 500

System alarm contact inputs

Alarm contact inputs are physical input pins on the alarms port that allow the user to monitor and report changes in external environmental conditions. In a remote or outdoor deployment, alarm contact inputs typically allow a user to detect specific conditions, such as, whether a door is open or closed, an air conditioner fault has occurred, and so on.

There are four input pins, each of which can be configured with an associated severity level and normal (default) state: normally open or normally closed. When an input pin changes state, the router can generate log events and raise facility alarms. There is a separate log event for each pin. The severity level of the input pin is controlled by configuring the severity level of the associated log event.

Use the following command to change the pin 1 to a severity of critical:
  • MD-CLI
    configure log log-events chassis event tmnxSasAlarminput1StateChanged severity critical
  • classic CLI
    configure log event-control chassis tmnxSasAlarminput1StateChanged generate critical

Use the following command to configure the normal state as open or closed.

configure system alarm-contact-input normal-state

Nokia recommends the normal-state closed configuration so that an external power source failure triggers all the alarm pins to detect a change of state. If normal-state open is used with an external power source, an external power source failure does not generate any notifications.

WARNING: When an external, isolated DC power supply is used to source the voltage for any alarm, the negative rail must not be connected to the chassis ground and the rail should be 18 to 50 VDC at 100 mA.

Configuring LLDP

Use the commands in the following context to configure LLDP.

configure system lldp

LLDP default configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure system lldp]
A:admin@node-2# info detail
 ## apply-groups
 ## apply-groups-exclude
    admin-state enable
    tx-credit-max 5
    message-fast-tx 1
    message-fast-tx-init 4
    tx-interval 30
    tx-hold-multiplier 4
    reinit-delay 2
    notification-interval 5

LLDP default configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>system>lldp# info detail
             no tx-interval
             no tx-hold-multiplier
             no reinit-delay
             no notification-interval
             no tx-credit-max
             no message-fast-tx
             no message-fast-tx-init
             no shutdown

LLDP port configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure port 1/1/1 ethernet lldp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    dest-mac nearest-bridge {
        receive true
        transmit true
        tx-tlvs {
            port-desc true
            sys-cap true
        tx-mgmt-address system {
            admin-state enable

LLDP port configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>port>ethernet>lldp# info
       dest-mac nearest-bridge
              admin-status tx-rx
              tx-tlvs port-desc sys-cap
              tx-mgmt-address system

Global system LLDP configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure system lldp]
A:admin@node-2# info
    tx-interval 10
    tx-hold-multiplier 2
    reinit-delay 5
    notification-interval 10

Global system LLDP configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>system>lldp# info
        tx-interval 10
        tx-hold-multiplier 2
        reinit-delay 5
        notification-interval 10