Import a certificate from a CA


This topic describes the steps to import a certificate from a Certification Authority (CA).

This can be a:

Certificate format

The Lucent CM system requires a signed certificate in the ASCII - PEM format. Importing a signed certificate in any other format will fail.

File location

The certificates must be available in the /opt/lps/current/sbin/ directory.

Before you begin

A signed certificate can only be imported if the certification authority is trusted. To define a certification authority as trusted, the certification authority root certificate must be imported.

Import a certificate from a CA



Service-disruption hazard

All applications servers in the Lucent CM system are stopped and restarted when importing a certificate. Service is temporarily denied to all users.

Import a certificate before the system carries live traffic or during a maintenance window.

Task StepsPerform the following steps to import a certificate from a CA:


Login to one of the Lucent CM nodes as “root”.


Execute the set certificate script. Enter the command:

sudo -u lps /opt/lps/current/bin/


Select n when prompted to generate a key to send to a certification authority.


If ...


Then ...


you want to import a trusted root certificate,


  1. Enter y when prompted to import your certificate authority certificate.

  2. Continue with Step 5


you want to import a signed certificate from a trusted CA,


  1. Enter n when prompted to import your certificate authority certificate.

  2. Go to Step 8



Enter the following information:

  • Path name to the certificate

  • Keystore password (root password)

Result:  The owner, issuer, serial number, valid time and security fingerprints of the certificate display


Enter Yes to trust this certificate.

Result:  The certificate is added to the keystore and the certification authority is now trusted.


If ...


Then ...


you want to import a signed certificate,


  1. Enter y when prompted to import your signed certificate.

  2. Continue with Step 8


you do not want to import a signed certificate,


  1. Enter n when prompted to import your signed certificate.

End of procedure



Enter the following information:

  • Path name to the certificate

  • SSH RSA key passphrase.

Result:  The Lucent CM application nodes are restarted with the new keystore and the new certificate is used on the Lucent CM system.

End of steps

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