This chapter provides information about cflowd.
Cflowd overview
Cflowd is a tool used to sample IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, and Ethernet traffic data flows through a router. Cflowd enables traffic sampling and analysis by network users and network engineers to support capacity planning, trends analysis, and characterization of workloads in a network service provider environment.
Cflowd is also useful for traffic engineering, network planning and analysis, network monitoring, developing user profiles, data warehousing and mining, as well as security-related investigations. Several options are available to view the collected information, including port, autonomous system (AS), or network matrices, and pure flow structures. The amount of stored data depends on the cflowd configurations.
Cflowd maintains a list of data flows through a router. A flow is a unidirectional traffic stream defined by several characteristics, such as source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, the inbound interface, IP protocol, and Type-of-Service (TOS) bits.
When a router receives a packet for which it currently does not have a flow entry, a flow structure is initialized to maintain state information about that flow, such as the number of bytes exchanged, IP addresses, port numbers, and AS numbers. Each subsequent sampled packet that matches the flow command options contributes to the byte and packet count of the flow until the flow is terminated and exported to a collector for storage.
Cflowd operation
The following figure shows the basic operation of the cflowd feature. This example only describes the basic cflowd operation overview and is not intended to specify implementation.

The logical sequence of cflowd operation is as follows.
As a packet ingresses a port, a decision is made to sample it or not for cflowd.
The original packet is processed for forwarding as normal and the cflowd sample is sent for processing. If a packet is discarded because of filters actions, an indicator is sent with the cflowd sample to the processing agent.
If a new flow is found, the system adds a new entry to the cache. If the flow already exists in the cache, the system updates the flow statistics.
If a new flow is detected and the maximum number of entries are already in the flow cache, the earliest expiry entry is removed. The earliest expiry entry/flow is the next flow that expires because of the active or inactive timer expiration.
If a flow has been inactive for a period of time equal to or greater than the inactive timer (default 15 seconds), or has been active for a period of time equal to or greater than the active timer (default 30 minutes), the system removes the entry from the flow cache.
When a flow is exported from the cache, the collected data is sent to an external collector, which maintains an accumulation of historical data flows that network users can use to analyze traffic patterns.
Data is exported in one of the following formats:
Version 5
This format generates a fixed export record for each individual flow captured.
Version 8
This format aggregates multiple individual flows into a fixed aggregate record.
Version 9
This format generates a variable export record, depending on user configuration and sampled traffic type (IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS), for each individual flow captured.
Version 10 (IPFIX)
This format generates a variable export record, depending on user configuration and sampled traffic type (IPv4, IPv6, or MPLS), for each individual flow captured.
The following figure shows Version 5, Version 8, Version 9, and Version 10 flow processing.

As flows expire and are removed (are aged out) from the active flow cache, the export format is determined (Version 5, Version 8, Version 9, or Version 10), and one of the following processes occurs:
If the export format is Version 5, Version 9, or Version 10, no further processing is performed, and the flow data is accumulated to be sent to the external collector.
If the export format is Version 8, the flow entry is added to one or more of the configured aggregation matrices.
As the entries within the aggregate matrices are aged out, they are accumulated to be sent to the external flow collector in Version 8 format.
The sample rate and cache size are configurable values. The default cache size is 64K flow entries.
A flow terminates when one of the following conditions is met.
The inactive timeout period expires (default 15 seconds). A flow is considered terminated when no packets are seen for the flow for the configured number of seconds.
When an active timeout expires (default: 30 s). Default active timeout is 30 min. A flow terminates according to the time duration, regardless of whether there are packets coming in for the flow.
The user executes a clear cflowd command.
Other conditions are met to aggressively age flows as the cache becomes too full, such as overflow percent.
Version 8
There are several aggregate flow types, including:
AS matrix
destination prefix matrix
source prefix matrix
prefix matrix
protocol/port matrix
Version 8 is an aggregated export format. As individual flows are aged out of the raw flow cache, the data is added to the aggregate flow cache for each configured aggregate type. Each of these aggregate flows are also aged in a manner similar to the method in which the active flow cache entries are aged. When an aggregate flow is aged out, it is sent to the external collector in the Version 8 record format.
Version 9
The Version 9 format is flexible and allows for different templates or sets of cflowd data to be sent based on the sampled traffic type and the configured template set.
Version 9 interoperates with RFC 3954, Cisco Systems NetFlow Services Export Version 9.
Version 10
Version 10 is a new format and protocol that interoperates with the IETF specifications as described by the IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) standard. Like Version 9, Version 10 uses templates to export different data elements for a flow and handle different types of data flows, such as IPv4, IPv6, and MPLS.
Version 10 interoperates with RFC 5150 and RFC 5102.
Cflowd filter matching
In the filter-matching process, usually every packet is matched against filter (access list) criteria to determine acceptability. With cflowd, only the first packet of a flow is checked. If the first packet is forwarded, an entry is added to the cflowd cache. Subsequent packets in the same flow are then forwarded without needing to be matched against the complete set of filters. Specific performance varies depending on the number and complexity of the filters.
Cflowd Collector flow direction configuration
The Cflowd Collector feature allows users to configure the direction of flows sent to the associated Cflowd Collector as ingress, egress, or both. Use the following options to configure the flow direction:
- both – flows ingressing or egressing the specified interface match the collector filter (default)
- ingress – flows ingressing the specified interface match the collector filter
- egress – flows egressing the specified interface match the collector filter
Use the following commands to enable this feature:
configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list router interface-name direction configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service ies-group-interface direction configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service ies-interface direction configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service vprn-group-interface direction configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service vprn-interface direction configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service vprn-network-interface direction
- classic
configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list router interface direction [direction {ingress | egress | both}] configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service ies subscriber-interface group-interface [direction {ingress | egress | both}] configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service ies interface [direction {ingress | egress | both}] configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface [direction {ingress | egress | both}] configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service vprn interface [direction {ingress | egress | both}] configure cflowd collector export-filter interface-list service vprn network-interface [direction {ingress | egress | both}]
Cflowd configuration process overview
Cflowd configuration and implementation flow shows the process to configure cflowd command options.

There are three modes in which cflowd can be enabled to sample traffic on an interface:
Cflowd interface – where all traffic entering a specified port is subjected to sampling at the configured sampling rate
Cflowd interface plus – the definition of IP filters that specify an action to disable sampling, where traffic that matches these filter entries is not subject to cflowd sampling
Use the following commands to disable sampling as part of the IP filter configuration:
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-sample false configure filter ipv6-filter entry interface-sample false
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-disable-sample configure filter ipv6-filter entry interface-disable-sample
Cflowd ACL – where IP filters must be created with entries containing the action filter-sampled. In this mode, only traffic matching these filter entries is subject to the cflowd sampling process.
Configuration notes
The following cflowd components must be configured for cflowd to be operational:
Cflowd is enabled globally.
At least one collector must be configured and enabled.
A cflowd option must be specified and enabled on a router interface.
Sampling must be enabled on either:
An IP filter that is applied to a port or service.
An interface on a port or service.
Configuring cflowd with CLI
This section provides information about configuring cflowd using the command line interface.
Cflowd configuration overview
SR OS implementation of cflowd supports the option to analyze traffic flow. The implementation also supports the use of traffic or access list (ACL) filters to limit the type of traffic that is analyzed.
Traffic sampling
Traffic sampling does not analyze all packets received by a router. Use command options to modify the rate at which traffic is sampled and sent for flow analysis. The default sampling rate is one out of every 1000 packets.
Excessive sampling, such as one out of every 100 packets, over an extended period of time can burden router processing resources.
The following data is maintained for each flow in the raw flow cache:
source IP address
destination IP address
source port
destination port
forwarding status
input interface
output interface
IP protocol
TCP flags
first timestamp (of the first packet in the flow)
last timestamp (timestamp of last packet in the flow before expiry of the flow)
source AS number for peer and origin (taken from BGP)
destination AS number for peer and origin (taken from BGP)
IP next hop
BGP next hop
ICMP type and code
IP version
source prefix (from routing)
destination prefix (from routing)
MPLS label stack from label 1 to 6
Within the raw flow cache, the following characteristics are used to identify an individual flow:
ingress interface
source IP address
destination IP address
source transport port number
destination transport port number
IP protocol type
IP TOS byte
virtual router ID
ICMP type and code
MPLS labels
SR OS implementation allows cflowd to be enabled at the interface level or as an action to a filter. By enabling cflowd at the interface level, all IP packets forwarded by the interface are subject to cflowd analysis. By setting cflowd as an action in a filter, only packets matching the specified filter are subject to cflowd analysis. This provides the network user greater flexibility in the types of flows that are captured.
A collector defines the export of data flows from the flow cache. The user can configure up to a maximum of eight collectors; each collector is identified by a unique IP address and UDP port value. Each collector can only export traffic in one version type: Version 5, Version 8, Version 9, or Version 10.
The command options within a collector configuration can be modified or the defaults retained.
The autonomous-system-type command defines whether the AS information included in the flow data is based on the originating AS or external peer AS of the flow.
Version 8 allows the aggregation of flow data into larger, less granular flows. Use aggregation commands to specify the type of data to collect. These aggregation types are only applicable to flows that are exported to a Version 8 collector.
The following aggregation schemes are supported:
AS matrix
Flows are aggregated based on source and destination AS and ingress and egress interfaces.
Flows are aggregated based on the IP protocol, source port number, and destination port number.
source prefix
Flows are aggregated based on source prefix and mask, source AS, and ingress interface.
destination prefix
Flows are aggregated based on destination prefix and mask, destination AS, and egress interface.
source-destination prefix
Flows are aggregated based on source prefix and mask, destination prefix and mask, source and destination AS, ingress and egress interfaces.
Flows are not aggregated and are sent to the collector in a Version 5 record.
Basic cflowd configuration
This section provides information to configure cflowd and examples of common configuration tasks. To sample traffic, the following command options must be configured, as a minimum.
Cflowd must be enabled.
At least one collector must be configured and enabled.
Sampling must be enabled on either:
an IP filter entry (and applied to a service or a port)
an interface applied to a port
The following example shows the cflowd configuration.
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info detail
## apply-groups
## apply-groups-exclude
admin-state enable
analyze-gre-payload false
analyze-l2tp-traffic false
analyze-v4overv6-traffic false
cache-size 6553
export-mode automatic
inband-collector-export-only false
overflow 1
template-retransmit 600
use-vrtr-if-index false
active-flow-timeout 1800
inactive-flow-timeout 15
sample-profile 1 {
## apply-groups
## apply-groups-exclude
sample-rate 1000
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info detail
active-flow-timeout 1800
cache-size 6553
inactive-flow-timeout 15
export-mode automatic
overflow 1
template-retransmit 600
no use-vrtr-if-index
no inband-collector-export-only
no analyze-gre-payload
no analyze-l2tp-traffic
no analyze-v4overv6-traffic
sample-profile 1 create
sample-rate 1000
no shutdown
Common configuration tasks
This section provides a brief overview of the tasks that must be performed to configure cflowd and provides the CLI commands. To begin traffic flow sampling, cflowd must be enabled and at least one collector must be configured.
Global cflowd components
The following common (global) attributes apply to all instances of cflowd:
active flow timeout
This attribute controls the maximum time a flow record can be active before it is automatically exported to defined collectors.
inactive flow timeout
This attribute controls the minimum time before a flow is declared inactive. If no traffic is sampled for a flow for the inactive timeout duration, the flow is declared inactive and marked to be exported to the defined collectors.
cache size
This attribute defines the maximum size of the flow cache.
This attribute defines the percentage of flow records that are exported to all collectors if the flow cache size is exceeded.
The rate attribute defines the system-wide sampling rate for cflowd.
template retransmit
This attribute defines the interval (in seconds) at which the Version 9 and Version 10 template is retransmitted to all configured Version 9 or Version 10 collectors.
Enabling cflowd
Cflowd is disabled by default. You must configure and enable at least one collector to be able to activate cflowd. Executing the cflowd command enables cflowd.
The following example shows the default values when cflowd is initially enabled. No collectors or collector options are configured.
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info detail
admin-state enable
cache-size 65536
overflow 1
template-retransmit 600
active-flow-timeout 1800
inactive-flow-timeout 15
sample-profile 1 {
sample-rate 1000
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info detail
active-flow-timeout 1800
cache-size 65536
inactive-flow-timeout 15
overflow 1
template-retransmit 600
sample-profile 1 create
sample-rate 1000
no shutdown
Configuring global cflowd
The following example shows the global cflowd configuration.
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info
overflow 10
active-flow-timeout 1800
inactive-flow-timeout 10
sample-profile 1 {
sample-rate 100
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info detail
active-flow-timeout 1800
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info
inactive-flow-timeout 10
overflow 10
sample-profile 1 create
sample-rate 100
Configuring cflowd collectors
The following example shows a basic configuration of cflowd collectors.
Basic cflowd collector configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info
overflow 10
active-flow-timeout 1800
inactive-flow-timeout 10
sample-profile 1 {
sample-rate 100
collector port 2000 {
description "AS info collector"
version 8
aggregation {
as-matrix true
raw true
collector port 5000 {
description "Neighbor collector"
autonomous-system-type peer
version 8
aggregation {
protocol-port true
source-destination-prefix true
Basic cflowd collector configuration (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info detail
active-flow-timeout 1800
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info
inactive-flow-timeout 10
overflow 10
sample-profile 1 create
sample-rate 100
collector version 8
description "AS info collector"
collector version 8
description "Neighbor collector"
autonomous-system-type peer
Version 9 collector configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info
collector port 2000 {
description "v9collector"
template-set mpls-ip
version 9
Version 9 collector configuration (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info
collector version 9
description "v9collector"
template-set mpls-ip
Version 9 and Version 10 templates
If the collector is configured to use Version 9 or Version 10 (IPFIX) formats, the flow data is sent to the designated collector using one of the predefined templates. The template used is based on the type of flow for which the data was collected (IPv4, IPv6, MPLS, or Ethernet (Layer 2)), and the configuration of the template-set command. The following table lists these options and the corresponding template used to export the flow data.
Traffic flow | Basic | MPLS-IP |
IPv4 |
Basic IPv4 |
IPv6 |
Basic IPv6 |
Basic MPLS |
Ethernet |
L2-IP |
L2-IP |
Each flow exported to a collector configured for either V9 or V10 formats is sent using one of the flow template sets listed in Template sets.
Basic IPv4 template to MPLS transport template list the fields in each template listed in Template sets.
Field name | Field ID |
IPv4 Src Addr |
8 |
IPv4 Dest Addr |
12 |
IPv4 Nexthop |
15 |
BGP Nexthop |
18 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Egress Interface |
14 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Start Time |
22 |
End Time |
21 |
Flow Start Milliseconds1 |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds1 |
153 |
Src Port |
7 |
Dest Port |
11 |
Forwarding Status |
89 |
TCP control Bits (Flags) |
6 |
IPv4 Protocol |
4 |
IPv4 ToS |
5 |
IP version |
60 |
ICMP Type and Code |
32 |
Direction |
61 |
BGP Source ASN |
16 |
BGP Dest ASN |
17 |
Source IPv4 Prefix Length |
9 |
Dest IPv4 Prefix Length |
13 |
Minimum IP Total Length |
25 |
Maximum IP Total Length |
26 |
Minimum TTL |
52 |
Maximum TTL |
53 |
Multicast Replication Factor |
99 |
bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber |
128 |
bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber |
129 |
IsMulticast1 |
206 |
Ingress VRFID1 |
234 |
Egress VRFID1 |
235 |
Field Name | Field ID |
IPv4 Src Addr |
8 |
IPv4 Dest Addr |
12 |
IPv4 Nexthop |
15 |
BGP Nexthop |
18 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Egress Interface |
14 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Start Time |
22 |
End Time |
21 |
Flow Start Milliseconds1 |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds1 |
153 |
Src Port |
7 |
Dest Port |
11 |
Forwarding Status |
89 |
TCP control Bits (Flags) |
6 |
IPv4 Protocol |
4 |
IPv4 ToS |
5 |
IP version |
60 |
ICMP Type & Code |
32 |
Direction |
61 |
BGP Source ASN |
16 |
BGP Dest ASN |
17 |
Source IPv4 Prefix Length |
9 |
Dest IPv4 Prefix Length |
13 |
MPLS Top Label Type |
46 |
MPLS Top Label IPv4 Addr |
47 |
MPLS Label 1 |
70 |
MPLS Label 2 |
71 |
MPLS Label 3 |
72 |
MPLS Label 4 |
73 |
MPLS Label 5 |
74 |
MPLS Label 6 |
75 |
MPLS Label 7 |
76 |
MPLS Label 8 |
77 |
MPLS Label 9 |
78 |
MPLS Label 10 |
79 |
Minimum IP Total Length |
25 |
Maximum IP Total Length |
26 |
Minimum TTL |
52 |
Maximum TTL |
53 |
Multicast Replication Factor |
99 |
bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber |
128 |
bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber |
129 |
IsMulticast1 |
206 |
Ingress VRFID1 |
234 |
Egress VRFID1 |
235 |
Field Name |
Field ID |
IPv6 Src Addr |
27 |
IPv6 Dest Addr |
28 |
IPv6 Nexthop |
62 |
IPv6 BGP Nexthop |
63 |
IPv4 Nexthop |
15 |
IPv4 BGP Nexthop |
18 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Egress Interface |
14 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Start Time |
22 |
End Time |
21 |
Flow Start Milliseconds1 |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds1 |
153 |
Src Port |
7 |
Dest Port |
11 |
Forwarding Status |
89 |
TCP control Bits (Flags) |
6 |
Protocol |
4 |
IPv6 Extension Hdr |
64 |
IPv6 Next Header |
193 |
IPv6 Flow Label |
31 |
ToS |
5 |
IP version |
60 |
IPv6 ICMP Type & Code |
139 |
Direction |
61 |
BGP Source ASN |
16 |
BGP Dest ASN |
17 |
IPv6 Src Mask |
29 |
IPv6 Dest Mask |
30 |
Minimum IP Total Length |
25 |
Maximum IP Total Length |
26 |
Minimum TTL |
52 |
Maximum TTL |
53 |
Multicast Replication Factor |
99 |
bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber |
128 |
bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber |
129 |
IsMulticast1 |
206 |
Ingress VRFID1 |
234 |
Egress VRFID1 |
235 |
Field name | Field ID |
IPv6 Src Addr |
27 |
IPv6 Dest Addr |
28 |
IPv6 Nexthop |
62 |
IPv6 BGP Nexthop |
63 |
IPv4 Nexthop |
15 |
IPv4 BGP Nexthop |
18 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Egress Interface |
14 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Start Time |
22 |
End Time |
21 |
Flow Start Milliseconds1 |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds1 |
153 |
Src Port |
7 |
Dest Port |
11 |
Forwarding Status |
89 |
TCP control Bits (Flags) |
6 |
Protocol |
4 |
IPv6 Extension Hdr |
64 |
IPv6 Next Header |
193 |
IPv6 Flow Label |
31 |
ToS |
5 |
IP version |
60 |
IPv6 ICMP Type & Code |
139 |
Direction |
61 |
BGP Source ASN |
16 |
BGP Dest ASN |
17 |
IPv6 Src Mask |
29 |
IPv6 Dest Mask |
30 |
MPLS Top Label Type |
46 |
MPLS Top Label IPv6 Addr |
47 |
MPLS Label 1 |
70 |
MPLS Label 2 |
71 |
MPLS Label 3 |
72 |
MPLS Label 4 |
73 |
MPLS Label 5 |
74 |
MPLS Label 6 |
75 |
MPLS Label 7 |
76 |
MPLS Label 8 |
77 |
MPLS Label 9 |
78 |
MPLS Label 10 |
79 |
46 |
47 |
Minimum IP Total Length |
25 |
Maximum IP Total Length |
26 |
Minimum TTL |
52 |
Maximum TTL |
53 |
Multicast Replication Factor |
99 |
bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber |
128 |
bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber |
129 |
IsMulticast1 |
206 |
Ingress VRFID1 |
234 |
Egress VRFID1 |
235 |
Field name | Field ID |
Start Time |
22 |
End Time |
21 |
Flow Start Milliseconds1 |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds1 |
153 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Egress Interface |
14 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Direction |
61 |
MPLS Top Label Type |
46 |
MPLS Top Label Address |
47 |
46 |
MPLS Label 1 |
70 |
MPLS Label 2 |
71 |
MPLS Label 3 |
72 |
MPLS Label 4 |
73 |
MPLS Label 5 |
74 |
MPLS Label 6 |
75 |
Field name | Field ID |
IPv4 Src Addr |
8 |
IPv4 Dest Addr |
12 |
IPv4 Nexthop |
15 |
IPv6 Src Addr |
27 |
IPv6 Dest Addr |
28 |
IPv6 Nexthop |
62 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Egress Interface |
14 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Start Time |
22 |
End Time |
21 |
Flow Start Milliseconds1 |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds1 |
153 |
Src Port |
7 |
Dest Port |
11 |
TCP control Bits (Flags) |
6 |
IPv4 Protocol |
4 |
IPv4 ToS |
5 |
IP version |
60 |
ICMP Type & Code |
32 |
IPv6 Flow Label |
31 |
Direction |
61 |
MPLS Top Label Type |
46 |
MPLS Top Label IPv4 Addr |
47 |
MPLS Label 1 |
70 |
MPLS Label 2 |
71 |
MPLS Label 3 |
72 |
MPLS Label 4 |
73 |
MPLS Label 5 |
74 |
MPLS Label 6 |
75 |
MPLS Label 7 |
76 |
MPLS Label 8 |
77 |
MPLS Label 9 |
78 |
MPLS Label 10 |
79 |
To address L2-IP (Ethernet) flow template, only one Ethernet (L2-IP) flow template is supported and exported to IPFIX (V10) collectors.
Field name |
Field ID |
MAC Src Addr |
56 |
MAC Dest Addr |
80 |
Ingress Physical Interface |
252 |
Egress Physical Interface |
253 |
Dot1q VLAN ID |
243 |
Dot1q Customer VLAN ID |
245 |
Post Dot1q VLAN ID |
254 |
Post Dot1q Customer VLAN Id |
255 |
IPv4 Src Addr |
8 |
IPv4 Dest Addr |
12 |
IPv6 Src Addr |
27 |
IPv6 Dest Addr |
28 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Flow Start Milliseconds |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds |
153 |
Src Port |
7 |
Dest Port |
11 |
TCP control Bits (Flags) |
6 |
Protocol |
4 |
IPv6 Option Header |
64 |
IPv6 Next Header |
193 |
IPv6 Flow Label |
31 |
ToS |
5 |
IP Version |
60 |
ICMP Type Code |
32 |
Ingress VRF |
234 |
IPv4 BGP Nexthop |
18 |
IPv6 BGP Nexthop |
63 |
Field name | Field ID |
Flow Start Milliseconds |
152 |
Flow End Milliseconds |
153 |
234 |
Ingress Interface |
10 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Direction |
61 |
46 |
47 |
MPLS Label-1 |
70 |
Specifying cflowd on an IP interface
When cflowd is enabled on an interface, all packets forwarded by the interface are subject to analysis according to the global cflowd configuration and sorted according to the collector configurations.
See Cflowd configuration dependencies for configuration combinations.
Use the following command to configure cflowd on an IP interface.
configure router interface cflowd-parameters sampling unicast type interface
When the preceding command is configured, the following requirements must be met to enable traffic sampling on the interface:
Enable cflowd.
Ensure at least one cflowd collector is configured and enabled.
Use the commands in the following context to configure sampling as unicast or multicast, as well as the type and direction of the sampling. By default, the direction is ingress-only.
configure router interface cflowd-parameters sampling
- Use the following commands to prevent specific types of traffic from
being sampled when interface sampling is enabled. The filter must be applied to the
service or network interface on which the traffic to be omitted is to ingress the
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-sample false configure filter ipv6-filter entry interface-sample false
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-disable-sample configure filter ipv6-filter entry interface-disable-sample
Interface sampling configuration
Use the commands in the following context to configure cflowd sampling on an interface.
configure router interface cflowd-parameters sampling
Depending on the sampling type command option selected, either acl or interface, cflowd extracts traffic flow samples from an IP filter or an interface for analysis. All packets forwarded by the interface are analyzed according to the cflowd configuration.
configure filter ip-filter entry filter-sample true
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry filter-sample
The interface command option must be selected to enable traffic sampling on an interface. If cflowd is not enabled, traffic sampling does not occur on the interface.
Service interfaces
Use the commands in the following context to configure cflowd on a service interface.
configure service vprn interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service ies interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service vprn network-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service vprn subscriber-interface group-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
configure service ies subscriber-interface group-interface cflowd-parameters sampling
When enabled on a service interface, cflowd collects routed traffic flow samples through a router for analysis. Cflowd is supported on IES and VPRN service interfaces only. Layer 2 traffic is excluded. All packets forwarded by the interface are analyzed according to the cflowd configuration. On the interface level, cflowd can be associated with a filter (ACL) or an IP interface. Layer 2 cflowd ingress sampling is supported on VPLS and Epipe SAPs.
Compact templates
IPFIX Field | Field ID |
Packet |
2 |
Byte |
1 |
Input ifIndex |
10 |
Output ifIndex |
14 |
IP version |
60 |
IP Src Port |
7 |
IP Dst Port |
11 |
IP proto |
4 |
IP tcpflags |
6 |
Flow Start |
22/152 |
Flow Stop |
21/153 |
IP min TTL |
52 |
IP max TTL |
53 |
IP tos |
5 |
Flow Direction |
61 |
IP icmp type/code |
32 |
Forwarding status |
89 |
IP src Address |
8 (IPv4) |
IP dst Address |
12 (IPv4) |
IPFIX Field | Field ID |
Packet |
2 |
Byte |
1 |
Input ifIndex |
10 |
Output ifIndex |
14 |
IP version |
60 |
IP Src Port |
7 |
IP Dst Port |
11 |
IP proto |
4 |
IP tcpflags |
6 |
Flow Start |
22/152 |
Flow Stop |
21/153 |
IP min TTL |
52 |
IP max TTL |
53 |
IP tos |
5 |
Flow Direction |
61 |
IPv6 ICMP type/code |
139 |
Forwarding status |
89 |
IP src Address |
27(IPv6) |
IP dst Address |
28(IPv6) |
IPFIX Field | Field ID |
Flow Start |
22/152 |
Flow Stop |
21/153 |
Input ifIndex |
10 |
Output ifIndex |
14 |
Packet |
2 |
Byte |
1 |
Flow Direction |
61 |
MPLS Top Label |
46 |
MPLS Top Label IPv4 Address |
47 |
MPLS Label 1 |
70 |
MPLS Label 2 |
71 |
MPLS Label 3 |
72 |
MPLS Label 4 |
73 |
MPLS Label 5 |
74 |
MPLS Label 6 |
75 |
MPLS Label 7 |
76 |
MPLS Label 8 |
77 |
MPLS Label 9 |
78 |
MPLS Label 10 |
79 |
IPFIX Field | Field ID |
Source MAC Address |
56 |
Destination MAC Address |
80 |
Ingress Physical Interface |
252 |
Egress Physical Interface |
253 |
Dot1q VLAN ID |
243 |
Dot1q Customer VLAN ID |
245 |
Post Dot1q VLAN ID |
254 |
Post Dot1q Customer VLAN ID |
255 |
IPv4 src Address |
8 |
IPv4 dst Address |
12 |
IPv6 src Address |
27 |
IPv6 dst Address |
28 |
Packet Count |
2 |
Byte Count |
1 |
Flow Start Millisecond |
152 |
Flow End Millisecond |
153 |
FP-accelerated templates
IPFIX Field | Field ID |
Byte |
1 |
Input ifIndex |
10 |
Output ifIndex |
14 |
IP version |
60 |
IP src Port |
7 |
IP Dst Port |
11 |
IP Proto |
4 |
IP TCP flags |
6 |
IP min TTL |
52 |
5 |
IP icmp type/code |
32 |
Forwarding status |
89 |
IP src Address1 |
8 (IPv4) |
IP dst Address1 |
12 (IPv4) |
IPFIX Field | Field ID |
Byte |
1 |
Input ifIndex |
10 |
Output ifIndex |
14 |
IP version |
60 |
IP src Port |
7 |
IP Dst Port |
11 |
IP Proto |
4 |
IP TCP flags |
6 |
IP min TTL |
52 |
5 |
Forwarding status |
89 |
IP src Address1 |
27(IPv6) |
IP dst Address1 |
28(IPv6) |
Specifying sampling options in filter entries
Packets are matched against filter entries to determine acceptability. With cflowd, only the first packet of a flow is compared. If the first packet matches the filter criteria, an entry is added to the cflowd cache. Subsequent packets in the same flow are also sampled based on the cache entry.
Because a filter can be applied to more than one interface (when configured with a scope template), you can enable or disable traffic sampling on an interface-by-interface basis. Use the following command to disable traffic sampling:
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-sample false
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-disable-sample
The preceding command to disable traffic sampling can be enabled or disabled as needed instead of having to create numerous filter versions.
To enable an interface for filter traffic sampling, the following requirements must be met:
Cflowd must be enabled globally.
At least one cflowd collector must be configured and enabled.
Use the commands in the following context on the IP interface that is used to configure sampling as unicast or multicast. You must also select the ACL option.
configure router interface cflowd-parameters sampling
- On the IP filter being used, you must explicitly enable filter sampling for the entries matching the traffic that should be sampled. Use the following commands to configure filter sampling for the filter:
configure filter ip-filter entry filter-sample true configure filter ipv6-filter entry filter-sample true
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry filter-sample configure filter ipv6-filter entry filter-sample
The default is disabled. See Filter configurations for more information.
The filter must be applied to a service or a network interface. The service or port must be enabled and operational.
Filter configurations
configure filter ip-filter entry filter-sample true
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry filter-sample
When the traffic sampling is disabled, traffic matching the associated IP filter entry is not sampled if the IP interface is set to cflowd ACL mode. Use the following command to disable traffic sampling:
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-sample false
classic CLI
configure filter ip-filter entry interface-disable-sample
For cflowd to be operational, the following requirements must be met:
Cflowd must be enabled on a global level. If cflowd is disabled, any traffic sampling instances are also disabled.
At least one collector must be configured and enabled in order for traffic sampling to occur on an enabled entity.
If a specific collector UDP port is not identified, flows are sent to port 2055 by default.
Cflowd can also be dependent on the following entity configurations:
The combination of interface and filter entry configurations determines whether flow sampling occurs. Cflowd configuration dependencies lists the expected results based on cflowd configuration dependencies.
Interface Setting | cflowd-parameter type Setting | Command ip-filter entry Setting | Expected Results |
IP-filter mode |
filter-sample true (MD-CLI) filter-sample (classic CLI) |
Traffic matching is sampled at specified rate |
IP-filter mode |
filter-sample false (MD-CLI) no filter-sample (classic CLI) |
No traffic is sampled on this interface |
IP-filter mode or cflowd not enabled on interface |
interface-sample false (MD-CLI) interface-disable-sample (classic CLI) |
Command is ignored; no sampling occurs |
Interface mode |
Interface |
interface-sample false (MD-CLI) interface-disable-sample (classic CLI) |
Traffic matching this IP filter entry is not sampled |
Interface mode |
Interface |
none |
All IP traffic ingressing the interface is subject to sampling |
Interface mode |
Interface |
filter-sample true (MD-CLI) filter-sample (classic CLI) |
Filter-level action is ignored; all traffic ingressing the interface is subject to sampling |
Configuring Cflowd Collector flow direction
The following example shows how to configure the direction of flows to the Cflowd Collector.
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info
overflow 10
template-retransmit 60
active-flow-timeout 30
inactive-flow-timeout 10
collector port 2055 {
description "test"
version 9
export-filter {
interface-list {
service {
ies-interface service-name "28000" interface-name "ies-28000" {
direction ingress
ies-interface service-name "33600" interface-name "ies-33600" {
direction ingress
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info
active-flow-timeout 30
inactive-flow-timeout 10
overflow 10
template-retransmit 60
collector version 9
description "test"
ies 28000 interface ies-28000 direction ingress
ies 33600 interface ies-33600 direction ingress
Cflowd configuration management tasks
This section describes cflowd configuration management tasks.
Modifying global cflowd
Cflowd modifications apply to all instances where cflowd is enabled. Use the commands in the following context to configure cflowd.
configure cflowd
Modification of a cflowd configuration (MD-CLI)
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# active-flow-timeout 3600
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# inactive-flow-timeout 15
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# overflow 2
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# sample-profile 1
*[ex:/configure cflowd sample-profile 1]
A:admin@node-2# sample-rate 10
Cflowd configuration output (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info detail
inactive-flow-timeout 15
*[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info
overflow 2
active-flow-timeout 3600
sample-profile 1 {
sample-rate 10
Modification of a cflowd configuration (classic CLI)
*A:node-2>config>cflowd# active-flow-timeout 3600
*A:node-2>config>cflowd# inactive-flow-timeout 15
*A:node-2>config>cflowd# overflow 2
*A:node-2>config>cflowd# sample-profile 1 create
*A:node-2>config>cflowd>sample-profile# sample-rate 10
Cflowd configuration output (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info detail
inactive-flow-timeout 15
*A:node-2>config>cflowd# info
active-flow-timeout 3600
overflow 2
sample-profile 1 create
sample-rate 10
Modifying cflowd collector command options
Use the commands in the following context to modify cflowd collector and aggregation command options.
configure cflowd
If a specific collector UDP port is not identified, flows are sent to port 2055 by default.
The following example shows a basic cflowd configuration that has been modified.
[ex:/configure cflowd]
A:admin@node-2# info
overflow 2
active-flow-timeout 3600
sample-profile 1 {
sample-rate 10
collector port 2000 {
description "AS info collector"
version 8
collector port 5000 {
description "Test collector"
version 9
aggregation {
source-prefix true
raw true
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>cflowd# info
active-flow-timeout 3600
overflow 2
sample-profile 1 create
sample-rate 10
collector version 8
description "AS info collector"
collector version 9
description "Test collector"
FP acceleration for cflowd processing
FP acceleration for cflowd allows the FP complex on specific CPMs to process and directly export IPv4 and IPv6 flow records. This feature supports significantly higher sampling capacity and flow record generation. The feature requires using CPM-2 or later in 7750 SR-7s and SR-14s, and 7950 XRS. When enabled, cflowd samples from configured interfaces are sent to the FP complex located on the CPM, which then pulls specific information from the IPv4 or IPv6 headers to populate the FP, accelerated flow record template. This mechanism generates a flow record for each sample.
Configuring FP acceleration for cflowd processing
To enable FP-accelerated cflowd processing, configure the following:
Use the following command to configure a cflowd collector for FP-accelerated cflowd processing.
configure cflowd collector template-set fastpath
Use the following command to configure one or more sample profiles.
configure cflowd sample-profile metering-process fp-accelerated
The following example shows the configuration of FP acceleration for cflowd processing.
A:admin@node-2# info
cflowd {
admin-state enable
inband-collector-export-only true
sample-profile 2 {
sample-rate 2000
metering-process fp-accelerated
collector port 1 {
template-set fastpath
version 10
Supported forwarding status codes
The following table shows supported forwarding status codes.
Status | Reported code (field 89) |
Forwarded |
64 |
Drop-ACL |
130 |
Drop-Unroutable |
131 |
Drop-Fragmentation needed but DF bit set |
133 |
Drop-uRPF failure |
140 |