Engineering rules for provisioning nodes and servers


This topic describes recommendations and rules for provisioning nodes and system servers.

Configuration rules

Configuration changes to the nodes must follow the following rules:

The Node Name cannot be updated after a node is added. External Hostname and Internal Hostname cannot be changed using the Lucent CM Explorer, but can be changed using a script.

Mixing hardware platforms

The hardware platforms that are supported by Lucent CM can be mixed in all Lucent CM configurations. Mixing hardware platforms impacts performance and capacity because the performance and capacity of the platforms differ.

It is recommended to use the same hardware platform type for both D-nodes of a data segment.


The Lucent CM system supports multiple databases. The databases are grouped in segments. Databases in a segment can be configured as replicated or as non-replicated.

Segmenting allows you to distribute user information across multiple nodes. The first segment stores information on the system, groups, and partitions.

The Lucent CM application server distributes information across the segments.

Peer nodes and high availability

To provide High Availability (HA), databases are configured with a Peer Node. In a high availability configuration, information is replicated between a pair of databases.

Remove node

An administrator cannot remove the Lucent CM application node to which the administrator is connected. To remove a Lucent CM application node, the system administrator must connect to a different node than the one that must be removed.

Call servers

A Lucent CM system can connect to multiple call servers. However a call server must be managed by a single Lucent CM system. This ensures configuration data from a Lucent CM is not overwritten by another Lucent CM that is also connected to the call server.

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