
After you deploy a fabric intent, various circumstances may alter the node configurations from those expressed in your fabric intent's configuration files. The system continues to monitor all nodes in the fabric after deployment, and flags any configuration change from your last-deployed fabric design as a "deviation".

Deviations are highlighted in several places in the UI:

  • A node whose configuration includes at least one deviation is highlighted in orange on the fabric diagram.
  • A group that contains one or more nodes with deviations displays a status summary pie chart on the group icon; this chart is shaded orange in proportion to the number of nodes in the group that are subject to alerts, including deviations.
  • The status summary at the bottom of the Fabric Design view shows the number of deviations detected throughout the fabric.
  • Clicking the deviations display in the status summary opens the Alerts log, which lists individual deviations. Like any alert, you can double-click it to view additional details.

If you attempt to deploy a new version of a fabric intent when there are deviations in the currently-deployed version of that fabric, the system displays an error and prevents your deployment. The error message redirects you to the Alerts panel for fabric intent, where a list of deviations is displayed and you can accept or reject each deviation listed there.