create commands
Create commands are used to create Digital Sandbox resources, such as configurations, images, and phyconnectors. The following CLI create commands are available:
— create
— checkpoint
— config
— defaults
— fssconnect
— nokia-srlinux-license
— deployment
— image
— phyconnector
— snapshot
dsctl create checkpoint
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl create checkpoint command is used to create a deployment checkpoint. A checkpoint is a saved version of the running file that you can revert to. |
Options |
The following are dsctl create checkpoint parameters:
Examples |
To create a checkpoint with the name ‟testcheckpoint" associated with a deployment named ‟star" with a timeout value of 2 minutes:
dsctl create config
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl create config command is used to create a Digital Sandbox configuration and has the following operations:
Options |
The following are dsctl create config defaults parameters:
The following are dsctl create config fssconnect parameters:
The following are dsctl create config nokia-srlinux-license parameters:
Examples |
To create a default configuration with the gluster endpoint ‟digital-sandbox-gluster-endpoints", a gluster endpoint namespace of ‟default", and a gluster volume name of ‟digitalsandbox":
dsctl create deployment
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl create deployment command is used to create a Digital Sandbox simulation platform or deployment. |
Options |
The following are dsctl create deployment parameters:
Examples |
To create a deployment with a deployment ID named "star", with the filename of "/tmp2/7live.yaml", and with a configuration tar file named "/tmp2/7live.tar":
dsctl create image
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl create image command is used to create a custom SR Linux image with the designated RPMs. |
Options |
The following are dsctl create image parameters:
Examples |
To create an image using the RPMs associated with the SR Linux release ‟srl_rel_21_06_”:
dsctl create phyconnector
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl create phyconnector command is used to create a phyconnector in the kubernetes cluster. A phyconnector is used to connect a physical interface, device, or network to the containerized network. |
Options |
The following are dsctl create phyconnector parameters:
Examples |
To create a physical connection in the kubernetest cluster for interfaces eth3, eth4, and eth5 in the kubernetes node named ‟k8sworker1” for resource named ‟phyconnectOnNode1”:
dsctl create snapshot
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl create snapshot command is used to create a snapshot of the deployment. A snapshot is a copy of the deployment with all the intents and configurations at the snapshot creation time. This snapshot can be used to create a duplicate of the deployment using the "dsctl load snapshot" command. |
Options |
The following are dsctl create snapshot parameters: