Data collection without using token

Data Collection is simplified when using the Cellular Network. The Device can PUBLISH by using single topic which is the serial number of the device. Within the topic is a compounded JSON list of one or more name value pairs.

The name within the name value pair comprises the following URI like format.


The following applies:

  • ${object}, This is the object name. This can be any value with the exception of "device" which has a special meaning in IMPACT. For future compatibility it is recommended not use the values: “firmware”, “security” and “server”.
  • ${objectInstance}, This is an instance of the object and is a number and used to differentiate if there are multiple objects. The usual case is that the object is single, and the value is “0”.
  • ${resource}, This is the value name and can be any string. The exception is when the object is “device”, in this case the following values apply:
    • manufacturer
    • model
    • firmwareVersion

${resourceInstanceId}, This is an instance of the resource and is a number and used to differentiate if there are multiple objects. The usual case is that the object is single and this is not used.

Multiple Resources are allowed in a single topic.

The following examples applies for Serial Number 8800002400000, which reports is Longitude plus an error code of value 13.

Topic = us/8800002400000

Value = {"Location/0/longitude":"1232323","Monitor/0/ErrorCode":13}