Add, modify, or delete a skin service


This topic describes the steps to add, modify, or delete a skin service.


A skin service defines the characteristics for end users and their Lucent CM user client. A system administrator can define a skin service and assign the skin service to a group of end users.

Default skin

A default skin is provided with the Lucent CM user client. The skin package ID for the default skin is Default.

Skin service parameters

The skin service parameters:





Skin Service ID


The identifier for this skin service.


Skin URL


The URL for the skin definition jar file used on the Lucent CM user client.


Splash URL


The URL for the splash screen definition jar file used on the Lucent CM user client.


Change Allowed


Check mark box to define if the Lucent CM user is allowed to override the skin.


Logo URL


The URL for the logo that displays on the Lucent CM user client main window.


Help URL


The URL to the customer documentation in the Lucent CM user client.


Proxy Host


Host name of the proxy server that is used to access the skin related URLs.


Proxy Port


Port number of the proxy server that is used to access the skin related URLs


Add, modify or delete skin service

Task StepsPerform the following steps to add, modify or delete a skin service:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the Skin folder (Lucent CM System → Services → Skin).

Result:  The Skin Service tab displays, listing the available skin services.


If ...


Then ...


you want to add a skin service,


  1. Click Add

  2. Continue with Step 3.


you want to modify a skin service,


  1. Select a skin service

  2. Click Edit

  3. Continue with Step 3.


you want to delete a skin service,


  1. Select a skin service

  2. Click Delete

  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

End of Procedure



Configure the skin service parameters.


Click Add or Update to save the skin service.

Result:  The Skin Service list is updated to reflect the changes.

End of steps

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