Dialing rules

Valid digits and characters

The digits and characters permitted in a dialing rule:

Valid Rule Characteristics




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * #


Exact match of the dialed digit.


x or X


Exact match of any dialed single digit.




Match all remaining digits at the end of a dialed digit string.


[ ]


Remove the group of digits


( )


Insert the group of digits


<space> or -


Ignored by the rule.

Used only to make rules more readable.




Used for E.164 dialing.


Please note that a / is not a valid character in a dialing rule.

Dialing rules examples

Examples of dialing rules:

Rule example






Removes *99 from a digit string of any length.

This is used to define *99 as an escape code.

An escape code must be the first rule of a rule list. It ensures that a complete digit string is forwarded after a user dials an escape code.




Remove the digits 911 and insert 5555.

This rule translates 911 to 5555. It does not affect any other dialled digits.


[581] 4XXX


Removes 581 from all 4-digit numbers that start with a 4.

Typically used to remove an office code. This rule translates 581–4165 to 4165


[623 581] 7xxx


Removes 623 581 from all 4-digit numbers that start with a 7.

Typically used to remove an office and area code. This rule translates 623–581–7134 to 7134


(9–602) xxx-XXXX


Inserts 9–602 for all numbers in the xxx-XXXX range.

Typically used to prepend an access code and an area code.

This rule translates 123–8913 to 9–602–123–8913


(8–991) [815–784]-7XXX


Inserts 8–991 and removes 815–784 for all numbers in the 7XXX range.

This rule translates 815–784–7123 to 8–991–7123.




Inserts 9 for all numbers beginning with a 0, and at least 10 digits (3+3+4)


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