General information
Queue groups are objects created on access or network Ethernet ports that allow SAP or IP interface forwarding classes to be redirected from standard queue mapping to a shared queue. This provides some flexibility to maintain QoS and helps save resources on the node.
Access ingress ports support a single queue group for each ingress port. Access egress and network egress ports support the creation of multiple queue groups.
Queue Group Template policies
Queue Group Template policies allow you to define the queuing and parenting structure for queue groups on Ethernet ports. The policy defines the number and types of queues within the port queue group, and provides the default queue parameters.
Before you create a queue group on an Ethernet port, you must first create a Queue Group Template.
See Queue Group policies in QoS policy types for more information.
Port queue groups
The port queue group contains the queue groups that are created based on the queue IDs defined within the associated Ingress/Egress Queue Group Template policies. Port queue groups are supported on Ethernet ports and can be created on ports within a LAG. Port queue groups are not supported on HSMDA Ethernet ports and VSM MDAs.
Network egress queue groups are not supported on the following IOM-1 cards:
You can create a port queue group on an Ethernet port after creating an Ingress/Egress Queue Group Template policy.
Note: You must use the same name for the port queue group and Ingress/Egress Queue Group Template policy.
Port queue group LAGs
When a port queue group is created on a LAG, the group is individually instantiated on each link in the LAG. The queue parameters for a queue within the queue group are used for each port queue.
You can create, modify, or delete a port access ingress, access egress, or network egress queue group on the primary port of the LAG. (The primary port is the port with the lowest port ID.) The NE automatically replicates the create, modify, or delete action for the queue group on all other ports within the LAG.
Note: The NFM-P does not allow you to create, modify, or delete an Access Ingress, Access Egress, or Network Egress queue groups on non-primary ports.
When you add a port to a LAG, the port must use the same access ingress, access egress, or network egress queue groups as the existing ports on the LAG. To ensure this requirement for the port, the NFM-P implements the following sequential comparison:
Note: Nokia recommends that you add all required ports to the LAGs before the configuration of the port queue group.
In the services context, the following requirements must be observed:
For any service SAP that associates its connection to a LAG, the forwarding plane must exist on the card for the LAG’s primary port to be selectable.
Whenever you add a port from a different card to a LAG, the forwarding plane redirect name and associated Instance ID parameters you configure must be identical to those that have already been configured for the service.
Access SAP forwarding class-based redirection
Typically, each SAP has dedicated ingress and egress queues that are only used by that specific SAP. Individual SAP queuing requires a more complex provisioning model to configure the ingress and egress SLAs of the SAP. The configuration requires service awareness at the aggregation locations in the network. There are cases where individual SAP queuing is not preferred. In these cases, you can use a shared queue or an individual port queue model. You can configure a shared queue by creating access ingress and access egress queue groups, and mapping the forwarding classes of the SAP to the queues within the queue group.
You can configure forwarding class redirection on a SAP to a queue group queue ID using the access ingress/egress QoS policy. In each policy, the forwarding class to queue ID mapping can specify a queue group name.
See Workflow to configure access SAP forwarding class-based redirection for more information.
Network IP interface forwarding class-based redirection
You can create queue groups on egress network ports to provide network IP interface queue redirection. A single set of egress port-based forwarding class queues are available by default, and all IP interfaces on the port share the queues. The creation of a network queue group allows one or more IP interfaces to selectively redirect forwarding classes to the group to override the default behavior.
The redirection of the egress forwarding class on an IP interface to an egress queue group queue ID is provisioned using the Network policy. The actual queue group name can be specified when the Network Policy is applied to the IP interfaces.
You can configure dedicated queues for each IP interface using network egress queue groups.
See Workflow to configure network IP interface forwarding class-based redirection for more information.
Queue group statistics
The packets sent to the queue of a SAP are statistically tracked by a set of counters associated with the queue group queue, not the SAP counters. The tracking occurs when a forwarding class is redirected to an ingress or egress port queue group queue.
On a network interface, the counter sets are created for each egress IP interface, not for each egress queue. The same counter set is used when a forwarding class for an egress IP interface is redirected from the default egress port queue to a queue group queue.
See “Statistics collection in the NFM-P” in the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide for information about managing statistics collection and to view a list of the MIB counters that are available for collection using the NFM-P.