Installing the EDA application

After setting up Kubernetes on the VMs, you can now install Nokia EDA using the playground.

Customizing the installation file

Update the settings for the parameters in the file to control the way EDA is installed.

Table 1. Customizable parameters in the file
Parameter Description
NO_KIND Specifies not to deploy the lab KIND node.

Must be set to 1.

METALLB_VIP Specifies the VIP of your EDA deployment. This must be set to the Virtual IP matching your EXT_DOMAIN_NAME FQDN (or IP). Make sure to use a CIDR format, preferably a as a /32 (or /128 for an IPv6 VIP).


EXT_DOMAIN_NAME The FQDN that resolves to the EDA VIP or the VIP itself.
EXT_HTTP_PORT The HTTP port that the EDA UI/API should use to redirect to HTTPS.

Set to 80.

EXT_HTTPS_PORT The HTTPS port on which the EDA UI/API listens.

Set to 443.

EXT_IPV4_ADDR The IPv4 IP address used as the VIP.
EXT_IPV6_ADDR The IPv6 IP address used as the VIP.
HTTPS_PROXY Optional: The proxy address for the HTTPS proxy.
HTTP_PROXY Optional: The proxy address for the HTTP proxy.
NO_PROXY Optional: The list of IP addresses, IP ranges and hostnames that should not be proxied.
https_proxy Optional: The proxy address for the HTTPS proxy.
http_proxy Optional: The proxy address for the HTTP proxy.
no_proxy Optional: The list of IP addresses, IP ranges and hostnames that should not be proxied.
LLM_API_KEY Optional: The OpenAI API key for the LLM functionality.
SINGLESTACK_SVCS Optional: Indicates that internal services should be single stack instead of dual stack, if Kubernetes is dual stack.


SIMULATE Specifies if the EDA deployment is to manage simulated workloads (Digital Sandbox) or real hardware. Values: true or false.

By default, this parameter is set to true if the parameter is not provided in the file.

KPT_SETTERS_FILE Advanced configuration file for kpt.

The file


Installing Nokia EDA

Follow these steps to install EDA.

  1. Download the latest tools.
    make download-tools
  2. Download the latest packages, including the eda-kpt package.
    make download-pkgs
  3. Set up the MetalLB environment for VIP management.
    make metallb
  4. Install the necessary external packages.
    make install-external-packages
    Note: If this command exits with an error, wait 30 seconds and try again. Sometimes Kubernetes is a bit slower in reconciling the change than the command waits for.
  5. Change the eda-git Kubernetes service to a ClusterIP service instead of a LoadBalancer type.
    kubectl -n default patch service eda-git -p '{"spec": {"type": "ClusterIP"}}'
  6. Generate the EDA core configuration.
    make eda-configure-core
  7. Install EDA core components.
    make eda-install-core
    Note: If the command hangs for a long time (>5 minutes) on "reconcile pending" for a workflowdefinition, cancel the command and try again, KPT is designed to handle these cases. This can occasionally happen depending on the Kubernetes cluster
  8. Verify that the EDA Config Engine is up and running.
    make eda-is-core-ready
  9. Install all the standard EDA apps.
    This step can take approximate 5 to 15 minutes, depending on your connectivity.
    make eda-install-apps
  10. Bootstrap EDA.
    make eda-bootstrap
  11. Optional: Deploy an example topology.
    make topology-load

Accessing the EDA deployment

You can now access the new EDA deployment using the following methods:
  • use https://VIP
  • if an FQDN is configured for the EXT_DOMAIN_NAME field, use https://FQDN