Changing internal passwords

The Fabric Services System uses several internal passwords to communicate between its internal services. These passwords are set securely by default. From a security standpoint, Nokia recommends that you update these passwords after installation of the platform. You can change the internal passwords for the following services and their users:
  • MongoDB: root and fsp_user users
  • Neo4J: root user

You use the command on the deployer VM to change the application passwords. The command then changes the internal passwords for the services and restarts any affected service.

Following is usage information for the command:
# /root/bin/ -h

Usage: /root/bin/ configure <passwords-json-file>  - Reads passwords json file and configures new passwords.
       /root/bin/ [help | -h]                      - Prints usage
Passwords have the following requirements:
  • Passwords can consists of the following characters:
    • Alphabetical: a-z, A-Z
    • Numerical: 0-9
    • Special characters: @#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|.
  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.
Note: Passwords must be provided in clear text. Ensure that the configuration file is secure; do not leave it unprotected.
  1. Create a JSON password configuration file.

    In the JSON password configuration file, for each application, provide the supported users and the current and new password for each user.

    The following example shows the contents of the configuration file /root/password-values.json:
    [root@fss-deployer ~]# cat /root/password-values.json
      "fss": {
        "passwords": {
          "mongodb": {
            "root": {
              "current": "cleartext",
              "new": "cleartextnew"
            "fsp_user": {
              "current": "cleartext",
              "new": "cleartextnew"
          "neo4j": {
            "root": {
              "current": "cleartext",
              "new": "cleartextnew"
  2. Execute the command to change the internal passwords after updating the current passwords and the new passwords.
    The following example shows a successful password change.
    [root@fss-deployer ~]# ./bin/ configure password-values.json
    Creating mongodb fsp-user chart map patch
    Creating mongodb root chart map patch
    Creating neo4j root chart map patch
    Applying chart map patch
    helm upgrade prod /var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage/pvc-repo/download/charts/fss-charts -f /tmp/passchg/chart-patch.yaml
    Release "prod" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: prod
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Dec 13 01:02:56 2022
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    mongodb root password change successful
    mongodb fsp password change successful
    neo4j root password change successful
    Restarting required pods
    FSS Can be access after all the pod status turn to 'Running' state.
    In case of a failure, the script returns an error message. Depending on the error, the script may still continue with the non-errored password change requests. In the following example, the password change failed for the MongoDB root password because the password does not meet the minimum requirements. The tool still updates the passwords for the other users.
    [root@fss-deployer ~]# ./bin/ configure password-values.json 
    minimum 8 characters required for new mongodb root password, change skipped
    Creating mongodb fsp-user chart map patch
    Creating neo4j root chart map patch
    Applying chart map patch
    helm upgrade prod /var/lib/rancher/k3s/storage/pvc-repo/download/charts/fss-charts -f /tmp/passchg/chart-patch.yaml
    Release "prod" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: prod
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Dec 13 00:56:38 2022
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    mongodb fsp password change successful
    neo4j root password change successful
    Restarting required pods
    FSS Can be access after all the pod status turn to 'Running' state.