
This chapter provides information to configure security features.

Authentication, authorization, and accounting

This chapter describes authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) used to monitor and control network access on routers. Network security is based on a multistep process. The first step, authentication, validates a user’s credentials. The second step, authorization, allows the user to access and execute commands at various command levels based on profiles assigned to the user.

The third step, accounting, keeps track of the activity of users who have accessed the network. The type of accounting information recorded can include a history of the commands executed, the amount of time spent in the session, the services accessed, and the data transfer size during the session. The accounting data can be used for trend analysis, billing, and auditing purposes.

The router can be configured to use local, Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+), or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) security to validate users who attempt to access the router by console, Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or other supported interfaces. Users can also select the order in which the authentication methods are attempted.

The router supports the following security features:

  • Local security can be implemented for authentication and authorization.

  • RADIUS can be used for authentication, authorization, and accounting in the Base routing instance or a VPRN.

  • TACACS+ can be used for authentication, authorization, and accounting in the Base routing instance or a VPRN.

  • LDAP can be used for authentication in the Base routing instance.

The following figure shows end user access-requests sent to a RADIUS server. After validating the usernames and passwords, the RADIUS server returns an access-accept message to the users on ALA-1 and ALA-2. The username and password from ALA-3 could not be authenticated; therefore, access was denied.

Figure 1. RADIUS requests and responses


Authentication validates a user’s credentials when a user attempts to log in.

When a user attempts to log in through the console, FTP, or other methods, the client sends credentials to the router. Based on the received credentials, the router creates and sends an authentication request to a RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, or local database. The order in which the router tries different types of AAA servers and local databases is defined by the configured authentication order.

Transactions between the router and a RADIUS or TACACS+ server are authenticated through the use of a shared secret. The secret is never transmitted over the network. TLS can be used for the connection between the router and the LDAP or RADIUS server. User passwords are sent encrypted between the client and the AAA (RADIUS, TACACS+, or LDAP) server which prevents someone snooping on an insecure network to learn password information.

If the AAA server (of the chosen authentication method) does not respond within a specified time, the router issues the access request to the next configured servers of the same authentication method. Each AAA server must be configured identically to guarantee consistent results.

If any AAA server rejects the authentication request, it sends an access reject message to the router. In this case, no access request is issued to any other AAA servers of the chosen authentication method. However, if other authentication methods, such as TACACS+ or local, are configured and the exit-on-reject option is not set, then these methods are attempted. If no other authentication methods are configured, or all methods reject the authentication request, then access is denied.

For the AAA server selection, round-robin is used if multiple AAA servers for one particular authentication method are configured. Although, if the first alive server in the list cannot find a username, the router does not re-query the next server in the AAA server list for that authentication method and denies the access request. It may get authenticated on the next login attempt if the next selected AAA server has the appropriate username. It is recommended that the same user databases are maintained for AAA servers to avoid inconsistent behavior.

The user login is successful when the AAA server accepts the authentication request and responds to the router with an access accept message.

Implementing authentication without authorization for the routers does not require the configuration of VSAs (Vendor Specific Attributes) on the RADIUS server. However, users, user access permissions, and command authorization profiles must be configured on each router.

Any combination of these authentication methods can be configured to control network access from a router:

Note: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is not supported for local users, but is supported with a RADIUS AAA server that provides MFA functionality for remote users.

Local authentication

Local authentication uses PKI or usernames and passwords as authentication credentials to authenticate login attempts. The authentication credentials are local to each router, not to user profiles.

By default, local authentication is enabled. When one or more of the other security methods are enabled, local authentication is used in case it is configured as first method in the authentication order, or if other authentication methods are configured before local in the authentication order and fail.

Locally, usernames, public keys, and password management information can be configured. This is referred to as local authentication.

RADIUS authentication

RADIUS is a client/server security protocol and software that enables remote access servers to communicate with a central server to authenticate dial-in users and authorize access to the requested system or service.

RADIUS allows administrators to maintain user profiles in a shared central database and provides better security, allowing a company to set up a policy that can be applied at a single administered network point.

RADIUS server selection

The RADIUS server selection algorithm is used by different applications:

  • RADIUS user management

  • RADIUS authentication for Enhanced Subscriber Management

  • RADIUS accounting for Enhanced Subscriber Management

  • RADIUS PE-discovery

In all these applications, up to five RADIUS servers pools (per RADIUS policy, if used) can be configured.

The RADIUS server selection algorithm can work in 2 modes, either Direct mode or Round-robin mode.

Direct mode

The first server is used as the primary server. If this server is unreachable, the next server, based on the server index, of the server pool is used. This continues until either all servers in the pool have been tried or an answer is received.

If a server is unreachable, it will not be used again by the RADIUS application until 30 seconds have elapsed, to give the server time to recover from its unreachable state. After 30 seconds, the unreachable server becomes available again for the RADIUS application.

If, within the 30 seconds, the RADIUS application receives a valid response to a previously sent RADIUS packet on that unreachable server, the server immediately becomes available again.

Round-robin mode

The RADIUS application sends the next RADIUS packet to the next server in the server pool. The same server non-reachability behavior that is used in Direct mode is also used for Round-robin mode.

Server reachability detection

A server is reachable when the server is operationally up and a valid response is received within a timeout period that is configured using the retry command option at the RADIUS policy level.

A server is considered not-reachable when the server is operationally down, or when one of the following situations occurs:

  • timeout

    A number of consecutive timeouts are encountered for a specific server. This number is configurable by the retry parameter on RADIUS policy level.

  • send failure

    A packet cannot be sent to the RADIUS server because the forwarding path toward the RADIUS server is broken; for example, the route is not available or the interface is shut down.

    If a send failure occurs, no retry mechanism is invoked and the next server in line is immediately used.

A server that is down can only be used again by the RADIUS algorithm after 30 seconds have elapsed. If, within the 30 seconds, a valid RADIUS reply is received for that server, the server immediately becomes available again.

The operational state of a server can also be "unknown" if the RADIUS application is not aware of the state of the RADIUS server. For example, if the server was previously down but no requests had been sent to the server, it would not be certain yet whether the server is reachable.

Application-specific user management

By default, the server access mode is Direct, but it can be changed into Round-Robin. A health-check function is available for user management, which can optionally be disabled. The health-check polls the server every 30 seconds (configurable) with an improbable username. If the server does not respond to this health-check, it is marked down.

If the first server in the list cannot find a user, the next server in the RADIUS server list is queried, only when access mode is set to Round-Robin. If multiple RADIUS servers are used and access mode is set to Direct, it is assumed they all have the same user database.

Application-specific RADIUS authentication

If the first server in the list cannot find a user, the next server in the RADIUS server list is not queried and access is denied. If multiple RADIUS servers are used, it is assumed they all have the same user database.

Application-specific RADIUS challenge/response interactive authentication

Challenge-response interactive authentication is used for key authentication where the RADIUS server is asking for the valid response to a displayed challenge. The challenge packet includes a challenge to be displayed to the user, such as a unique generated numeric value unlikely ever to be repeated. Typically this is obtained from an external server that knows what type of authenticator is in the possession of the authorized user and can therefore choose a random or non-repeating pseudorandom number of appropriate length.

The user then enters the challenge into his device (or software) and it calculates a response, which the user enters into the client which forwards it to the RADIUS server within an access request. If the response matches the expected response, the RADIUS server allows the user access, otherwise it rejects the response.

Use the following command to enable RADIUS challenge/response mode:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers radius interactive-authentication
  • classic CLI
    configure system security radius interactive-authentication

RADIUS interactive authentication is disabled by default. The option needs to be enabled using CLI. Enabling interactive authentication under CLI does not mean that the system uses RADIUS challenge/response mode by default. The configured password authentication-order option is used. If the authentication-order option is local RADIUS, the system will first attempt to login the user using local authentication. If this fails, the system will revert to RADIUS and challenge/response mode. The authentication-order will precede the RADIUS interactive-authentication mode.

Even if the authentication-order is RADIUS local, the standard password prompt is always displayed. The user enters a username and password at this prompt. If RADIUS interactive-authentication is enabled the password does not have to be the correct password because authentication is accomplished using the RADIUS challenge/response method. The user can enter any password. The username and password are sent to the RADIUS server, which responds with a challenge request that is transmitted back to the node by the RADIUS server. When the user enters the challenge response, the response is authenticated by the RADIUS server to allow node access to the user.

For example, if the system is configured with system security authentication-order set to local RADIUS, at the login prompt the user can enter the username ‟admin” and the corresponding password. If the password for local authentication does not match, the system falls into RADIUS authentication mode. The system checks the interactive-authentication configuration and if it is enabled it enters into challenge/response mode. It sends the username and password to the RADIUS server, and the server sends the challenge request back to the node and to the user where it appears as a challenge prompt on screen. A challenge received from the RADIUS server typically contains a string and a hardware token that can be used to generate a password on the users’ local personal token generator. For example, the RADIUS server may send the challenge prompt ‟Enter response for challenge 12345:” to the SR OS. The string ‟12345” can be entered in the local token generator which generates the appropriate challenge response for the entered string. This challenge response can then be entered on the SR OS prompt for authorization.

When the user enters the correct challenge response it is authenticated using the RADIUS server. The server authenticates the user and the user gains access to the node.

If session timeout and Idle timeout values are configured on the RADIUS server, these are used to govern the length of time before the SR OS cancels the challenge prompt. If the user is idle longer than the received idle-timeout (seconds) from the RADIUS server, and/or if the user does not press ENTER before the received session-timeout (seconds).

Note: For SSH only the session-timeout value is used. The SSH stack cannot track character input into the login prompt until the enter key is pressed.

If the idle/session attribute is not available or if the value is set to a very large number, the SR OS uses the smallest value set in ‟configure system login-control idle-timeout” and the idle/session timeout attribute value to terminate the prompt. If the ‟login-control idle-timeout” is disabled, the maximum idle-timeout (24-hours) is used for the calculation.

The SR OS displays the log-in attempts/failure per user in the ‟show system security user username” screen. If the RADIUS rejects a challenge response, it counts as a failed login attempt and a new prompt is displayed. The number of failed attempts is limited by the value set for ‟configure system security password attempt.” An incorrect challenge response results in a failure count against the password attempts.

Application-specific RADIUS accounting

RADIUS accounting can be used for two purposes:

  • CLI command accounting

  • Enhanced Subscriber Management subscriber host accounting

The RADIUS accounting application tries to send all the accounting records of a subscriber host to the same RADIUS server. If that server is down, then the records are sent to the next server, and from that moment on, the RADIUS application uses that server as the destination for accounting records for that subscriber host. Enhanced Subscriber Management applies to the 7750 SR platform.

Application-specific RADIUS PE-discovery

If the first server in the list cannot find a user, the next server in the RADIUS server list is not queried and access is denied. If multiple RADIUS servers are used, it is assumed they all have the same user database.

The RADIUS PE-discovery application makes use of a 10 second time period instead of the generic 30 seconds and uses a fixed consecutive timeout value of 2 (see Server reachability detection).

As long as the Session-Timeout (attribute in the RADIUS user file) is specified, it is used for the polling interval. Otherwise, the configured polling interval is used (60 seconds by default).

TACACS+ authentication

Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) is an authentication protocol that allows a remote access server to forward a user login password to an authentication server, to determine whether access is allowed to a system. In contrast to RADIUS, which combines authentication and authorization, TACACS+ separates these operations.

LDAP authentication

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) can provide authentication, authorization, accounting (AAA) functionality, and can allow users to access the full virtualized data center and networking devices. SR OS currently supports LDAP provision of a centralized authentication method with public key management. The authentication method is based on SSH public keys or keyboard authentication (username, password).

Administrators can access networking devices with one private key; public keys are usually saved locally on the SSH server. Proper key management is not feasible with locally-saved public keys on network devices or on virtual machines, as this would result in hundreds of public keys distributed on all devices. LDAPv3 provides a centralized key management system that allows for secure creation and distribution of public keys in the network. Public keys can be remotely saved on the LDAP server, which makes key management much easier, as shown in Key management.

Figure 2. Key management

The administrator starts an SSH session through an SSH client using their private key. The SSH client for the authentication method sends a signature created with the user’s private key to the router. The router authenticates the signature using the user’s public key and gives access to the user. To access the public key, the router looks up the public key stored on the LDAP server and the public key stored locally. The order in which the public keys are looked up is defined by the authentication order. Communication between the router and the LDAP server should be secured with LDAP over SSL/TLS (LDAPS). After successfully opening a secured connection, LDAP returns a set of public keys that can be used by the router to verify the signature.

LDAP is integrated into the SR OS as an AAA protocol alongside existing AAA protocols, such as RADIUS and TACACS+. The AAA framework provides tools and mechanisms (such as method lists, server groups, and generic attribute lists) that enable an abstract and uniform interface to AAA clients, irrespective of the actual protocol used for communication with the AAA server.

The authentication functions are:

  • public key authentication

    The client tries to SSH to the SR OS using public keys.

    Public keys can be stored locally or on the LDAP server and retrieved as needed to authenticate the user.

  • password authentication (keyboard interactive)

    The LDAP server can be used for user authentication using keyboard interactive, as with simple username and password authentication.

LDAP authentication process

A client starts an LDAP session by connecting to an LDAP server, called a Directory System Agent (DSA), which–by default–are on TCP port 389 and UDP port 636 for LDAP. The SR OS then sends an operation request to the server, and the server sends responses in return, as shown in LDAP server and SR OS interaction for retrieving the public key. With some exceptions, the client does not need to wait for a response before sending the next request, and the server may send the responses in any order. All information is transmitted using Basic Encoding Rules (BER).

In the SR OS, the client can request the following operations:

  • StartTLS

    Uses the LDAPv3 Transport Layer Security (TLS) extension for a secure connection.

  • Bind

    Authenticates and specifies the LDAP protocol version.

  • Search

    Searches for and retrieves directory entries.

  • Unbind

    Closes the connection (not the inverse of Bind).

Figure 3. LDAP server and SR OS interaction for retrieving the public key

The connection between the router as the LDAP client and the LDAP server should be encrypted using TLS, as all credentials between the router and LDAP are transmitted in clear text.

Authentication order

SR OS supports local and LDAP public key storage, the order of which is configurable. Use the following command to configure authentication order:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params authentication-order
  • classic CLI
    configure system security password authentication-order

The SR OS sends available authentication methods to the client and supports public key and password authentication. Use the following command to configure the client to use the public key authentication method:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap public-key-authentication
  • classic CLI
    configure system security ldap public-key-authentication

If the client chooses the public key and LDAP is first in authentication order, the SR OS tries to authenticate using public key retrieval from the LDAP server. If the public key retrieval from LDAP server fails and exit-on-reject is not configured, the SR OS tries the next method (local) in the authentication order for the public key. If the next method also fails, a user authentication fail message is sent to the client.

If the public key retrieval from the LDAP server fails and exit-on-reject is configured, the SR OS does not try the next method in the authentication order. A user-authentication fail message is sent to the client. At this point, the client can be configured to only use public key authentication or use both public key authentication followed by password authentication. If the client is configured to use password authentication, it goes through the authentication order again (for example, it tries all the configured methods in the configured authentication order) as long as exit-on-reject is not configured.

Authentication order public key detail

There are two keys for public key authentication: a private key stored on the client and a public key stored on the server (local) or AAA server (LDAP). The client uses the private key to create a signature, which only the public key can authenticate. If the signature is authenticated using the public key, then the user is also authenticated and is granted access. SR OS can locally store, using CLI, as many as 32 RSA keys and 32 ECDHA keys for a single user. In total, the SR OS can load a maximum of 128 public keys in a single authentication attempt.

Note: The client creates a signature using a single private key, but this signature can be authenticated on the SR OS with maximum of 128 public keys in a single try. If all these public keys fail to authenticate, then a failure message is sent to the client and the number of failed attempts is incremented.

If the client has another private key, it can create a new signature with this new private key and attempt the authentication one more time, or switch to password authentication.

The following steps describe the procedure where the client attempts to authenticate using a public key and the authentication order is configured as ldap, then local.

Note: With each increment of failed attempts, the SR OS also checks the limit for lock-out. If the limit is reached, the user is locked out.
  1. The SSH client opens a session and tries to authenticate the user with private-key-1 (creating signature-1 from private-key-1).

  2. The SR OS checks the authentication order.

  3. The SR OS loads public keys for the user, as follows.

    1. If exit-on-reject is not configured, the SR OS loads all public keys from the LDAP server and all public keys from the locally-saved location.

    2. If exit-on-reject is configured, the SR OS only loads all public keys from the LDAP server and not from the locally-saved location.

  4. The SR OS compares received client signature-1 with signature calculated from loaded public keys and attempts to find a match.

    1. If a match is found, the user is authenticated. The procedure ends.

    2. If no match is found, authentication fails and the SSH client is informed. The LDAP server waits for the SSH client’s reaction.

  5. The SSH client reacts in one of several ways.

    1. The connection is closed.

    2. The password authentication method is continued. In this case, on the SR OS, the number of failed authentication attempts is not incremented.

    3. The next public key is continued, as follows.

      1. If it is not 21st received public key, return to step 3.

      2. If it is the 21st received public key, the number of failed authentication attempts is incremented and the connection is closed.

LDAP authentication using a password

In addition to public key authentication, the SR OS supports password (keyboard) authentication using the LDAP server.

Note: TLS provides the encryption for password authentication.

In the following example, the client attempts to authenticate using a password and only LDAP is configured in the authentication order.

  1. The client uses Telnet or SSH to reach the SR OS.

  2. The SR OS retrieves the username and password (in plain text).

  3. The SR OS performs a bind operation to the LDAP server. Use the following command to set the root DN and password:

    • MD-CLI
      configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap server bind-authentication password
      configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap server bind-authentication root-dn
    • classic CLI
      configure system security ldap server bind-authentication password password root-dn
  4. The SR OS performs a search operation for the username on LDAP server.

    1. If the username is found, LDAP sends user_distinguished_name to the router.

    2. If the username is not found, the authentication fails. The attempt and failed attempt counters are incremented.

  5. The SR OS performs a bind operation to LDAP with user_distinguished_name and the password from step 2.

  6. The LDAP server checks the password.

    1. If the password is correct, the bind operation succeeds. The failed attempt and successful attempt counters are incremented.

    2. If the password is incorrect, bind is unsuccessful and authentication fails. The attempt and failed attempt counters are incremented.

  7. The SR OS sends a message to unbind from the LDAP server.

Timeout and retry configuration for the LDAP server

Use the following commands to configure the number of retry attempts and the response timeout for the LDAP server:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap server-retry
    configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap server-timeout
  • classic CLI
    configure system security ldap retry
    configure system security ldap timeout

The server retry value is the maximum number of connection attempts that the SR OS can make to reach the current LDAP server before attempting the next server. For example, if the value is set to the default of 3, the SR OS tries to establish the connection to current server three times before attempting to establish a connection to the next server.

The server timeout value is the number of seconds that the SR OS waits for a response from the server with which it is attempting to establish a connection. If the server does not reply within the specified timeout value, the SR OS increments the retry counter by one. The SR OS attempts to establish the connection to the current server up to the configured retry value before moving to the next configured server.

TLS behavior and LDAP

RFC 4511 section 4.14.1 states, ‟A client requests TLS establishment by transmitting a StartTLS request message to the server” and ‟The client MUST NOT send any LDAP PDUs at this LDAP message layer following this request until it receives a StartTLS Extended response”. As such, if an LDAP has a TLS profile configured and the TLS is in an operationally down state, no LDAP packets are transmitted if TLS negotiation has not been completed, including when the TLS profile is shut down.

LDAP health check

The LDAP health-check function is available for user management purposes and can be disabled. The SR OS health check attempts to establish a TCP connection to the LDAP server and polls the server at a specified interval (the default is 30 seconds). The TCP connection is closed by an LDAP unbind message.

Use the following command to configure the health check for LDAP:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa health-check
  • classic CLI
    configure system security password health-check
LDAP redundancy and TLS

LDAP supports up to five redundant (backup) servers. Depending on the configuration of timeout and retry values, if an LDAP server is found to be out of service or operationally down, the SR OS will switch to the redundant servers. The SR OS will try the next LDAP server in the server list by choosing the next largest configured server index.

LDAP servers can use the same TLS profile or can have their own TLS profile. Each TLS profile can have a different configuration of trust-anchor, cipher-list and cert-profile. For security reasons, the LDAP server could be in different geographical areas and, therefore, each will be assigned its own server certificate and trust anchor. The TLS profile design allows users to mix and match all components.

Redundant LDAP servers are shown in LDAP and TLS redundancy.

Figure 4. LDAP and TLS redundancy

Password management

The following sections describe password hashing and control.

Password hashing

SR OS supports two algorithms for user password hashing: bcrypt, which is the default algorithm, and PBKDF2. The PBKDF2 algorithm can use SHA2 (SHA-256) or SHA3 (SHA-512) for hashing.

Use the following command to configure the algorithm to hash all user passwords:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user password hashing
  • classic CLI
    configure system security password hashing

When password hashing is configured, the following sequence of steps occurs at login:

  1. The node checks the stored password and notes its hash algorithm.

  2. The password entered by the user is hashed with the noted algorithm, and the node compares the hash with the stored user password hash.

  3. If the entered and stored passwords are the same, and if the hash algorithm of the stored user password is different than the hash algorithm of the system password, the user is prompted to enter a new password two times to ensure the passwords match. The node stores this new password in the RAM, not in the system configuration file.

    To store the new password in the configuration file, an admin user must perform an admin save command. If the admin save command is not executed, on the next reboot the hash algorithm of the stored user password may be different than the system hash and the user must go through this process again from step 2.

After an upgrade to a software load that supports PBKDF2, the default password continues to be stored using the bcrypt algorithm. The following example describes the procedure to change the algorithm. In the example, the algorithm is changed to PBKDF2 and "User_name" can be any user.

  1. User_name logs in and runs the hashing command to change the algorithm.

  2. To save the algorithm change, an admin user performs an admin save command.

  3. To store User_name’s password using PBKDF2, the admin user changes User_name’s password.

    From this point onward, any new user passwords or changes to existing user passwords are stored using PBKDF2.

Password control

The SR OS supports a rich a set of password controls including configurable complexity rules, password age rules and more. Please see some of the configuration commands available under the following context:

  • MD-CLI

    configure system security user-params local-user password
  • classic CLI

    configure system security password

One password complexity control supported in SR OS is the ability to block the use of sequential characters on a keyboard. A number can be configured for the allowed numeric characters, or uppercase or lowercase letters corresponding to consecutive keys from the following keyboard sequences as laid out on a U.S. English keyboard or Korean keyboard: from left to right, right to left, down to up-right or up-left, or up to down-right or down-left. The number of such characters used in the password cannot exceed the configured value.

The following figure shows the keyboard layout and key sequences for the password complexity rule.

Figure 5. Keyboard layout and key sequences for password complexity rule


The SR OS supports local, RADIUS, and TACACS+ authorization to control the actions of specific users. The following authorization methods can be configured to control actions of specific users:

Local authorization and RADIUS authorization operate by applying a command authorization profile that is associated with the user.

For RADIUS authorization, the profiles are configured locally on the router or downloaded using VSAs from a RADIUS server. See RADIUS VSAs.

For TACACS+ authorization, local profiles configured on the router can be used or remote profiles configured on the TACACS+ server can be used whereby each command is sent to the TACACS+ server for authorization.

Authorization applies to CLI access as well as NETCONF or gRPC access. See Authorization profiles for classic and model-driven management interfaces for more details.

Local authorization

Local authorization uses user profiles and user access information after a user is authenticated. The profiles and user access information specifies the actions the user is allowed to perform.

For more information, see Configuring local command authorization profiles.

RADIUS authorization

RADIUS authorization grants or denies access permissions for a user. Permissions include the use of FTP, Telnet, SSH (SCP and SFTP), and console access. When granting Telnet, SSH (SCP and SFTP), and console access to the router, authorization can be used to limit user access to the CLI commands and files.

When a user has been authenticated using RADIUS (or another method), the router can be configured to perform authorization. The RADIUS server can be used to:

  • download the user command authorization profile to the router

  • send the profile name that the router should apply to the user (these profiles must be created on each router)

If RADIUS authentication is successful and no authorization is configured for the user on the RADIUS server, local (router) authorization is attempted, if configured using the authentication-order command.

When authorization is configured and profiles are downloaded to the router from the RADIUS server, the profiles are considered temporary configurations and are not saved when the user session terminates.

The temporary profiles are only downloaded if the user authenticates via RADIUS. RADIUS-based authorization is not supported for users who authenticate locally or via TACACS+.

The following table lists the supported authorization configurations.

Table 1. Supported authorization configurations

Local RADIUS supplied profile

Locally configured user

RADIUS server configured user

TACACS+ server configured user

When using authorization, maintaining a user database on the router is not required. Usernames can be configured on the RADIUS server. Usernames are temporary and are not saved in the configuration when the user session terminates. Temporary user login names and their associated passwords are not saved as part of the configuration.

TACACS+ authorization

Single common access controls with a local command authorization profile

All users who authenticate with TACACS+ use a single common TACACS+ default template with a local authorization profile that controls:

  • access to Bluetooth, console port CLI, FTP, gRPC, LI commands, NETCONF, SCP/SFTP, SNMP, SSH CLI, and Telnet CLI
  • file access
  • authorization for CLI commands, NETCONF operations, and gRPC RPCs

The use-default-template command must be enabled. Optionally, Vendor-Specific Attributes (VSAs) defined on the TACACS+ server can control per-user access.

To use a single, common command authorization profile for TACACS+ users, the TACACS+ default template must be enabled and configured with a valid local profile. The local profile is then used for command authorization. TACACS+ authorization must be disabled.

Use the following commands to configure a single common local command profile called "TACPLUS_USERS" for command authorization for all TACACS+ users:

  • MD-CLI

    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus use-default-template
    configure system security aaa user-template user-template-name tacplus-default profile "TACPLUS_USERS"
    delete configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus authorization
  • classic CLI

    configure system security tacplus use-default-template
    configure system security user-template tacplus_default profile "TACPLUS_USERS"
    configure system security tacplus no authorization

See TACACS+ configuration for file access control using VSAs for examples on optionally using VSAs for file access control.

Common access controls with per-command authorization with TACACS+

Per-command authorization with the TACACS+ server can be used instead of using a local CLI command authorization profile.

When the authorization command is enabled without the use-priv-lvl command, each CLI command the user issues is sent to the TACACS+ server for authorization. The SR OS authorization request contains the first word of the CLI command as the value for the TACACS+ cmd and all the following words as a cmd-arg. Quotation marks are removed from quoted values and the values are seen as one cmd or cmd-arg.

Use the following commands to configure common access controls with per-command authorization with TACACS+:

  • MD-CLI

    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus authorization
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus use-default-template
  • classic CLI

    configure system security tacplus authorization
    configure system security tacplus use-default-template

See TACACS+ AV authorization example for an example of the cmd and cmd-arg attribute value (AV) pairs sent to the TACACS+ server. SR OS sends the entire CLI context in the cmd and cmd-arg attribute value (AV) pairs. See TACACS+ configuration for file access control using VSAs for examples of optionally using VSAs for file access control.

Common access controls with privilege-level mapping to local profiles

With local priv-lvl-map configuration maps the user privilege level provided by the TACACS+ server to locally-configured CLI command authorization profiles when the use-priv-lvl command is enabled.

When the use-priv-lvl command is configured, the TACACS+ server returns the privilege level for each user, which SR OS maps to a local profile configured with the priv-lvl-map command. The local profile is then used for command authorization. If the TACACS+ server does not return a privilege level, SR OS uses the local profile configured in the TACACS+ default template for command authorization.

Use the following commands to configure common access controls with privilege level mapping to local profiles:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus authorization use-priv-lvl true
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus priv-lvl-map priv-lvl 1 user-profile-name "LOW"
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus priv-lvl-map priv-lvl 7 user-profile-name "MEDIUM"
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus priv-lvl-map priv-lvl 15 user-profile-name "HIGH"
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus use-default-template
    configure system security aaa user-template user-template-name tacplus-default profile "TACPLUS_USERS"
  • classic CLI
    configure system security tacplus authorization use-priv-lvl
    configure system security tacplus priv-lvl-map priv-lvl 1 "LOW"
    configure system security tacplus priv-lvl-map priv-lvl 7 "MEDIUM"
    configure system security tacplus priv-lvl-map priv-lvl 15 "HIGH"
    configure system security tacplus use-default-template
    configure system security user-template tacplus_default profile "TACPLUS_USERS"
TACACS+ AV authorization example

For TACACS+ authorization, SR OS sends the entire CLI context in the cmd and cmd-arg attribute value (AV) pairs.

AV pairs resulting from commands entered in the CLI

show port

show port 1/1/1

show port 1/1/1 detail
TACACS+ based configuration command authorization in model-driven interfaces

Configuration command authorization using TACACS+ sends multiple requests that may be the same depending on the configuration changes. In model-driven interfaces, command authorization is required for the following changes to the candidate configuration:

  • the command that was entered; for example, system name node-2

  • the resulting configuration changes, because other elements may be modified or deleted; for example, delete router "Base" deletes the entire Base router configuration, and all of the deletions must be authorized

Note: If the command authorization fails, the resulting configuration changes are not authorized.

Multiple authorization requests are also sent in the following cases:

  • for MD-CLI compound commands where multiple elements are changed in a single command

    system name node-2 location Sunnyvale
    system name node-2 } router router-id
  • configuration changed by an element's YANG modeling constraints, such as "choice" or "when" statements

The following example shows how setting the system name is an operation that changes one configuration element.

A:admin@node-2# system name foo

# Command authorization
# Resulting change authorization

The following log examples show that the memory context and the console command are mutually exclusive, and configuring a new value deletes the existing value. The system must also authorize the deletion.

Note: Command accounting only logs the command that is entered.
Existing configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure log log-id "42" destination]
A:admin@node-2# info
    memory {
Configuration commands (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure log log-id "42" destination]
A:admin@node-2# console
Resulting configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure log log-id "42" destination]
A:admin@node-2# info
Command authorization requests
# Command authorization
# Resulting change authorization for console
# Resulting change authorization for memory
TACACS+ based authorization of delete operations in model-driven interfaces

Use either of the following commands in model-driven interfaces, to configure the system to use TACACS+ authorization requests to send the delete operation in the cmd argument and the path in the cmd-arg argument. These commands configure TACACS+ to allow modify and delete operations. All delete operations use the same cmd=delete request format.

configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus authorization request-format access-operation-cmd delete 
configure service vprn aaa remote-servers tacplus authorization request-format access-operation-cmd delete
Note: The delete operation can be used anywhere in MD-CLI input, for example:
delete configure system name
configure delete system name
configure system delete name

The following example shows the AV pairs that are sent.

[ex:/configure system]
A:admin@node2# delete name

# Command authorization
# Resulting change authorization
TACAS+ server configuration

The following example shows the TACACS+ server configuration to deny access to delete configure system name and to permit deleting all commands.

user = admin {
    cmd = delete {
        deny "configure system name"
        permit .*
TACACS+ server configuration

The following example shows the TACACS+ server configuration to deny access to delete configure system name and to permit deleting all commands.

user = admin {
    cmd = delete {
        deny "configure system name"
        permit .*

Authorization profiles for classic and model-driven management interfaces

Authorization profiles can be configured to match commands in either classic CLI or MD-CLI format. Depending on the configuration, a match may succeed. Each entry in a profile can be formatted for the classic CLI or the MD-CLI.

Note: Nokia recommends creating separate profiles for each management interface type.

The following table shows authorization and match hit based on the entry format configuration. This is true whether authorization is done using local user profiles or using an AAA server like TACACS+ or RADIUS.

Table 2. Authorization and match hit based on entry format
Profile entry format Classic CLI MD-CLI NETCONF gRPC/gNMI

Classic CLI










Authorization support

The following table lists the authorization support using a local profile or an AAA server.

Table 3. Authorization support

Server or profile


















System-provisioned AAA command authorization profiles

SR OS provides the following built-in (system-provisioned) AAA command authorization profiles. These profiles can be removed or modified.

  • default

  • administrative

The built-in profiles are applicable to users using the classic CLI or MD-CLI, and contain rules that apply to classic CLI and rules that apply to MD-CLI interfaces in the same profile.

By default, in SR OS, the administrative profile is associated with the built-in user called admin.

In MD-CLI, a newly-created user is not associated with any profile. The user can manually associate a user with the default profile if required.

In the classic CLI, the default profile is automatically assigned to any newly-created user, but the user can remove the profile from any user and replace it with another profile. The classic CLI also has an internal mechanism that denies access to show system security commands for all users, so users must be given access to these commands with a permit entry in a profile.

Configuring authorization support for configuration groups
Note: This information applies to the MD-CLI.

To configure authorization for configuration groups explicitly, create an entry for the group configuration in the user’s profile.

For example, to deny access to router interfaces in both the main configuration branch and in the group configuration branch, create an entry for each one.

In the following example, entry 10 prevents the user from viewing, creating, and editing router interfaces in the main configuration branch and from inheriting router interface configurations from configuration groups. Entry 20 prevents the user from viewing, creating, and editing router interfaces in the group configuration branch.

[ex:/configure system security aaa local-profiles profile "exampleProfile"]
A:admin@node-2# info
    entry 10 {
        match "configure router interface"
        action deny
    entry 20 {
        match "configure groups group router interface"
        action deny


RADIUS accounting

Accounting can be configured independently from RADIUS authorization and RADIUS authentication.

When enabled, RADIUS accounting sends command line accounting from the router to the RADIUS server on UDP port 1813 or TCP port 2083 with TLS. The server receives accounting requests and returns a response to the router indicating that it has successfully received the request. Each command issued on the router generates a record sent to the RADIUS server. The record identifies the user who issued the command and the timestamp. If no response is received in the time defined in the timeout parameter, the accounting request must be retransmitted until the configured retry count is exhausted. A trap is issued to alert the NMS (or trap receiver) that the server is unresponsive. The router issues the accounting request to the next configured RADIUS server (up to 5).

User passwords and authentication keys of any type are never transmitted as part of the accounting request.

TACACS+ accounting

The SR OS allows the administrator to configure the type of accounting record packet that is to be sent to the TACACS+ server when specified events occur on the device. The accounting record-type command option indicates whether TACACS+ accounting start and stop packets will be sent or just stop packets be sent. Start/stop messages are only sent for individual commands, not for the session.

The router checks the configuration to see if TACACS+ accounting is required for the particular event when:

  • a user logs in to request access to the network using Telnet or SSH

  • a user enters a command for which accounting command options are configured

  • a system event occurs, such as a reboot or a configuration file reload

If TACACS+ accounting is required, then, depending on the accounting record type specified, the device sends a start packet to the TACACS+ accounting server that contains information about the event.

The TACACS+ accounting server acknowledges the start packet and records information about the event. When the event ends, the device sends a stop packet. The stop packet is acknowledged by the TACACS+ accounting server.

Command accounting log events

In addition to RADIUS and TACACS+ accounting, SR OS supports a set of log events dedicated to command accounting.

For the following log events related to command accounting, see the SR OS Log Events Guide:

  • cli_user_io

  • snmp_user_set

  • cli_config_io

  • cli_unauth_user_io

  • cli_unauth_config_io

  • md_cli_io

  • md_cli_unauth_io

  • netconf_auth

  • netconf_unauth

  • grpc_auth

  • grpc_unauth

Security controls

The user can configure routers to use RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, and local AAA methods to validate users requesting access to the network. The order in which requests are processed among RADIUS, TACACS+, LDAP, and local methods can be specifically configured. For example, the authentication order can be configured to process authorization using TACACS+ first, then RADIUS for authentication and accounting. Local access can be specified last in the authentication order if the RADIUS and TACACS+ servers are not operational.

The following table lists security methods capabilities.

Table 4. Security methods capabilities
Method Authentication Authorization Accounting








Not supported

Not supported

1 CLI commands are always logged in local command accounting log events such as cli_user_io or md_cli_io.

When a server does not respond

A trap is issued if a RADIUS server is unresponsive. An alarm is raised if RADIUS is enabled with at least one RADIUS server and no response is received to either accounting or user access requests from any server.

Periodic checks to determine whether the primary server is responsive again are performed. If a server is down, it will not be contacted for 5 minutes. If a login is attempted after 5 minutes, the server is contacted again. If a server has the health-check feature enabled and is unresponsive, the server status is checked every 30 seconds. Health check is enabled by default. When a service response is restored from at least one server, the alarm condition is cleared. Alarms are raised and cleared on the Nokia Fault Manager or other third-party fault management servers.

The servers are accessed in order from lowest to highest specified index (from 1 to 5) for authentication requests until a response from a server is received. A higher indexed server is only queried if no response is received from a lower indexed server. If a response from the server is received, no other server is queried.

Authentication and authorization request flow

Use the commands in the following context to define the authentication and authorization order shown in Security flow.

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params authentication-order
  • classic CLI
    configure system security password authentication-order

The order is determined by specifying the sequence in which an authentication or authorization method is attempted when the exit-on-reject command option is disabled.

Authentication and authorization method flow

Security flow shows an example that uses the order of RADIUS, then TACACS+, and finally, local. A request is sent to RADIUS server 1. If there is no response from the server, the request is sent to the next RADIUS server and so on, until the last RADIUS server is attempted (RADIUS server 5). If server 5 does not respond, the request is sent to TACACS+ server 1. If there is no response from that server, the request is sent to the next TACACS+ server, and so on.

If a request is sent to an active RADIUS server and the username and password are not recognized, access is denied and the next method is attempted, in this case, the TACACS+ server. The process continues until the request is either permitted, denied, or each server is queried. Finally, if the request is denied by the active TACACS+ server, the local method is attempted. This is the last chance for the access request to be permitted.

Figure 6. Security flow


SR OS supports the configuration of Nokia-specific RADIUS attributes. These attributes are known as vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) and are defined in RFC 2138. If VSAs are not configured on the RADIUS server, the RADIUS user authenticates with options defined in the RADIUS default template when use-default-template is enabled. If VSAs are used, all mandatory VSAs must be configured for the RADIUS user to authenticate. It is up to the vendor to specify the format of their VSA. The attribute-specific field is dependent on the vendor definition of that attribute. The Nokia-defined attributes are encapsulated in a RADIUS vendor-specific attribute with the vendor ID field set to 6527, the vendor ID number. Nokia VSAs are defined in the dictionary-freeradius.txt file in the support folder of the software distribution.

The following RADIUS VSAs for AAA are supported:

  • Timetra-Access <ftp + console + netconf + grpc + scp-sftp + console-port-cli + ssh-cli + telnet-cli + bluetooth>

    This VSA specifies the router management access methods a user can access. Multiple access methods can be specified by adding the value of the access methods to allow in the RADIUS server configuration file. This VSA is mandatory when the RADIUS default template is disabled. For example, to allow console port CLI, SSH CLI and NETCONF access:

    Timetra-Access = 100 # 32 (console-port-cli) + 64 (ssh-cli) + 4 (netconf)


    Timetra-Access = console-port-cli
    Timetra-Access += ssh-cli
    Timetra-Access += netconf
  • Timetra-Profile <string>

    This VSA is mapped to the user profile which must be configured on the router. The following guidelines apply to local and remote authentication:

    • The authentication-order configured on the router must include the local command option.

    • The username may or may not be configured on the router.

    • The user must be authenticated by the RADIUS server.

    • A temporary profile is created when the user authenticates that is evaluated before local profiles. The Timetra-Default-Action VSA must be sent with a value of none so that the local profiles are evaluated after the temporary profile if the RADIUS default template is disabled. The profiles and evaluation order assigned to the user can be displayed with the show system security user detail command.
    • Up to eight local valid profiles can exist on the router for a user. The sequence in which the profiles are specified is relevant. The most explicit matching criteria must be ordered first. The process stops when the first complete match is found.

    If all of the preceding conditions are not met, access to the router is denied and a failed login event or trap is written to the security log.

  • Timetra-Action <permit | deny>

    This VSA specifies the action when the user has entered a command specified in the Timetra-Cmd VSA.

  • Timetra-Default-Action <permit-all | deny-all | read-only-all | none>

    This VSA specifies the default action when the user has entered a command, and no entry configured in the Timetra-Cmd VSA for the user has matched. This VSA is mandatory when the RADIUS default template is disabled.

  • Timetra-Cmd <string>

    This VSA configures a command or command subtree as the scope for the match condition. The command and all commands in subtrees are authorized. If an invalid command is specified, a deny-all profile is installed and the radiusUserProfileInvalid event is logged.

  • Timetra-Home-Directory <string>

    This VSA specifies the home directory. It cannot be used to delete a home directory that is configured in the RADIUS default template.

  • Timetra-Restrict-To-Home <true | false>

    This VSA specifies whether user access is limited to their home directory (and directories and files subordinate to their home directory). If this VSA is not configured, the user is allowed to access the entire file system.

  • Timetra-Save-When-Restricted <true | false>

    When this VSA is set to true, the user can execute configuration save operations (for example, admin save) via any management interface (CLI, NETCONF, and so on) when Timetra-Restrict-To-Home is set to true.

  • Timetra-Exec-File <string>

    This VSA specifies a user login exec file, which executes whenever the user successfully logs in to a console session.

  • Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp <cancel-commit | close-session | commit | copy-config | create-subscription | delete-config | discard-changes | edit-config | get | get-config | get-data | get-schema | kill-session | lock | validate>

    This VSA specifies the NETCONF operations that the user can execute. Multiple operation values can be specified in any order separated by semicolons (;) in the RADIUS server configuration file, for example.

    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp = close-session;commit;discard-changes;edit-config;get-config;lock;validate

    Multiple RPCs can also be specified on different lines in the RADIUS server configuration file, for example.

    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp = close-session,
    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp += commit,
    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp += discard-changes,
    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp += edit-config,
    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp += get-config,
    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp += lock,
    Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp += validate

    If an invalid operation is specified, a deny-all profile is installed and the radiusUserProfileInvalid event is logged.

  • Timetra-NETCONF-Default-Action <permit | deny>

    This VSA specifies the default action when the user has executed an operation, and no operation configured in the Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp VSA for the user has matched. It is mandatory when the Timetra-NETCONF-BaseOp VSA is used.

  • Timetra-gRPC-RPC <gnmi-capabilities | gnmi-get | gnmi-set | gnmi-subscribe | gnoi-cert-mgmt-cangenerate | gnoi-cert-mgmt-getcert | gnoi-cert-mgmt-install | gnoi-cert-mgmt-revoke | gnoi-cert-mgmt-rotate | gnoi-file-get | gnoi-file-put | gnoi-file-remove | gnoi-file-stat | gnoi-file-transfertoremote | gnoi-system-cancelreboot | gnoi-system-ping | gnoi-system-reboot | gnoi-system-rebootstatus | gnoi-system-setpackage | gnoi-system-switchcontrolprocessor | gnoi-system-time | gnoi-system-traceroute | md-cli-session | rib-api-getversion | rib-api-modify>

    This VSA specifies the gRPC RPCs the user can execute. Multiple RPCs can be specified in any order separated by semicolons (;) in the RADIUS server configuration file, for example.

    Timetra-gRPC-RPC = gnmi-capabilities;gnmi-subscribe

    Multiple RPCs can also be specified on different lines in the RADIUS server configuration file, for example.

    Timetra-gRPC-RPC = gnmi-capabilities,
    Timetra-gRPC-RPC = gnmi-subscribe

    If an invalid RPC is specified, a deny-all profile is installed and the radiusUserProfileInvalid event is logged.

  • Timetra-gRPC-Default-Action <permit | deny>

    This VSA specifies the default action when the user has executed an RPC, and no RPC configured in the Timetra-gRPC-RPC VSA for the user has matched. It is mandatory when the Timetra-gRPC-RPC VSA is used.

RADIUS configuration for file access control using VSAs

Configure file access control in one of the following ways depending on the file access requirements of users:

  • locally with no VSAs
  • with VSAs
Note: File access is denied when the restricted-to-home command is configured, unless the home-directory command is configured and the directory is created by an administrator.

RADIUS server with VSA configuration for per-user home directories, and a locally configured default template for other options

This example shows the following configuration:

  • All users can save the configuration.
  • On the router: each user has a home directory with restricted file access. The administrator must create the home directory for each user.
  • On the RADIUS server: the home directory is configured with a VSA.
  • On the router: optionally, access to copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP is configured in the RADIUS default template.
  • On the router: other file access controls are configured in the RADIUS default template.
RADIUS server configuration
    Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:\users\user1"

    Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:\users\user2"

    Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:\users\user3"

    Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:\users\user4"
[ex:/configure system security aaa user-template radius-default]
A:admin@node-2# info
    restricted-to-home true
    save-when-restricted true
Classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>security>user-template# info

RADIUS server with VSA configuration and per-user home directories

This example shows the following configuration:

  • All file access controls are configured with VSAs, which is the most flexible option to grant different file access to each user.
  • On the router: each user has a home directory with restricted file access. The administrator must create the home directory for each user.
  • On the router: the RADIUS default template is not used for file access.
  • On the RADIUS server: access to copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP is configured with VSAs.
  • On the RADIUS server: the administrator can also restrict file access to the home directory of the user and allow users to save the configuration based on the VSA value.

The user1 profile has access to all files and user1 can save the configuration and copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

RADIUS server configuration
    Timetra-Access = 112 # 16 + (scp-sftp) + 32 (console-port-cli) + 64 (ssh-cli)
    # Timetra-Home-Directory is not defined
    Timetra-Restrict-To-Home = false
    # Timetra-Save-When-Restricted is not defined

The user2 profile has home directory access and user2 can save the configuration and copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

RADIUS server configuration
    Timetra-Access = 112 # 16 + (scp-sftp) + 32 (console-port-cli) + 64 (ssh-cli)
    Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:\users\user2",
    Timetra-Restrict-To-Home = true,
    Timetra-Save-When-Restricted = true

The user3 profile has home directory access but user3 cannot save the configuration or copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

RADIUS server configuration
    Timetra-Access = 96 # 32 (console-port-cli) + 64 (ssh-cli)
    Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:\users\user3",
    Timetra-Restrict-To-Home = true,
    Timetra-Save-When-Restricted = false

The user4 profile has no file access and user4 cannot save the configuration.

RADIUS server configuration
    Timetra-Access = 96 # 32 (console-port-cli) + 64 (ssh-cli)
    # Timetra-Home-Directory is not defined
    Timetra-Restrict-To-Home = true,
    Timetra-Save-When-Restricted = false

TACACS+ services and VSAs

SR OS supports several services with VSAs for user access control. Administrators can optionally configure the services and VSAs for each user on a TACACS+ server instead of configuring them locally on the router.

VSAs are available for the following user access control parameters:

  • user profiles
  • command authorization
  • file access control
  • system access methods
  • gRPC RFCs

When a user authenticates with TACACS+, the router:

  • when enabled, requests the nokia-user, nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization, nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization, and nokia-user-profile services and VSAs from the server for authorization after authentication succeeds
  • uses the values from VSAs when present, and when not present uses the following:
    • values from the TACACS+ default template when the TACACS+ default template is enabled
    • disabled or no values when the TACACS+ default template is disabled
  • rejects invalid VSA values and authentication fails
  • rejects unknown mandatory VSAs and authentication fails
  • discards unknown optional VSAs and authentication succeeds
Note: The nokia-user-profile default-action VSA and at least one nokia-user access VSA must be received when the TACACS+ default template (use-default-template) is disabled.

User profiles are applied in the following precedence order. When a step matches, no further profiles are applied.

  1. nokia-user profile VSAs
  2. privilege-level mapping
  3. the TACACS+ default template, when enabled
  4. a deny-all default action for the nokia-user, nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization, and nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization VSAs when they are not received

User profile when the TACACS+ default template is enabled

  • the nokia-user profile VSA is received, and the nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization and nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization VSAs are not received
  • the user profile is applied from step 1
  • NETCONF and gRPC permissions are applied from step 3

User profile when the TACACS+ default template is disabled

  • the nokia-user profile VSA is received, and the nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization and nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization VSAs are not received
  • the user profile is applied from step 1
  • NETCONF and gRPC permissions are applied from step 4

See the following tables for more information about the supported services and VSAs:

Table 5. VSAs for user profiles
Service name VSA name Description Values
nokia-user login-exec File to execute when the user logs in A string up to 200 characters
nokia-user profile User profile A string up to 32 characters
Table 6. VSAs for command authorization
Service name VSA name Description Values
nokia-user-profile default-action Default action for command authorization. This VSA is mandatory when the nokia-user-profile service is used.

deny-all – sets the default of the profile to deny access to all commands

permit-all – sets the default of the profile to permit access to all commands

none – sets the default of the profile to no-action. This option is useful to assign multiple profiles to a user.

read-only-all – sets the default of the profile to allow read-only access to all commands

nokia-user-profile entryN A user profile entry number N. More than one entry can be created with unique numbers. Exits when the first match is found and executes the actions according to the accompanying action VSA. Entries should be sequenced from most explicit to least explicit.

A string up to 255 characters

Example: entry1 = "configure router bgp"

nokia-user-profile actionN The action number N associated with the user profile entry VSA number N

deny – denies commands matching the entry

permit – permits commands matching the entry

none – commands matching the entry have no action are and evaluated in the next entry

read-only – permits commands matching the entry with read-only access

Example: action1 = deny

The following command authorization usage guidelines apply:

  • The range of action or entry numbers is 1 – 9999.
  • Leading zeroes before the action or entry number are invalid, for example entry01.
  • The entries are sorted by their entry number and evaluated in numerical order, the same way as evaluation in local profiles.
  • One entry and one corresponding action number must exist, but they can be in any order in the TACACS+ configuration file.
Table 7. VSAs for file access control
Service name VSA name Description Values
nokia-user home-directory Home directory for the user A string up to 200 characters
nokia-user restricted-to-home Restrict file access to the home directory of the user

true – denies the user from accessing files outside their home directory

false – permits the user to access all files on the system

nokia-user save-when-restricted Save configurations when the user is restricted to home

true – allows configuration save operations for all configuration regions, for example, bof, debug, configure, or li via any management interface such as, CLI and NETCONF even if restricted-to-home is enabled

false – denies saving the configuration when restricted-to-home is enabled

Table 8. VSAs for system access methods
Service name VSA name Description Values
nokia-user bluetooth-access Allow Bluetooth access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user console-access Allow Bluetooth, console port CLI, SCP/SFTP, SSH CLI, and Telnet CLI access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user console-port-cli-access Allow console port CLI access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user ftp-access Allow FTP access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user grpc-access Allow gRPC access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user netconf-access Allow NETCONF access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user scp-sftp-access Allow SCP/SFTP access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user snmp-access Allow SNMP access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user ssh-cli-access Allow SSH CLI access

true – permits access

false – denies access

nokia-user telnet-cli-access Allow Telnet CLI access

true – permits access

false – denies access

Note: One access method VSA is mandatory when the TACACS+ default template is disabled.
Table 9. VSAs for NETCONF RPCs
Service name VSA name Description Values
nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization default-action Default action when a VSA for an RPC is not defined. This VSA is mandatory when the nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization service is used.

permit-all – permits all RPCs

deny-all – denies all RPCs

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization action Allow the NETCONF <action> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false –denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization cancel-commit Allow the NETCONF <cancel-commit> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization close-session Allow the NETCONF <close-session> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization commit Allow the NETCONF <commit> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization copy-config Allow the NETCONF <copy-config> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization create-subscription Allow the NETCONF <create-subscription> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization delete-config Allow the NETCONF <delete-config> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization discard-changes Allow the NETCONF <discard-changes> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false –denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization edit-config Allow the NETCONF <edit-config> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization get Allow the NETCONF <get> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization get-config Allow the NETCONF <get-config> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization get-data Allow the NETCONF <get-data> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization get-schema Allow the NETCONF <get-schema> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization kill-session Allow the NETCONF <kill-session> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization lock Allow the NETCONF <lock> and <unlock> RPCs

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-netconf-base-op-authorization validate Allow the NETCONF <validate> RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

Table 10. VSAs for gRPC RPCs
Service name VSA name Description Values
nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization default-action Default action when a VSA for an RPC is not defined. This VSA is mandatory when the nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization service is used.

permit-all – permits all RPCs

deny-all – denies all RPCs

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnmi-capabilities Allow the gNMI Capabilities RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnmi-get Allow the gNMI Get RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnmi-set Allow the gNMI Set RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnmi-subscribe Allow the gNMI Subscribe RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-cert-mgmt-rotate Allow the gNOI Certificate Rotate RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-cert-mgmt-install Allow the gNOI Certificate Install RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-cert-mgmt-getcert Allow the gNOI Certificate GetCertificates RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-cert-mgmt-revoke Allow the gNOI Certificate RevokeCertificates RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-cert-mgmt-cangenerate Allow the gNOI Certificate CanGenerateCSR RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-file-get Allow the gNOI File Get RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-file-transfertoremote Allow the gNOI File TransferToRemote RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-file-put Allow the gNOI File Put RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-file-stat Allow the gNOI File Stat RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-file-remove Allow the gNOI File Remove RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-ping Allow the gNOI System Ping RPC

true – permits the RPC

false –denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-traceroute Allow the gNOI System Traceroute RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-time Allow the gNOI System Time RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-setpackage Allow the gNOI System SetPackage RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-switchcontrolprocessor Allow the gNOI System SwitchControlProcessor RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-reboot Allow the gNOI System Reboot RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-rebootstatus Allow the gNOI System RebootStatus RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization gnoi-system-cancelreboot Allow the gNOI System CancelReboot RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization md-cli-session Allow the gNOI MdCli Session RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization rib-api-getversion Allow the RibApi GetVersion RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

nokia-grpc-rpc-authorization rib-api-modify Allow the RibApi Modify RPC

true – permits the RPC

false – denies the RPC

TACACS+ configuration for file access control using VSAs

Configure file access control in one of the following ways depending on the file access requirements of users:

  • locally with no VSAs
  • locally using the TACACS+ default template and some VSAs that are different for each user
  • using the file access VSAs to control file access, and the TACACS+ default template for other user access controls
Note: File access is denied when the restricted-to-home command is configured unless the home-directory command is configured and the directory is created by an administrator.
Note: Some TACACS+ servers require the backslash character (\) to escape the backslash (\) character in quoted strings in the server configuration file (tac_plus.conf); for example:
  • home-directory = cf3:\users\user1
  • home-directory = "cf3:\\users\\user1"

TACACS+ server with VSA configuration for per-user home directories, and a locally configured default template for other options

This example shows the following configurations:

  • All users can save the configuration.
  • On the router: each user has a home directory with restricted file access. The administrator must create the home directory for each user.
  • On the router: the nokia-user service is enabled with the following commands:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus service-request nokia-user
    • classic CLI
      configure system security tacplus service-request nokia-user
  • On the TACACS+ server: the home directory is configured with a VSA.
  • On the router: use-default-template is enabled, and optionally, access to copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP is configured in the TACACS+ default template.
  • On the router: other file access controls are configured in the TACACS+ default template.

TACACS+ server configuration

user = user1 {
    service = nokia-user {
        home-directory = cf3:\users\user1

user = user2 {
    service = nokia-user {
        home-directory = cf3:\users\user2

user = user3 {
    service = nokia-user {
        home-directory = cf3:\users\user3

user = user4 {
    service = nokia-user {
        home-directory = cf3:\users\user4


[ex:/configure system security aaa user-template tacplus-default]
A:admin@node-2# info
    restricted-to-home true
    save-when-restricted true

Classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>security>user-template# info

TACACS+ server with VSA configuration and per-user home directories

This example shows the following configurations:

  • All file access is controlled with VSAs, which is the most flexible option to grant different file access to each user.
  • On the router: each user has a home directory with restricted file access. The administrator must create the home directory for each user.
  • On the router: the nokia-user service is enabled with the following commands:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus service-request nokia-user
    • classic CLI
      configure system security tacplus service-request nokia-user
  • On the router: use-default-template is enabled and the TACACS+ default template is not used for file access.
  • On the TACACS+ server: access to copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP is configured with VSAs.
  • On the TACACS+ server: the administrator can also restrict file access to the home directory of the user and allow users to save the configuration based on the VSA value.

The user1 profile has access to all files and user1 can save the configuration, and copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

TACACS+ server configuration
user = user1 {
    service = nokia-user {
        scp-sftp-access = true
        # home-directory is not defined
        restricted-to-home = false
        # save-when-restricted is not defined

The user2 profile has home directory access and user2 can save the configuration, and copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

TACACS+ server configuration
user = user2 {
    service = nokia-user {
        scp-sftp-access = true
        home-directory = cf3:\users\user2
        restricted-to-home = true
        save-when-restricted = true

The user3 profile has home directory access but user3 cannot save the configuration or copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

TACACS+ server configuration
user = user3 {
    service = nokia-user {
        # scp-sftp-access is not defined
        home-directory = cf3:\users\user3
        restricted-to-home = true
        save-when-restricted = false

The user4 profile has no file access and user4 cannot save the configuration or copy files to the router with SCP/SFTP.

TACACS+ server configuration
user = user4 {
    service = nokia-user {
        # scp-sftp-access is not defined
        # home-directory is not defined
        restricted-to-home = true
        save-when-restricted = false

Control and management traffic protection

SR OS routers support an extensive set of configurable mechanisms to protect the CPU from being flooded with control or management traffic.

These protection mechanisms are a set of configurable hardware-based filters, classification, queuing, and rate-limiting functions that drop unwanted traffic before it reaches the control processor.

  • In-band traffic extracted from the line cards to the CPM:
    • Line card features:
      • ACLs filters: IPv4, IPv6, and MAC

      • anti-spoofing, uRPF

      • distributed CPU protection

    • CPM features:
      • CPM Filters: IPv4, IPv6, and MAC

      • centralized CPU Protection

      • per-peer queues, protocol queues, CPM queues

  • Out-band and in-band traffic: Management access filters

CPM filters

CPM filters are hardware-based filters used to restrict traffic from the line cards directed to the CPM CPU, such as control and management packets. This filtering is performed by the CPM complex and consumes no resources on the CPM CPU.

Packets from all network and access ports extracted to the CPM CPU are filtered by the CPM filter policy. Packets originating from a management Ethernet port can be filtered using management access filters, see Management Access Filter for more information.

  • CPM filter is performed by a line card complex using 7750 SR-a, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1s, and 7750 SR-2s.
  • CPM filter is not supported on the VSR.

CPM filter packet match

Use the commands in the following context to configure the three different CPM filter policies: ip-filter, ipv6-filter, and mac-filter.

configure system security cpm-filter

The following are the CPM filter packet match rules:

  • Each CPM filter policy is an ordered list of entries. Entries must be sequenced correctly from the most explicit to the least explicit.

  • If multiple match criteria are specified in a single CPM filter policy entry, all criteria must be met for the packet to be considered a match against that policy entry (logical AND).

  • Any match criteria not explicitly defined is ignored during a match.

  • A CPM filter policy entry defined without any match criteria is inactive.

  • A CPM filter policy entry with match criteria defined, but no action configured, inherits the default action defined at the cpm-filter level.

  • The cpm-filter default-action applies to IPv4, IPv6, or MAC CPM filters that are in an administratively enabled state.

  • When mac-filter, ip-filter, and ipv6-filter are applied to a specific packet, the mac-filter is applied first.

CPM IPv4 and IPv6 filter entry match criteria

The supported IPv4 and IPv6 match criteria types are shown in the following tables.

Basic Layer 3 match criteria lists the basic Layer 3 match criteria.

Table 11. Basic Layer 3 match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the specified DSCP value against the DSCP/Traffic Class field in the IPv4 or IPv6 packet header.


Matches the specified source/destination IPv4/IPv6 address prefix/mask against the source/destination IPv4/IPv6 address field in the IP packet header. Optionally, users can match a list of IP addresses defined in filter match-list ip-prefix-list or match-list ipv6-prefix-list. The prefix-list can be defined statically or using the apply-path command to automatically populate using configured BGP peers defined in the base router or VPRN services. For more details on filter match-list configuration and capabilities, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide, "Match list for filter policies".


For IPv4, match against the MF bit or Fragment Offset field to determine if the packet is a fragment. For IPv6 match against the next-header field or Fragment Extension Header value to determine whether the packet is a fragment. Up to six extension headers are matched against to find the Fragmentation Extension Header.

IPv4 options match criteria lists the IPv4 options match criteria.

Table 12. IPv4 options match criteria
Criteria Description

IP option

Matches the specified option value in the first option of the IPv4 packet. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the presence of IP options in the IPv4 packet. Padding and EOOL are also considered as IP options. Up to six IP options are matched against.


Matches the presence of multiple IP options in the IPv4 packet.

IPv6 next-header match criteria lists the IPv6 next-header match criteria.

Table 13. IPv6 next-header match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches for the presence of hop-by-hop options extension header in the IPv6 packet. This match criterion is supported on ingress only. Up to six extension headers are matched against.

Upper-layer protocol match criteria lists the upper-layer protocol match criteria.

Table 14. Upper-layer protocol match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the specified upper-layer protocol (such as TCP or UDP) against the next-header field of the IPv6 packet header. ‟*” can be used to specify TCP or UDP upper-layer protocol match (logical OR). Next-header matching also allows matching on the presence of a subset of IPv6 extension headers. See the CLI section for information about which extension header match is supported.


Matches the specified protocol against the Protocol field in the IPv4 packet header (for example, TCP, UDP, or IGMP) of the outer IPv4. ‟*” can be used to specify TCP or UDP upper-layer protocol match (logical OR).

ICMP code

Matches the specified value against the Code field of the ICMP/ICMPv6 header of the packet. This match is supported only for entries that also define protocol/next-header match for ICMP/ICMPv6 protocol.

ICMP type

Matches the specified value against the Type field of the ICMP or ICMPv6 header of the packet. This match is supported only for entries that also define protocol/next-header match for ‟ICMP” or ‟ICMPv6” protocol.

SRC port, DST port, port

Matches the specified port value (with or without mask), port list, or port range against the Source Port Number/Destination Port Number of the UDP/TCP packet header. An option to match either source or destination port or both (logical OR) using a single filter policy entry is supported by using a directionless port command. Source/destination match is supported only for entries that also define protocol/next-header match for ‟TCP”, ‟UDP”, or ‟TCP or UDP” protocols. A non-initial fragment does not match an entry with non-zero port criteria specified.

TCP flags ack and syn

Matches the presence or absence of the TCP flags in the TCP header of the packet. This match criteria also requires defining the protocol/next-header match as ‟TCP”.

Router instance match criteria lists the router instance match criteria.

Table 15. Router instance match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the router instance packets that are ingressing from for this filter entry.

CPM MAC filter entry match criteria

The MAC match criteria are evaluated against the Ethernet header of the Ethernet frame.

Router instance match criteria lists the router instance match criteria.

Table 16. Router instance match criteria
Criteria Description


The filter matches a specific type of frame format. For example, configuring frame-type ethernet_II matches only Ethernet-II frames.

SRC mac

Matches the specified source MAC address frames. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.

DST mac

Matches the specified destination MAC address frames. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the specified Ethernet II frames. The Ethernet type field is a two-byte field used to identify the protocol carried by the Ethernet frame.


Matches the specified frames with a source access point on the network node designated in the source field of the packet. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the specified frames with a destination access point on the network node designated in the destination field of the packet. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.

CFM opcode

Matches the specified packet with the specified cfm-opcode.

CPM filter policy action

The two main CPM filter actions allow the option to accept or drop traffic.

Optionally, traffic can be sent to a user-configured hardware queue using a CPM filter. Nokia recommends this primarily for temporary debug or attack investigation activities.

CPM filter policy statistics and logging

For more information, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide, "Filter policy" and "Filter policy logging".

CPM filter: protocols and ports

Note: Nokia recommends using a strict CPM filter policy to allow traffic from trusted IP subnets for protocols and ports actively used in the router, and to explicitly drop other traffic.

The following table identifies ports used by specific applications in the SR OS. The source port and destination port reflect the CPM filter entry configuration for traffic ingressing the router and sent to the CPM.

Table 17. Protocols and ports
Src port number Dst port number IP protocol Application Description Accessible out of band Accessible in band




FTP server data

Active FTP client






FTP server control






FTP client data






FTP client control






SSH server, NETCONF server






SSH client

Responses for initiated TCP sessions






Telnet server



23 TCP Telnet

Telnet client.

Responses for initiated TCP sessions

Yes Yes




TACACS+ client

Responses for initiated sessions






DNS client







DHCPv4: Relay agent to server, server to relay agent, and relay agent to relay agent






DHCPv4: Client to relay agent/server






DHCPv4: Relay agent/server to client





NTP server






NTP client






SNMP agent: Get and Set PDUs






SNMP agent: Get and Set PDUs






BGP: server-terminated TCP sessions




BGP: client responses for initiated TCP session





1588 PTP event





1588 PTP general





LDAP client (non TLS)












DHCPv6 – client to server/relay agent






DHCPv6 – server to relay agent, relay agent to server, and relay agent to relay agent





MSDP: multicast source discovery protocol





LDAP client over TLS





LDP Hello adjacency





LDP/T-LDP: terminated TCP sessions





LDP/T-LDP: responses for initiated TCP sessions





NETCONF server






TWAMP test





TWAMP control: terminated TCP session


862, 64364-64373



TWAMP Light (Reflector)


862, 64364-64373



Nokia TWAMP Light Initiator. Non Nokia initiator may use the entire range.





Multi Chassis: LAG, Automation Protection Switching (APS), End Point, IPsec (MIMP), AARP




SNMP Streaming

SNMP streaming server






RADIUS proxy authentication





RADIUS proxy accounting





RADIUS Dynamic Authorization (CoA/DM)






RADIUS Dynamic Authorization (CoA/DM)






L2TP server





RADIUS Dynamic Authorization (CoA/DM)






RADIUS authentication






RADIUS accounting






Web portal authentication protocol











GTP control plane





GTP control plane





GTP user plane





GTP user plane










LSP Ping, LSP Trace, VPRN Trace, VPRN Ping











BFD Control 1 hop BFD and BFD over MPLS LSP





BFD echo

Seamless BFD echo mode for controlled return path





RADIUS Dynamic Authorization (CoA/DM)






Path Computation Element Protocol






NAT debug





BFD control multihop





VXLAN ping request





VXLAN ping response





IP Multicast Mtrace2





PCP NAT port mapping protocol





ANCP – terminated TCP session





Syslog over TLS











OpenFlow – terminated TCP sessions










Packet and forwarding control protocol – Used to install dynamic forwarding state





OAM Traceroute





Multi-chassis synchronization – Terminated TCP Session (mcs, mc-ring, mc-ipsec)





Seamless BFD routed return path





Multi-chassis synchronization – Responses for initiated TCP session (mcs, mc-ring, mc-ipsec)
















MPLS Delay Measurement using UDP return object













































pki-server-port or 80/8080




CMPv2 (Certificate Management Protocol v2) client – Responses for initiated TCP session






Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) client – Responses for initiated TCP session


pki-server-port or 80/8080




Auto Certificate Revocation List (CRL) update (client) – Responses for initiated TCP session



1 DNS-based PGW/GGSN resolution for GTP uplink TPSDA subscribers is only supported in either the Base router or VPRN instance.

CPM per-peer queuing

Per-peer queuing provides isolation between peers by allocating hardware queues on a per-peer basis for the following TCP-based protocols: BGP, T-LDP, LDP, MSDP, Telnet, and SSH.

This mechanism guarantees fair and non-blocking access to shared CPU resources across all peers. For example, this ensures that an LDP-based DoS attack from a specific peer is mitigated and compartmentalized and not all CPU resources are dedicated to the overwhelming control traffic sent by that specific peer.

Use the following command to ensure that service levels are not (or are only partially) impacted in case of an attack toward BGP, T-LDP, LDP, MSDP, Telnet, or SSH.

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security per-peer-queuing true
  • classic CLI
    configure system security per-peer-queuing

Use the following commands to enable SSH and Telnet support for per-peer queuing.

configure system login-control ssh ttl-security
configure system login-control telnet ttl-security

CPM queues

CPM queues provides the user with a tool that is primarily useful for debugging or investigations during an attack. When using the CPM queues, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • CPM queues can be used for temporary debug or attack investigation activities, in this case packets can be filtered and directed into the queue using the CPM filter.

  • CPM queues are not recommended for normal operation where the system default handling and isolation of protocols into protocol queues is already carefully balanced. If additional protection is needed, then the use of the Centralized CPU protection and Distributed CPU protection features is recommended.

Centralized CPU protection

SR OS CPU protection is a centralized rate-limiting function that operates on the CPM to limit traffic destined for the CPU. The term ‟centralized CPU protection” is referred to as ‟CPU protection” in this guide and in the CLI to differentiate it from ‟Distributed CPU Protection”.

CPU protection provides interface isolation by rate limiting the total amount of traffic extracted to the CPM per port, interface, or SAP in hardware using a combination of limits configurable at the CPU protection system level or as CPU protection policies assigned to access or network interfaces.

The following limits are configurable at the CPU protection system level:

  • link-specific rate

    This applies to the link-specific protocols LACP (Ethernet LAG control) and Ethernet LMI (ELMI). The rate is a per-link limit (each link in the system has LACP/LMI packets limited to this rate).

  • port overall rate

    This applies to all control traffic, the rate is a per-port limit, and each port in the system has control traffic destined for the CPM limited to this rate.

  • protocol protection

    This blocks network control traffic for unconfigured protocols.

The following limits are configurable independently for access or network interfaces using a dedicated CPU protection policy:

  • overall rate

    This applies to all control traffic destined for the CPM (all sources) received on an interface where the policy is applied. This is a per-interface limit. Control traffic received above this rate is discarded.

  • per-source rate

    This is used to limit the control traffic destined for the CPM from each individual source. This per-source rate is only applied when an object (SAP) is configured with a CPU protection policy and also with the optional mac-monitoring or ip-src-monitoring commands. A source is defined as a SAP, Source MAC Address tuple for MAC monitoring and as a SAP, Source IP Address tuple for IP source monitoring. Only specific protocols (as configured under included-protocols in the CPU protection policy) are limited (per source) when ip-src-monitoring is used.

  • out-profile rate

    This applies to all control traffic destined for the CPM (all sources) received on an interface where the policy is applied. This is a per-interface limit. Control traffic received above this rate is marked as discard eligible (such as, out-profile/low-priority/yellow) and is more likely to be discarded if there is contention for CPU resources.

There are two default CPU protection policies for access and network interfaces.

Policy 254:

  • This is the default policy that is automatically applied to access interfaces

  • Traffic above 6000 pps is discarded

  • overall-rate = 6000

  • per-source-rate = max

  • out-profile-rate = 6000

Policy 255:

  • This is the default policy that is automatically applied to network interfaces

  • Traffic above 3000 pps is marked as discard eligible, but is not discarded unless there is congestion in the queuing toward the CPU

  • overall-rate = max

  • per-source-rate = max

  • out-profile-rate = 3000

A three-color marking mechanism uses a green, yellow, and red marking function. This allows greater flexibility in how traffic limits are implemented. The out-profile-rate command within the CPU protection policy maps to the boundary between the green (accept) and yellow (mark as discard eligible/low priority) regions. The overall-rate command marks the boundary between the yellow and red (drop) regions point for the associated policy (Profile marking).

Figure 7. Profile marking

If the overall rate is set to 1000 pps and as long as the total traffic that is destined for the CPM and intended to be processed by the CPU is less than or equal to 1000 pps, all traffic is processed. If the rate exceeds 1000 pps, protocol traffic is discarded (or marked as discard eligible/low priority in the case of the out-profile-rate command) and traffic on the interface is affected.

This rate limit protects all the other interfaces and ensures that a violation from one interface does not affect the rest of the system.

CPU protection is not supported on 7750 SR-1, 7750 SR-1s, 7750 SR-2s, 7750 SR-e, 7750 SR-a, and 7750 VSR.

Protocol protection

Protocol protection allows traffic to be discarded for protocols not configured on the router. This helps mitigate DoS attacks by filtering invalid control traffic before it reaches the CPU. This is a feature of CPU Protection and can be enabled or disabled for the entire system.

When using the protocol-protection command, the system automatically maintains a per-interface list of configured protocols. For example, if an interface does not have IS-IS configured, then protocol protection discards any IS-IS packets received on that interface. Other protocols, such as L2TP, are controlled by the protocol protection at the VPRN service level.

Protocols controlled by the protocol-protection mechanism include:

  • GTP

  • IGMP

  • IS-IS

  • MLD

  • L2TP control

  • OSPFv2

  • OSPFv3

  • PPPoE

  • PIM

  • RIP

  • PFCP

The following protocols are protected independently from protocol protection:

  • The per-peer-queuing command protects BGP, LDP, T-LDP, MSDP, Telnet, and SSH.

  • BFD control packets are dropped if BFD is not configured on a specific interface.

CPU protection extensions for ETH-CFM

CPU protection supports the ability to explicitly limit the amount of ETH-CFM traffic that arrives at the CPU for processing. ETH-CFM packets that are redirected to the CPU by either a Management Endpoint (MEP) or a Management Intermediate Point (MIP) will be subject to the configured limit of the associated policy. Up to four CPU protection policies may include up to ten individual ETH-CFM-specific entries. The ETH-CFM entries allow the user to apply a packet-per-second rate limit to the matching combination of level and opcode for ETH-CFM packet that are redirected to the CPU. Any ETH-CFM traffic that is redirected to the CPU by a Management Point (MP) that does not match any entries of the applied policy is still subject to the overall rate limit of the policy itself. Any ETH-CFM packets that are not redirected to the CPU are not subject to this function and are treated as transit data, subject to the applicable QoS policy.

The user first creates a CPU policy and includes the required ETH-CFM entries. Overlap is allowed for the entries within a policy, first match logic is applied. This means ordering the entries in the correct sequence is important to ensure the correct behavior is achieved. Even though the number of ETH-CFM entries is limited to ten, the entry numbers have a valid range from 1 to 100 to allow for ample space to insert policies between one and other.

Ranges are allowed when configuring the level and the OpCode. Ranges provide the user a simplified method for configuring multiple combinations. When more than one level or OpCode is configured in this manner the configured rate limit is applied separately to each combination of level and OpCode match criteria. For example, if the levels are configured as listed in Ranges versus levels and OpCodes, with a range of five (5) to seven (7) and the OpCode is configured for 3,5 with a rate of 1. That restricts all possible combinations on that single entry to a rate of 1 packet-per-second. In this example, six different match conditions are created.

Table 18. Ranges versus levels and OpCodes
Level OpCode Rate



















When the policy is created, it must be applied to a SAP or binding within a service for these rates to take effect. This means the rate is on a per-SAP or per-binding basis. Only one policy may be applied to each SAP or binding. The eth-cfm-monitoring command must be configured in order for the ETH-CFM entries to be applied when the policy is applied to the SAP or binding. If this command is not configured, ETH-CFM entries in the policy are ignored. It is also possible to apply a policy to a SAP or binding by configuring the eth-cfm-monitoring command which does not have an MP. In this case, although these entries are enforced, no packets are redirected to the CPU.

By default, rates are applied on a per-peer basis. This means each individual peer is subject to the rate. Use the aggregate command to apply the rate to all peers. MIPs, for example, only respond to loopback messages and linktrace messages. These are typically on-demand functions and per-peer rate limiting is not required, making the aggregate function more appealing.

The eth-cfm-monitoring and mac-monitoring commands are mutually exclusive and cannot be configured on the same SAP or binding. The mac-monitoring command is used in combination with the traditional CPU protection and is not specific to ETH-CFM rate limiting feature described here.

When an MP is configured on a SAP or binding within a service which allows an external source to communicate with that MP, for example a User to Network Interface (UNI), eth-cfm-monitoring command with the aggregate command should be configured on all SAPs or bindings to provide the highest level of rate control.

The following example shows a policy configuration and the application of that policy to a SAP in a VPLS service configured with an MP. Policy 1 entry 10 limits all ETH-CFM traffic redirected to the CPU for all possible combinations to 1 packet-per-second. Policy 1 entry 20 limits all possible combinations to a rate of zero, dropping all request which match any combination. If entry 20 did not exist then only rate limiting of the entry 10 matches would occur and any other ETH-CFM packets redirected to the CPU would not be bound by a CPU protection rate.

[ex:/configure system security cpu-protection policy 1 eth-cfm]
A:admin@node-2# info
    entry 10 {
        pir 1
        level start 5 end 7 { }
        opcode start 3 end 3 { }
        opcode start 5 end 5 { }
    entry 20 {
        pir 0
        level start 0 end 7 { }
        opcode start 0 end 255 { }

[ex:/configure service vpls "10"]
A:admin@node-2# info
    sap 1/1/4:100 {
        admin-state enable
        cpu-protection {
            policy-id 1
            eth-cfm-monitoring {
        eth-cfm {
            mip primary-vlan none {
classic CLI
  policy 1 
      entry 10 level 5-7 opcode 3,5 rate 1
      entry 20 level 0-7 opcode 0-255 rate 0

  sap 1/1/4:100
    cpu-protection 1 eth-cfm-monitoring aggregate
    no shutdown

ETH-CFM ingress squelching

CPU protection provides a granular method to control which ETH-CFM packets are processed. As described in CPU protection extensions for ETH-CFM, a unique rate can be applied to ETH-CFM packets by classifying them on a specific MD-level and a specific OpCode, and applied to both ingress (down MEP and ingress MIP) and egress (up MEP and egress MIP) extraction. This function is to protect the CPU on extraction when a Management Point (MP) is configured.

It is important to protect the ETH-CFM architecture deployed in the service provider network. The ETH-CFM squelching protection scheme is used to prevent ETH-CFM frames at the service provider MD-levels from gaining access to the network even when extraction is not in place. The ETH-CFM squelch feature drops all ETH-CFM packets at or below the configured MD-level. ETH-CFM squelching is supported at ingress only.

The following figure shows a typical ETH-CFM hierarchical model with a subscriber ME (6), test ME (5), EVC ME (4), and a user ME (2). This model provides the necessary transparency at each level of the architecture. For security reasons, it may be necessary to prevent errant levels from entering the service provider network at the UNI, ENNI, or other untrusted interconnection points. Configuring squelching at level 4 on both UNI-N interconnections ensures that ETH-CFM packets matching the SAP or binding-delimited configuration are silently discarded at ingress.

Figure 8. ETH-CFM hierarchical model

The squelching configuration uses a single MD-level (0 to 7) to silently drop all ETH-CFM packets matching the SAP or binding-delimited configuration at or below the specified MD-level. In the preceding figure, a squelch level is configured at MD-level 4. This means the configuration will silently discard MD-levels 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, assuming there is a SAP or binding match.

Caution: Use extreme caution when deploying the ETH-CFM ingress squelching feature.

The user can configure down MEPs and ingress MIPs that conflict with the squelched levels. This means that, as soon as squelching is enabled in the configuration, any existing MEP or MIP processing ingress CFM packets on a SAP or binding where a squelching policy is configured will be interrupted. These MPs are unable to receive any ingress ETH-CFM frames because squelching is processed before ETH-CFM extraction.

CPU protection extensions for ETH-CFM are still required in the model shown in ETH-CFM hierarchical model because the subscriber ME (6) and the test ME (5) are entering the network across an untrusted connection, the UNI. ETH-CFM squelching and CPU protection for ETH-CFM can be configured on the same SAP or binding. Squelching is processed, followed by CPU protection for ETH-CFM.

MPs configured to support primary VLANs are not subject to the squelch function. Primary VLAN-based MPs, supported only on Ethernet SAPs, are extractions that take into consideration an additional VLAN beyond the SAP configuration.

The following table lists the differences between the two protection mechanisms. CPU protection is used to control access to the CPU resources when processing is required. Squelching is used to protect the ETH-CFM architecture from external sources.

Table 19. CPU protection and squelching
Description CPU protection extension for ETH-CFM ETH-CFM squelching

Ingress filtering



Egress filtering



Specified level and OpCode

Level (at and below)


Configurable rate (includes 0=drop all)

Silent drop

Primary VLAN support

Rate shared with SAP delineation

Not exposed to squelch


Requires MEP or MIP to extract

No MEP or MIP required

Use the following commands to display squelching information.
show service service-id all
show service sap-using eth-cfm squelch-ingress-levels
show service sdp-using eth-cfm squelch-ingress-levels
show service sap-using squelch-ingress-levels
ETH-CFM Squelching
PortId             SvcId      Squelch Level
6/1/1:100.*        1          0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
lag-1:100.*        1          0 1 2 3 4 
6/1/1:200.*        2          0 1 2 
lag-1:200.*        2          0 1 2 3 4 5 
Number of SAPs: 4
show service sdp-using squelch-ingress-levels
ETH-CFM Squelching
 SdpId              SvcId       Type Far End             Squelch Level 
12345:4000000000   2147483650   Spok            0 1 2 3 4   

Distributed CPU protection

Note: See "Distributed CPU Protection" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Advanced Configuration Guide for Classic CLI for information about advanced configurations.

Distributed CPU Protection (DCP) is a rate-limiting function distributed to the line cards to rate limit traffic extracted from the datapath and sent to the CPM CPU. DCP is performed in hardware and provides a granular per-interface and per-protocol rate-limit control.

There are two main types of DCP policies for access or network interfaces and ports. The DCP policy defines the protocols and their associated policers. The list of protocols supported depends on the type of DCP policy:

  • access or network

    This type of DCP policy is used to rate limit interface-level protocols and supports policing the following protocols: ARP, DHCP, HTTP redirect, ICMP, ICMP ping check, IGMP, MLD, NDIS, PPPoE-PPPoA, MPLS-TTL, BFD-CPM, BGP, ETH-CFM, IS-IS, LDP, Needs-ICMP, OSPF, PIM, RADIUS, RSVP, SSH, VRRP, Multi-Chassis, and Multi-Chassis Sync. Traffic from other protocols or unconfigured protocols is classified in the all-unspecified command option in the DCP protocol.

  • port

    This type of DCP policy is used to rate limit the port-level protocols LACP, Dot1X, uBFD, and ELMI. The system supports LACP, BFD-CPM, and ETH-CFM as port-level protocols that can be rate limited individually. Traffic from unconfigured protocols is classified in the all-unspecified command option in the DCP protocol.

Use the following command to classify protocols:

  • MD-CLI

    configure system security dist-cpu-protection policy protocol
  • classic CLI

    configure system security dist-cpu-protection policy protocol 

A default DCP policy is assigned automatically to all network interfaces, access interfaces, and ports. These policies, ‟_default-access-policy”, ‟_default-network-policy”, and ‟_default-port-policy” are originally created empty and can be modified by the user. Default policies can be used, for example, to deploy a new DCP configuration covering all access and network interfaces or ports on the node.

Additional DCP policies can be created for interfaces or ports requiring a dedicated configuration.

If the router interface does not need DCP functionality, the user can create and explicitly assign an empty DCP policy to the router interface using the following command.

configure router interface dist-cpu-protection


The rate-limits are configured in the DCP policy using either static or dynamic policers and the action for the exceed-action policer command for non-conforming packets can be set to discard, low-priority, or none.

Static policer

Static policers are always instantiated for each endpoint to which the DCP policy is assigned.

The following example provides two simple customized default DCP policies using static policers for access and network interfaces:

  • The access DCP policy is configured to drop all access traffic exceeding 6,000 pps.

  • The network DCP policy marks all traffic exceeding 3,000 pps as low priority except for BGP and LDP (for example, the BGP and LDP can be rate-limited using the per-peer-queuing command).

[ex:/configure system security dist-cpu-protection]
A:admin@node-2# info
    policy "_default-access-policy" {
        protocol all-unspecified {
            enforcement {
                static {
                    policer-name "access"
        static-policer "access" {
            exceed-action {
                action discard
            rate {
                packets {
                    limit 6000
                    within 1
    policy "_default-network-policy" {
        protocol all-unspecified {
            enforcement {
                static {
                    policer-name "network"
        protocol bgp {
            enforcement {
                static {
                    policer-name "null"
        protocol ldp {
            enforcement {
                static {
                    policer-name "null"
        static-policer "network" {
            exceed-action {
                action low-priority
            rate {
                packets {
                    limit 3000
                    within 1
        static-policer "null" {
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>sys>security>dist-cpu-protection# info
                policy "_default-access-policy" create
                    static-policer "access" create
                        rate packets 6000 within 1
                        exceed-action discard
                    protocol all-unspecified create
                        enforcement static "access"
                policy "_default-network-policy" create
                    static-policer "null" create
                    static-policer "network" create
                        rate packets 3000 within 1
                        exceed-action low-priority
                    protocol all-unspecified create
                        enforcement static "network"
                    protocol bgp create
                        enforcement static "null"
                    protocol ldp create
                        enforcement static "null"
Local monitor and dynamic policer

The use of the local-monitoring-policer command and dynamic policers reduces the number of policers required. This can be particularly useful in a large number of endpoints, such as subscribers in ESM networks. Instead of using multiple static policers for various protocols on each endpoints, a single policer (the local-monitoring policer) is instantiated statically for a specified endpoint and the per-protocol dynamic policers are instantiated when there is a violation of the local-monitoring policer.

Use the following command to instantiate dynamic policers from a pool allocated per line card:

configure card fp ingress dist-cpu-protection dynamic-enforcement-policer-pool

This pool of policers should be greater than the maximum number of dynamic policers expected to be in use on the card at one time.

The following example shows monitoring of the rate of ARP, ICMP, IGMP and all-unspecified traffic. If the total rate exceeds 100 packets within 10 seconds, the system creates three dynamic policers for ARP, ICMP and IGMP to rate-limit each protocol to 20 packets within 10 seconds as well as a fourth policer to rate-limit the rest of the traffic to 100 packets within 10 seconds.

[ex:/configure system security dist-cpu-protection]
A:admin@node-2# info
    policy "dynamic-policy-example" {
        description "Dynamic policing policy"
        protocol arp {
            enforcement {
                dynamic {
                    mon-policer-name "local-mon"
            dynamic-parameters {
                exceed-action {
                    action discard
                rate {
                    packets {
                        limit 20
                        within 10
        protocol icmp {
            dynamic-parameters {
                exceed-action {
                    action discard
                rate {
                    packets {
                        limit 20
                        within 10
        protocol igmp {
            enforcement {
                dynamic {
                    mon-policer-name "local-mon"
            dynamic-parameters {
                exceed-action {
                    action discard
                rate {
                    packets {
                        limit 20
                        within 10
        protocol all-unspecified {
            enforcement {
                dynamic {
                    mon-policer-name "local-mon"
            dynamic-parameters {
                exceed-action {
                    action discard
                rate {
                    packets {
                        limit 100
                        within 10
        local-monitoring-policer "local-mon" {
            description "Monitor for arp, icmp, igmp, and all-unspecified"
            rate {
                packets {
                    limit 100
                    within 10
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>sys>security>dist-cpu-protection# info
                policy "dynamic-policy-example" create
                    description "Dynamic policing policy"
                    local-monitoring-policer "local-mon" create
                        description "Monitor for arp, icmp, igmp and all-unspecified"
                        rate packets 100 within 10
                    protocol arp create
                        enforcement dynamic "local-mon"
                            rate packets 20 within 10
                            exceed-action discard
                    protocol icmp create
                        enforcement dynamic "local-mon"
                            rate packets 20 within 10
                            exceed-action discard
                    protocol igmp create
                        enforcement dynamic "local-mon"
                            rate packets 20 within 10
                            exceed-action discard
                    protocol all-unspecified create
                        enforcement dynamic "local-mon"
                            rate packets 100 within 10
                            exceed-action discard


For the access interface, most types of SAPs on Layer 2 and Layer 3 services are supported including capture SAPs, SAPs on pseudowires, B-VPLS SAPs, and VPLS template SAPs, but are not applicable to Epipe template SAPs and video ISA SAPs.

Control packets that are extracted in a VPRN service, where the packets arrived into the node through a VPLS SAP (that is, R-VPLS scenario), use the DCP policy and policer instances associated with the VPLS SAP. For VPLSs that have a Layer 3 interface bound to them, (R-VPLS), protocols such as OSPF and ARP may be configured in the DCP policy.

Control traffic that arrives on a network interface, but inside a tunnel (for example, SDP, LSP, PW) and logically terminates on a service (that is, traffic that is logically extracted by the service instead of the network interface layer itself) bypass the DCP function. The control packets are not subject to the DCP policy that is assigned to the network interface on which the packets arrived. This helps to avoid customer traffic in a service from impacting other services or the infrastructure of the user.

Log events, statistics, status, and SNMP support

Log events are supported for DCP to alert the user to potential attacks or misconfigurations. DCP throttles the rate of events to avoid event floods when multiple parallel attacks or problems. You can enable or disable log events individually at the DCP policy level, as well as globally in the system. Use the commands in the following context to enable logs globally:

  • MD-CLI
    configure log log-events
  • classic CLI
    configure log event-control

Use the following command to display the additional statistics for the packet exceed count and policer state.

show router interface dist-cpu-protection

Use tools commands, such as the following, to identify interface violators.

tools dump security dist-cpu-protection violators

For SNMP support, see the tables and MIB objects with ‟Dcp” or ‟DCpuProt” in their name. These can be found in the following MIBs:





DCP policer resource management

The policer instances are a limited hardware resource on a specific forwarding plane. DCP policers (static, dynamic, local-monitor) are consumed from the overall forwarding plane policer resources (from the ingress resources if ingress and egress are partitioned). Each per-protocol policer instantiated reduces the number of FP child policers available for other purposes.

When DCP is configured with dynamic enforcement, the user must set aside a pool of policers that can be instantiated as dynamic enforcement policers. The number of policers reserved for this function are configurable per card or FP. The policers in this pool are not available for other purposes (normal SLA enforcement).

Static enforcement policers and local monitoring policers use policers from the normal or global policer pool on the card or FP. After a static policer is configured in a DCP policy and it is referenced by a protocol in the policy, this policer will be instantiated for each object (SAP or network interface) that is created and references the policy. If there is no policer free on the associated card or FP, then the object will not be created. Similarly, for local monitors, after a local monitoring policer is configured and referenced by a protocol, then this policer will be instantiated for each object that is created and references the policy. If there is no policer free, then the object will not be created.

Dynamic enforcement policers are allocated as needed (when the local monitor detects nonconformance) from the reserved dynamic enforcement policer pool.

When a DCP policy is applied to an object on a LAG, then a set of policers is allocated on each FP (on each line card that contains a member of the LAG). The LAG mode is ignored and the policers are always shared by all ports in the LAG on that forwarding plane on the SAP or interface. In other words, with link-mode lag a set of DCP policers are not allocated per-port in the LAG on the SAP.

To support large scale operation of DCP, and also to avoid overload conditions, a polling process is used to monitor state changes in the policers. This means there can be a delay between when an event occurs in the data plane and when the relevant state change or event notification occurs toward a user, but in the meantime the policers are still operating and protecting the control plane.

Operational guidelines and tips

The following points offer various optional guidelines that may help a user decide how to leverage Distributed CPU Protection:

  • The rates in a policy assigned to a capture SAP should be higher than those assigned to MSAPs that will contain a single subscriber. The rates for the capture sap policy should allow for a burst of MSAP setups.

  • To completely block a set of specific protocols on a specific SAP, create a single static policer with a rate of 0 and map the protocols to that policer. Dynamic policers and local monitors cannot be used to simultaneously allow some protocols but block others (the non-zero rates in the monitor would allow all protocols slip through at a low rate).

  • During normal operation it is recommended to configure ‟log-events” (no verbose keyword) for all static policers, in the dynamic parameters of all protocols and for all local monitoring policers. The verbose keyword can be used selectively during debug, testing, tuning, and investigations.

  • Packet-based rate limiting is generally recommended for low-rate subscriber-based protocols whereas kb/s rate limiting is recommended for higher rate infrastructure protocols (such as BGP).

  • It is recommended to configure an exceed-action of low-priority for routing and infrastructure protocols. Marked packets are more likely to be discarded if there is congestion in the control plane of the router, but will get processed if there is no contention for CPU resources allowing for a work-conserving behavior in the CPM.

  • To assign a different distributed CPU protection policy to a specific MSAP instance or to all MSAPs for a specific MSAP policy, assign the new policy and then use one of the following tools commands:

    tools perform subscriber-mgmt eval-msap policy policy-name
    tools perform subscriber-mgmt eval-msap msap sap-id 
    Note: The new dist-cpu-protection policy is also assigned to new MSAPs.
  • Use the following command if needed to determine which subscriber is on a specific MSAP and then filter (‟| match”) on the MSAP string.

    show service active-subs
  • If protocol is trusted, and using the ‟all-unspecified” protocol is not required, then avoid referencing this protocol in the policy configuration.

  • If a protocol is trusted, but the all-unspecified bucket is required, there are two options:

    • Avoid creating a protocol so that it is treated as part of the all-unspecified bucket (but account for the packets from X in the all-unspecified rate and local-mon rate).

    • Create this protocol and configure it to bypass.

Classification-based priority for extracted protocol traffic

The SR OS supports a set of mechanisms to protect the router control and management planes from various types of attacks, floods, and misconfigurations. Many of the mechanisms operate by default with no need for user configuration or intervention.

One class of mechanisms employed on the router to protect against floods of control traffic involves identifying potentially harmful or malicious traffic through the use of rate measurements. Centralized CPU protection protects and isolates interfaces from each other by default by treating unexpectedly high rate control traffic on an interface as lower priority (to be discarded if the control plane experiences congestion). Distributed CPU protection can protect and isolate at a per-protocol, per-interface granularity through configured rate profiles. These rate-based protection mechanisms make no assumptions about the contents of the packets and can be used when nothing about the packets can be trusted (for example, DSCP or source IP address, which can be spoofed).

The SR OS also supports an alternative to rate-based mechanisms for cases where the packet headers can be trusted to differentiate between good and bad control traffic. A configurable prioritization scheme can be enabled (using the init-extract-prio-mode l3-classify command) on a per-FP basis to initialize the drop priority of all Layer 3 extracted control traffic based on the QoS classification of the packets. This is useful, for example, in networks where the DSCP and EXP markings can be trusted as the primary method to distinguish, protect, and isolate good terminating protocol traffic from unknown or potentially harmful protocol traffic, instead of using rate-based distributed CPU protection and centralized CPU protection traffic marking and coloring mechanisms such as the out-profile-rate or exceed-action commands with the action set to low-priority.

The following are the operational guidelines for deploying classification-based priority for extracted control traffic:

  • Centralized CPU protection should be effectively disabled for all interfaces/SAPs on FPs configured in l3-classify mode by changing some CPU protection policy command options from their default values. This is required so that centralized CPU protection does not re-mark good control traffic (traffic that was initially classified as high priority) as low priority if a flood attack occurs on the same interface. Effectively disabling centralized CPU protection can be done by ensuring the following:

    • a rate value of max is configured for port-overall-rate command (max is the default value for port-overall-rate command)

    • all objects (interfaces, MSAP policies, and SAPs) that can be assigned a CPU protection policy are referencing a policy that sets the out-profile-rate command to max and the overall-rate command to max (this can be done in the two default CPU protection policies if all FPs in the system are in l3-classify mode)

  • DCP can be used in conjunction with l3-classify mode, but care must be taken to prevent DCP from acting on protocols where the user wants to use QoS classification (such as DSCP or EXP) to differentiate between good and bad Layer 3 packets. On an FP with l3-classify mode, configure DCP so that BGP, LDP, and other protocols do not have their initial drop priority (color) overwritten by DCP if the QoS classification of these protocols is trusted. To achieve this, use none as the action for the exceed-action command, for those protocols in the DCP policy. For other protocols where QoS classification cannot be used to distinguish between good and bad extracted packets, use DCP to color the packets with a drop priority based on a configured rate.

  • If any LAG member is on an FP in l3-classify mode, all FPs that host the other members of that LAG should also be in l3-classify mode.

  • The QoS classification rules that are used on interfaces and SAPs on FPs in l3-classify mode should be configured to differentiate between good and bad control traffic. The default network ingress QoS policies do differentiate (for example, based on DSCP), however the default access ingress QoS policies do not.

The l3-classify mode for extracted control traffic is supported on the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS.

TTL security

The SR OS TTL security evaluates the value of the incoming packets against a maximum TTL value configured in the system. This capability, also known as Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM) defined in RFC 5082, is supported for BGP, LDP, SSH and Telnet. If the incoming TTL value is less than the configured TTL value, the packets are discarded and a log is generated preventing attackers generating spoof traffic with larger number of hops than expected.

The TTL value is configurable on a per-peer basis for BGP and LDP and configurable at the system level for SSH and Telnet.

The TTL security mechanism was originally designed to protect the BGP infrastructure where the vast majority of ISP External Border Gateway Protocol (EBGP) peerings are established between adjacent routers. Because TTL spoofing cannot be performed, a mechanism based on an expected TTL value provides a simple and robust defense from infrastructure attacks based on forged BGP packets.

While TTL security is most effective in protecting directly-connected BGP or LDP peers, it can also provide protection to multihop sessions. For multihop sessions the expected TTL value can be set to 255 minus the configured range of hops.

Management Access Filter

The CPM CPU uses Management Access Filter (MAF) filters to perform filtering that applies to both traffic from the line cards directed to the CPM CPU as well as traffic from the management Ethernet port.

MAF filter packet match

You can configure three different management-access filter policies: IP filter, IPv6 filter, and MAC filter. Each policy is an ordered list of entries. For this reason, you must sequence the entries correctly from the most to the least explicit.

Management Access filter (MAF) packet match rules:

  • Each MAF policy is an ordered list of entries, therefore entries must be sequenced correctly from the most to the least explicit.

  • If multiple match criteria are specified in a single MAF filter policy entry, all criteria must be met for the packet to be considered a match against that policy entry (logical AND).

  • Any match criteria not explicitly defined is ignored during a match.

  • A MAF filter policy entry with match criteria defined, but no action configured, inherits the default action.

  • The default action for the management-access-filter filter entry applies individually per IPv4, IPv6, or MAC CPM filter policies that are in an enabled state.

  • When both mac-filter and ip-filter or ipv6-filter are applied to a specific packet, the mac-filter is applied first.


Fragmented packets are reassembled before the MAF function. This applies to both in-band and out-of-band management.

MAF IPv4 and IPv6 filter entry match criteria

The following table lists the supported IPv4 and IPv6 match criteria.

Table 20. IPv4 and IPv6 match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches the specified source IPv4 or IPv6 address prefix and mask against the source IPv4 or IPv6 address field in the IP packet header. IPv4 and IPv6 matching prefix-lists can be used to enhance matching capabilities.


Matches the specified upper-layer protocol (such as TCP, UDP, or IGMPv6) against the next-header field of the IPv6 packet header. "*" can be used to specify a TCP or UDP upper-layer protocol match (Logical OR). Next-header matching allows also matching on presence of a subset of IPv6 extension headers.

See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide for more information about which extension header match is supported.


Matches the specified protocol against the Protocol field in the IPv4 packet header (for example, TCP, UDP, or IGMP) of the outer IPv4. "*" can be used to specify TCP or UDP upper-layer protocol match (Logical OR).


Matches the specified port value against the destination port number of the UDP or TCP packet header.


Matches the IPv6 flow label.


Matches the router instance that packets that are ingressing from for this filter entry.


Matches the port that packets are ingressing from for this filter entry.

MAF MAC filter entry match criteria

Router instance match criteria describes the supported MAC match criteria. The criteria are evaluated against the Ethernet header of the Ethernet frame.

Table 21. Router instance match criteria
Criteria Description


Matches a specific type of frame format.


Matches the specified source MAC address frames. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the specified destination MAC address frames. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches 802.1p frames. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the specified Ethernet II frames. The Ethernet type field is a two-byte field used to identify the protocol carried by the Ethernet frame.


Matches frames with the specified three-byte OUI field.


Matches frames with the specified two-byte protocol ID that follows the three-byte OUI field.


Matches the specified frames with a source access point on the network node designated in the source field of the packet. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.


Matches the specified frames with a destination access point on the network node designated in the destination field of the packet. Optionally, users can configure a mask to be used in a match.

CFM opcode

Matches the specified packet with the specified CFM opcode.

service ID

Matches the service ID packets are ingressing from.

service name

Matches the service name packets are ingressing from.

MAF filter policy action

Management-access filter policies support the following traffic configuration actions:

  • MD-CLI

    Supported actions are ignore-match, accept, drop, and reject.

  • classic CLI

    Supported actions are permit, deny, and deny-host-unreachable.

MAF filter policy statistics and logging

Management access filter match count can be displayed using show commands. Logging is recorded in the system security logs.

Other security features

This section describes other security features supported by the SR OS.


The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol provides a secure, encrypted Telnet-like connection to a router. A connection is always initiated by the client (the user). Authentication uses one of the configured authentication methods (local, RADIUS, TACACS+, or LDAP). With authentication and encryption, SSH allows for a secure connection over an insecure network.

SR OS supports SSH version 2 (SSHv2) only. When a configuration contains SSHv1, SSHv1 is deprecated from the configuration, and the configuration migrates to SSHv2 using the default cipher list.

SSH runs on top of a transport layer (like TCP or IP) and provides authentication and encryption capabilities.

SR OS has a global SSH server process to support inbound SSH, SFTP, NETCONF, and SCP sessions initiated by external client applications. This server process is separate from the SSH and SCP client commands on the routers which initiate outbound SSH and SCP sessions.

Inbound SSH, Telnet, and FTP sessions are counted separately. Use the following command to set the limit for each type separately.

configure system login-control

However, there is a maximum of 50 sessions for SSH and Telnet together. SCP, SFTP, and NETCONF sessions are counted as SSH sessions.

When the SSH server is enabled, an SSH security key is generated. Unless the preserve-key command option is configured for SSH, the security key is only valid until the node is restarted or the SSH server is stopped and restarted. SR OS deprecated DSA from host keys from Release 25.3.R1 onward. For RSA, the key size is non-configurable and set to 2048 for SSHv2 RSA. When the server is enabled, all inbound SSH, SCP, SFTP, and NETCONF sessions are accepted provided the session is properly authenticated.

When the global SSH server process is disabled, no inbound SSH, SCP, SFTP, or NETCONF sessions are accepted.

When using SCP to copy files from an external device to the file system, the SCP server accepts either forward slash (‟/”) or backslash (‟\”) characters to delimit directory and filenames. Similarly, the SCP client application can use either slash or backslash characters, but not all SCP clients treat backslash characters as equivalent to slash characters. In particular, UNIX systems can interpret the backslash character as an ‟escape” character which is not transmitted to the SCP server. For example, a destination directory specified as ‟cf1:\dir1\file1” is transmitted to the SCP server as ‟cf1:dir1file1”, where the backslash escape characters are stripped by the SCP client system before transmission. On systems where the client treats the backslash like an ‟escape” character, a double backslash ‟\\” or the forward slash ‟/” can be used to properly delimit directories and the filename.

There are three pairs of configurable lists: cipher lists, MAC lists, and KEX lists. In each pair, one list is dedicated to the SSH server, and a second list is dedicated to the SSH/SCP client. These can be configured for negotiation of the best compatible cipher, MAC, and KEX algorithm between the client and server. The lists can be created and managed under the security ssh context. The client lists are used when SR OS is acting as the SSH client and the server lists are used when SR OS is acting as a server. The first algorithm matched on the lists between the client and server is the preferred algorithm for the session.

SR OS supports the following SSHv2 authentication methods:
  • password
  • keyboard-interactive
  • public key

SR OS SSH supports multichannel within a single connection. The primary connection authenticates the user through PKI or keyboard authentication. After the primary connection is authenticated, applications like NETCONF can open multiple channel "sessions" to the server with the same connection. SR OS supports one application with multiple channels over the same connection. Each connection can have 50 channels for a maximum of 50 channels per system.

SSH and Telnet ports configurable to a "none" default port value

For security reasons, the SSH and Telnet ports are configurable to a "none" default port value. This configuration makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to scan the SSH or Telnet ports and launch Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. On the SR OS SSH and Telnet servers, the listening SSH and, respectively, Telnet ports are configurable. In addition, the SR OS SSH and Telnet clients are capable to initiate an SSH or Telnet connection to a specific "none" default SSH or Telnet port.

The listening port configuration for SSH or Telnet is not supported for the VPRN Global Routing Table (GRT) leaking (allow management) feature. This means that the management via VPRN (GRT leaking) is disabled as soon as the port is changed to a "none" default port.

Application configuration for SSH and Telnet

The listening port value can be configured in the range of 1024 to 49151. The SSH and Telnet ports should not be configured in the respective well-known port ranges.

Ensuring no other application is using the SSH or Telnet port

When the user attempts to configure a new value for the default SSH or Telnet port, the SSH or Telnet application, respectively, checks whether the port is in use by another protocol. If the port is in use, the configuration is blocked and a warning is displayed that "Port is already in use.".

The newly configured port cannot be overwritten by any other protocol even if there is no active SSH or Telnet session. After the port is configured, no other protocol is allowed to reserve the port.

Behavior in base routing and VPRN

In a VPRN, after the SSH or Telnet port is changed, the port used previously is closed via the SR OS firewall and all sessions on that port are dropped.

In base routing, after the SSH or Telnet port is changed, the previous port remains open and existing sessions are not disconnected, but new connections cannot be established on that port.
Note: For base routing, Nokia recommends that CPM filters be set to block unwanted ports and IP addresses.
NETCONF behavior
The following system behaviors apply:
  • There is only one instance of an SSH server in the system, but it can bind to and listen on multiple TCP ports: one for NETCONF and the second one for other SSH services.
  • The port for NETCONF and the port for other SSH services are independent of each other.
  • The SSH server (for other services) can be configured to listen on ports 22 and 1024 to 49151.
  • NETCONF can be configured to listen on ports 830 or 22 only and does not follow the SSH port change.
Known limitations
If there are open SSH or Telnet connections to the previously configured port via VPRN, the attempt to change the port back to the previous port is blocked for approximately 5 minutes. This is caused by the firewall blocking the open connections from being fully closed. For example:
  1. SSH is connected to port 22 by default. If the user changes the port to 22000, the connections to port 22 are immediately terminated.
  2. Immediately after the first port change, if the user tries to change the port back to 22, the system returns an error and the port is not changed. The user must wait for approximately 5 minutes after the initial port change to 22000 to change the port back to the previously configured port. This limitation applies only if reverting from the current port to the previously configured port. There is no limitation if the user changes to a new port; for example, if the user changes the port to 22022.
When SSH or Telnet connections to the initial port exist via inband or OOB, the port change back to the initial value is blocked until all connections to the initial port are closed. For example:
  • If the port is changed and there are open connections to the changed port via inband or OOB, the connections must be closed manually to be able to revert to the previous port.
  • If SSH is connected to port 22 and the user changes the port to 22000, the change is effective immediately, but the SSH connection to port 22 remains open.
  • Until all connections to port 22 are closed, the port cannot be changed back from 22000 to 22.
Distributed CPU aspects
DCPU rate limiting is supported for newly configured SSH ports as follows:
  • when SSH is moved from the default port to a new port
  • when SSH is moved back from a "none" default configured port to the default port

SSH PKI authentication

The SSH server can support a public key authentication (also known as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)), if the server was previously configured to know the client's public key.

Using PKI can be more secure than the existing username and password method for the following reasons.

  • A user will typically reuse the same password with multiple servers. If the password is compromised, the user must reconfigure the password on all affected servers.

  • A password is not transmitted between the client and server using PKI. Instead the sensitive information (private key) is kept on the client. Consequently, the password is less likely to be compromised.

SR OS supports server-sider SSHv2 PKI but does not include a key-generation utility.

Support for PKI should be configured in the system-level configuration, where one or more public keys may be bound to a username. This configuration will not affect any other system security or login functions.

PKI has preference over password or keyboard authentication. PKI is supported using local authentication and using an AAA server with LDAP only. PKI authentication is not supported on TACACS+ or RADIUS, and users with public keys always use local authentication only.

User public key generation

Before SSH is used with PKI, someone must generate a public/private key pair. This is typically supported by the SSH client software. For example, PuTTY supports a utility called PuTTYGen that will generate key pairs.

SR OS currently supports only RSA and ECDSA user public keys.

If the client is using PuTTY, the user first generates a key pair using PuTTYGen. The user sets the key type to SSH-2 RSA and sets the number of bits to be used for the key. The user can also configure a passphrase, which is used to store the key locally in encrypted form. If configured, the passphrase acts as a password for the private key, and the user must enter it to use the private key. If a passphrase is not configured, the key is stored in plain text locally.

Use the following command to configure the public key for the user on SR OS:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user user public-keys
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user public-keys

On SR OS, the user can program the public key using Telnet/SSH or SNMP.

Public key authentication

Public key authentication is configured per user. If public key authentication fails, the system offers username and password authentication. If the user does not change the default password and the SSH public key authentication fails, this represents a security risk.

SR OS supports standalone public key authentication without offering username and password authentication using the CLI configuration. This configuration is per user or per system and is disabled by default (that is, the system offers keyboard authentication).

The SR OS server operates as follows:

  • By default, it allows public key and password authentication.
  • When RADIUS or TACPLUS interactive authentication is enabled, public key and password or keyboard authentication and password is allowed by default.
  • The user can enable public key-only authentication per system or per user. This configuration is disabled by default. The user configuration has a higher priority than the system configuration.
  • If interactive-authentication is enabled in the following contexts the SSH server also accepts interactive keyboard authentication:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security aaa remote-servers radius
      configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus
    • classic CLI
      configure system security radius
      configure system security tacplus
  • When the public-key-only command option is enabled, the server negotiates only the public key method and does not allow password or keyboard interactive login. Even if the password authentication order is “radius, tacplus, ldap, local” and the following command is configured, the server does not negotiate or accept keyboard authentication.
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security aaa remote-servers radius interactive-authentication true
    • classic CLI
      configure system security radius interactive-authentication
  • If public-key-only is enabled at the system level, this configuration must be turned off for a specific user to support password or keyword authentication for that user.
Public key authentication and AAA interaction

When public key-only authentication is enabled, the username and password or keyboard authentication using AAA servers is not allowed, even if the authentication order is set to prefer the AAA server. Only the LDAP server for public key authentication is allowed in this mode.

Multichannel SSH

SR OS supports up to 50 open channels per SSH connection.

Use the following command to configure the maximum number of open channels per SSH connection.
configure system login-control ssh max-channels-per-connection

When the SSH connection has authenticated a user and opened a channel for configuration, another SSH channel is required to retrieve the state information, such as collecting configurations or show command output. In this scenario, network managers can set up an additional channel in the existing SSH connection.

Opening a new channel inside an existing authenticated SSH connection mitigates the additional time and memory requirements for establishing a new SSH session. This mitigation is useful when, for example, multiple RPCs from different network manager users to the same device are executed at the same time.

Note: Multiple channels are only supported for SSH and some applications that use SSH as transport. SR OS supports one application with multiple channels over the same connection. Multiple channels are not supported for SFTP or SCP.

MAC client and server list

SR OS supports a configurable server and client MAC list for SSHv2. This allows the user to add or remove MAC algorithms from the list. The user can program the strong Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) algorithms on top of the configurable MAC list (for example, lowest index in the list) to define the list order presented during algorithm negotiation between the client and server. The first algorithm supported by both the client and the server is selected.

There are two configurable MAC lists:

  • server list

  • client list

The default MAC list includes all supported algorithms in the following preference order:

  1. mac 200 name hmac-sha2-512

  2. mac 210 name hmac-sha2-256

  3. mac 215 name hmac-sha1

  4. mac 220 name hmac-sha1-96

  5. mac 225 name hmac-md5

  6. mac 240 name hmac-md5-96

KEX client and server list

SR OS supports configurable KEX client and server lists. The user can add or remove the needed KEX client or server algorithms to be negotiated using an SSHv2 phase one handshake. The list is an index list, with the lower index having a higher preference in the SSH negotiation. That is, the lowest indexed algorithm in the list is negotiated first in SSH and is at the top of the negotiation list to the peer.

When no KEX list entries are explicitly configured, the system behaves as if the following list is configured:

  • kex 170 name ecdh-sha2-nistp521
  • kex 180 name ecdh-sha2-nistp384
  • kex 190 name ecdh-sha2-nistp256
  • kex 200 name diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
  • kex 210 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
  • kex 215 name diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • kex 220 name diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
  • kex 225 name diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

As soon as an algorithm is configured in the KEX list, SR OS starts using the user-defined KEX list instead of the hard-coded list. This means that all default KEX algorithms are removed and only the KEX algorithms configured by the user will be negotiated.

To go back to the hard-coded list, remove all configured KEX indexes until the list is empty. Use the following commands inline with the cipher, MAC server, or client lists:

  • MD-CLI
    delete /configure system security ssh client-kex-list-v2
    delete /configure system security ssh server-kex-list-v2
  • classic CLI
    configure system security ssh client-kex-list kex 
    configure system security ssh client-kex-list no kex
    configure system security ssh server-kex-list kex
    configure system security ssh server-kex-list no kex

Host key algorithm list

SR OS supports the following list of host key algorithms, which are negotiated for the SSH server and SSH client during the SSH handshake:
  • ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
  • ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
  • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
  • rsa-sha2-512
  • rsa-sha2-256
  • ssh-ed25519
  • ssh-rsa

The host key algorithm list is configurable for the server and the client, which allows the user to add or remove host key algorithms from the list. Use the following commands to configure the list:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security ssh server-host-key-list-v2
    configure system security ssh client-host-key-list-v2
  • classic CLI
    configure system security ssh server-host-key-list
    configure system security ssh client-host-key-list

The algorithm list is an index list, with the lower index having a higher preference in the SSH negotiation. That is, the lowest indexed algorithm in the list is at the top of the negotiation list and is negotiated first in the SSH handshake.

The following table lists the approximate time required to generate the host signature on bootup when the router is acting as the SSH server.
Note: The time required to generate the host signature may vary depending on the power of the CPU component of the router. The estimates in the table should not be used as general guidance for all routers and CPU types.
Table 22. Approximate time to generate the host signature on the SSH server
Algorithm SIM (ms) HW (ms)
rsa 60 8000
ecdsa 256 10 1200
ecdsa 384 20 2400
ecdsa 521 10 1200
ed25519 50 6000
Note: Host keys are generated during router bootup and increase the bootup time. To ensure optimized bootup time, the user should disable unwanted host keys.

After upgrading to a software release that supports the new host keys, the user may have to remove the known SSH host key files and database, because the SSH client may negotiate to a more secure and higher preference host key.

Regenerate the SSH key without disabling SSH

SR OS supports periodic rollover of the SSH symmetric key. Symmetric key rollover is important in long SSH sessions. Symmetric key rollover ensures that the encryption channel between the client and server is not jeopardized by an external hacker that is trying to break the encryption via a brute force attack.

This feature introduces symmetric key rollover on the SSH client or server. The following are triggers for symmetric key rollover and negotiation:
  • the negotiation of the key base on a configured time period

  • the negotiation of the key base on a configured data transmission size

For extra security, the key reexchange is enabled by default under SR OS.

Key reexchange procedure

Key reexchange is initiated by sending an SSH_MSG_KEXINIT packet while a key exchange is not already in progress. When this message is received, a party must respond with its own SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message, except in cases where the received SSH_MSG_KEXINIT was already a reply. Either party may initiate the reexchange, but the roles must not be changed (for example, the server must remain the server, and the client must remain the client).

Key reexchange is performed using the encryption that was in effect when the exchange was initiated. Encryption, compression, and MAC methods are not changed before a new SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS is sent after the key exchange (as in the initial key exchange). reexchange is processed identically to the initial key exchange, except that the session identifier remains unchanged. Some or all of the algorithms can be changed during the reexchange. Host keys can also change. All keys and initialization vectors are recomputed after the exchange. Compression and encryption contexts are reset.

RFC 4253 recommends performing a key exchange after every hour or 1Gbytes of transmitted data, which is met by SR OS default implementation.

SR OS can roll over keys via the following mechanisms:

  • bytes (default is 1 Gbyte and the keys are negotiated)

  • minutes (default is 1 minute)

  • If both the bytes and minutes key rollover mechanisms are configured, the key rollover is based on whichever occurs first.

  • If these command options change, only new SSH connections inherit them. The existing SSH connections continue to use the previously configured command options.

Cipher client and server list

SR OS supports cipher client and server lists. The user can add or remove the needed SSH cipher client or server algorithms from the negotiation list. The list is indexed with lower indexed algorithms having higher preference in the SSH negotiation. The lowest indexed algorithm in the list is negotiated first in SSH and is on top of the negotiation list to the peer.

The default server and client lists for SSHv2 include all supported algorithms with the following preference:

  • cipher 190 name aes256-ctr

  • cipher 192 name aes192-ctr

  • cipher 194 name aes128-ctr

  • cipher 200 name aes128-cbc

  • cipher 205 name 3des-cbc

  • cipher 225 name aes192-cbc

  • cipher 230 name aes256-cbc

SSH session closing behavior

The SSH session closes automatically when the channel opened last in the session is closed.

The SSH keepalive intervals are disabled on SR OS, which means the following:

  • The SR OS SSH server does not close the session when the client SSH keepalive intervals time out.
  • The client SSH keepalive intervals cannot be used to keep the connection to the SR OS server open.

CLI and SNMP considerations

Support for SSH version 1 (SSHv1) has been removed from SR OS. The following considerations apply when upgrading from a pre-22.10 release.

Note: This information applies for the classic CLI.

An In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) conversion must be performed to filter previously existing ciphers and set the SSH version to 2. The customers using version 1 are switched to version 2 with default ciphers and HMAC algorithms. The default cipher set is auto-created.


All SNMP objects remain intact. Although SSH version 1 is not visible in the info or show commands, the SNMP objects are present in the MIB and cannot be set. Attempting to configure blocked version 2 ciphers or version 1 settings returns an error.

Exponential login backoff

A malicious user may attempt to gain CLI access by means of a dictionary attack, whereby a script is used to automatically attempt to log in as an admin user, and a dictionary list is used to test all possible passwords. Using the exponential-backoff feature in the configure system login-control context, the SR OS increases the delay between login attempts exponentially to mitigate attacks.

When a user tries to log in to a router using a Telnet or an SSH session, there are a limited number of attempts allowed to authenticate a user. The interval between the unsuccessful attempts change after each attempt, at 1, 2, and 4-second intervals. If the system is configured for user lockout, the user will be locked out when the number of attempts is exceeded.

However, if lockout is not configured, there are three password entry attempts allowed after the first failure, at 1, 2, and 4-second intervals, in the first session, and then the session terminates. Users do not have an unlimited number of login attempts per session. After each failed authentication, the wait period becomes longer until the maximum number of attempts is reached.

The SR OS terminates after four unsuccessful attempts. A wait period is never longer than 4 seconds. The periods are fixed and restart in subsequent sessions.

Use the following system-wide configuration commands together to mitigate attacks:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system login-control exponential-backoff
    configure system security user-params attempts
  • classic CLI
    configure system login-control exponential-backoff
    configure system security password attempts

Exponential backoff applies to any user and by any login method such as console, SSH, and Telnet.

See Configuring login controls for more information.

User lockout

When a user exceeds the maximum number of attempts allowed (the default is 3 attempts) during a specific period of time (the default is 5 minutes), the account used during those attempts are locked out for a pre-configured lock-out period (the default is 10 minutes).

A security or LI event log is generated as soon as a user account has exceeded the number of allowed attempts. Use the following command to display the total number of failed attempts per user.

show system security user

In addition to the security or LI event log, an SNMP trap is also generated so that any SNMP server (including the NSP NFM-P) can use the trap for an action. The account is automatically re-enabled as soon as the lock-out period has expired.

Use the following command to display a list of users who are currently locked out.

show system security user lockout

Use the following command with the applicable option to clear a lockout for a specific user or all users:

  • MD-CLI
    admin clear security lockout
  • classic CLI
    admin clear lockout

CLI login scripts

The SR OS supports automatic execution of CLI scripts when a user successfully logs into the router and starts a CLI session.

Use the following command to configure a login script for users who authenticate using the local user database:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user user console login-exec file-url
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user console login-exec file-url

You can configure a global login-script to execute a common script when any user logs into the CLI. You can also configure a per-user login-script to execute when a specific user logs into the CLI. These login-scripts execute when the user is authenticated using the local user database, TACACS+, or RADIUS.

Use the following command to configure a global login script:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system login-control login-scripts global-script global-login-script-url
  • classic CLI
    configure system login-control login-scripts global global-login-script-url

Use the following command to configure a user-specific login script pointing to a user-defined directory:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system login-control login-scripts per-user-script user-directory dir-url
  • classic CLI
    configure system login-control login-scripts per-user user-directory dir-url file-name file-name

File access controls

Access files on the router locally using the CLI file commands and output modifiers, such as > (file redirect), or remotely via FTP and SCP. SR OS provides file access controls that allow an administrator to create users with different permissions; for example:
  • access to all files and the ability to save the configuration
  • access to home directory files only and the ability to save the configuration
  • access to home directory files only and no ability to save the configuration
  • no file access and no ability to save the configuration

The file access controls provide different levels of user access depending on user privileges. File access controls can also be configured to allow users to save the configuration to a system file that is stored outside their home directory when their file access is restricted to their home directory.

A home directory is typically a working space for the user, for example cf3:\users\user1. Although the home directory can be configured to contain saved configuration files, log files, or other system files.
Note: Take care to only configure home directory for users who are intended to have access to those files.

The following controls affect file access for local or remote users, and can be set via the CLI, TACACS+ VSAs, or RADIUS VSAs:

  • restricted to home – restrict file access to the home directory of the user
  • home directory – home directory for the user. Nokia recommends users do not configure this command option in the TACACS+ or RADIUS default template because each user should have their own home directory.
  • save when restricted – save configurations when the user is restricted to their home directory, even if the saved configuration file is outside the home directory of the user

High-privilege users and administrators have access to the router configuration file via the CLI, SCP, and SFTP, and must be trusted.

Medium-privilege and low-privilege users with access to a subset of the configuration must be configured with “restricted to home” and a “home directory” to restrict their access to the file system via the CLI, SCP, and SFTP. The “home directory” must not contain the saved configuration file.

The following table lists examples of various types of users and privileges with the corresponding file access control configuration.

Table 23. File access control configuration
Type of user File system access Configuration access Restricted to home Home directory Save when restricted
High-privilege administrator Full Yes Disabled (false) Unconfigured Unconfigured
High-privilege user with access to all configuration Private directory with environment settings and Python applications Yes Enabled (true) cf3:\users\user1 Enabled (true)
Medium-privilege user with access to a subset of configuration using AAA command authorization Directory of CLI scripts and Python applications Yes Enabled (true)


Enabled (true)
Medium-privilege user with access to a subset of configuration using AAA command authorization None Yes Enabled (true) Unconfigured Enabled (true)
Low-privilege operational user Private directory with environment settings and operational scripts No Enabled (true) cf3:\users\user2 Unconfigured1
Low-privilege operational user None No Enabled (true) Unconfigured Unconfigured1
Low-privilege user for managing XML accounting files Accounting directory No Enabled (true) cf2:\act Unconfigured1
Low-privilege user for managing log files Log directory No Enabled (true) cf2:\log Unconfigured1
1 Configuration save operations (for example, admin save) are controlled by AAA command authorization. Optionally, “save when restricted” can be disabled to explicitly deny configuration save operations for these user types.

The following examples show how to use the CLI to configure different permissions for local users. The administrator must create a home directory for each user.

Access to all files and the ability to save the configuration

Use the following configuration for a high-privilege administrator that needs access to all files:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user user user1 restricted-to-home false
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user user1 no restricted-to-home

Access to home directory files only and the ability to save the configuration

Use the following configuration for a medium-privilege user who can access some parts of the configuration and needs to save the configuration, but is denied access to other parts of the configuration in a AAA profile:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user user user2 home-directory "cf3:\users\user2"
    configure system security user-params local-user user user2 restricted-to-home true
    configure system security user-params local-user user user2 save-when-restricted true
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user user2 home-directory "cf3:\users\user2"
    configure system security user user2 restricted-to-home
    configure system security user user2 save-when-restricted

Use a similar configuration for a user account used to collect XML accounting files. In this case, the home-directory is set to the location where completed accounting files are written, for example, cf3:/act.

Access to home directory files only and no ability to save the configuration

Use the following configuration for a low-privilege user who does not have access to any part of the configuration, but still requires a working area on the file system for their own files:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user user user3 home-directory "cf3:\users\user3"
    configure system security user-params local-user user user3 restricted-to-home true
    configure system security user-params local-user user user3 save-when-restricted false
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user user3 home-directory "cf3:\users\user3"
    configure system security user user3 restricted-to-home
    configure system security user user3 no save-when-restricted

No file access and no ability to save the configuration

Use the following configuration for a low-privilege user who does not have access to any part of the configuration, and does not require any file system access:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user user user4 restricted-to-home true
    configure system security user-params local-user user user4 save-when-restricted false
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user user4 restricted-to-home
    configure system security user user4 no save-when-restricted

For configuration examples using RADIUS VSAs, see RADIUS configuration for file access control using VSAs and for configuration examples using TACACS+ VSAs, see TACACS+ configuration for file access control using VSAs.

802.1x network access control

The SR OS supports network access control of client devices (such as PCs or STBs) on an Ethernet network using the IEEE 802.1x standard. IEEE 802.1x is known as Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) over a LAN network or (EAPOL).

TCP Enhanced Authentication Option

The TCP Enhanced Authentication Option (TCP-AO), as defined in RFC 5925, The TCP Authentication Option, extends the previous MD5 authentication option to include the ability to change keys without tearing down the session, and allows for stronger authentication algorithms to be used.

The TCP-AO is a TCP extension that enhances security for BGP, LDP, and other TCP-based protocols. This includes the ability to change keys in a BGP or LDP session seamlessly without tearing down the session. It is intended for applications where secure administrative access to both the endpoints of the TCP connection is normally available.

TCP peers can use this extension to authenticate messages passed between one another. This strategy improves on the current practice, which is described in RFC 2385, Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5 Signature Option. Using this strategy, TCP peers can update authentication keys during the lifetime of a TCP connection. TCP peers can also use stronger authentication algorithms to authenticate routing messages.

Packet formats

The details of TCP-AO are described in the Authentication for TCP-based Routing and Management Protocols draft-bonica-tcp-auth-04.txt.

The following figure shows the packet format.

Figure 9. Packet format

The following list describes the preceding fields:

  • Kind (8 bits)

    The Kind field identifies the TCP-AO. This value is assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

  • Length (8 bits)

    The Length field specifies the length of the TCP-AO, in octets. This count includes two octets representing the Kind and Length fields.

    The valid range for this field is from 4 to 40 octets, inclusive.

    For all algorithms specified in this memo, the value will be 16 octets.

  • T-bit (1 bit)

    The T-bit specifies whether TCP options were omitted from the TCP header for the purpose of MAC calculation. A value of 1 indicates that all TCP options other than the Extended Authentication Option were omitted. A value of 0 indicates that TCP options were included.

    The default value is 0.

  • K-bit (1 bit)

    This bit is reserved for future enhancement. Its value must be equal to zero.

  • Alg ID (6 bits)

    The Alg ID field identifies the MAC algorithm.

  • Res (2 bits)

    These bits are reserved and must be set to zero.

  • Key ID (6 bits)

    The Key ID field identifies the key that was used to generate the message digest.

  • Authentication Data (variable length)

    The Authentication Data field contains data that is used to authenticate the TCP segment. This data includes, but is not restricted to, a MAC. The length and format of the Authentication Data Field can be derived from the Alg ID.


The TCP-AO uses keychains that are associated with every protected TCP connection. The keychain concept is supported by the BGP, LDP, OSPF, IS-IS, and RSVP-TE protocols.

The keychain mechanism enables the creation of keys used to authenticate protocol communications. Each keychain entry defines the authentication attributes used in authenticating protocol messages from remote peers or neighbors. The configuration must include at least one key entry to be valid. Through the use of the keychain mechanism, authentication keys can be changed without affecting the state of the associated protocol adjacencies for BGP, LDP, OSPF, IS-IS, and RSVP-TE.

Each key within a keychain must include the following attributes for the authentication of protocol messages:

  • key identifier – unique identifier, expressed as a decimal integer

  • authentication algorithm – see Security algorithm support per protocol

  • authentication key – key used by the authentication algorithm to authenticate packets

  • direction – packet stream direction in which the key is applied (receive direction, send direction, or both)

  • begin time – time at which a new authentication key can be used

Optionally, each key can include the following attributes:

  • end time – time at which the authentication key becomes inactive (applies to received packets only)

  • tolerance – period in which both old and new authentication key values can overlap and both keys are allowed on received packets (applies to received packets only)

The following table shows the mapping between these attributes and the CLI command to set them.

Table 24. Keychain mapping
Definition Configuration

The key identifier expressed as an integer (0...63)

configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry
configure system security keychains keychain receive entry
configure system security keychains keychain send entry
classic CLI
configure system security keychain direction bi entry
configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry
configure system security keychain direction uni send entry

Authentication algorithm to use with key[i]

configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry algorithm
configure system security keychains keychain receive entry algorithm
configure system security keychains keychain send entry algorithm
classic CLI
configure system security keychain direction bi entry key algorithm
configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry key algorithm
configure system security keychain direction uni send entry key algorithm

Shared secret to use with key[i]

Use the shared secret with the following:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry
    configure system security keychains keychain receive entry
    configure system security keychains keychain send entry
  • classic CLI
    configure system security keychain direction bi entry
    configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry
    configure system security keychain direction uni send entry

A vector that determines whether the key[i] is to be used to generate MACs for inbound segments, outbound segments, or both

configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry
configure system security keychains keychain receive entry 
configure system security keychains keychain send entry
classic CLI
configure system security keychain direction bi entry
configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry
configure system security keychain direction uni send entry

Start time from which key[i] can be used

configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry begin-time
configure system security keychains keychain send entry begin-time
classic CLI
configure system security keychain direction bi entry begin-time
configure system security keychain direction uni send entry begin-time

End time after which key[i] cannot be used by sending TCPs

Inferred by the begin-time of the next key (youngest key rule)

Start time from which key[i] can be used

configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry begin-time
configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry tolerance
configure system security keychains keychain receive entry begin-time
configure system security keychains keychain receive entry tolerance
classic CLI
configure system security keychain direction bi entry begin-time
configure system security keychain direction bi entry tolerance
configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry begin-time
configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry tolerance

End time after which key[i] cannot be used

configure system security keychains keychain receive entry end-time
classic CLI
configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry end-time

The following table lists the authentication algorithms that can be used in association with specific routing protocols.

Table 25. Security algorithm support per protocol
Protocol Cleartext MD5 HMAC-MD5 HMAC-SHA-1-96 HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-256 AES-128-CMAC-96 AES-128-CMAC-128






























Keychain configuration guidelines and behaviors

Consider the following keychain configuration guidelines and behaviors:

  • Use either the authentication-key command or the authentication-keychain command in the MD-CLI (auth-keychain command in the classic CLI) with the protocols. Both commands cannot be supported at the same time. If both commands are configured, the system applies the authentication-keychain configuration in the MD‑CLI (auth-keychain configuration in the classic CLI) and ignores the authentication-key command.

  • A keychain cannot be referenced by a protocol until it has been configured.

  • If a keychain is referenced by a protocol, the keychain cannot be deleted.

  • If multiple keys in a keychain are valid at the same time, the newest key (key with the most current begin-time) is used.

  • If a protocol sends a packet that is configured to use a keychain, the most current key from that keychain is used.

  • If a protocol receives a packet that is configured to use a keychain, the current key set is returned to authenticate the received packet.

    • The key set includes the currently active keys (based on the current system time) and the begin or end time associated with each key in the specified keychain.

    • If a tolerance value is set for a key, the key is returned as part of the key set if the current time is within the begin time of the key, plus or minus the tolerance value. For example, if the begin-time is 12:00 p.m. and the tolerance is 600 seconds, the new key is included from 11:55 a.m. and the key to be replaced is included until 12:05 p.m.

  • The end-time and tolerance command options apply only to received packets. Transmitted packets always use the newest key, regardless of the tolerance value.

  • If a keychain exists but there are no active key entries with an authentication type that matches the type supported by the protocol, inbound protocol packets are not authenticated and are discarded, and no outbound protocol packets are sent.

  • If a keychain exists but the last key entry has expired, a log entry is raised indicating that all keychain entries have expired.

  • Special cases:
    • The OSPF and RSVP-TE protocols continue to authenticate inbound and outbound traffic using the last valid authentication key.
    • The IS-IS protocol does not revert to an unauthenticated state and requires that the old key is not used; therefore, when the last key has expired, all traffic is discarded.
For information about associating keychains with protocols, see:
  • 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide
  • 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR MPLS Guide
  • 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Services Overview Guide

Key rollover

Use the following commands to configure keychain authentication to rollover to a new key without tearing down the session:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system security keychains keychain receive entry begin-time
    configure system security keychains keychain receive entry end-time
    configure system security keychains keychain send entry begin-time
    configure system security keychains keychain bidirectional entry begin-time
  • classic CLI
    configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry begin-time
    configure system security keychain direction uni receive entry end-time
    configure system security keychain direction uni send entry begin-time
    configure system security keychain direction bi entry begin-time

The begin-time command configures when the authentication key starts to authenticate the protocol stream and the end-time command configures when the authentication key is no longer eligible to authenticate the protocol stream. The system uses the key configured with the most recent begin-time. For more information about configuring keychain authentication, see Configuring keychain authentication. A user does not have to configure an end-time, and can instead choose to configure multiple entries with different begin-time configurations so that the newest key (key with the most current begin-time) is used. The current key pair is replaced to improve security without a session loss between two peers.

gRPC authentication

gRPC communication between the client and server must be authenticated and encrypted. The following types of authentication are supported:

  • Authentication via session credentials

    Session credentials operate similarly to device authentication, ensuring that the device is allowed in the network and authorized by the provider. This type of authentication is performed using PKI and X.509.3 certificates. gRPC uses TLS for session authentication. The SR OS supports TLS servers for gRPC.

  • Authentication using channel credentials

    Channel credentials use a username and password that are entered at the gRPC client terminal to authenticate gRPC packets using an AAA method.

Session authentication provides proof that the client and server are authorized devices and that they belong to the provider. After authentication, the session becomes encrypted using TLS, and gRPC PDUs are transmitted between the client and server.

The following figure shows a basic session authentication using TLS.

Figure 10. Session authentication using TLS

Channel credentials use username and password authentication. Each gRPC channel packet can contain a username and a password. Authentication is done through standard SR OS authentication order and mechanisms. All current authentication methods, including local and AAA servers, are applicable to gRPC channels. In addition, all authentication orders currently used by Telnet or SSH are compatible with gNMI call authentication.

The following figure shows a basic gNMI call authentication using the SR OS.

Figure 11. gNMI call authentication using SR OS

gRPC channel packets contain the username and password in clear text and are only encrypted using TLS. If a TLS server profile is assigned to the gRPC session, all PDUs between the server and client are encrypted. If TLS becomes operationally down, no gRPC PDUs are transmitted in clear text.

The SR OS relies on existing authentication mechanisms for gRPC channels, including:

  • AAA servers and local authentication orders configured using the following commands:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security user-params authentication-order
    • classic CLI
      configure system security password authentication-order
  • password complexity rules

  • requiring the user to be configured as part of gRPC access by using the following commands:
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security user-params local-user user access grpc
    • classic CLI
      configure system security user access grpc
  • disconnecting the gRPC session by using the admin disconnect command

    Note: The gRPC is not affected by password aging.

Security profiles can authorize bulk get, set, and subscribe gRPC commands that are received by the server. Profiles can be configured to permit or deny specific gRPC commands; for example, a profile for one user can authorize get and set commands, while a profile for another user can authorize only get commands.

Hash management per management interface configuration

Hash management is configurable per management interface for example, for the following:

  • MD-CLI
  • classic CLI
  • gRPC

Each management interface has its own write-hash algorithm. Depending on which management interface the user logs into, the write hash of that interface should be checked and used for displaying the critical phrases.

In the classic CLI interface, the read and write hash algorithms can be different, for example, hash for write and hash2 for read.

In the MD-CLI, NETCONF, and gRPC interfaces, when a hash is configured, only write is implemented using that hash algorithm. For example, if hash2 is configured, SR OS displays the phrase in hash2 format and reads the phrase in all formats. The read algorithm is not affected by hash algorithm configuration and SR OS reads in all hash formats.

Hash encryption using AES-256

Hash and hash2 use the AES-256 algorithm for all interfaces. However, hash2 uses module-specific text to make the hash unique per module or protocol. For example, BGP uses a different pre-pending text than IGP. This pre-pending text is appended to the key and then hashed using hash2.

In the classic CLI, hash has been changed to AES-256. Upgrade from DES to AES-256 is allowed and loading a config file in classic CLI with DES to a new software that supports AES-256 is also allowed.

The DES and the DES key should only be used for decryption of the old password to obtain clear text and the password should then be rehashed using AES-256. The few characters of the old hashed phrase are used to determine that the phrase is hashed using DES.


The cleartext option for the write algorithm displays the hash in clear text in the config file, info, info detail, and so on.

Configuring security with CLI

This section provides information to configure security using the command line interface.

Configuring management access filters

The following example shows a management access filter configuration that accepts packets matching the criteria specified in IP, IPv6, and MAC entries. Non-matching packets are denied.


[ex:/configure system security management-access-filter]
A:admin@node-2# info
    ip-filter {
        default-action reject
        entry 10 {
            description "Accept SSH from mgmnt subnet"
            action accept
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                dst-port {
                    port 22
                    mask 65535
    ipv6-filter {
        default-action accept
        entry 10 {
            action reject
            log-events true
            match {
                next-header rsvp
                src-ip {
                    address 2001:db8:1000::/64
    mac-filter {
        default-action accept
        entry 12 {
            action accept
            match {
                service "1"
                frame-type ethernet-ii
                src-mac {
                    address 00:01:01:01:01:01
                    mask ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>security>mgmt-access-filter# info 
                    default-action deny
                    entry 10
                        description "Accept SSH from mgmnt subnet"
                        protocol tcp
                        dst-port 22 65535
                        action permit
                    default-action permit
                    entry 10
                        src-ip 2001:db8:1000::/64
                        next-header rsvp
                        action deny
                    default-action permit
                    entry 12
                        match frame-type ethernet_II
                            svc-id 1
                            src-mac 00:01:01:01:01:01 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
                        action permit

Configuring IP CPM filters

Nokia recommends using a strict CPM filter policy allowing traffic from trusted IP subnets for protocols and ports actively used in the router and to explicitly drop other traffic.

The following configuration example uses these recommendations for SSH and BGP:

  • allow SSH from trusted subnet only

  • allow BGP from trusted subnet only

  • explicitly deny all other traffic and operationally log unexpected packets


[ex:/configure system security cpm-filter]
A:admin@node-2# info
    default-action drop
    ip-filter {
        admin-state enable
        entry 100 {
            description "SSH: server terminated TCP sessions from trusted subnets"
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                    ip-prefix-list "trusted-mgmt-subnet"
                dst-port {
                    eq 22
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 200 {
            description "BGP: server terminated TCP Sessions"
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                    ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                dst-port {
                    eq 179
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 300 {
            description "BGP: client responses for initiated TCP sessions"
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                    ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                src-port {
                    eq 179
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 6000 {
            description "Drop all other UDP"
            log 102
            match {
                protocol udp
            action {
        entry 6010 {
            description "drop all other TCP"
            log 103
            match {
                protocol tcp
            action {

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>sys>security>cpm-filter# info
              default-action drop
                  entry 100 create
                      action accept
                      description "SSH: server terminated TCP sessions from trusted 
                      match protocol tcp
                          dst-port 22 65535
                          src-ip ip-prefix-list "trusted-mgmt-subnet"
                  entry 200 create
                      action accept
                      description "BGP: server terminated TCP Sessions"
                      match protocol tcp
                          dst-port 179 65535
                          src-ip ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                  entry 300 create
                      action accept
                      description "BGP: client responses for initiated TCP sessions"
                      match protocol tcp
                          src-ip ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                          src-port 179 65535
                  entry 6000 create
                      action drop
                      description "Drop all other UDP"
                      log 102
                      match protocol udp
                  entry 6010 create
                      action drop
                      description "drop all other TCP"
                      log 103
                      match protocol tcp
                  no shutdown

Configuring IPv6 CPM filters

Nokia recommends using a strict CPM filter policy allowing traffic from trusted IP subnets for protocols and ports actively used in the router and to explicitly drop other traffic.

The following configuration example uses these recommendations for SSH and BGP:

  • allow SSH from trusted subnet only

  • allow BGP from trusted subnet only

  • explicitly deny all other traffic and operationally log unexpected packets


[ex:/configure system security cpm-filter]
A:admin@node-2# info
    default-action drop
    ip-filter {
        admin-state enable
        entry 100 {
            description "SSH: server terminated TCP sessions from trusted subnets"
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                    ip-prefix-list "trusted-mgmt-subnet"
                dst-port {
                    eq 22
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 200 {
            description "BGP: server terminated TCP Sessions"
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                    ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                dst-port {
                    eq 179
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 300 {
            description "BGP: client responses for initiated TCP sessions"
            match {
                protocol tcp
                src-ip {
                    ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                src-port {
                    eq 179
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 6000 {
            description "Drop all other UDP"
            log 102
            match {
                protocol udp
            action {
        entry 6010 {
            description "drop all other TCP"
            log 103
            match {
                protocol tcp
            action {
    ipv6-filter {
        admin-state enable
        entry 100 {
            description "SSH: server terminated TCP sessions from trusted subnets"
            match {
                next-header tcp
                src-ip {
                    ipv6-prefix-list "trusted-mgmt-subnet"
                dst-port {
                    eq 22
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 200 {
            description "BGP: server terminated TCP Sessions"
            match {
                next-header tcp
                src-ip {
                    ipv6-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                dst-port {
                    eq 179
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 300 {
            description "BGP: client responses for initiated TCP sessions"
            match {
                next-header tcp
                src-ip {
                    ipv6-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                src-port {
                    eq 179
                    mask 65535
            action {
        entry 6000 {
            description "Drop all other UDP"
            log 102
            match {
                next-header udp
            action {
        entry 6010 {
            description "drop all other TCP"
            log 103
            match {
                next-header tcp
            action {

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>sys>security>cpm-filter# info
              default-action drop
                  entry 100 create
                      action accept
                      description "SSH: server terminated TCP sessions from trusted 
                      match protocol tcp
                          dst-port 22 65535
                          src-ip ip-prefix-list "trusted-mgmt-subnet"
                  entry 200 create
                      action accept
                      description "BGP: server terminated TCP Sessions"
                      match protocol tcp
                          dst-port 179 65535
                          src-ip ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                  entry 300 create
                      action accept
                      description "BGP: client responses for initiated TCP sessions"
                      match protocol tcp
                          src-ip ip-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                          src-port 179 65535
                  entry 6000 create
                      action drop
                      description "Drop all other UDP"
                      log 102
                      match protocol udp
                  entry 6010 create
                      action drop
                      description "drop all other TCP"
                      log 103
                      match protocol tcp
                  no shutdown
                  entry 100 create
                      action accept
                      description "SSH: server terminated TCP sessions from trusted 
                      match next-header tcp
                          dst-port 22 65535
                          src-ip ipv6-prefix-list "trusted-mgmt-subnet"
                  entry 200 create
                      action accept
                      description "BGP: server terminated TCP Sessions"
                      match next-header tcp
                          dst-port 179 65535
                          src-ip ipv6-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                  entry 300 create
                      action accept
                      description "BGP: client responses for initiated TCP sessions"
                      match next-header tcp
                          src-ip ipv6-prefix-list "trusted-bgp-subnet"
                          src-port 179 65535
                  entry 6000 create
                      action drop
                      description "Drop all other UDP"
                      log 102
                      match next-header udp
                  entry 6010 create
                      action drop
                      description "drop all other TCP"
                      log 103
                      match next-header tcp
                  no shutdown

Configuring MAC CPM filters

The following example shows a MAC CPM filter configuration.


[ex:/configure system security cpm-filter mac-filter]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    entry 10 {
        description "MAC-CPM-Filter #007"
        log 101
        action {
    entry 20 {
        description "MAC-CPM-Filter #008"
        log 101
        action {

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>sys>sec>cpm>mac-filter# info
                    entry 10 create
                        description "MAC-CPM-Filter #007"
                        log 101
                        action drop
                    entry 20 create
                        description "MAC-CPM-Filter #008"
                        log 101
                        action drop
                    no shutdown

Configuring CPM queues

CPM queues can be used for troubleshooting purposes to provide rate limit capabilities for traffic destined for CPM as described in an earlier section of this document.

The following example displays a CPM queue configuration.


[ex:/configure system security cpm-queue]
A:admin@node-2# info
    queue 101 {
        rate {
            pir 100

classic CLI

config>sys>security>cpm-queue# info
                queue 101 create
                    rate 100

Configuring the IPsec certificate

The following example shows the importation of a certificate from a PEM format.

Importing a certificate from a PEM format (MD-CLI)

[/admin system security pki]
A:admin@Dut-AF# import type certificate input-url cf3:/pre-import/R1-0cert.pem format pem output-file R1-0cert-der

Importing a certificate from a PEM format (classic CLI)

A:node-2# admin certificate import type cert input cf3:/pre-import/R1-0cert.pem output R1-0cert.der format pem

The following example shows the exportation of a certificate to PEM format.

Exporting a certificate to a PEM format (MD-CLI)

[/admin system security pki]
A:admin@node-2# export type certificate input-file R1-0cert.der format pem output-url cf3:/R1-0cert.pem

Exporting a certificate to a PEM format (classic CLI)

A:node-2# admin certificate export type cert input R1-0cert.der output cf3:/R1-0cert.pem format pem

The following example shows certificate authority (CA) profile configuration.

CA profile configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure system security pki]
A:admin@node-2# info
    ca-profile "Root" {
        admin-state enable
        description "Root CA"
        cert-file "R1-0cert.der"
        crl-file "R1-0crl.der"

CA profile configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>system>security>pki# info
                ca-profile "Root" create
                    description "Root CA"
                    cert-file "R1-0cert.der"
                    crl-file "R1-0crl.der"
                    no shutdown

The following example shows IKE policy with certificate authority configuration.

IKE policy with certificate authority configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure ipsec ike-policy 1]
A:admin@node-2# info
    ike-version-2 {
        auth-method cert
        own-auth-method psk

IKE policy with certificate authority configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>ipsec>ike-policy# info
            ike-version 2
            auth-method cert-auth
            own-auth-method psk      

The following example shows a static LAN-to-LAN using certificate authority.

Static LAN-to-LAN using certificate authority configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure service vprn "new"]
A:admin@node-2# info
    interface "VPRN1" {
        tunnel true
        sap tunnel-1.private:1 {
            ipsec-tunnel "Sanity-1" {
                admin-state enable
                key-exchange {
                    dynamic {
                        ike-policy 1
                        ipsec-transform [1]
                        pre-shared-key "qGAaHFZ9e/YXSsSCzlYbYWetW+Md2bDwwA== hash2"
                        cert {
                            cert-profile "M2cert.der"
                            trust-anchor-profile "R1-0"
                tunnel-endpoint {
                    delivery-service "300"
                security-policy {
                    id 1

Static LAN-to-LAN using certificate authority configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>service>vprn# info
    interface "VPRN1" tunnel create
        sap tunnel-1.private:1 create
            ipsec-tunnel "Sanity-1" create
                security-policy 1
                local-gateway-address peer delivery-service 300
                    ike-policy 1
                    pre-shared-key "Sanity-1"
                    transform 1
                        trust-anchor "R1-0"
                        cert "M2cert.der"
                        key "M2key.der"
                no shutdown

Configuring local command authorization profiles

Profiles are used to deny or permit access to a hierarchical branch or specific commands.

The following example output displays a local command authorization profile called "service-22" that is associated with a username "user1".


[ex:/configure system security aaa local-profiles]
A:admin@node-2# info
    profile "service-22" {
        default-action permit-all
        entry 1 {
            match "configure"
            action permit
        entry 2 {
            match "configure service vprn <22>"
            action read-only
        entry 3 {
            match "show"
        entry 4 {
            match "exit"
[ex:/configure system security user-params local-user]
A:admin@node-2# info
    user "user1" {
        console {
            member ["service-22"]

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>security# info
            profile "service-22"
                default-action permit-all
                entry 1
                    match "configure"
                    action permit
                entry 2
                    match "configure service vprn <22>"
                    action read-only
                entry 3
                    match "show"
                entry 4
                    match "exit"
A:node-2>config>system>security# info
    user "user1"
            member "service-22"

Matching on values in command authorization rules

In addition to matching on command keywords, command authorization profiles allow matching on the values of command elements.

Matching on a command element value (MD-CLI)
configure system security aaa local-profiles profile "service-ops" entry 10 match "configure service vprn <55>"
Matching on a command element value (classic CLI)
configure system security profile "service-ops" entry 10 match "configure service vprn <55>"

The following rules apply to matching on values:

  • Rule 1

    • MD-CLI

      For command authorization matching on commands that you enter in the MD-CLI, you can specify the match value with or without angle brackets (< >) around the command argument. If the match value is not in angle brackets, the match does not occur against that value when you enter the command in the classic CLI.

    • classic CLI

      For command authorization matching on commands that you enter in the classic CLI, you must specify the match value in angle brackets in the match command argument, as shown in the Matching on a command element value (classic CLI) example.

  • Rule 2

    • MD-CLI

      Only the value of key leafs can be matched in a command authorization rule.

    • classic CLI

      The value of any element can be matched in a command authorization rule.

  • Rule 3

    When a value in angle brackets is present in a match command argument, all key values to the left of the value must also be specified (in angle brackets). See Using wildcards in classic CLI command authorization value matching for more information.

  • Rule 4

    You can either specifically state or completely omit a match value in the match string, as required. However, all unnamed command options in the CLI command must be present in the match string when you use matching on a value. The following example shows how to match on OSPF to allow or deny access to all of OSPF.

    match "configure router ospf" action deny 

    Alternatively, use the following command to allow a specific OSPF instance for a user.

    match "configure router ospf <0> <>" action permit
  • Rule 5

    To generate the correct match behavior when multiple unnamed command options are present in the match string, you must provide the command options in the correct order as described in the command help. For example, in the second match example shown in Rule 4, the OSPF instance (0) must come before the router ID (

Note: The match behavior may not be achieved if unnamed command options are out of order in the match command. Although the user matching is based on the OSPF instance value, that is, ‟an unnamed value”, all the other unnamed values in the ospf command (such as the router ID value) must also be present in the match string.
Match value configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure system security aaa local-profiles profile "default"]
A:admin@node-2# info
    entry 10 {
        match "show router <22> route-table"
        action permit
    entry 20 {
        match "configure service vprn <22>"
        action read-only
    entry 30 {
        match "show service id <22>"
        action permit
    entry 40 {
        match "configure router interface <system>"
        action deny
Match value configuration (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config>system>security>profile# info
                entry 10
                    match "show router <22> route-table "
                    action permit
                entry 20
                    match "configure service vprn <22>"
                    action read-only
                entry 30
                    match "show service id <22>"
                    action permit
                entry 40
                    match "configure router interface <system>"
                    action deny

Using wildcards in classic CLI command authorization value matching

In addition to matching on specific values in command authorization profiles (see Matching on values in command authorization rules), wildcard matching is supported for matching against values in the following commands, when these commands are executed in the classic CLI:

  • oam commands
  • ping
  • traceroute
  • mtrace

Command authorization using wildcards is only supported in the classic CLI. However, you can configure the wildcard rules in the classic CLI or the MD-CLI.

For example, use the following command for wildcard matching on a value <.*>.

match "oam ancp subscriber <.*> loopback"

Wildcard value matching is particularly useful when you want to match on a string that contains multiple values, but you only want a specific match on one of the values. The following example shows a command authorization profile with a list of all the permitted IP addresses for ping in router 10.

Using a list of all the permitted IP addresses as match values
match ping <> router <10>
action permit
match ping <> router <10>
action permit

Alternatively, you can use wildcard value matching, which allows a simpler match criterion. In the following example, the use of the <.*> wildcard enables the ability to ping any address in the router 10 context, that is, any address in VRF 10.

Using wildcards for IP address matching
match ping <.*> router <10> 
action permit
Note: While wildcards are available and allowed for all command options in the OAM subtree, Nokia recommends that you exercise caution when using wildcards and limit their use to commands such as ping, traceroute, and mtrace. The use of wildcards in specific formats may be a security concern and result in making the IP addresses in the VRF, including the base routing table, unreachable. Or it could allow the customer to ping any IP address in the VRF, including the base routing table. Avoid this because it is a potential security concern. The following usage, for example, is not advised.
Wildcard usage to avoid
match ping <.*> router <.*> 
action permit

CLI session resource management

SR OS has the capability to manage Telnet/SSH sessions per user and at a higher level per system. At the system level, the user can configure a CLI-session group for different customer priorities. The cli-session-group command is a container that sets the maximum number of CLI sessions for a class of customers, with a unique session limit for each customer. For example, as shown in Classic CLI session groups for customer classes, ‟Gold” category customers can have a CLI-session group that allows them more Telnet/SSH sessions compared to ‟Silver” category customers.

Figure 12. MD-CLI session groups for customer classes
Figure 13. Classic CLI session groups for customer classes

The configured cli-session-group can be assigned to user profiles. Each user profile can be configured with its own max SSH/Telnet session and is policed/restricted by the higher order cli-session-group that is assigned to it.

As shown in Hierarchy of classic CLI session group profiles, the final picture is a hierarchical configuration with top-level cli-session-groups that control each customer’s total number of SSH or Telnet sessions and the user-profile for each user for that customer.

Figure 14. Hierarchy of MD-CLI session group profiles
Figure 15. Hierarchy of classic CLI session group profiles

Every profile subtracts one from its corresponding maximum session when a Telnet or SSH session is established in the following cases:

  • where multiple profiles are configured under a user

  • where multiple profiles arrive from different AAA servers (Local Profile, RADIUS Profile or TACACS Profile)

The first profile to run out of corresponding max-session limits future Telnet or SSH sessions. In other words, while each profile for the user can have its independent max-session, only the lowest one is honored. If the profile with the lowest max-session is removed, the next lower profile max-session is honored and so on. All profiles for a user are updated when a Telnet or SSH session is established.

For information about login control, see Configuring login controls.

Use the commands ssh-max-sessions, telnet-max-sessions, combined-max-sessions, and cli-session-group in the following context to configure CLI session resources:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa local-profiles profile
  • classic CLI
    configure system security profile

Configuring local users

The username, password, and access permissions are configured for each local user.

Use the following context to configure local users.
  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user
  • classic CLI
    configure system security user

The following examples provide a sample configuration.


[ex:/configure system security user-params local-user]
A:admin@node-2# info
    user "user1" {
        password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
        restricted-to-home true
        save-when-restricted true
        access {
            console-port-cli true
            ssh-cli true
        console {
            member ["default"]

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>security# info
            user "user1"
                password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
                access console-port-cli ssh-cli
                    member "default"

Configuring keychain authentication

The keychain authentication mechanism protects communication between routing protocol neighbors against malicious attacks. Keychain authentication provides the ability to configure authentication keys and update them through key rollover without affecting the state of the routing protocol adjacencies. See Key rollover for more information about begin-time and end-time configuration.

This procedure describes how to set up keychain authentication.
Note: The user must perform this procedure on both devices that will use keychain authentication to communicate.
  1. Configure the keychain instance using the following command.
    Note: A keychain must be configured on the system before it can be applied to a session.
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security keychains keychain
    • classic CLI
      configure system security keychain
    Configure a keychain instance (MD-CLI)
    [ex:/configure system security keychains]
    A:admin@node-2# info
        keychain "test1" {
    Configure a keychain instance (classic CLI)
    A:node-2>config>system>security# info
                keychain "test1"
                    no shutdown
  2. Use the options under the following context to configure keychain authentication. The keychain must have at least one valid entry and an authentication algorithm.
    • MD-CLI
      configure system security keychains keychain
    • classic CLI
      configure system security keychain
    Configure keychain authentication (MD-CLI)
    [ex:/configure system security keychains]
    A:admin@node-2# info
        keychain "test1" {
            bidirectional {
                entry 1 {
                    authentication-key "LlzaDxIT+KoZkWIOPIhyOILrpoId+Gs= hash2"
                    algorithm hmac-sha-1-96
                    begin-time 2024-01-01T12:00:00.0+00:00
                entry 2 {
                    authentication-key "Yd7MB++GdvjoEHyw4XMTRdHIo0TjRfW+ hash2"
                    algorithm hmac-sha-1-96
                    begin-time 2014-02-01T12:00:00.0+00:00
    Configure keychain authentication (classic CLI)
    A:node-2>config>system>security>keychain# info
                            entry 1 key "LlzaDxIT+KoZkWIOPIhyOILrpoId+Gs=" hash2 algorithm hmac-sha-1-96
                                begin-time 2024/01/01 12:00:00 UTC
                            entry 2 key "Yd7MB++GdvjoEHyw4XMTRdHIo0TjRfW+" hash2 algorithm hmac-sha-1-96
                                begin-time 2014/02/01 12:00:00 UTC
                    no shutdown
  3. Associate the configured authentication keychain with a supported protocol.
    • MD-CLI

      Use the authentication-keychain command to configure one of the following protocols: BGP, IS-IS, LDP, OSPF, RSVP-TE.

      For more information about the authentication-keychain command, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR MD-CLI Command Reference Guide. For information about configuring the IS-IS hello-authentication-keychain command at the interface and interface level contexts, see "Configuring authentication keychain using keychains" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide.

    • classic CLI

      Use the auth-keychain command to configure one of the following protocols: BGP, IS-IS, LDP, OSPF, RSVP-TE.

      For more information about the auth-keychain command, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide. For information about configuring the IS-IS hello-auth-keychain command at the interface and interface level contexts, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Unicast Routing Protocols Guide.

    Associate the authentication keychain with a BGP session (MD-CLI)
    [ex:/configure router "Base" bgp 0]
    A:admin@node-2# info
        authentication-keychain "test1"
    Associate the authentication keychain with a BGP session (classic CLI)
    A:node-2>config>router>bgp# info
                auth-keychain "test1"

Configuring keychains

The following example shows a keychain configuration.

Keychain configuration (MD-CLI)

[ex:/configure system security keychains]
A:admin@node-2# info
    keychain "abc" {
        bidirectional {
            entry 1 {
                authentication-key "LHDhK3oGRvkiefQnx7OOc/yutg== hash2"
                algorithm aes-128-cmac-96
                begin-time 2006-12-18T22:55:20.0+00:00
    keychain "basasd" {
        receive {
            entry 1 {
                authentication-key "LHDhK3oGRvkiefQnx7OOc3ib6A== hash2"
                algorithm aes-128-cmac-96
                tolerance infinite

Keychain configuration (classic CLI)

A:node-2>config>system>security# info
            keychain "abc"
                        entry 1 key "ZcvSElJzJx/wBZ9biCtOVQJ9YZQvVU.S" hash2 alg
orithm aes-128-cmac-96
                            begin-time 2006/12/18 22:55:20
            keychain "basasd"
                            entry 1 key "Ee7xdKlYO2DOm7v3IJv/84LIu96R2fZh" hash2
 algorithm aes-128-cmac-96
                                tolerance forever

Copying and overwriting local user and profiles

This section contains information about copying and overwriting a local user or a user profile.

Local users

Use the following command to copy a local user to another local user.

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security user-params local-user
    copy user user-name to user user-name
  • classic CLI
    Note: If the destination profile or user already exists, you must specify the overwrite option to avoid an error.
    configure system security copy user user-name to user user-name overwrite

The cannot-change-password option is not replicated when you perform a copy user command. The following example shows the new-password-at-login option is created instead.

[ex:/configure system security user-params local-user]
A:admin@node-2# info
    user "user1" {
        password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
        access {
            snmp true
        console {
            cannot-change-password true
            member ["default"]
        snmp {
            group "testgroup"
    user "user2" {
        password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
        access {
            snmp true
        console {
            new-password-at-login true
            member ["default"]
        snmp {
            group "testgroup"
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>security>user# info
user "user1"
password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
     access snmp
         group "testgroup"
A:node-2>config>system>security>user# info
user "user2" password "$2y$10$TQrZlpBDra86.qoexZUzQeBXDY1FcdDhGWdD9lLxMuFyPVSm0OGy6"
     access snmp
          group "testgroup"

Local user profiles

Use the following command to copy a local user profile to another local user profile:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa local-profiles copy profile user-profile-name to profile user-profile-name
  • classic CLI
    configure system security copy profile user-profile-name to user-profile-name

RADIUS configurations

This section contains information about configuring RADIUS on the SR OS.

Configuring RADIUS authentication

RADIUS is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. The RADIUS server commands add the RADIUS server. The mandatory configurations to enable the RADIUS server on the local router include the server index, IP address, and secret key. The index determines the sequence in which the servers are queried for authentication requests. In addition, configure the port, and retry and timeout intervals. The other configuration aspects are optional.

Configure the system IP address in order for the RADIUS client to work. For more information, see "Configuring a system interface" in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Router Configuration Guide.

Use the commands in the following context to configure RADIUS authentication on a local router:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers radius
  • classic-CLI
    configure system security radius
[ex:/configure system security aaa remote-servers radius]
A:admin@node-2# info
    server-retry 5
    server-timeout 5
    server 1 {
        secret "G08OmFGXGZjnMgeFRMlrNp8Odc0s hash2"
    server 2 {
        secret "YDA64iuZiGG847KPM+7Bvuj3waIn hash2"
    server 3 {
        secret "/WGgOvT3fYcPwh4F5+gGeOVvlfw1 hash2"
    server 4 {
        secret "pOYk1obgPtJ2fAq9hcFEJp5tlxKa hash2"
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>security# info
             retry 5
             timeout 5
             server 1 address secret "test1"
             server 2 address secret "test2"
             server 3 address secret "test3"
             server 4 address secret "test4"

Configuring RADIUS authorization

For RADIUS authorization to function, enable RADIUS authentication. See Configuring RADIUS authentication.

In addition to the local configuration requirements, configure VSAs on the RADIUS server. See RADIUS VSAs.

Use the following command to configure RADIUS authorization on the local router:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers radius authorization
  • classic CLI
    configure system security radius authorization

Configuring RADIUS accounting

Use the following command to configure RADIUS accounting on the local router:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers radius accounting
  • classic CLI
    configure system security radius accounting

Configuring 802.1x RADIUS policies

Use the commands in the following context to configure generic authentication for clients using 802.1x EAPOL. Additional options are configured per Ethernet port.

See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Interface Configuration Guide for more information.

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security dot1x radius-policy
  • classic CLI
    configure system security dot1x radius-plcy

The following example shows an 802.1x configuration.


[ex:/configure system security dot1x radius-policy "dot1x_plcy"]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    server 1 {
        secret "ypeBEsobvcr6wjGzmiPcTfM= hash2"
        authentication-port 65535
    server 2 {
        secret "ypeBEsobvcr6wjGzmiPcTXk= hash2"
        authentication-port 65535

classic CLI

A:node-2>config>system>security# info
                radius-plcy "dot1x_plcy" create
                   server 1 address port 65535 secret "a"
                   server 2 address port 65535 secret "a"
                no shutdown

TACACS+ configurations

This section contains information about configuring TACACS+ on the SR OS.

Enabling TACACS+ servers with authentication

To use TACACS+ authentication on the router, configure one or more TACACS+ servers on the network using the following command:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus server
  • classic CLI
    configure system security tacplus server

The following example shows a TACACS+ configuration with authentication.

[ex:/configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus]
A:admin@node-2# info
    server-timeout 5
    server 1 {
        secret "G08OmFGXGZjnMgeFRMlrNn1Ak0Vj hash2"
    server 2 {
        secret "YDA64iuZiGG847KPM+7BvsC4f/EL hash2"
    server 3 {
        secret "/WGgOvT3fYcPwh4F5+gGeBToxeh5 hash2"
    server 4 {
        secret "pOYk1obgPtJ2fAq9hcFEJtCZ/Qj/ hash2"
    server 5 {
        secret "oUDAwe2i3vK4MDY7o2KqTdr3cfHp hash2"
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>security>tacplus# info
          timeout 5
          server 1 address secret "test1"
          server 2 address secret "test2"
          server 3 address secret "test3"
          server 4 address secret "test4"
          server 5 address secret "test5"

Configuring TACACS+ authorization

Enable TACACS+ authentication for TACACS+ authorization to function. See Enabling TACACS+ servers with authentication.

Use the following command to configure TACACS+ authorization on the local router:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus authorization
  • classic CLI
    configure system security tacplus authorization

Configuring TACACS+ accounting

Use the following command to configure TACACS+ accounting on the local router:
  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers tacplus accounting
  • classic CLI
    configure system security tacplus accounting

LDAP configurations

Configuring LDAP authentication

LDAP is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. To use LDAP authentication on the router:

  • Configure one or more LDAP servers on the network.
  • Ensure that TLS certificates and clients are also configured; see TLS for information about TLS configuration in the SR OS.

Use the commands in the following context to configure LDAP:

  • MD-CLI
    configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap
  • classic CLI
    configure system security ldap

The following example shows the LDAP authentication configuration. See LDAP authentication for more information about the use of LDAP authentication in the SR OS.

[ex:/configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap]
A:admin@node-2# info
    admin-state enable
    public-key-authentication true
    server 1 {
        admin-state enable
        server-name "active-server"
        tls-profile "server-1-profile"
        address {
        bind-authentication {
            root-dn "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=nacblr2,dc=example,dc=com password"
        search {
            base-dn "dc=sns,dc=example,dc=com"
[ex:/configure system security tls]
A:admin@node-2# info
    client-tls-profile "server-1-profile" {
        admin-state enable
        cipher-list "to-active-server"
        trust-anchor-profile "server-1-ca"
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system>security>ldap# info
    server 1 create
        bind-authentication "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=nacblr2,dc=example,dc=com
        ldap-server "active-server"
        search "dc=sns,dc=example,dc=com"
        tls-profile "server-1-profile"
        no shutdown
    no shutdown
A:node-2>config>system>security>tls# info
    client-tls-profile "server-1-profile" create
        cipher-list "to-active-server"
        trust-anchor-profile ‟server-1-ca‟
    no shutdown

Configuring redundant servers

You can configure up to five redundant LDAP servers. The following examples show configuration of two servers. Server 1 is active and server 5 is backup.

Active server configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap]
A:admin@node-2# info
    public-key-authentication true
    server 1 {
        server-name "active-server"
        tls-profile "server-1-profile"
        address {
[ex:/configure system security tls]
A:admin@node-2# info
    client-tls-profile "server-1-profile" {
        admin-state enable
        cert-profile "client-cert-profile"
        cipher-list "to-active-server"
        trust-anchor-profile "server-1-ca"
Backup server configuration (MD-CLI)
[ex:/configure system security aaa remote-servers ldap]
A:admin@node-2# info
    public-key-authentication true
    server 5 {
        server-name "backup-server-5"
        tls-profile "server-5-profile"
        address {
[ex:/configure system security tls]
A:admin@node-2# info
    client-tls-profile "server-5-profile" {
        admin-state enable
        cert-profile "client-cert-profile"
        cipher-list "to-backup-server 5"
        trust-anchor-profile "server-5-ca"
Active server configuration (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config>system>security>ldap# info
    server 1 create
        ldap-server ‟active-server”
        tls-profile ‟server-1-profile”

A:node-2>config>system>security>tls# info
    client-tls-profile ‟server-1-profile” create
        cert-profile ‟client-cert-profile”
        cipher-list ‟to-active-server”
        trust-anchor-profile ‟server-1-ca”
        no shutdown
Backup server configuration (classic CLI)
A:node-2>config>system>security>ldap# info
    server 5 create
        ldap-server ‟backup-server-5”
        tls-profile ‟server-5-profile”

A:node-2>config>system>security>tls# info
    client-tls-profile ‟server-5-profile” create
        cert-profile ‟client-cert-profile”
        cipher-list ‟to-backup-server-5”
        trust-anchor-profile ‟server-5-ca”
        no shutdown

Configuring login controls

Configure login control for console, Telnet, and FTP sessions. The following example shows a login control configuration.

[ex:/configure system]
A:admin@node-2# info
    login-control {
        exponential-backoff false
        idle-timeout 1440
        motd {
            text "Notice to all users: Software upgrade scheduled 3/2 1:00 AM"
        pre-login-message {
            message "Property of Service Routing Inc. Unauthorized access prohibited."
        ftp {
            inbound-max-sessions 5
        telnet {
            inbound-max-sessions 7
            outbound-max-sessions 2
classic CLI
A:node-2>config>system# info
                inbound-max-sessions 5
                inbound-max-sessions 7
                outbound-max-sessions 2
            idle-timeout 1440
            pre-login-message "Property of Service Routing Inc. Unauthorized access
            motd text "Notice to all users: Software upgrade scheduled 3/2 1:00 AM"'
        no exponential-backoff