Onboarding adaptation layer

Note: This operation does not create a device in IMPACT, rather registering the adapter creates a zero-touch device.

The onboarding adaptation layer request allows the client application to onboard an adaptation layer using a generic token.

Onboarding adaptation layer describes the API structure for onboarding adaptation layer.

Table 1. Onboarding adaptation layer
Title Onboard adaptation layer
URL http://<impact_url>/m2m/adaptation
Method PUT
Content-Type application/json
URL Params

The following are the URL parameters:

  • adaptationLayerId:[string]: Specifies the token generated during the Creating Tokens request.

  • adaptationLayerName:[string]: Specifies the friendly name of the adaptation layer.

  • groupName:[string]: Specifies the group for which the adaptationLayerId is created.

  • protocol:[string]: Specifies the adaptation layer protocol. You can pass any valid protocol to onboard adaptation layer, except MQTT-AL.

  • url:[string]: Specifies the valid URL for adaptation layer.

Data Params

msg:[string]: success or failure message

Success Code
Response Code: 200
Error Code
400 : Bad Request 
401 : Unauthorized 
403 : Forbidden 
404 : Not Found 
204 : No Content
Sample Call


curl -X PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json'  --header 'Authorization: Basic c2lwMDJ0ZXN0Ok5va2lhQDIxMjEy' -d '{
  "adaptationLayerId": "urxetnzp4zsn",
  "adaptationLayerName": "NokiaSmartCamera1",
  "groupName": "DM.AIRTEL",
  "protocol": "VA",
  "url": "http://google.com"
}' 'http://mfussip02.mformation.com:9090/m2m/adaptation'
Response Body:
  "msg": "Success","code": 1000
Notes None