Getting started

About this guide

This guide describes how to install and set up the Virtualized 7750 SR and 7950 XRS Simulator (vSIM).

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, CLI commands, contexts, and configuration examples in this guide apply for both the MD-CLI and the classic CLI.

This guide is organized into functional chapters and includes:

  • a functional overview of the vSIM

  • a description of the vSIM system architecture

  • requirements for the NFV infrastructure (NFVI) supporting the vSIM system

  • initial commissioning procedures to bring up a vSIM for first-time use

Command outputs shown in this guide are examples only; actual outputs may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.

Note: This guide generically covers Release 25.x.Rx content and may contain some content that will be released in later maintenance loads. See the SR OS R25.x.Rx Software Release Notes, part number 3HE 21562 000x TQZZA, for information about features supported in each load of the Release 25.x.Rx. software.


This guide is intended for anyone who is creating vSIMs in a qualified lab environment. It is assumed that the reader has an understanding of the following:

  • x86 hardware architecture

  • Linux system installation, configuration, and administration methods

  • basic XML syntax

  • 7750 SR and 7950 XRS chassis components


  • networking principles and configurations, including virtualized I/O techniques

List of technical publications

After the installation process of the vSIM is completed, see the SR OS documents, as listed in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and 7950 XRS Guide to Documentation. These documents contain information about the software configuration and the command line interface (CLI) that is used to configure network parameters and services.


This section describes the general conventions used in this guide.

Precautionary and information messages

The following information symbols are used in the documentation.

DANGER: Danger warns that the described activity or situation may result in serious personal injury or death. An electric shock hazard could exist. Before you begin work on this equipment, be aware of hazards involving electrical circuitry, be familiar with networking environments, and implement accident prevention procedures.
WARNING: Warning indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause equipment damage, serious performance problems, or loss of data.
Caution: Caution indicates that the described activity or situation may reduce your component or system performance.
Note: Note provides additional operational information.
Tip: Tip provides suggestions for use or best practices.

Options or substeps in procedures and sequential workflows

Options in a procedure or a sequential workflow are indicated by a bulleted list. In the following example, at step 1, the user must perform the described action. At step 2, the user must perform one of the listed options to complete the step.

Options in a procedure
  1. User must perform this step.
  2. This step offers three options. User must perform one option to complete this step.
    • This is one option.
    • This is another option.
    • This is yet another option.

Substeps in a procedure or a sequential workflow are indicated by letters. In the following example, at step 1, the user must perform the described action. At step 2, the user must perform two substeps (a. and b.) to complete the step.

Substeps in a procedure
  1. User must perform this step.
  2. User must perform all substeps to complete this action.
    1. This is one substep.
    2. This is another substep.

vSIM installation and setup process

This guide is presented in an overall logical configuration flow. Each section describes the tasks for a functional area.

vSIM installation and configuration workflow lists the general tasks and procedures necessary to install and setup a vSIM, in the recommended order of execution.

Table 1. vSIM installation and configuration workflow
Task Description See

Installing the host machine

Set up and install the host machine, including the host operating system.

Host OS and hypervisor

Installing the virtualization packages

Install the necessary virtualization packages on the host machine.

Linux KVM hypervisor

Virtual switch

Configuring host networking

Configure host networking (NICs, network interfaces, vSwitch).

vSIM networking

Virtual switch

Network interfaces

Guest vNIC mapping in vSIM VMs

Downloading the software image

Download the SR OS software image.

vSIM software packaging

Obtaining the license keys

Obtain the software license keys from Nokia.

vSIM software licensing

VM resource requirements

Determine resource requirements for the virtual machine (VM).



Creating configuration files

If required, create configuration files for the VM. The exact format of the configuration files depends on the method of installation.

Creating and starting a vSIM VM on a Linux KVM host

Creating and starting a vSIM VM on a VMware ESXi host

Launching the VM

Launch the vSIM VM.

Creating and starting a vSIM VM on a Linux KVM host

Creating and starting a vSIM VM on a VMware ESXi host

Verifying the installation

Verify the vSIM VM installation.

Verifying the vSIM installation