Uploading SR Linux container images

This procedure describes how to upload SR Linux container images to Fabric Services Systems deployed with a Digital Sandbox.
Ensure that the software catalog is updated with the latest SR Linux container image. To update the software catalog, see Adding a new software catalog.
  1. Select the option for your deployment scenario.
    • If the deployer VM has access to the Internet, go to Step 2.
    • If the deployer VM does not have access to the Internet, go to Step 3.
  2. Use the built-in Skopeo tool to upload the SR Linux container images.
    1. Enter the following command:
      skopeo copy  --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false docker://ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:<SRL Version> docker://localhost/registry.gitlabsr.nuq.ion.nokia.net/sr/linux/fsp/srl-registry/srlinux:<SRL Version>
      [root@fss-deployer-vm ~]# skopeo copy  --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false docker://ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:22.6.1-281 docker://localhost/registry.gitlabsr.nuq.ion.nokia.net/sr/linux/fsp/srl-registry/srlinux:22.6.1-281
      Getting image source signatures
      Copying blob 499dd76466a8 done
      Copying config 92168ca66d done
      Writing manifest to image destination
      Storing signatures
      [root@blrsrlfsp12-deployer-vm ~]#
    2. Go to Step 4.
  3. If the deployer VM does not have access to the Internet, use the Docker CLI to upload the container images.
    You must have machine/VM (referred to as docker-host in this procedure) with Internet access and Docker installed. Run the below commands on the docker-host.
    1. Pull the required SR Linux container image from the ghcr.io repository to the docker-host.
      Use the following command:
      docker pull ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:<SRL Version>
      [usr@docker-host ~]$ docker pull ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:22.6.4-90
      22.6.4-90: Pulling from nokia/srlinux
      72e3470bdea0: Pull complete
      Digest: sha256:edcd5354061c91201361cf0e42cdb9e428b2f3d9847a3ecb58c896a3582a668d
      Status: Downloaded newer image for ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:22.6.4-90
    2. Tag the image for the deployer VM.
      Use the following command:
      [usr@docker-host ~]$ docker tag ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:<SRL Version> <deployer VM IP>/registry.gitlabsr.nuq.ion.nokia.net/sr/linux/fsp/srl-registry/srlinux:<SRL Version>
      [usr@docker-host ~]$ docker tag ghcr.io/nokia/srlinux:22.6.4-90 
    3. Update the deployer VM IP address under the insecure-registries section of the /etc/docker/daemon.json file in the docker-host.
      [usr@docker-host ~]$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
          "registry-mirrors": [
          "insecure-registries" : [
    4. Push the container image to the deployer VM.
      Use the following command:
      [usr@docker-host ~]$ docker push <deployer VM IP>/registry.gitlabsr.nuq.ion.nokia.net/sr/linux/fsp/srl-registry/srlinux:<SRL Version>
    5. Go to Step 4.
  4. Display the SR Linux container images in the deployer repository.
    [root@fss-deployer-vm ~]# docker_img_list.sh list localhost registry.gitlabsr.nuq.ion.nokia.net/sr/linux/fsp/srl-registry/srlinux
    20221213_161953 List