Add, modify, or delete a feature package


This topic describes the steps to add, modify, or delete feature packages.

Feature packages are associated with a call server and are groups of default features that can be used to create user feature packages.

The following service-related items are defined in a feature package:

Feature package parameters

The feature package parameters:





Pkg ID


Identifier to identify the package. The identifier must be unique.


Display Name 1


Alphanumerical name to describe the feature.




Menu to define the type of feature.

Valid entries are:

  • Activate

  • Activate with DN

  • Feature




Alphanumerical characters that define the activation code for the feature.




The Display Name value displays when you select a feature.

Feature codes

Feature codes that are used must match the feature codes that are defined in the call server.

Service definitions at the call server

The services are provided and defined by the call server. The services, the service characteristics, and service behavior are defined at the call server. Lucent CM follows that behavior.

For example, the call server can limit the extent of control an end user has over a service.

Feature package

Task StepsPerform the following steps to add, modify, or delete a feature package:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the Call Server folder (Lucent CM System → Services → Call Server) and select the call server you want to modify.

Result:  The parameters for the call server display.


At the Packages section, select the Features tab.

Result:  The Features tab displays, listing the available packages.


Click the Features tab at the Feature Packages window:

If ...


then ...


you want to add a feature package,


  1. Click Add.

  2. Continue with Step 4.


you want to modify a feature package,


  1. Select a feature from the list.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Continue with Step 4.


you want to copy a feature package,


  1. Click Copy from ....

  2. Select a package to copy from the Package ID drop-down list.

  3. Click Copy.

  4. Continue with Step 4.


you want to delete a feature package,


  1. Select a feature from the list.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Yes at the confirmation dialog box.

End of procedure.



Configure the feature package parameters.



If ...


then ...


you want to add a new feature code,


  1. Click New.

  2. Enter Display Name, Type and Activate parameter.

  3. Optionally click Description, add the description and click Ok.

  4. Click Apply.


you want to update a feature code,


  1. Select a feature.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Update the Activate parameter.

  4. Optionally click Description, change the description and click Ok.

  5. Click Apply.


you want to delete a feature code,


  1. Click Delete.



Click Add or Update to save the changes.

Result:  The Features list is updated to reflect the changes.

End of steps

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