
Subscription request allows the client application to subscribe to device/gateway lifecycle events, device/gateway resources, gateway lifecycle events, or gateway resources events under certain conditions. Through this request, a client application can subscribe to one or several lifecycle events or resource events.

lifecycle events:

The lifecycle events are:
  • registration of devices/gateway
  • de-registration of devices/gateway
  • update of devices/gateway
  • expiration of devices/gateway

For lifecycle events, devices/gateway are selected based on the criteria provided in the request which can be either a list of serial numbers or a combination of manufacturer related information like make, model, and firmware version. If it is not possible to observe some or all of the events on any device, the IMPACT server neither reports data nor responds with an error within the scope of an asynchronous response notification. If the client application sends a subscription request for a particular device/gateway which can not be observed at the moment, then IMPACT server validates the request and accepts it for processing later.

Resource events: With resource events subscriptions, the client applications can subscribe to the resource details of a particular device/gateway or a set of devices. For resource events, devices are selected based on the criteria provided in the request. The criteria can be either a list of serial numbers or a combination of manufacturer related information like make, model, and firmware version. If it is not possible to observe some or all of the events on any device, the IMPACT server neither reports data nor responds with an error within the scope of an asynchronous response notification. If the client application sends a subscription request for a particular device/gateway which can not be observed at the moment, then IMPACT server validates the request and accepts it for processing later.