traffic commands
Traffic commands are used to analyze and compare traffic, and obtain status.
The following traffic CLI commands are available:
— traffic
— analyze
— traffic-run
— compare
— traffic-runs
— create
— tcap-profile
— tgen-profile
— list
— stream
— traffic-profiles
— traffic-runs
— message
— tcap
— tgen
dsctl traffic analyze
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl traffic analyze command is used to analyze a traffic run. It takes the raw capture data and performs an analysis on this data, and has the following operation:
Options |
The following are dsctl traffic analyze traffic-run parameters:
Examples |
To analyze a traffic run associated with deployment ID ‟star” with a traffic profile named ‟profile1”, and a capture named ‟baseline1” to use as the baseline run:
dsctl traffic compare
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl traffic compare command is used to compare two traffic runs within the same profile (but with different run names), and has the following operation:
Options |
The following are dsctl traffic compare traffic-runs parameters:
Examples |
For a traffic profile named ‟profile1” associated with deployment ID ‟star”, compare the baseline traffic run named ‟baselinerun” with the target run named ‟targetrun”:
dsctl traffic create
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl traffic create command is used to create Digital Sandbox traffic resources and has the following operations:
Options |
The following are dsctl traffic create tcap-profile parameters:
The following are dsctl traffic create tgen-profile parameters:
Examples |
To create a capture profile based on the current profile with a deployment ID of ‟star”, a profile name of ‟profile2”, using delay/jitter checks, and with a capturing timeout of ‟25”:
To create a traffic profile that can be sent to the traffic generators based on the available routes that are associated with deployment ID ‟star” with a time of 11ms between packets:
dsctl traffic list
Synopsis |
Description |
The dsctl traffic list command is used to list Digital Sandbox resources and has the following operations:
Options |
The following are dsctl traffic list stream parameters:
The following are dsctl traffic list traffic-profiles parameters:
The following are dsctl traffic list traffic-runs parameters:
Examples |
To list the stream parameters associated with all streams:
To list available traffic profiles associated with deployment ID ‟star”:
To list the available traffic runs associated with deployment ID ‟star” with a profile name of ‟profile1”:
dsctl traffic message
Synopsis |
Description |
Traffic capturing and sending is controlled by sending the corresponding traffic message. The dsctl traffic message command is used to message Digital Sandbox components and has the following operations:
Options |
The following are dsctl traffic message tcap parameters:
The following are dsctl traffic message tgen parameters:
Examples |
To send a message to the traffic capturer associated with deployment ID ‟star” and with a path/filename to the capture profile of ‟tmp/tcapprofile”. Overwrite the profile of the associated capture:
To send a message to the traffic generators running in deployment ID ‟star” and with a path/filename to the capture generator of ‟tmp/tgenprofile”: