Preparing for installation

This section includes the tasks that you need to complete to prepare for the installation of EDA.

Downloading the EDA Installation playground

Ensure that your Linux installation environment meets the requirements described in Installation platform requirements. Git must already be installed on your computer.

Clone the playground repository locally.

git clone && cd playground 

Downloading the EDAADM tool

The EDAADM tool is used to generate configuration files for use while deploying the Talos Linux virtual machines and the Kubernetes environment.

You can download the binary for different platforms from Make sure to download the version that matches your operating system and CPU architecture.

Place the tool in a handy location and make sure you can execute it.

Installing additional tools

  1. Set up additional tools that can be used during the installation.
    You can download these tools to a local folder.
    make download-tools
  2. Verify that tools have been downloaded.

    The kind, kubectl, kpt, and yq utilities are installed in the ~/tools/ directory.

Obtaining the EDA packages

EDA is packaged using the Kubernetes Package Tool (kpt). EDA uses this package manager tool to install core EDA components. The installer downloads two kpt packages by downloading their relevant git repositories.

To obtain the EDA package, enter the following command:
make download-pkgs
This command downloads the following git repositories to their respective directories:
  • EDA kpt package in the ~/eda-kpt directory
  • EDA built-in catalog in the ~/catalog directory

Download the Talos machine image

The EDAADM tool provides you with the URL where you can download the latest image VMware OVA image or the image for use with KVM.

To deploy the Talos Kubernetes environment, download the Talos machine image based on the environment in which you want to deploy the VMs.

Downloading the KVM image

  1. Use the EDAADM tool to display the URL from where you can download the latest image for use with KVM for the supported Talos version.
    $ edaadm images --mach-type nocloud 
    Schematic ID is :376567988ad370138ad8b2698212367b8edcb69b5fd68c80be1f2ec7d603b4ba 
    Asset URLs are: 
  2. Download the nocloud-amd64.iso image from the ISO URL, filepath.iso.
    You can download using your browser or you can use the curl or wget commands.

Downloading the VMware OVA image

  1. Use the EDAADM tool to display the URL from where you can download latest image for use with VMware vSphere for the supported Talos version.
    $ edaadm images --mach-type vmware 
    Schematic ID is : 903b2da78f99adef03cbbd4df6714563823f63218508800751560d3bc3557e40 
    Asset URLs are: 
  2. Download the vmware-amd64.iso image from the OVA URL, filepath.ova.
    You can download using your browser or you can use the curl or wget commands. You can also use the URL directly with the ovftool command to deploy the OVA to your VMware vSphere environment.