Onboarding the Adapter

This section provides information on making the Adapter useable within the IMPACT platform.

There are two ways of onboarding the Adapter. The choice really depends on the way the protocol works, and the choice is left to the developer. The Adapter can be onboarded by the Application or the Adapter can onboard itself. Using the Application to onboard the Adapter is used when there is information that has to be passed to the Adapter prior to a device actually connecting.

When onboarding the Adapter from the Application the following steps are needed:

  1. Ensure that the developer has a tenant, username and password to access the platform
  2. Generate a token
  3. Using the token onboard the device using the Application
  4. The Adapter will notify of its presence with the same token

When onboarding the Adapter from the Adapter itself:

  1. Ensure the developer has a tenant, username and password to access the platform
  2. Generate a token
  3. The Adapter will notify of its presence with the same token