Add, modify, or delete a dialing rule package


This topic describes the steps to add, modify, or delete dialing rule packages.

Dialing rules are associated with a call server and define how numbers (digit strings) are manipulated.


Dialing rules are used to manipulate digits for the following features:

How dialing rules work

A digit string that is received by the Lucent CM system is processed according to the rules that are defined in the rule list. The Lucent CM system tries to find a match, starting with the first rule. The rules in a list are order dependent. When a match is found, the rule is applied and no further rules are processed.

The Lucent CM system uses 2 sets of dialing rules. One for processing incoming digits and one for processing outgoing digits.


The maximum length of a dialing rule is 127 characters. This includes any comments.

There is no limit to the number of rules in a rules list.

The dialing rules that are defined on the Lucent CM, must resolve the same way that the dialing rules at the call server are setup.


Dialing rules parameters:





Pkg ID


Identifier to uniquely identify this dialing rule package.


Escape Code


A code that a user can dial to bypass the outgoing dialing rules.


Country Code


The country where the partition is located.




Defines if North American Number Plan is used.


Outside Access Code


The digit or digits to dial out of this location to the public network.


Trunk Prefix


The dialing digits to dial outside the home/local area code in the same country.


International Prefix


The dialing digits to access the automatic outgoing international equipment in the originating country.


Home Area Code


The home area code of a partition location.


Local Area Code(s)


One or more local area codes of a partition location.


Phone Numbers


A list of the seven digit telephone numbers assigned to the partition, separated by commas or spaces. Use x for any single digit.


Digits Dialed Within


The number of digits that need to be dialed to make a call, either from within the business group (partition), home/local area code, or country.


Business Group


Home Area Code




Add, modify or delete dialing rules

Task StepsPerform the following steps to add, modify or delete dialing rules:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the Call Server folder (Lucent CM System → Services → Call Server) and select the call server you want to modify.

Result:  The Accelerate Call Server tab displays.


At the packages section, select the Dialing Rules tab.

Result:  The Dialing Rules tab displays, listing the available packages.


If ...


Then ...


you want to add a dialing rules package,


  1. Click Add

  2. Continue with Step 4.


you want to modify a dialing rules package,


  1. Select a package

  2. click Edit.

  3. Continue with Step 4.


you want to delete a dialing rules package,


  1. Select a package

  2. click Delete.

End of Procedure



Configure the dialing rules package parameters.


Click Create to create the incoming and outgoing dialing rules.


If needed, edit and test the incoming and outgoing dialing rules.

Reference:  For procedure on how to define incoming and outgoing dialing rules, refer to Edit and test incoming and outgoing dialing rules.


Click Add or Update to save the dialing rules package.

Result:  The Dialing Rules list is updated to reflect the changes.

End of steps

Edit and test incoming and outgoing dialing rules

Task StepsPerform the following steps to edit or test incoming or outgoing dialing rules:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the Call Server folder (Lucent CM System → Services → Call Server) and select the call server you want to modify.

Result:  The Accelerate Call Server tab displays.


At the packages section, select the Dialing Rules tab.

Result:  The Dialing Rules tab displays, listing the available packages.


Select the dialing rule package.


Click Edit.

Result:  The Edit Call Server Dialing Package window displays.


Click Edit/Test.

Result:  The Dialing Rule Editor window displays:


For incoming or outgoing dialing rules:

If ...


Then ...


you want to add a dialing rule,


  1. Enter the dialing rule in the field.

  2. Click Add.


you want to change a dialing rule,


  1. Select a dialing rule

  2. Enter the new dialing rule in the field.

  3. Click Update.


you want to verify the result of a dialing rule,


  1. Select a dialing rule

  2. Enter a digit string in Test Digits

  3. Click Test.

The Result field displays the output created by the dialing rule.


you want to move a dialing rule,


  1. Select a dialing rule

  2. Use the Up or Down arrow to move the rule.


you want to apply the currently defined rules to the partition,


click Apply.


you want to delete a dialing rule,


  1. Select a dialing rule

  2. Click Delete.

End of Procedure


Reference: Refer to Dialing rules for detailed information about:

  • Valid digits and characters

  • Examples of dialing rules.


To save the dialing rules, click Apply.

End of steps

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