Get details of all subscriptions for the group

The get details of all subscriptions for the group request allows the client application to retrieve the list and details of all subscriptions of the specified group. If a group is not specified, IMPACT IoT returns the list and details of subscriptions of the logged-in user’s group.

Get details of all subscriptions for the group describes the API structure for the getting details of all the subscriptions for the group.

Table 1. Get details of all subscriptions for the group
Title Get details of all the subscriptions for the group
URL http://<impact_url>/m2m/subscriptions?type=<SubscriptionType>&groupName=<GroupName>
Method GET
Content-Type application/json
URL Params

The following are the URL parameters:

  • type:[string]: Specifies the subscription type for which list of subscriptions are required. This is a mandatory parameter.

  • groupName:[string]: Specifies the name of the IMPACT IoT group for which the list of subscriptions is required. This is an optional parameter.

Data Params

The following are the URL parameters:

  • subscriptionId:[string]: Specifies the subscription ID for lifecycle or a resource subscription.
  • Criteria:[composite]: Specifies the combination of manufacturer data or serial numbers.
  • ManufacturerData:[composite]: Specifies the manufacturer information. It consists of the following parameters:
    • Make:[string]: Specifies the name of the device manufacturer (make) under observation.

    • Model:[string]: Specifies the name of the device model under observation.

    • firmwareVersion:[string]: Specifies the firmware version of the device under observation.

  • serialNumbers:[Array]: Specifies the list of endpoint IDs (serial numbers) the client application wants to observe.
  • deletionPolicy:[integer]: Specifies the deletion policy for the data in case of unsuccessful transmission to final destination after maximum number of attempts. Valid values are:
    • 0 – Data removed from destination queue
    • 1 – Data persisted (DLQ) until client application is back and IMPACT IoT system detects its presence.
  • groupName:[string]: Specifies the name of the IMPACT IoT group to which the selected devices belong.
  • Resources:[composite]: Specifies the list of resources under observation.
    • Conditions:[composite] : Specifies the set of conditions that must be met for the release of notifications to the client application. The conditions are:
      • gt:[float]: Notify the client application, if the value of the observed resource is greater than the threshold specified in this parameter.
      • lt:[float]: Notify the client application, if the value of the observed resource is less than the threshold specified in this parameter.
      • pmin:[integer]: Specifies the minimum time gap (in seconds) between two successive notifications.
      • pmax:[integer]: Specifies the maximum period of time a LWM2M client may wait before sending the next notification.
      • steps:[float] : Specifies the minimum change value (delta value) between successive notifications. Notify the client application, if the variation in the value of the observed resource since last observation is equal to or more than the threshold specified in this parameter.
    • resourcePath:[string]: Specifies the path of the resource under observation. This parameter is mandatory inside a resource element.
  • subscriptionType:[string]: Specifies the type of the subscription.

    • Lifecycle Events: Indicates that the specified group has subscribed to the lifecycle events of the devices.
    • resources: Indicates that the specified group has subscribed to the resources of the devices.
Success Code
Response Code: 200
Error Code
401 : Unauthorized 
403 : Forbidden 
404 : Not Found
Sample Call Curl:
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json'  --header 'Authorization: Basic ZG9jdXNlcjpBc2RmMSM=' 'http://<impact_url>/m2m/subscriptions?type=resources'
Response Body:
  "subscriptions": [
      "subscriptionId": "c9290038-3a4c-470d-bad7-58ed6c1d0d9e",
      "resources": [
          "resourcePath": "3/0/9",
          "conditions": {
            "steps": 5
      "groupName": "DM.MFORM",
      "criteria": {
        "manufacturerData": {
          "make": "US4949M1",
          "model": "US4949MOD1",
          "firmwareVersion": "1.0"
      "deletionPolicy": 0
      "subscriptionId": "d084d6a5-357f-4838-ad17-3a03b8dc165e",
      "resources": [
          "resourcePath": "3/0/9",
          "conditions": {
            "steps": 5
   "groupName": "DM.MFORM",
      "criteria": {
        "manufacturerData": {
          "make": "US4949M1",
          "model": "US4949MOD1",
          "firmwareVersion": "1.0"
      "deletionPolicy": 0
Notes None