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VPRN Services Command Reference
Command Hierarchies
VPRN Service Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number: ip-address] [community comm-id] [black-hole | indirect ip-address]
no aggregate ip-prefix/ip-prefix-length
auto-bind {ldp | gre | rsvp-te | mpls}
backup-path [ipv4][ipv6]
confederation confed-as-num members as-number [as-number…(up to 15 max)]
no confederation confed-as-num members as-number [as-number…(up to 15 max)]
description description-string
[no] dns
ipv4-source-address ipv4-address
ipv6-source-address ipv6-address
primary-dns ip-address
secondary-dns ip-address
tertiary-dns ip-address
ecmp max-ecmp-routes
tunnel-fault [accept | ignore]
fib-priority {high | standard}
static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [enable|disable] grt
export-grt policy-name [policy-name ...(up to 5 max)]
export-limit num-routes
expiry-time expiry-time
label-mode {vrf | next-hop}
maximum-ipv6-routes number [log-only] [threshold percent]
maximum-routes number [log-only] [threshold percent]
mc-maximum-routes number [log-only] [threshold percent]
[no] nat
[no] ptp
reassembly-group nat-group-id
route-distinguisher [ip-address:number1 | asn:number2]
router-id ip-address
service-name service-name
application dscp-app-name dscp {dscp-value | dscp-name}
application dot1p-app-name dot1p dot1p-priority
no application {dscp-app-name | dot1p-app-name}
dscp dscp-name fc fc-name
no dscp dscp-name
single-sfm-overload [holdoff-time holdoff-time]
snmp-community community-name [version SNMP-version]
no snmp-community community-name
application app [ip-int-name | ip-address]
application6 app ipv6-address
Spoke SDP Commands
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id
agi agi
saii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
taii-type2 global-id:node-id:ac-id
[no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [tag tag] [community comm-id] [enable | disable] {next-hop ip-int-name|ip-address [mcast-family] | ipsec-tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name} [bfd-enable | {cpe-check cpe-ip-address [interval seconds] [drop-count count] [log]}]
[no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [tag tag] [community comm-id] [enable | disable] indirect ip-address [cpe-check cpe-ip-address [interval seconds][drop-count count] [log]]
[no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [tag tag] [community comm-id] [enable | disable] black-hole [mcast-family]
type {hub | subscriber-split-horizon}
vrf-export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 16 max)]
vrf-import policy-name [policy-name...(upto 16 max)]
vrf-target {ext-comm|{[export ext-comm][import ext-comm]}}
L2TP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
avp-hiding {sensitive|always}
challenge {always}
destruct-timeout destruct-timeout
exclude-avps calling-number
group tunnel-group-name [create]
no group tunnel-group-name
avp-hiding {sensitive|always|never}
challenge always
description description-string
destruct-timeout destruct-timeout
hello-interval hello-interval
idle-timeout idle-timeout
lns-group lns-group-id
local-address ip-address
local-name host-name
max-retries-estab max-retries
password password [hash | hash2]
authentication {chap|pap|pref-chap}
authentication-policy auth-policy-name
default-group-interface ip-int-name service-id service-id
keepalive seconds [hold-up-multiplier multiplier]
mtu mtu-bytes
user-db local-user-db-name
session-limit session-limit
tunnel tunnel-name [create]
no tunnel tunnel-name
avp-hiding {never | sensitive | always}
challenge challenge-mode
description description-string
destruct-timeout destruct-timeout
hello-interval hello-interval
idle-timeout idle-timeout
idle-timeout infinite
local-address ip-address
local-name host-name
max-retries-estab max-retries
password password [hash | hash2]
peer ip-address
preference preference
remote-name host-name
session-limit session-limit
peer-address-change-policy {accept | ignore | reject}
DHCP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
DHCP Commands
local-dhcp-server server-name [create]
description description-string
maximum-client-lead-time [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
partner-down-delay [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
peer ip-address tag sync-tag-name
no peer ip-address
[no] startup-wait-time [min minutes] [sec seconds]
pool pool-name [create]
no pool pool-name
description description-string
maximum-client-lead-time [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
partner-down-delay [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
peer ip-address tag sync-tag-name
no peer ip-address
[no] startup-wait-time [min minutes] [sec seconds]
max-lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
min-lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
minimum-free minimum-free [percent] [event-when-depleted]
offer-time [min minutes] [sec seconds]
custom-option option-number address [ip-address...(up to 4 max)]
custom-option option-number hex hex-string
custom-option option-number string ascii-string
no custom-option option-number
dns-server [ip-address...(up to 4 max)]
domain-name domain-name
lease-rebind-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
lease-renew-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
netbios-name-server ip-address [ip-address...(up to 4 max)]
netbios-node-type netbios-node-type
subnet {ip-address/mask|ip-address netmask} [create]
no subnet {ip-address/mask|ip-address netmask}
[no] address-range start-ip-address end-ip-address
[no] drain
[no] exclude-addresses start-ip-address [end-ip-address]
maximum-declined maximum-declined
minimum-free minimum-free [percent] [event-when-depleted]
custom-option option-number address [ip-address...(upto 4 max)]
custom-option option-number hex hex-string
custom-option option-number string ascii-string
no custom-option option-number
default-router ip-address [ip-address...(up to 4 max)]
subnet-mask ip-address
user-db local-user-db-name
DHCP6 Commands
local-dhcp-server server-name [create]
description description-string
maximum-client-lead-time [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
partner-down-delay [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
peer ip-address tag sync-tag-name
no peer ip-address
[no] startup-wait-time [min minutes] [sec seconds]
ignore-rapid-commit [days days][hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
lease-hold-time [days days][hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
pool pool-name [create]
no pool pool-name
description description-string
custom-option option-number address [ipv6-address...(up to 4 max)]
custom-option option-number hex hex-string
custom-option option-number string ascii-string
no custom-option option-number
dns-server ipv6-address [ipv6-address...(up to 4 max)]
domain-name domain-name
prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length [failover {local|remote}] [pd] [wan-host] [create]
no prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length
preferred-lifetime [days days][hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
rebind-timer [days days][hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
renew-timer [days days][hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
valid-lifetime [days days][hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
use-link-address [scope scope]
user-ident user-ident
GSMP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
GSMP Commands
[no] group name
[no] oam
description description-string
hold-multiplier multiplier
keepalive seconds
[no] neighbor ip-address
description description-string
local-address ip-address
priority-marking dscp dscp-name
priority-marking prec ip-prec-value
IGMP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
IGMP Commands
[no] igmp
[no] group-interface ip-int-name
[no] group-interface fwd-service service-id ip-int-name
import policy-name
max-grp-sources [1..32000]
max-sources [1..1000]
policy policy-name
unconstrained-bw bandwidth mandatory-bw mandatory-bw
query-src-ip ip-address
version version
[no] interface ip-int-name
import policy-name
max-sources [1..32000]
max-grp-sources [1..1000]
level level-id bw bandwidth
no level level-id
number-down number-lag-port-down
number-down number-lag-port-down level level-id
policy policy-name
unconstrained-bw bandwidth mandatory-bw mandatory-bw
[no] grp-range start end
[no] source ip-address
[no] group grp-ip-address
[no] source ip-address
[no] starg
version version
robust-count robust-count
[no] grp-range start end
[no] source ip-address
IPSec Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
security-policy security-policy-id [create]
no security-policy security-policy-id
entry entry-id [create]
no entry entry-id
local-ip {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask | any}
remote-ip {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask | any}
ipsec-interface ip-int-name [create]
no ipsec-interface ip-int-name
[no] address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
description description-string
ip-mtu octets
sap sap-id [create]
no sap sap-id
description description-string
agg-rate-limit agg-rate [queue-frame-based-accounting]
filter ip ip-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id]
qos policy-id [port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
filter ip ip-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id]
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared][fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name [create]
no tunnel ipsec-tunnel-name
[no] bfd-enable service service-id interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
description description-string
ike-policy ike-policy-id
local-id type {ipv4 <v4address> | fqdn <fqdn-value>}
transform transform-id [transform-id...(up to 4)]
local-gateway-address ip-address peer ip-address delivery-service service-id
security-association security-entry-id authentication-key authentication-key encryption-key encryption-key spi spi transform transform-id direction {inbound | outbound}
no security-association security-entry-id direction {inbound | outbound}
replay-window {32 | 64 | 128 | 256 | 512}
security-policy security-policy-id
[no] sap sap-id
IPSec Gateway Commands
cert filename
key filename
trust-anchor ca-profile-name
default-secure-service service-id ipsec-interface ip-int-name
default-tunnel-template ipsec template identifier
ike-policy ike-policy-id
local-id type {ipv4|fqdn} [value [value]]
Multicast VPN Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] auto-discovery [default | mdt-safi]
c-mcast-signaling {bgp | pim}
mdt-type {sender-receiver | sender-only | receiver-only}
pim {asm | ssm} grp-ip-address
hello-interval hello-interval
hello-multiplier deci-units
enable-bfd-root [transmit-interval] [multiplier multiplier]
lsp-template lsp-template
data-threshold {c-grp-ip-addr/mask|c-grp-ip-addr netmask} s-pmsi-threshold
data-threshold c-grp-ipv6-addr/prefix-length s-pmsi-threshold
no data-threshold {c-grp-ip-addr/mask|c-grp-ip-addr netmask}
no data-threshold c-grp-ipv6-addr/prefix-length}
[no] pim-asm {grp-ip-address/mask|grp-ip-address netmask}
pim-ssm {grp-ip-address/mask|grp-ip-address netmask}
umh-pe ip-address standby ip-address
no umh-pe ip-address
umh-selection {highest-ip|hash-based|tunnel-status|unicast-rt-pref}
vrf-export {unicast | policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]}
vrf-import {unicast | policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]}
vrf-target {unicast | ext-community | export unicast | ext-community | import unicast | ext-community}
export {unicast | ext-community}
import {unicast | ext-community}
Redundant Interface Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
Redundant Interface Commands
[no] redundant-interface ip-int-name
address {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [remote-ip ip-address]
[no] description description-string
[no] spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
filter [ip ip-filter-id]
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
Router Advertisement Commands
[no] interface ip-int-name
mtu mtu-bytes
prefix [ipv6-prefix/prefix-length]
preferred-lifetime {seconds | infinite}
valid-lifetime {seconds | infinite}
reachable-time milli-seconds
retransmit-time milli-seconds
NTP Commands
Note that the ntp-server command is not supported in the vprnntp context. Then NTP is configured in a VPRN service, the NTP server mode is assumed and is not optional.
[no] ntp
authentication-key key-id key key [hash | hash2] type {des | message-digest}
[no] broadcast [router router-name] {interface ip-int-name} [key-id key-id] [version version] [ttl ttl]
NAT Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] nat
[no] destination-prefix ip-prefix/length
[no] address ipv6-address
tunnel-mtu mtu-bytes
[no] address ip-address/mask
nat-policy nat-policy-name
peer ip-address
steering-route ip-prefix/length
pool nat-pool-name [nat-group nat-group-id type pool-type [no-allocate] [create]
no pool nat-pool-name
address-range start-ip-addr end-ip-addr [create]
no address-range start-ip-address end-ip-address [
description description-string
[no] drain
description description-string
mode {auto| n apt}
port-reservation blocks num-blocks
port-reservation ports num-ports
export ip-prefix/length
monitor ip-prefix/length
subscriber-limit [1..65535]
watermarks high percentage-high low percentage-low
Subscriber Interface Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
subscriber-interface ip-int-name [fwd-service service-id fwd-subscriber-interface ip-int-name] [create]
[no] address {ip-address/mask|ip-address netmask} [gw-ip-address ip-address] [populate-host-routes] [track-srrp srrp-instance [holdup-time msecs]]
delayed-enable seconds [init-only]
description description-string
description description-string
filter filter-id
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
lease-populate nbr-of-leases
string text
emulated-server ip-address
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [radius-override]
relay-unicast-msg release-update-src-ip
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
Group Interface
[no] group-interface ip-int-name
host-limit max-num-hosts
min-auth-interval min-auth-interval
sap-host-limit max-num-hosts-sap
arp-timeout seconds
description description-string
description description-string
filter filter-id
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
lease-populate nbr-of-leases
action {replace | drop | keep}
circuit-id [ascii-tuple | ifindex | sap-id | vlan-ascii-tupl]
remote-id [mac | string string]
string text
emulated-server ip-address
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [radius-override]
relay-unicast-msg release-update-src-ip
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
user-db local-user-db-name
host-connectivity-verify [interval interval] [action {remove|alarm}]
redirects [number seconds]
ttl-expired [number seconds]
unreachables [number seconds]
[no] ipv6
[no] dhcp6
interface-id ascii-tuple
interface-id ifindex
mtu bytes
preferred-lifetime [seconds | infinite]
valid-lifetime [seconds | infinite]
reachable-time milliseconds
retransmit-time milliseconds
renew-timer seconds
rebind-timer seconds
preferred-lifetime [seconds | infinite]
valid-lifetime [seconds | infinite]
client-applications [dhcp] [pppoe]
[no] mac ieee-address
[no] pppoe
description description-string
pap-chap-user-db local-user-db-name
pppoe-policy pppoe-policy-name
sap-session-limit sap-session-limit
session-limit session-limit
user-db local-user-db-name
[no] proxy-arp-policy policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
redundant-interface red-ip-int-name
[no] sap sap-id
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy [acct-policy-id]
anti-spoof {ip | ip-mac | nh-mac}
app-profile app-profile-name
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
encapsulation atm-encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
calling-station-id calling-station-id
cpu-protection [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate][car]]
default-host ip-address/mask next-hop next-hop-ip
no default-host ip-address/mask
description description-string
agg-rate-limit agg-rate [queue-frame-based-accounting]
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
qos policy-id [port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}]
no mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index
[no] test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
tunnel-fault [accept | ignore]
expiry-time expiry-time
import policy-name
max-num-groups max-num-groups
max-num-sources max-num-sources
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared][fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
lag-link-map-profile link-map-profile-id
multi-service-site customer-site-name
static-host ip ip/did-address [mac ieee-address] [create]
static-host mac ieee-address [create]
no static-host [ip ip-address] mac ieee-address
no static-host all [force]
no static-host ip ip-address
ancp-string ancp-string
app-profile app-profile-name
inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id
route {ip-prefix/length | ip-prefix netmask} [create]
no route {ip-prefix/length | ip-prefix netmask}
sla-profile sla-profile-name
sub-profile sub-profile-name
subscriber sub-ident
def-sla-profile default-sla-profile-name
def-sub-profile default-subscriber-profile-name
multi-sub-sap subscriber-limit
non-sub-traffic sub-profile sub-profile-name sla-profile sla-profile-name [subscriber sub-ident-string]
sub-ident-policy sub-ident-policy-name
[no] srrp srrp-id
[no] bfd-enable [service-id] interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
description description-string
gw-mac mac-address
[no] policy vrrp-policy-id
priority priority
[no] wpp
initial-app-profile profile-name
initial-sla-profile profile-name
initial-sub-profile profile-name
portal router router-instance name wpp-portal-name
mode {strict | loose |strict-no-ecmp}
[no] ipv6
[no] delegated-prefix-length prefix-length
prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length [pd] [wan-host]
no prefix ipv6-address/prefix-length
Interface Commands
[no] interface ip-int-name
address ip-address[/mask] [netmask] [broadcast {all-ones | host-ones}]
no address [ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask]
arp-timeout [seconds]
bfd transmit-interval [receive receive-interval] [multiplier multiplier][echo-receive echo-interval] [type cpm-np]
cflowd {acl | interface} [direction]
cpu-protection policy-id
description description-string
no description [description-string]
Interface DHCP Commands
description description-string
gi-address ip-address [src-ip-addr]
lease-populate [nbr-of-leases]
action {replace | drop | keep}
circuit-id [ascii-tuple | ifindex | sap-id | vlan-ascii-tuple]
remote-id [mac | string string]
string text
emulated-server ip-address
lease-time [days days] [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds] [radius-override]
relay-unicast-msg release-update-src-ip
server server1 [server2...(up to 8 max)]
host-connectivity-verify [source {vrrp | interface}] [interval interval] [action {remove | alarm}]
redirects number seconds
no redirects [number seconds]
ttl-expired number seconds
no ttl-expired [number seconds]
unreachables number seconds
no unreachables [number seconds]
ip-mtu octets
dns ip-address [secondary ip-address]
dns secondary ip-address
no dns [ip-address] [secondary ip-address]
peer-ip-address ip-address
[no] ipv6
address ipv6-address/prefix-length [eui-64] [preferred]
no address ipv6-address/prefix-length
bfd transmit-interval [receive receive-interval] [multiplier multiplier][echo-receive echo-interval] [type cpm-np]
lease-populate [nbr-of-leases]
neighbor ipv6-address mac-address
no neighbor ipv6-address
proxy-nd-policy policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
mode {strict | loose |strict-no-ecmp}}
local-dhcp-server local-server-name
mac ieee-address
no mac [ieee-address]
qos-route-lookup [source | destination]
secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [broadcast all-ones | host-ones] [igp-inhibit]
no secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
static-arp ip-address ieee-address
no static-arp ip-address [ieee-address]
tos-marking-state {trusted | untrusted}
unnumbered [ip-int-name| ip-address]
mode {strict | loose | strict-no-ecmp}}
vpls {service-id | service-name}
Network Interface Commands
network-interface interface-name [create]
no network-interface interface-name
address ip-address[/mask] [netmask] [broadcast {all-ones | host-ones}]
arp-timeout [seconds]
bfd transmit-interval [receive receive-interval] [multiplier multiplier][echo-receive echo-interval] [type cpm-np]
cflowd {acl | interface} [direction]
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring] | [eth-cfm-monitoring[aggregate][car]]
description description-string
no description [description-string]
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
redirects number seconds
no redirects [number seconds]
ttl-expired number seconds
no ttl-expired [number seconds]
unreachables number seconds
no unreachables [number seconds]
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id] [ipv6 ipv6-filter-id]
[no] flowspec-ipv6
lag lag-id[:encap-val]
lsr-load-balancing hashing-algorithm
mac ieee-address
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name egress-instance instance-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name ingress-instance instance-id
secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask} [broadcast all-ones | host-ones] [igp-inhibit]
no secondary {ip-address/mask | ip-address netmask}
static-arp ieee-mac-address unnumbered
no static-arp unnumbered
tos-marking-state {trusted | untrusted}
mode {strict | loose | strict-no-ecmp}
Interface Spoke SDP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] interface ip-int-name
spoke-sdp sdp-id [:vc-id] vc-type {ether|ipipe} [create]
no spoke-sdp sdp-id [:vc-id] vc-type {ether|ipipe} [create]
aarp aarpId type type
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
app-profile app-profile-name
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
qos network-policy-id port-redirect-group queue-group-name [instance instance-id]
vc-label egress-vc-label
no vc-label [egress-vc-label]
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}]
no mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index
ccm-padding-size ccm-padding
no ccm-padding-size ccm-padding
[no] test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
filter ip ip-filter-id
filter ipv6 ipv6-filter-id}
qos network-policy-id fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id
vc-label ingress-vc-label
no vc-label [ingress-vc-label]
transit-policy ip-aasub-policy-id
Interface VRRP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
interface ip-int-name
vrrp virtual-router-id [owner]
no vrrp virtual-router-id
[no] backup ip-address
bfd-enable interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
bfd-enable service-id interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
no bfd-enable interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
no bfd-enable service-id interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
init-delay seconds
mac ieee-address
message-interval {[seconds] [milliseconds milliseconds]}
policy vrrp-policy-id
priority priority
VRRP Commands
vrrp virtual-router-id [owner]
no vrrp virtual-router-id
authentication-key {authentication-key | hash-key} [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {password | message-digest}
[no] backup ip-address
[no] bfd-enable [service-id] interface interface-name dst-ip ip-address
init-delay seconds
mac ieee-address
message-interval {[seconds] [milliseconds milliseconds]}
policy vrrp-policy-id
priority priority
Interface SAP Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] interface ip-int-name [create] [tunnel]
Interface SAP Commands
[no] sap sap-id
aarp aarpId type type
accounting-policy acct-policy-id
no accounting-policy [acct-policy-id]
anti-spoof {ip | mac | ip-mac}
app-profile app-profile-name
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
encapsulation atm-encap-type
traffic-desc traffic-desc-profile-id
calling-station-id calling-station-id
cpu-protection policy-id [mac-monitoring]|[eth-cfm-monitoring [aggregate] [car]]
description description-stri
description description-string
no description [description-string]
agg-rate-limit agg-rate [queue-frame-based-accounting]
filter ip ip-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id]
secondary-shaper secondary-shaper-name
wrr-policy hsmda-wrr-policy-name
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
queue queue-id
no queue queue-id
wrr-weight weight
mbs size {[bytes | kilobytes] | default}
rate pir-rate
slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name allowable
qos policy-id [port-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index [direction {up | down}]
no mep mep-id domain md-index association ma-index
[no] ccm-padding-size ccm-padding
[no] test-pattern {all-zeros | all-ones} [crc-enable]
fault-propagation-enable {use-if-tlv | suspend-ccm}
low-priority-defect {allDef | macRemErrXcon | remErrXcon | errXcon | xcon | noXcon}
tunnel-fault [accept | ignore]
filter ip ip-filter-id
no filter [ip ip-filter-id]
match-qinq-dot1p {top | bottom}
qos policy-id [shared-queuing | multipoint-shared][fp-redirect-group queue-group-name instance instance-id]
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule] [cir adaptation-rule]
cbs size-in-kbytes
mbs {size-in-kbytes | default}
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
[no] scheduler scheduler-name
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
ip-tunnel name [create]
backup-remote-ip ip-address
description description-string
dscp dscp-name
remote-ip ip-address
source ip-address
lag-link-map-profile lag-ink-map-profile-id
multi-service-site customer-site-name
static-host ip ip/did-address [mac ieee-address] [create]
static-host mac ieee-address [create]
no static-host [ip ip-address] mac ieee-address
no static-host all [force]
no static-host ip ip-address
ancp-string ancp-string
app-profile app-profile-name
inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id
sla-profile sla-profile-name
sub-profile sub-profile-name
subscriber sub-ident
tod-suite tod-suite-name
transit-policy ip-aasub-policy-id
transit-policy prefix prefix-aasub-policy-id
Routed VPLS Commands
For more information, refer to Routed VPLS and I-VPLS.
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
interface ip-interface-name [create]
no interface ip-interface-name
vpls service-name
reclassify-using-qos sap-egress-qos-id
BGP Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] bgp
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
backup-path [ipv4] [ipv6]
always-compare-med [zero|infinity]
always-compare-med strict-as {zero|infinity}
as-path-ignore [ipv4] [ipv6]
cluster cluster-id
[no] connect-retry seconds
[no] damp-peer-oscillations [idle-hold-time initial-wait second-wait max-wait] [error-interval minutes]
description description-string
disable-communities [standard] [extended]
enable-bgp-vpn-backup [ipv4] [ipv6]
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
family [ipv4][ipv6] [mcast-ipv4] [flow-ipv4]
restart-time seconds
hold-time seconds [min seconds2]
import policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
keepalive seconds
local-as as-number [private]
local-preference local-preference
loop-detect {drop-peer | discard-route | ignore-loop| off}
med-out {number | igp-cost}
multihop ttl-value
multipath max-paths [eibgp]
policy policy-name
preference preference
[no] rapid-update {[l2-vpn] [mvpn-ipv4]}
router-id ip-address
[no] group name [dynamic-peer]
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
cluster cluster-id
[no] damp-peer-oscillations [idle-hold-time initial-wait second-wait max-wait] [error-interval minutes]
description description-string
disable-communities [standard] [extended]
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
family [ipv4][ipv6] [mcast-ipv4] [flow-ipv6] [flow-ipv4]
restart-time seconds
hold-time seconds [min seconds2]
import policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
keepalive seconds
local-address ip-address
local-as as-number [private] [no-prepend-global-as]
local-preference local-preference
loop-detect {drop-peer|discard-route|ignore-loop|off}
med-out {number | igp-cost}
multihop ttl-value
peer-as as-number
preference preference
prefix-limit limit [log-only] [threshold percent] [idle-timeout { minutes | forever}]
ttl-security min-ttl-value
type {internal | external}
[no] neighbor ip-address
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
cluster cluster-id
[no] damp-peer-oscillations [idle-hold-time initial-wait second-wait max-wait] [error-interval minutes]
description description-string
disable-communities [standard] [extended]
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
restart-time seconds
family [ipv4][ipv6] [mcast-ipv4] [flow-ipv6] [flow-ipv4]
hold-time seconds [min seconds2]
import policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5max)]
family [ipv4][ipv6]keepalive seconds
local-address ip-address
local-as as-number [private] [no-prepend-global-as]
local-preference local-preference
loop-detect {drop-peer | discard-route | ignore-loop | off}
med-out {number | igp-cost}
multihop ttl-value
peer-as as-number
preference preference
prefix-limit limit imit [log-only] [threshold percent] [idle-timeout { minutes | forever}]
ttl-security min-ttl-value
type {internal | external}
OSPF Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] ospf
ospf3 [instance-id] [router-id]
[no] ospf3 instance-id
[no] area area-id
area-range ip-prefix/mask [advertise | not-advertise]
no area-range ip-prefix/mask
[no] interface ip-int-name [secondary]
authentication bidirectional sa-name
authentication inbound sa-name outbound sa-name
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {password | message-digest}
bfd-enable [remain-down-on-failure]
interface-type {broadcast | point-to-point}
lsa-filter-out [all | except-own-rtrlsa | except-own-rtrlsa-and-defaults]
message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
metric metric
mtu bytes
priority number
key-rollover-interval key-rollover-interval
[no] nssa
area-range ip-prefix/mask [advertise | not-advertise]
no area-range ip-prefix/mask
[no] sham-link ip-int-name ip-address
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {password | message-digest}
message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
metric metric
[no] stub
[no] virtual-link router-id transit-area area-id
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {password | message-digest}
message-digest-key key-id md5 [key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
export policy-name [ policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
export-limit number [log percentage]
external-db-overflow limit seconds
import policy-name [ policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
overload [timeout seconds]
overload-on-boot [timeout seconds]
preference preference
reference-bandwidth bandwidth-in-kbps
router-id ip-address
[no] lsa-arrival lsa-arrival-time
[no] lsa-generate max-lsa-wait [lsa-initial-wait [lsa-second-wait]]
[no] spf-wait max-spf-wait [spf-initial-wait [spf-second-wait]]
vpn-domain id {0005 | 0105 | 0205 | 8005}
vpn-tag vpn-tag
PIM Configuration Commands
[no] pim
apply-to {all | none}
import {join-policy | register-policy} [policy-name [.. policy-name]
no import {join-policy | register-policy}
[no] interface ip-int-name
assert-period assert-period
[no] bfd-enable [ipv4|ipv6]
hello-interval hello-interval
hello-multiplier deci-units
level level-id bw bandwidth
number-down number-lag-port-down
policy policy-name
unconstrained-bw bandwidth mandatory-bw mandatory-bw
multicast-senders {auto | always | never}
priority dr-priority
sticky-dr [priority dr-priority]
three-way-hello [compatibility-mode]
[no] anycast rp-ip-address
[no] rp-set-peer ip-address
bootstrap-export policy-name [.. policy-name...up to five]
bootstrap-import policy-name [.. policy-name...up to five]
address ip-address
hash-mask-len hash-mask-length
priority bootstrap-priority
anycast ipv6-address
[no] rp-set-peer ipv6-address
bsr-candidate ipv6-address
address ipv6-address
hash-mask-length hash-mask-length
priority bootstrap-priority
group-range grp-ipv6-address/prefix-length
address ipv6-address
[no] group-range grp-ipv6-address/prefix-length
holdtime holdtime
priority priority
[no] address ipv6-address
[no] group-prefix grp-ipv6-address/prefix-length
address ip-address
[no] group-range {grp-ip-address/mask | grp-ip-address [netmask]}
holdtime holdtime
priority priority
[no] address ip-address
[no] group-prefix {grp-ip-address/mask | grp-ip-address netmask}
[no] rpf-table {rtable-m | rtable-u | both}
spt-switchover-threshold {grp-ip-address/mask | grp-ip-address netmask} spt-threshold
no spt-switchover-threshold {grp-ip-address/mask | grp-ip-address netmask}
[no] group-range {grp-ip-address/mask | grp-ip-address netmask}
C-Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Commands
[no] vprn
[no] mld
[no] interface ip-int-name
import policy-name
[no] group grp-ipv6-address
[no] source src-ipv6-address
[no] starg
version version
robust-count robust-count
[no] grp-range start end
[no] source src-ipv6-address
RIP Configuration Commands
[no] rip
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {none | password | message-digest}
check-zero {enable | disable}
description description-string
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
export-limit number [log percentage]
[no] group name
authentication-key [authentication-key | hash-key] [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {none | password | message-digest}
check-zero {enable | disable}
description description-string
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
import policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
message-size max-num-of-routes
metric-in metric
metric-out metric
preference preference
receive receive-type
send send-type
split-horizon {enable | disable}
timers update timeout flush
[no] neighbor ip-int-name
authentication-key authentication-key | hash-key [hash | hash2]
authentication-type {none | password | message-digest}
check-zero {enable | disable}
description description-string
export policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
import policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
message-size max-num-of-routes
metric-in metric
metric-out metric
preference preference
receive receive-type
send send-type
split-horizon {enable | disable}
timers update timeout flush
import policy-name [policy-name...(upto 5 max)]
message-size max-num-of-routes
metric-in metric
metric-out metric
preference preference
receive receive-type
send send-type
split-horizon {enable | disable}
timers update timeout flush
Threat Managment Service Interface Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
tms-interface interface-name [create] [off-ramp-vprn off-ramp-svc] [mgmt-vprn mgmt-svc]
no tms-interface interface-name
address {ip-address/mask|ip-address netmask}
description long-description-string
[no] ipv6
password [password]
port mda-id
[no] tms-egress-filter filter-name
RADIUS Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
server server-name [create] [purpose {[accounting][authentication]}]
no server server-name
key packet-type {accept|request} attribute-type attribute-type [vendor-id vendor-id]
timeout [hrs hours] [min minutes] [sec seconds]
track-accounting [start] [stop] [interim-update]
description description-string
[no] interface ip-int-name
load-balance-key vendor vendor-id [vendor-id...(up to 5 max)] attribute-type attribute-type [attribute-type...(up to 5 max)]
load-balance-key source-ip-udp
secret secret [hash|hash2]
username [1..32] prefix-string [128 chars max] [accounting-server-policy policy-name] [authentication-server-policy policy-name]
no username [1..32]
server server-name [address ip-address] [secret key ] [hash|hash2] [port port] [create]
no server server-name
coa-script-policy script-policy-name
description description-string
Web Portal Protocol Configuration Commands
vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
no vprn service-id
[no] wpp
Show Commands
egress-label start-label [end-label]
ingress-label start-label [[end-label]
id service-id
statistics [policy name] [sap sap-id]
arp [ip-address] | [mac ieee-address] | [sap port-id:encap] | [interface ip-int-name]
arp-host [wholesaler service-id] [sap sap-id | interface interface-name | ip-address ip-address[/mask] | mac ieee-address | {[port port-id] [no-inter-dest-id | inter-dest-id inter-dest-id]}] [detail]
arp-host statistics [sap sap-id | interface interface-name]
arp-host summary [interface interface-name]
lease-state [[sap sap-id] [sdp [sdp-id[:vc-id]]] | [interface interface-name] | [ip-address ip-address[/mask]] | [mac ieee-address] | [wholesaler service-id]| [wholesaler service-id]] [detail]
statistics [sap sap-id]
statistics [sdp sdp-id:vc-id]
statistics [interface interface-name]
neighbors group [name] [ip-address]
sessions [group name] neighbor ip-address] [port port-number] [association] [statistics]
host [sap sap-id] [detail]
sessions summary
sessions [detail] wholesaler service-id
interface [ip-address | ip-int-name] [detail]
sap [sap-id [detail]]
sdp [sdp-id | far-end ip-address] [detail]
subscriber-hosts [sap sap-id ] [ip ip-address[/mask]] [mac ieee-address] [sub-profile sub-profile-name] [sla-profile sla-profile-name] [detail]
subscriber-hosts [detail] wholesaler service-id
sap-using [sap sap-id]
sap-using interface [ip-address | ip-int-name]
sap-using [ingress | egress] atm-td-profile td-profile-id
sap-using [ingress | egress] filter filter-id
sap-using [ingress | egress] qos-policy qos-policy-id
sap-using authentication-policy policy-name
sdp-using [sdp-id | far-end ip-address] [detail | keep-alive-history]
sdp-using [sdp-id[:vc-id]
service-using [vprn] [sdp sdp-id] [customer customer-id]
router [vprn-service-id]
aggregate [active]
arp [ip-address | ip-int-name | mac ieee-mac-address] [sdp sdp-id:vc-id] [summary]
damping [ip-prefix/mask | ip-address] [detail]
damping [damp-type] [detail]
group [name] [detail]
neighbor [ip-address [[family family] filter1]]
neighbor [as-number [[family family] filter2]]
routes [family family] [prefix [detail | longer]]
routes [family family] [prefix [hunt | brief]]
routes [family family] [community comm-id]
routes [family family] [aspath-regex reg-ex1]
routes [family] [ipv6-prefix[/prefix-length] [detail | longer]|[hunt [brief]]]
summary [all]
statistics [ip-int-name | ip-address]
interface [{[ip-address | ip-int-name] [detail]} | summary | exclude-services]
database [ip-address[/mask] [longer]] [peer ip-address] [detail]
neighbor [ip-int-name | ip-address] [detail] [advertised-routes]
peer [interface-name]
statistics [ip-int-name | ip-address]
route-table [ip-address[/mask] [longer | best]] | [protocol protocol] | [summary]
static-arp [ip-address | ip-int-name | mac ieee-mac-address]
static-route [ip-prefix /mask] | [preference preference] | [next-hop ip-address] [detail]
tunnel-table [ip-address[/mask] [protocol protocol | sdp sdp-id]
tunnel-table [summary]
wpp [portal wpp-portal-name] [host ip-address] hosts
wpp portal wpp-portal-name
wpp statistics
Clear Commands
arp-host { mac ieee-address | sap sap-id | ip-address ip-address[/mask] }
arp-host [port port-id] [inter-dest-id intermediate-destination-id | no-inter-dest-id]
arp-host statistics [sap sap-id | interface interface-name]
statistics interface [ip-int-name | ip-address]
damping [{prefix/mask [neighbor ip-address]} | {group name}]
flap-statistics [[ip-prefix/mask] [neighbor ip-address]] | [group group-name] | [regex reg-exp] | [policy policy-name]
neighbor {ip-address | as as-number | external | all} [soft | soft-inbound | statistics]
statistics [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]
forwarding-table [slot-number]
interface [ip-int-name | ip-address] [icmp]
statistics [neighbor ip-int-name | ip-address]
id service-id
lease-state ip-address ip-address
lease-state mac ieee-address
lease-state sap sap-id
lease-state sdp sdp-id:vc-id
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id ingress-vc-label
sap sap-id {all | counters | stp}
sdp sdp-id keep-alive
id service-id
spoke-sdp sdp-id:vc-id {all | counters | stp}
Debug Commands
id service-id
[no] dhcp
detail-level {low | medium | high}
mode {dropped-only | ingr-and-dropped | egr-ingr-and-dropped}
[no] sap sap-id
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
[no] event-type {config-change | svc-oper-status-change | sap-oper-status-change | sdpbind-oper-status-change}
[no] ip ip-address
[no] mac ieee-address
[no] sap sap-id
[no] sap sap-id
event-type {config-change | oper-status-change}
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
event-type {config-change | oper-status-change}
[no] bpdu
[no] sap sap-id
[no] sdp sdp-id:vc-id
router [router-instance]
[no] interface [ip-int-name | ip-address]
[no] mcs [ip-int-name]
[no] misc
[no] packet [query|v1-report|v2-report|v3-report|v2-leave] [ip-int-name|ip-address]