Add, modify, or delete a domain package


This topic describes the steps to add, modify, or delete a domain package for the FS 3000 call server.

Domain packages are related to a call server and define how users are grouped within the FS 3000 and which domain they are in. For each group in the FS 3000 there must be a separate domain package.

Within the FS 3000 users belong to groups, which are in either a Service Provider or Enterprise. To tell the Lucent CM system that a particular user belongs in a particular FS 3000 group and which domain they should have, a domain package must be assigned to the Lucent CM group that the user belongs to. Users can be a part of any domain assigned to their FS 3000 group.


Domain package parameters:





Pkg ID


Identifier to uniquely identify the package


FS3000 Group ID


Identifier to uniquely identify a group within a partition

Must match with the value provisioned in the Lucent FS 3000.


Server Provider ID


Identifier to uniquely identify the service provider that hosts the call server.

Must match with the value provisioned in the Lucent FS 3000.


Phone Domain


Phone domain.

Must match with the value provisioned in the Lucent FS 3000.


Number of Rings Before Divert


The number of rings before a call is diverted.


Number of Shared Appereances


The number of shared appereances that are allowed.


Add, modify or delete a domain package

Task StepsPerform the following steps to add, modify or delete a domain package:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the call server (Lucent CM System → Services → Call Server) and select the call server you want to modify.

Result:  The parameters for the call server display.


At the packages section, select the Domain tab.

Result:  The Domain tab displays, listing the available packages.


If ...


Then ...


you want to add a domain package,


  1. Click Add

  2. Continue with Step 4.


you want to modify a domain package,


  1. Select a package

  2. click Edit.

  3. Continue with Step 4.


you want to delete a domain package,


  1. Select a package

  2. click Delete.

End of Procedure



Configure the domain package parameters.


Click Add or Update to save the domain package.

Result:  The Domain list is updated to reflect the changes.

End of steps

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