Aborting a maintenance intent

If a maintenance intent fails to complete properly, you can abort the deployed maintenance intent. When aborted, any further action on the maintenance intent is prevented, and the target node is restored to its configured state before the maintenance intent was applied.

You can only abort a maintenance intent after a ten-minute interval has passed since the maintenance intent adopted either the ZTP or Waiting for Dial Home state.

To abort a maintenance intent:

  1. Click to open the main menu.
  2. From the menu, select Maintenance Intents.
  3. To open a specific maintenance intent from the list, do one of the following:
    1. Double-click the row for that intent.
    2. Select a row, click the icon at the right edge of that row, and select Open from the displayed action list.
    3. Click the menu at the upper right of the page and select Abort Maintenance Intent.
    4. Click OK.
      If fewer than 10 minutes have passed, a form displays rejecting the Abort instruction. Otherwise, the system cancels the maintenance activity.