Create Red Hat Linux installation CD-ROMs


This topic describes the steps to create the correct CD-ROMs for Red Hat Linux for installation on the Lucent CM servers.

The Lucent CM servers require Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (x86 32-bit) WS Standard Edition Update 8.

Important!  The 64-bit version must not be used.

Create correct CD-ROMs

Task StepsPerform the following steps to create the correct CD-ROMs:


Get a Red Hat Network account.

Follow the instructions on the Red Hat Service Activation Card that is contained in the box with the original Red Hat CDs. You need internet access and the unique Product ID contained on the activation card.


Log into the Red Hat Network using the Red Hat Network account.


Navigate to the software download section and select Update 8.

Result:  In this area, there are links for Binary Disc 1, Binary Disk 2, and Binary Disk 3.


Download the three iso images and burned them to CDs.

Result:  The CD-ROMs you create are used to install Red Hat Linux on the Lucent CM servers.

End of steps

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