Add, modify, or delete a partition


This topic describes the steps to add, modify, or delete a partition.

Delete partition when call server is in fault

A partition can not be deleted if the call server is in fault.

If a call server is being disconnected, you must delete all the users first or they cannot be deleted from the Lucent CM server

If the users can not be deleted from the Lucent CM server, you must perform a clean install to delete the orphaned users from the Lucent CM database.

Partition info parameters

The Partition info parameters:





Partition Service Enabled


Check mark box to define if service is provided to the users in the partition.

Important!  If not checked, then all users in the partition will be denied service.


Partition ID


Alphanumerical identifier to uniquely identify the partition

The Partition ID is part of the URL that is used to access the Lucent CM User Client.


Session Duration Timer


The maximum amount of time a user client can be idle before a new session must be established for communication.

Expiry of the timer does not log off the user.


Current Users Assigned


The number of users that are currently provisioned on this partition.


Max Users Allowed


The maximum number of users that can be provisioned on this partition.


Properties URL1


The URL that replaces the Lucent CM Explorer text strings with a different set of text strings.

The URL must point to a .jar file that contains the properties files:




The default value is the Properties URL parameter of the Lucent CM system.

The Properties URL is validated if a partition item is selected. If any of the properties files are incomplete, a list of missing properties is displayed.


Stylesheet URL 1


The URL that replaces the Lucent CM Explorer HTML style sheets that define the colors and fonts of the web page. Valid for partition administrator and user client sessions.

The default value is the Style Sheet URL parameter of the Lucent CM system.


Plug-in Logo URL


The URL to the logo that displays on the Outlook plug-in.

The logo is used to brand the plug-in for the partition.


Plug-in Product Name


The product name that is used on the Outlook plug-in

The product name is used to brand the plug-in for the partition.


Preferred DN Format


The format in which directory numbers are displayed in the Lucent CM user client.

The default value is the Preferred DN Format parameter of the Lucent CM system.

The value that is entered is used as when at the Lucent CM user client PreferencesPreferred DN Format, Use server is selected.


Time/Date Format


The format in which the time and date is displayed in the Lucent CM user client.

The default value is the Time/Date Format parameter of the Lucent CM system.

Valid for partition administrator and user client sessions.

The value that is entered is used as when at the Lucent CM user client PreferencesDate Time Format, Use server is selected.




When URLs are changed, the screen is not refreshed immediately. Changes are applied the next time you login.

Add, modify or delete a partition

Task StepsPerform the following steps to add, modify or delete a partition:


At the Lucent CM Explorer tree view, navigate to the Partitions folder (Lucent CM System → Partitions)

Result:  The Partition List displays, listing the available partitions.


If ...


Then ...


you want to add a partition,


  1. Click Add

  2. Continue with Step 3.


you want to modify a partition,


  1. Select a partition

  2. Click Edit

  3. Continue with Step 3.


you want to delete a partition,


Important!  Deleting the partition automatically deletes all groups and users.

  1. Select a partition

  2. Click Delete

  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

End of Procedure



Configure the Partition Info parameters.


Click Add or Update to save the partition.

Result:  The partition is added to the Lucent CM system.

End of steps

Packages and services

Packages and services that were assigned to the partition, group or users are not deleted. If the packages or services are no longer needed they can be deleted.

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