OAM&P roles


This topic describes the roles that can be distinguished for OAM&P tasks related to the Lucent Communication Manager. A person can perform one or more roles. Who performs the roles, depend on the organizational structures of the service provider and enterprise and on the way Lucent CM is deployed.

Overview of roles



Short description


System administrator - Fully privileged


  • Manages the Lucent CM system

  • Performs backup and restores

  • Manages administration accounts

  • Can manage all partitions

  • Can perform all configuration actions


System administrator - OMC-P Supplementary


Can only perform provisioning for Lucent CM areas that are not provisioned by the OMC-P.


System administrator - Password reset only


Can only perform password resets for the users of all partitions of the Lucent CM system.


Partition administrator - Fully privileged


  • Manages one partition

  • Can perform all configuration actions allowed for the partition


Partition administrator - Password reset only


Can perform the following actions for the partition that the partition administrator is assigned to.

  • Search for users

  • Perform password resets for users

The administrator cannot perform any other actions for users.


End user


  • Use services

  • Manages own account


Available interfaces


Type of user




System administrator


  • Lucent CM Explorer administration client

  • Command line interface


Partition administrator


  • Lucent CM Explorer partition administration client


End user


  • Lucent CM user client


System administrator - Fully privileged

A system administrator manages the complete Lucent CM system. The administrator has full access to all functions including functions that a partition administrator performs. The tasks are performed using the Lucent CM Explorer administrator client and command line interfaces.

The system administrator performs the following main tasks:

A system administrator also manages all partitions available on the Lucent CM system. The administrator has full access to all functions including functions that a partition administrator performs. The tasks are performed using the Lucent CM Explorer administration client.

The system administrator performs the following main tasks for partitions:

System administrator - OMC-P Supplementary

A system administrator with OMC-P supplementary capability can only perform provisioning for areas that are not managed by the OMC-P.

Examples of these areas are:

The system administrator cannot provision data that is managed by the OMC-P.

By not allowing the provisioning of data that is managed by the OMC-P, mismatches between data on the OMC-P and data on the Lucent CM are prevented.

System administrator - Password reset only

A system administrator with password reset only capability can perform a single task. The system administrator can perform password resets for users of all partitions of the Lucent CM system.

Partition administrator - Fully privileged

In the Lucent CM Explorer, a partition represents a set of users that can be administered independently by a partition administrator.

A partition administrator has access to functions that are related to one particular partition and the users that belong to that partition. A partition administrator does not have access to other partitions or Lucent CM system functions. The partition administrator tasks are performed using Lucent CM Explorer partition administrator interface.

The partition administrator performs the following main tasks:

Partition administrator - Password reset only

A partition administrator with password reset only capability can only perform a search for a user and perform password resets for the users of the partition that the partition administrator is assigned to.

The administrator cannot perform any other actions for users.


The user is limited to use and manage services. The tasks are performed using the Lucent CM user client.

The user performs the following main tasks:

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