Registration without using token

IMPACT will authenticate the device by integrating with the cellular network to determining the ownership of the cellular subscription used by the device. IMPACT will take the Serial Number from the Client ID and use this to register the device.

Optionally a device can enrich the registration by publishing details about itself in the initial PUBLISH. Note that all uplink PUBLISH use a topic which is us/<<Serial Number>>, the exception to this is when using Read and Write commands.

The initial PUBLISH can include a compounded JSON value made up of the following:

manufacturer, model, firmwareVersion

The following definitions apply for specially used fields:
  • manufacturer, This is the manufacturer name that can be used for the device in IMPACT. This is known as the announced Make on the UI. This is used by the application to filter and can be omitted.
  • model, This is the model name that can be used for the device in IMPACT. This is known as the announced Model on the UI. This can only be used if the Make is provided. This is used by the application to filter.
  • firmwareVersion, This is the firmware version name that the device is currently using. This can only be used if the Model is provided. This is used by the application filter.

The following examples applies for registering a device with the manufacturer and model as "Nokia" and "Test", for Serial Number 8800002400000, with Firmware Version 2.0.1 and longitude 1232323 and ”3301/0/5674” which is a numeric object at value 25.

Topic = us/8800002400000
Value = {"Device/0/manufacturer":"Nokia","Device/0/Model":"Test","device/0/firmwarewVersion":"2.0.1", "Location/0/longitude":"1232323","3301/0/5674":25,"device/0/battery":"86"} 

This allow multiple resources from different objects to be registered.

The data model for the new approach is always replaced, hence make sure to always send the payload with manufacture model.