MD-CLI Explorer Tool

The MD-CLI Explorer Tool allows users to browse through model-driven (MD) CLI commands for the 7250 IXR,7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR and access detailed information for each one.

This tool covers commands for the specified release. Refer to the applicable SR OS Release Notes for information about features supported in each load of the release software.


To select the columns you want to display, click on the icon ( ) and choose the desired columns.


To filter the information in a column, enter text in the field at the top of the column and press Enter. You can filter in multiple columns.

The global Show and Hide filters show or hide entries with the specified text across all columns.

Clearing filters

Click Clear filters to reset all filters to their default settings and close all record details.

Clicking Clear filters does not clear any filtering done on the columns. You must manually deselect columns or select all columns (Select all) and then deselect all columns to reset the column display to the default.

Browsing commands

Click Browse commands to return to the CLI Explorer and close this tab.

Exporting data

Click Download CSV to export the filtered information to a CSV file.

Column descriptions

The following table describes the possible columns in the tool.

Column Description
Context Full path of the command
Root context Root of the full path of the command
Subroot context Element one level below the root
Synopsis Summary description of the element
Description Detailed description of the element, as needed
Additional information for 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, VSR Additional information for 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR platforms
Additional information for 7250 IXR Additional information for 7250 IXR platforms
Value input Identifies type of input
Default YANG default value when there is no MD-CLI default. Platform-specific defaults are not displayed.
MD-CLI default MD-CLI default value for the element
Type Types include (but are not limited to):
  • Boolean (true and false values)
  • keyword (enumerated values)
  • string
  • number
  • IPv4 address
  • IPv6 address
  • MAC address
Key Indicates whether the element is a key
Presence container Indicates whether the container is a presence container
String length For string elements, the range of the number of characters allowed
Range For number elements, the range of allowed values. A maximum range may be overridden by a platform-specific range.
Units Base unit type of the element
Options Enumerated values allowed for the element. Not all options are available on all platforms.
Reference Reference to an element instance in the configuration or state datastore
Minimum instances For lists and leaf-lists, the minimum number of instances for this element
Maximum instances For lists and leaf-lists, the maximum number of instances for this element
Ordered by Indicates whether the element is ordered by the user (instead of by the system)
Choice Indicates whether the element is part of a choice
Mandatory Indicates whether the element is mandatory or part of a mandatory choice
Notes Indicates special attributes of the command, including:
  • Command keyword is optional, such as for first key elements
  • Warnings and notes related to the operation of the command
  • Key for an element
  • Mandatory
  • Part of a choice of elements
  • Ordered by the user (instead of by the system)
Introduced 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, VSR Release in which the element was introduced in 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR platforms
Introduced 7250 IXR Release in which the element was introduced in 7250 IXR platforms
Validated 7250 IXR Release in which the element support was validated. This field applies only to configuration elements (bof, configure, and debug).
Deprecated Release in which the element was deprecated
Platforms Hardware platforms on which the element is available

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