Fabric intents page

The fabric intents page in the Fabric Services System GUI allows you to create and manage individual fabrics.

Table 1. Fabric intents page elements
# Description
1 Fabric intent parameters: when creating a fabric intent, enter basic parameters here. When viewing a fabric intent, configured parameters are displayed here.
2 Available views: several different views available form the this page allows you to interact with different aspects of the fabric intent:
  • Fabric Design: the basic view showing a map of the fabric topology.
  • Fabric Links: displays a list of links within the fabric topology, and information about each link.
  • Fabric Inventory: displays a list of all planned nodes within the fabric intent topology, and information about each node.
  • Edge Links: available only for version 2.0 or greater for a fabric intent, allows you to view and configure the edge links on leaf nodes. From the Edge Links view you can configure LAGs and breakout ports.
  • Label Assignment: allows you to assign labels to various elements of the fabric intent.
3 Action buttons:
  • GENERATE FABRIC: use to generate a topology map for a saved fabric intent.
  • Save (): use to save a fabric intent design.
  • Deploy (): use to send a generated fabric intent to the region's deployment queue.
  • View fabric as code () : use to view the configuration code for the current fabric; from that view you can compare this version's code against a previous version of the same fabric intent, or view the configuration code for an individual node within the fabric.
  • Search for node (): click to search for a node on the topology map; the selected node is highlighted.
4 Actions menu:
  • Remove from Pipeline: if you have added a fabric intent to the region's deployment pipeline, this action removes it.
  • Deployment Pipeline...: this action takes you to the Deployment Pipeline page.
  • Create Candidate Version...: for a deployed fabric intent, this action creates a new version of the same fabric intent.
  • Discard Changes...: if you are in the midst of creating a new version of a fabric intent, this action discards your changes and resets the page to display the latest version of the intent.
  • Generate Wiring Plan...: this action creates a downloadable .csv file describing the wiring plan for the current fabric intent.
  • Event Log: this action opens the event log.
  • Download Initial Node Configuration: this action creates a downloadable .csv file containing the initial configuration file for each node in the fabric intent.
  • Open Intent Insights: this action opens the Operational and Health Insights page.
  • Update Digital Sandbox: if creating a fabric intent destined for the Digital Sandbox, this action updates the Digital Sandbox with the latest configuration data for the fabric intent.
  • Cancel Digital Sandbox Update: if you have begun an update of the Digital Sandbox, this action cancels that update.
5 Spine group: denotes a collection of nodes acting as the fabric intent's spine. Click the + to expand the cluster and view individual spine nodes. For more information see Groups
6 Leaf group: denotes a collection of nodes acting as the fabric intent's leaves. Click the + to expand the cluster and view individual leaf nodes.
7 Display controls: allows you to configure the topology display. For details see Display controls.