Viewing a maintenance intent

  1. Click to open the main menu.
  2. From the menu, select Maintenance Intents.
  3. To open a specific maintenance intent from the list, do one of the following:
    • Double-click the row for that intent.
    • Select a row, click the icon at the right edge of that row, and select Open from the displayed action list.
    The system displays the selected maintenance intent in its Design Intent view.

Elements of the maintenance intent Design view

Figure 1. Maintenance intent view
Table 1. Elements of the maintenance intent Design view
Property Description
1 Basic Maintenance Intent parameters This panel shows basic parameters including the intent's name, description, and current state.
2 Configuration parameters This panel shows the details about the maintenance represented by this intent:
  • For software upgrades, this indicates the intended software version and the label that identifies affected nodes.
  • For node replacement, this indicates the new serial number for the node being replaced, and the label that identifies the affected node.
3 Maintenance Intent views The View drop-down list provides access to the different views necessary to design a maintenance intent and view a list of the affected nodes.
4 Actions available from menu From the actions menu you can manage deployment or view the intent's event log.
5 Display controls These controls allow you to modify the way the system displays the maintenance intent.
6 Maintenance indicator The purple shading indicates the presence of at least one node that is subject to maintenance.

Viewing affected nodes

From an open maintenance intent, you can view a list of all of the nodes that are affected by the current intent.

To view a list of affected nodes:

  1. Open a maintenance intent.
  2. In the Views drop-down list, select Node Assignment List. The system opens a list of the nodes that will be altered by the current maintenance intent.
  3. To return to the Design view, select Maintenance Design from the Views drop-down list.

Viewing the event log

The event log retains a detailed history of all registered events that have occurred with respect to the current maintenance intent. This can be useful when troubleshooting maintenance intent issues, or just to verify that the intent's history matches expectations.

The More actions ( ) menu at the upper right of the page provides access to the usual list management control.

To view the maintenance intent event log:

  1. Open a maintenance intent.
  2. Click the More actions icon ( ) to open the actions list.
  3. Click Event Log from the drop-down list. The system opens the Event Log overlay.
  4. Click at the upper right of the overlay, or the CLOSE button, to return to the maintenance intent Design view.