Procedure 11-17: Establish Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with non-preemptible unprotected traffic (NUT)

- Overview

This procedure provides an example for establishing an Ethernet packet ring on a bidirectional line switched ring (BLSR) with Nonpreemptible Unprotected Traffic (NUT) access (Release 3 or later).

A packet ring is a set of Ethernet switches (Ethernet circuit packs) connected to each other in a ring configuration. When the packet ring is first established, the capacity of the ring is predetermined by the number of STS-1 cross-connections (1-21 [LNW66/67/68], 1-48 [LNW70/LNW170]) applied to the ring and switches. The tagging mode, virtual switch ID, and spanning tree group is also predetermined. For example, see Figure 11-14, Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with NUT.

This procedure assumes that the BLSR ring network configuration has already been established and no alarms are present.

This procedure uses TL1 commands and specific WaveStar® CIT menu selections to illustrate the detailed provisioning parameters. If you prefer, you can use the Data Provisioning Wizard to perform the provisioning in this procedure. From the System View menu, select Configuration → Ethernet Service to invoke the wizard.

- Privilege level

You must login as either a Privileged or General user to complete this procedure.

- Before you begin

Prior to performing this procedure, refer to Before you begin and Required equipment in this chapter and you must have complete work instructions for this procedure that detail:

  • The network configuration and the nodes participating in the packet ring network.

  • The shelf slots, circuit packs, ports, VCGs involved in the packet ring network.

  • The number and type of cross-connections to be made at each node.

    For circuit packs not supporting LCAS, once the capacity of the packet ring is established, additional capacity (cross-connections) may not be added in service without service interruption.

  • The tagging mode (transparent or 802.1q), virtual switch ID, and spanning tree group ID.


Use this procedure as an example to establish an Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR ring using NUT. See Figure 11-14, Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with NUT for an example.


Use the WaveStar® CIT to log in to one of the terminating nodes, if not already performed.


Procedure 14-2: Connect Personal Computer (PC) and establish WaveStar® CIT session


On the System View menu, select Administration → OSI Neighbor Map command and note the NEs connected to Main 1 and Main 2.

Access each of the NEs identified and select the Administration → OSI Neighbor Map command and note the NEs connected to Main 1 and Main 2.

Repeat the above until the backbone ring can be sketched.

As an alternative, you can select View → Rings → Ring Map from the System View menu, then select the 2F BLSR port protection group and click Select. Select NVMRING in the Ring Map Source selection box. You may also Display Ring Map Graph using this command.


If a drawing of the network is not provided with the work instructions, it is recommended that you draw a simple diagram of the ring (indicating node-to-node connections) and list each node's TID.


The OSI Neighbor Map window opens if the Administration → OSI Neighbor Map command was used.

A list of NEs and NE neighbors is displayed if the View → Rings → Ring Map command was used.


Verify that the system configuration is the same as specified on your work instructions.


From your work instructions, determine the circuit pack, port, and cross-connections to be made at each node associated with the packet ring being established.


Verify that the Ethernet circuit packs have been installed into the required slot of the Function Unit or Growth group (A, B, C, D, or G) at each NE providing Ethernet service.


Procedure 4-13: Install Gigabit Ethernet circuit packs



If the Ethernet circuit pack is already in service, the existing tagging mode cannot be changed without removing all existing cross-connections and virtual switch provisioning.


Determine the existing tagging mode for the circuit pack being provisioned. Use the TL1 rtrv-eqpt command or select View → Equipment from the System View menu, select the CP, then click Select. Note the VLAN Tagging Mode and other parameter values.

The VLAN Tagging Mode for the LNW66/67/68 circuit packs must be set to TRANS or 802.1TAG. The VLAN Tagging Mode for the LNW70/LNW170 circuit packs must be set to SWITCHED.


When GbE circuit packs are installed in the shelf, the default "NOTAG" mode is assigned to the circuit pack. When FE circuit packs are installed in the shelf, the default "802.1TAG" mode is assigned to the circuit pack.




the tagging mode and all parameters are set correctly,

Proceed to Step 13.

the tagging mode is set correctly but other parameters are not correct,

Proceed to Step 10.

the tagging mode is NOT set correctly,

Continue with Step 8.


Determine if a virtual switch ID has already been assigned to the LAN/WAN ports used for this service. Use the TL1 rtrv-vrtsw command or select the View → Data → Virtual Switch command from the System View menu, select the GbE circuit pack being provisioned, then click Select. Note if a virtual switch ID has been assigned.

If a virtual switch ID already exists, you must delete the existing virtual switch ID before changing the tagging mode.


If a virtual switch has been provisioned, delete it by using the TL1 dlt-vrtsw command or select the Configuration → Data → Delete Virtual Switch command from the System View menu, select the circuit pack being provisioned, then click Select. Highlight the VRTSW ID being deleted, then click Apply.

Read the warning message, then click Yes to execute the command. Click Close to exit.


Use the TL1 ed-eqpt command or select the Configuration → Equipment command from the System View menu, select the circuit pack being provisioned, then click Select.


Verify/Select the tagging mode (802.1TAG, TRANS[LNW66/67/68], or SWITCHED[LNW70/LNW170]) in the VLAN Tagging Mode box.


Verify/Enter other parameter values (for example, Burst Size, Credit Interval[LNW66/67/68], Ethernet Cross Connect Mode and Port Configuration [LNW70/LNW170]), as required, then click Apply. Read the warning message, then click OK to make your changes. Click Close to exit.


Procedure 11-13: Provision Ethernet circuit pack parameters



Service-disruption hazard

Once a virtual switch is created and service has been established on the circuit pack, you cannot delete the virtual switch without interrupting service.

If the service you are establishing in this procedure is a second service on an existing GbE circuit pack with all LAN/WAN ports in the same virtual switch, then the existing virtual switch ID must be retained or the ports not in service must be removed from the existing virtual switch and added to a new virtual switch ID.


  • For circuit packs not yet in service with no virtual switch assigned:
    • Use the TL1 ent-vrtsw command to create an assigned virtual switch ID or select Configuration → Data → Create Virtual Switch command from the CIT System View menu.

      For the LNW70/LNW170 circuit pack, select the required Virtual LAN Tagging Mode (802.1TAG or Transparent).

  • For circuit packs not yet in service with a virtual switch assigned:
    • Use the TL1 dlt-vrtsw command to delete an assigned virtual switch ID or select Configuration → Data → Delete Virtual Switch command from the CIT System View menu, if a different virtual switch ID is required.

    • Use the TL1 command ent-vrtsw command or select Configuration → Data → Create Virtual Switch to create a new virtual switch ID containing the selected LAN/WAN ports.

      For the LNW70/LNW170 circuit pack, select the required Virtual LAN Tagging Mode (802.1TAG or Transparent).

  • For circuit packs in service with a virtual switch assigned:
    • Use the TL1 ed-vrtsw command or select Configuration → Data → Provision Virtual Switch command from the CIT System View menu to remove the required ports from a virtual switch.

    • Use the TL1 command ent-vrtsw command or select Configuration → Data → Create Virtual Switch to create a new virtual switch ID containing the required LAN/WAN ports.

      For the LNW70/LNW170 circuit pack, select the required Virtual LAN Tagging Mode (802.1TAG or Transparent).



Select Configuration → Equipment from the System View menu. Or use the TL1 ed-protn-acc command to provision the NUT values.


The Configure Equipment window opens.


Select Ptn Grp tab from the bottom of the window, then select the required 2F BLSR group and click Select.


Parameters display for the selected protection group


Under Local NUT,

  • Select the NUT Rate as STS1

  • Select the Time Slot Number(s) (1-24 for OC-48 or 1-96 for OC-192) you are provisioning.

  • Select the NUT Protection Attribute as Not Protected.


Note that each timeslot used for the multipoint cross-connections for the packet ring must be provisioned at each node (including intermediate pass-through nodes) with the NUT attribute of Not Protected.



Determine the necessary Multipoint cross-connections to be made to each VCG at each terminating node. Determine any 2-Way Point-to-Point, Through pass through cross-connections to be made at any non terminating nodes in the network.


Note that, for full rate Gigabit packet rings on an OC-48 BLSR, cross-connections for the first packet ring using VCG 1(2) should use cross-connection time slots 1-21.


One at a time at each node in the network, use the TL1 ent-crs-sts1 command to provision the cross-connections. Or, select Configuration → Cross-Connections from the System View menu to start the Cross-Connection Wizard. Use the Cross-Connection Wizard to provision the Multipoint Ethernet and the 2-Way Point-to-Point, Through pass-through cross-connections. For example, see Figure 11-14, Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with NUT.


Refer to Procedure 11-24: Make cross-connections for Ethernet service for cross-connection examples.


From the System View menu, select View → Cross-Connections to verify that the proper connections have been made.



For LNW70/LNW170 circuit packs, each tributary cross-connected to a VCG must be Enabled before it becomes an active member of the VCG. Select View → Data → Ethernet/Data/VCG Port to verify that VCG Membership has been Enabled in both Input and Ouput Direction.

If required, use the TL1 ed-vcgtrib command to enable tributaries, or from the System View menu at each node, select Configuration → Equipment. Expand the details for the circuit pack and VCGs being used. Highlight the tributary (Trib) being enabled then click Select.

Select Enabled for the VCG Membership in both the Input and Output Direction. Click Apply, read the warning message, then click Yes to execute the command. Repeat this step for each tributary being enabled. Click Close to exit.

When Input VCG Membership (source) (inmbs) is enabled, the VCG tributary is a member of the VCG in the source direction (towards the SONET network). When Output VCG Membership (sink) (outmbs) is enabled, the VCG tributary is a member of the VCG in the sink direction (away from the SONET network).


Procedure 11-33: Provision LCAS, add/enable/remove tributaries


After all cross-connections are made, click on the Alarm List button on the System View window and verify no alarms are present.


If alarms are present, look for missing or improperly made cross-connections.


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 Data Multiplexer (DMX) Alarm Messages and Trouble Clearing Guide, 365-372-302



For LNW70/LNW170 circuit packs, at least one tributary at each end of the circuit must be Enabled in order for the VCG to go in service.

If required, after all cross-connections have been made, verify that the WAN (VCG) Ports being used have gone in service at each terminating node. From the System View menu at each terminating node, select View → Data → Ethernet/Data/VCG Port.


The View LAN (Ethernet) WAN (VCG) Port window opens.


Expand the details for the circuit pack being used. Select the required VCG v( ) port, then click Select at the bottom of the window. Verify the VCG AID is correct at the top of the parameter display.


Click on the VCG Data tab. Under the Fault section of the parameter display, verify the VCG Monitoring Mode is IS (in service). If the VCG Monitoring Mode is IS, proceed to Step 26.

  • If the VCG Monitoring Mode is NMON, (Not Monitored),

    Perform the following:
    1. Click Close to exit this window. From the System View menu, select Configuration → Equipment. Expand the details for the circuit pack being used, then select the required VCG v( ) port and click Select at the bottom of the window.

    2. In the parameters display area, click the VCG Data tab. Under the Fault section, select AUTO for the VCG Monitoring Mode.

    3. Click Apply at the bottom of the window then click Yes in the warning message to execute the command.

    4. Click Close to exit the window, then repeat this procedure from Step 23.

  • If the VCG Monitoring Mode is AUTO:

    Look for missing or improperly made cross-connections. Verify that the proper cross-connections were made to the correct VCG at each terminating node.

    If proper cross-connections have been made, then indications are that either the far-end or near-end circuit pack at each end of the span has failed or must be reset. If the circuit pack already has service established on another pair of VCGs, the following will interrupt service.
    • Log in to the NE at the far end of the span that connects to the near-end VCG not in service. Select the Fault → Reset → Smart Pack command from the System View menu, then select the circuit pack to be reset. Click Apply. Read the warning message, then click Yes. Wait until the alarms clear, then check the VCG Monitoring Mode again. If the VCG Monitoring Mode does not go in service (IS), then reset the near-end circuit pack and check the VCG Monitoring Mode.

    • If, after resetting the circuit packs, the VCG is still not in service, replace, one at a time, the far-end and near-end circuit packs.


Alcatel-Lucent 1665 Data Multiplexer (DMX) Alarm Messages and Trouble Clearing Guide, 365-372-302



If required, determine a preferred spanning tree configuration (span to be blocked under nominal conditions), the preferred root node, and spanning tree root priorities for this service.


It is not necessary to determine a preferred spanning tree configuration. A default spanning tree configuration is configured when you establish the spanning tree group.


Procedure 11-25: Create preferred spanning tree configuration


Use the TL1 ent-stgrp command to assign and provision the parameters for the ports involved in the spanning tree group. Or select Configuration → Data → Create Spanning Tree Group command from the CIT System View menu. For example, see Figure 11-14, Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with NUT.


Spanning tree default parameters support a network of up to nine nodes.

Networks running 802.1w rapid spanning tree protocol (Release 2 or later) support more than nine nodes participating in a spanning tree. To support more than nine nodes in the spanning tree, the maximum age timer must be increased. Note that spanning tree restoration time increases as the number of nodes increase.

If the network consists of more than nine (9) nodes which are participating in the spanning tree configuration, use the following formula to determine the proper setting for the spanning tree maximum age timer (stmaxage): 2N + 6, where N equals the number of nodes.

For example, if the network consists of 16 nodes, then the stmaxage timer should be set to 38 seconds: 2 x (16) + 6= 38.


Repeat all the assignments in this procedure at each Ethernet node in the network.


All Ethernet nodes in the network must be in the same spanning tree group (that is, all VCGs, at each node, participating in the same spanning tree group must be assigned to the same spanning tree group ID).

End of steps

Figure 11-14: Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with NUT
Ethernet packet ring on a BLSR with NUT
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