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About this guide

This guide provides descriptions of the Command Line Interface (CLI) commands used to configure and manage the Multi-Access Gateway - controller (MAG-c) for the BNG CUPS solution. This includes configure, clear, monitor, show, and tools commands and supported values and parameters for each command.

The MAG-c is based on Release 20.10 of the SR OS from which it inherits many, but not all, SR OS Release 20.10 features.

Note: This guide covers content for the release specified on the title page of the guide, and may also contain content to be released in later maintenance loads. See the applicable MAG-c Release Notes for information about features supported in each load of the release software.
Note: The information in this guide is intended to be used in conjunction with the 7750 SR software user guides. The 7750 SR software user guides describe SR OS service features that are supported by the MAG-c. For specific guide titles, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Documentation Suite Overview Card 20.10.R1.
Note: Configuration outputs shown in this guide are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.


This section describes the general conventions used in this guide.

Precautionary and information messages

The following information symbols are used in the documentation.

DANGER: Danger warns that the described activity or situation may result in serious personal injury or death. An electric shock hazard could exist. Before you begin work on this equipment, be aware of hazards involving electrical circuitry, be familiar with networking environments, and implement accident prevention procedures.
WARNING: Warning indicates that the described activity or situation may, or will, cause equipment damage, serious performance problems, or loss of data.
Caution: Caution indicates that the described activity or situation may reduce your component or system performance.
Note: Note provides additional operational information.
Tip: Tip provides suggestions for use or best practices.

Options or substeps in procedures and sequential workflows

Options in a procedure or a sequential workflow are indicated by a bulleted list. In the following example, at step 1, the user must perform the described action. At step 2, the user must perform one of the listed options to complete the step.

Options in a procedure

  1. User must perform this step.
  2. This step offers three options. User must perform one option to complete this step.
    • This is one option.
    • This is another option.
    • This is yet another option.

Substeps in a procedure or a sequential workflow are indicated by letters. In the following example, at step 1, the user must perform the described action. At step 2, the user must perform two substeps (a. and b.) to complete the step.

Substeps in a procedure

  1. User must perform this step.
  2. User must perform all substeps to complete this action.
    1. This is one substep.
    2. This is another substep.

Command tree

The MAG-c CLI command tree is a hierarchical inverted tree. The highest level in the tree is the root and below the root are the major command groups. The major command groups include, for example, the admin, clear, configure, debug, show, and tools command trees. See Linking between trees and command descriptions for more information.

Command descriptions

Command descriptions in this guide appear in the order in which they are found in the command tree.

The following figure shows an example of the fields of the command description.

Figure 3. Command description example

The following table describes the fields that may be shown for a command. Not all fields are applicable for all commands.

Table 1. Command description fields
Field Description

Command Name

Name of the command


Command syntax required to execute the command. See CLI command syntax for information about syntax symbols.


Complete contextual path to perform the command


Description of the command functionality and any restrictions


Command default value


Descriptions of command parameters


Values allowed for the parameter


Parameter default value

CLI contexts

Use the CLI to access, configure and manage the MAG-c.

Enter CLI commands at the command line prompt. Your system administrator sets the permissions that control access to specific CLI commands. Entering a CLI command makes navigation possible from one command context (or level) to another.

When you initially enter a CLI session, you are in the ROOT context. Navigate to another level by entering the name of successively lower contexts. For example, use the following command at the ROOT context (command prompt #) to navigate to the config context.

A:node-2# configure

The active context displays at the command prompt.

In a specific CLI context, enter commands at that context level by entering the text. It is also possible to include a command in a lower context, as long as you format the command with the correct command and parameter syntax. The following examples show two methods to navigate to a call trace level.

Example: Method 1

A:node-2# configure mobile-gateway profile call-insight

Example: Method 2

A:node-2>config# mobile-gateway
A:node-2>config>mobile# profile
A:node-2>config>mobile>profile# call-insight

When the syntax is incorrect, the CLI returns the following error message:

config# mobile
Error: Bad command.