Log Events Search Tool

The Log Events Search Tool enables users to browse log events for the 7250 IXR,7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR for: 25.3.

This tool covers content for the specified release. See the applicable SR OS Release Notes for information about features supported in each load of the release software.

For the best experience using this tool, Nokia recommends using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.


To display specific columns, click the filter icon ( ) and select the columns.

To filter the information in a column, enter text in the field at the top of the column and press Enter or select an option from the drop-down list at the top of the column.

Clearing filters

Click Clear filters to remove the column data and close all expanded records.

The Clear filters option does not clear any filtering done on the columns. You must manually deselect columns or select all columns (Select all) and then deselect all columns to reset the column display to the default.

Browsing log events

Click Browse events to close this window and return to the log events page.

Exporting data

Click Download CSV to export the log events information to a CSV file. Note that any expanded data will not appear in the CSV file.

Column descriptions

The following table describes the columns in the tool.

Column Description
Event name The name of the event
Application name The name of the application generating the log message
Event ID The application event ID
OID prefix The prefix and OID of the SNMP notification associated with the log event, or "N/A" for event types that do not generate an associated SNMP notification
OID The object identifier
Default severity The default severity level of the event.
  • cleared
  • critical
  • indeterminate
  • major
  • minor
  • warning
Source stream The event source.
  • change
  • debug
  • li
  • main
  • security
Cause The cause of the event
Effect The effect of the event
Recovery How to recover from this event if necessary
Message format string

A text description of the event for CLI (show log), log files and syslog output.

The variables in the Message format string do not necessarily apply to SNMP, NETCONF, or EHS scripts. For the list of variables available for EHS scripts and NETCONF notifications, use the CLI command show log event-parameters.

For further information about variables found in the Message format string, see the associated SNMP Notification definition in the SR OS MIBs.

Known issues with the tool

Comparing releases

You can compare alarms data for one release agains another release for the same product.

To do so, use the pulldowns to select a product and two difference releases, then use the "Compare" button.

The alarms that apply to the selected releases will be displayed. The "Compare" column will be made visible, and the content will indicate if the alarm is supported in both versions or not.

Using any filter, or using the "Clear fields" button, reverts back to the normal display.

Filter columns