Multi-Access Gateway Lawful Intercept - Fixed Wireless Access
This chapter provides information about Multi-Access Gateway (MAG) Lawful Intercept (LI) - Fixed Wireless Access (FWA).
Topics in this chapter include:
The information and the configuration in this chapter are based on Multi-Access Gateway (MAG) controller (MAG-c) and SR OS Release 24.3.R1.
This chapter provides basic Lawful Intercept (LI) configurations for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) broadband subscribers in a non-redundant MAG setup.
The LI target is the target to be monitored within the MAG LI system.
This chapter provides a MAG configuration example for the 3GPP X1, X2, and X3 interfaces. These X interfaces are based on 3GPP TS 33.107 and TS 33.108 for 4G and on 3GPP TS 33.127 and RS 33.128 for 5G. X interfaces for the MAG shows the X1, X2, and X3 interfaces for the MAG.

The preceding figure lists the X interfaces for the MAG:
- The X1 interface in this document refers to 4G X1_1 and 5G LI_X1 interface. The X1 interface connects the MAG-c and the LI Gateway (LIG) and is used for configuration: setting up LI targets and the MAG-c LI infrastructure.
- The X2 interface in this document refers to 4G X2_1 and 5G LI_X2. It is also known as the Intercept Relation Information (IRI) interface. The X2 interface is used for transporting IRI LI target related events to the LIG. In 4G, the X2 interface to the LIG is often referred to as the delivery function (DF) 2 peer (DF2 peer).
- The X3 interface in this document refers to the Communication Content (CC) interface for both 4G and 5G. The CC interface is used to transport the mirrored packets from each User Plane (UP) to the LIG. In 4G, the LIG often is often referred to as the DF3 peer.
- The MAG-c supports 4G X1_1 CLI over the SSH interface. This interface is Nokia proprietary.
- The Supported Surveillance Target identifiers on the LI_X1 interface are: IMSI and MSISDN.
- The MAG-c supports multiple DF2 peers for processing IRI.
- The MAG-c supports one CC destination per FWA LI target.
- All IRI messages for a single target are sent to one DF. All CC messages for a single target are sent to one DF. The LIG, if configured, can perform any required fan-out and deliver the IRI messages to multiple Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). Activating a target using more than one identity (for example, IMSI and MSISDN) results in a single stream of IRI sent to the LIG. When multiple identities are activated for a target, it is expected that the LIG peer is the same for a given target.
- For 4G, the X2 interface uses TCP/IP as its transport protocol with TPKT encapsulation as per TS 33.108 section G2.1.2.2. The MAG-c 4G X2 IRI messages are ASN.1-encoded as per Annex B.9 of 3GPP Specification 33.108 [1]. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
- The 4G Lawful Intercept ID (LIID) is relevant only to LIG and the LEA. If a LIID is provisioned at the time of target activation, its value is populated in IRI messages. If a LIID is not provisioned at the time of target activation, a default value is populated in the IRI message because it is a mandatory parameter in the ASN.1 (this default value can be safely ignored by the LIG).
- IRI messages are uni-directional and do not have a response message. A MAG-c includes at least one target ID when sending an IRI message to the LIG-DF. Additional target IDs, such as MSISDN, can be included in the X2 message, if available.
- The X3 interface utilizes UDP as transport to the LIG and the mirrored packets are encapsulated with an IP-UDP shim header. Only IPv4 IP/UDP shim is supported.
The sequence to activate LI on MAG FWA is as follows:
- MAG-c and user plane FWA LI infrastructure setup through SSH CLI:
- MAG-c FWA LI infrastructure setup provisioned through SSH CLI
- User plane (UP) LI infrastructure setup provisioned through SSH CLI
- LI target provisioning:
- 4G LI target provisioning for 4G IRI events through SSH CLI
- 5G LI target provisioning for 5G IRI events through TCP/TLS based on ETSI 103.221-1
- 4G and 5G LI target provisioning for CC through SSH CLI
The MAG-c and UP LI infrastructure setup is typically performed once at commissioning and rarely requires any additional configuration after commissioning.
It is expected that the operator repeats the three LI target provisioning steps for each FWA LI target. The reason for provisioning both 4G and 5G LI is because the operator may not be able to determine if the FWA subscriber is a 4G or a 5G Residential Gateway (RG). Therefore, to cover all bases, each FWA LI target is provisioned as both a 4G and a 5G LI FWA target. If the operator is certain that the end subscriber is only 4G capable, then only steps 1 and 3 are required. And if the operator is certain that the end customer has a 5G RG capable of falling back to 4G access then only steps 2 and 3 are required.
MAG-c and user plane FWA LI infrastructure setup through SSH CLI
The X1 interface on the MAG-c is a CLI interface over SSH. It is used for provisioning both the LI infrastructure and the LI targets. The LI X1_1 interface can only be accessed by CLI users with LI permission. CLI users without LI permission cannot view or manage LI configuration on the node. On MAG-c, a user with administrative access is required to create a user with LI permission first. For more information on LI user setup, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide. For more information on separating LI management from regular management, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide.
The X1 interface utilizes the common SSH IP address for generic MAG-c management. The user access rights determine the region the user can log into: regular management or LI management. It is possible to configure dedicated in-band SSH IP interfaces for LI management. For more information on SSH management, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide.
By default, the MAG-c denies the LI configuration file save. The saving of the LI configuration file locally is determined by the Boot Option File (BOF) setting. Any change on the BOF requires a reboot of the MAG-c. If the LI configuration is saved locally, the configuration is encrypted and the encryption key is unique per system. Saving the LI configuration allows the system to survive node failures and node reboots without the need for re-provisioning. The command configure li save is used to save the LI configuration.
It is assumed that the LIG periodically executes the target retrieval command for audits to maintain data integrity.
LI infrastructure setup: Setting up the 4G X2_1 interface
MAG-c supports one local X2_1 interface and maximum 16 DF2 peers.
The following command is used to configure the X2_1 local interface:
config>li>mobile-gateway ?
[no] local-interface <ip-address> [router <router-instance>]
[over-ride x2-interface <x2-ip-address> [x2-router <x2-router-instance>]]
The configure li mobile-gateway local-interface command is used to provision the source IP address used by the MAG-c for the LI X2 interface for both 4G and 5G (described in later sections). The no form of the command reverts to the default: no local-interface. The over-ride x2-interface option is an extension to the existing CLI used to specify a different IP address and/or VPRN for the 4G X2 interface. The 5G interface always takes the local interface IP address.
Information Element (IE) |
Description |
local-interface | Source IP address used by xGW for LI interface |
ip-address | IPv4 or IPv6 address of the xGW |
router-instance | VPRN routing context identifier. Defaults to base routing context, when not specified. |
x2-ip-address | Source IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) for the X2 interface. |
x2-router-instance | VPRN routing context identifier for X2 interface. |
By default, when the over-ride x2-interface option is not used, X2 utilizes the local interface. The X2 override command overrides both the 4G and 5G X2 interface.
The local-interface cannot be modified when targets/peers are configured/in service.
Some examples:
Example 1:
[X2-IP =] [X2-VPRN = 1]local-interface router 1
Example 2:
[X2-IP =] [X2-VPRN = 2]local-interface router 1 over-ride x2-interface x2-router 2
Example 3:
[X2-IP =] [X2-VPRN = 2]local-interface router 1 over-ride x2-interface x2-router 2
The following command is used to configure the DF peer ID:
config>li>mobile-gateway ?
[no] df-peer <df-peer-Id> df2-addr <iri-addr> df2-port <port-num>
[df2-tls-profile <client-tls-profile-name>]
The configure li mobile-gateway command is used to provision a DF peer, which includes DF2 used for IRI of a Lawful Intercept Gateway.
Information element (IE) | Comment |
Delivery function peer ID | 1-16 |
IRI DF address | IP address of the DF where the IRI is to be sent |
IRI port number | TCP port of the DF where the IRI is to be sent |
Client TLS profile | The client TLS profile used for the TLS connection between MAG-c and DF peer. Creation of a client TLS profile is covered in Appendix: Transport Layer Security. |
LI infrastructure setup: Setting up the 5G X1 interface
The LI_X1 interface supports only mutual TLS. The interface encoding is specified in ETSI 130 221-1. The TLS version 1.2 and above is supported. For more information on TLS configuration, see Appendix: Transport Layer Security.
In mutual TLS, the LIG verifies the MAG-c certificates, and in return the MAG-c verifies the LIG certificates.
LI_X1 mutual TLS configuration
In this example, the files names are the same ones used in Appendix: Transport Layer Security for cohesiveness.
It is assumed that following Appendix: Transport Layer Security the keys, certificates, and certification revoking list (CRL) have already been generated. The next step is to import them on the MAG-c and configure the router to use them for TLS authentication and encryption.
The Appendix: Transport Layer Security only covers one set of certificates for MAG-c. For mutual TLS, the client (in this case, the LIG) is expected to have its own set of certificate files. To generate the client certs, the same process in Appendix can be repeated for the client application (in this case, the LIG).
Import certificates on the MAG-c
First, transfer the MAG-c private key and certificate (as well as the certification authority (CA) certificate and CRL), these are certs that are generated on a Linux system on behalf of MAG-c from Appendix Appendix: Transport Layer Security. The MAG-c then utilizes the certificates, keys, and CRL for authentication. LI_X1 requires mutual TLS, therefore the LIG is expected to also provide the client set of files to be installed on the MAG-c. It is expected that the LIG has the same set of files for the MAG-c to install for client authentication. The following example uses the scp (secure copy) command for only the MAG-c key and certication files. The same scp is used again to transfer the LIG set of files, the prefix "lig-" is pre-pended to the files to highlight the differences. Although the example uses scp for file transfer, other file transfer mechanism can be used, such as FTP. The certificates, keys, and CRL must be stored in cf1.
Transfer the MAG-c certificates for server authentication:
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# scp pe3-cert.pem private/pe3-key.pem CAcert.pem CAcrl.pem admin@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:HLc2D3INqxEzAdGc7ZkylD7O9VK0LT0nc0RWMCiG/MA.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@'s password:
pe3-cert.pem 100% 4168 51.8KB/s 00:00
pe3-key.pem 100% 1675 19.0KB/s 00:00
CAcert.pem 100% 4386 74.7KB/s 00:00
CAcrl.pem 100% 658 7.4KB/s 00:00
Transfer the LIG certificates for client authentication:
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# scp lig-pe3-cert.pem private/lig-pe3-key.pem lig-CAcert.pem lig-CAcrl.pem admin@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:HLc2D3INqxEzAdGc7ZkylD7O9VK0LT0nc0RWMCiG/MA.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@'s password:
lig-pe3-cert.pem 100% 4168 51.8KB/s 00:00
lig-pe3-key.pem 100% 1675 19.0KB/s 00:00
lig-CAcert.pem 100% 4386 74.7KB/s 00:00
lig-CAcrl.pem 100% 658 7.4KB/s 00:00
To utilize transferred keys, certificates, and CRL files, they must be converted to MAG-c system format file. When the following commands are executed, the system automatically creates the directory system-pki/ and stores the output files there for subsequent use. The process of importing certificates and keys only generates binary files in the cf1:/system/pki directory. These files are not loaded into memory at this point.
Import the MAG certificates:
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type cert input cf1:/pe3-cert.pem output cert.crt format pem
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type key input cf1:/pe3-key.pem output key.crt format pem
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type cert input cf1:/CAcert.pem output cacert.crt format pem
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type crl input cf1:/CAcrl.pem output cacrl.crt format pem
Import the LIG clients certificates:
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type cert input cf1:/lig-pe3-cert.pem output lig-cert.crt format pem
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type key input cf1:/lig-pe3-key.pem output lig-key.crt format pem
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type cert input cf1:/lig-CAcert.pem output lig-cacert.crt format pem
A:pe-3# admin certificate import type crl input cf1:/lig-CAcrl.pem output lig-cacrl.crt format pem
Confirm that the files have been correctly imported:
A:pe-3# file dir cf1:/system-pki/
Volume in drive cf1 on slot A is SROS VM.
Volume in drive cf1 on slot A is formatted as FAT32
Directory of cf1:\system-pki\
11/24/2020 10:07a <DIR> ./
11/24/2020 10:07a <DIR> ../
11/24/2020 10:08a 989 cacert.crt
11/24/2020 10:09a 433 cacrl.crt
11/24/2020 10:07a 960 cert.crt
11/24/2020 10:08a 1255 key.crt
11/24/2020 10:18a 992 lig-cacert.crt
11/24/2020 10:19a 443 lig-cacrl.crt
11/24/2020 10:17a 962 lig-cert.crt
11/24/2020 10:18a 1335 lig-key.crt
8 File(s) 7369 bytes.
2 Dir(s) 786743296 bytes free.
MAG-c nodal configuration
- "Server-ca" is the MAG-c server certificate
- "LIG-ca" is the LIG client set of certificates
The following utilizes the CRL file, but it is possible to make it optional with command config>system>security>pki>ca-profile>revocation-check crl-optional.
ca-profile "Server-ca" create
cert-file "cacert.crt"
crl-file "cacrl.crt"
no shutdown
ca-profile "LIG-ca" create
cert-file "lig-cacert.crt"
revocation-check crl-optional
no shutdown
The next step is to configure the necessary components under the TLS context. This includes the following:
- A cert-profile that references the gRPC server certificate and private key.
- A server-cipher-list containing a list of acceptable (and negotiable) ciphers and authentication algorithms.
- A server-tls-profile that references both the cert-profile and the cipher-list. Client authentication is mandatory for mutual TLS. The client certificate is compared with the LIG root CA certificate, configured under trust-anchor.
cert-profile "MAG-c-tls-certificates" create
entry 1
certificate-file "cert.crt"
key-file "key.crt"
no shutdown
trust-anchor-profile "LIG-anchor-profile" create
trust-anchor "LIG-ca"
server-cipher-list "cipher-list" create
cipher 4
name tls-rsa-with3des-ede-cbc-sha
cipher 5
name tls-rsa-with-aes128-cbc-sha
cipher 6
name tls-rsa-with-aes256-cbc-sha
cipher 7
name tls-rsa-with-aes128-cbc-sha256
cipher 8
name tls-rsa-with-aes256-cbc-sha256
server-tls-profile "MAG-c-tls-server-profile" create
cert-profile "MAG-c-tls-certificates"
cipher-list "cipher-list"
trust-anchor-profile "LIG-anchor-profile"
no shutdown
The final step is to associate the server TLS profile to the LI application.
*A:SMF-DMZ>config>li>mobile# info
server-tls-profile "MAG-c-tls-server-profile"
The interface for LI_X1 to listen to the TCP/TLS request for the LI_X1 connection is configured as follows:
*A:SMF-DMZ>config>li>mobile# info
li-x1-local-interface router Base local-port 443
LI infrastructure setup: 5G LI _X2 interface
As per TS 33.128, the LI_X2 interface used for communicating IRI information must be TLS based. In this case, the MAG-c is a TLS client. In this example, it is assumed that LI_X1 and LI_X2 are connected to the same LIG. In the previous steps, the client certificates are already installed on the system for LI_X1, therefore, the following configuration reuses the trust-anchor for the client TLS profile. The client cert-profile is only configured for mutual TLS authentication.
cert-profile "client-tls-certificates" create
entry 1
certificate-file "client-cert.crt"
key-file "client-key.crt"
no shutdown
trust-anchor-profile "LIG-anchor-profile" create
trust-anchor "LIG-ca"
server-cipher-list "cipher-list" create
cipher 4
name tls-rsa-with3des-ede-cbc-sha
cipher 5
name tls-rsa-with-aes128-cbc-sha
cipher 6
name tls-rsa-with-aes256-cbc-sha
cipher 7
name tls-rsa-with-aes128-cbc-sha256
cipher 8
name tls-rsa-with-aes256-cbc-sha256
client-tls-profile "LIG-tls-server-profile" create
cert-profile "client-tls-certificates"
cipher-list "cipher-list"
trust-anchor-profile "LIG-anchor-profile"
no shutdown
The 5G LI_X2 IP interface follows the same configuration as the following 4G X2 interface. See LI infrastructure setup: Setting up the 4G X2_1 interface section for more information.
For the local interface:
config>li>mobile-gateway ?
[no] local-interface <ip-address> [router <router-instance>]
[over-ride x2-interface <x2-ip-address> [x2-router <x2-router-instance>]]
LI infrastructure setup: 4G and 5G MAG-c PFCP (N4) interface
MAG-c reuses the Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP) interface to provision the LI target on the user plane. The LI attributes are sent with the subscriber session creation. Unlike regular PFCP IEs, the LI PFCP IEs are encrypted utilizing a secret key. The PFCP secret key is as follows:
[no] pfcp-li-shared-key
The configure li pfcp-li-shared-key command is used to configure the shared key used between MAG-c and the user plane over N4 for LI PFCP IEs sent from MAG-c to the user plane function. This shared key is used to encrypt the LI PFCP IE at the MAG-c and decrypt the LI container IE at the UPF. The no form of the command reverts to default, which is null.
LI infrastructure setup: 4G and 5G service router user plane
The SR requires the secret key to be provisioned to decrypt the PFCP LI IEs.
A:sros1>config>li# info
pfcp-li-shared-key "K7gNU3sdo+OL0wNhqoVWhuiT+uvppg==" hash2
In addition, each SR supports the CC interface. All CC messages are sent using an IP-UDP-shim header. The following describes the steps for provisioning the mirror destination service "1" utilizing the base routing instance for the LI mirrored packets.
A:sros1>config>mirror# info
mirror-dest 1 name "1" create
layer-3-encap ip-udp-shim create
router Base
gateway create
ip src dest
udp src 65111 dest 65111
no shutdown
In the LI context, this mirror destination requires reference:
A:sros1>config>li# info
li-source 1
no shutdown
LI target provisioning
FWA LI target provisioning typically consists of three steps:
The reason for provisioning the target as both a 4G and a 5G target is because the service provider might not know if the FWA RG is 4G or 5G capable. However, in the case where the service provider can predetermine the client type, it is possible to only perform step 1 and 3 if the RG is only 4G capable and only step 2 and 3 if the RG is 5G capable with the ability to fall back to 4G.
Provisioning of 4G IRI targets
To provision 4G IRI, the following command set is used:
A:sros1>config>li# info
local-interface router vprn100 override-x2-interface x2-router vprn100
custom-correlation-id-format disable
server-tls-profile "li-server-tls-profile"
client-tls-profile "li-client-tls-profile"
3gpp-5g-release rel-base
li-x1-local-interface router 100 local-port 50001
df-peer 2 df2-addr df2-port 10047 df2-tls-profile li-client-tls-profile
target imsi id 310310995002222 intercept iri peer 2 liid 17097478
target imsi id 310310995003362 intercept iri peer 2 liid 310310995003362
pfcp-li-shared-key "YHTJfusmNsAtfdCMSBvb2qQMUwzSiefunPs=" hash2
Provisioning of 5G IRI targets
- CreateDestination to create the destination for IRI message, which is called the destination ID.
- ActivateTask to create the LI target and specify the DID for the IRI message.
Provisioning of 4G and 5G CC targets
To provision the CC for both 4G and 5G, the following command set is used:
sros1>config>li# info
local-interface router vprn100 override-x2-interface x2-router vprn100
operator-id TMBL
custom-correlation-id-format disable
server-tls-profile "li-server-tls-profile"
client-tls-profile "li-client-tls-profile"
3gpp-5g-release rel-base
nf-id-value uuid
li-x1-local-interface router 100 local-port 50001
admf-peer 1 admf-addr x1-port 10443
df-peer 2 df2-addr df2-port 10047 df2-tls-profile li-client-tls-profile
target imsi id 310310995002222 intercept iri peer 2 liid 17097478
target imsi id 310310995003362 intercept iri peer 2 liid 310310995003362
pfcp-li-shared-key "YHTJfusmNsAtfdCMSBvb2qQMUwzSiefunPs=" hash2
target "310310995003362"
source 1 imsi 310310995003362 egress ingress intercept-id 17097489 mirror-destination "8000"
target "310310995003444"
source 1 imsi 310310995003444 egress ingress intercept-id 17097487 mirror-destination "8000"
This chapter provides a configuration guidance to set up the MAG for FWA LI. The infrastructure for LI is typically set up once during commissioning. Afterward, the LIG utilizes both SSH CLI and ETSI-based 103.221-1 to provision FWA LI targets on the system.
Appendix: Transport Layer Security
This section provides a quick start guidance to generate TLS for the LI interface. For more detail information on TLS, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR System Management Guide.
5G LI_X1 and LI_X2 mandates TLS as the transport where TLS on 4G X2_1 is optional. The use of TLS requires an exchange of X.509 certificates to provide authentication, integrity, and encryption keying material. While the TLS handshake itself uses asymmetric keys for encryption, it allows for confidential generation of a shared key to allow for subsequent symmetric encryption. In general, only server-side authentication is used. However, TLS also supports two-way authentication where both the server certificate and the client certificate are authenticated: mutual TLS. MAG-c 5G LI_X1 mandates mutual TLS. Both 4G X2_1 (if used) and 5G LI_X2 only require server TLS authentication.

The use of X.509 certificates mandates the use of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), but because this is not commonly available in many test environments, the following section describes the use of self-signed certificates using OpenSSL.
Create a directory structure to store certificates and keys:
[root@centos8-dot32 ~]# mkdir /home/ftpuser/certs/telemetry
[root@centos8-dot32 ~]# cd /home/ftpuser/certs/telemetry
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# mkdir private
Generate a CA certificate
Generating a self-signed CA certificate is a one-time activity. It is subsequently used to sign all certificate signing requests from network elements serving as LI_X1 servers.
Firstly, generate a private RSA key that forms part of the certificate request, and store it in the private sub-directory.
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl genrsa -out private/CAkey.pem 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus (2 primes)
e is 65537 (0x010001)
Generate a certificate signing request and reference the generated key generated.
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]#
openssl req -out CAreq.pem -key private/CAkey.pem -new -passin "pass:" -subj
Create the following file if it does not exist already:
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# touch /etc/pki/CA/index.txt
Self-sign the CA certificate request using the previously generated private key and certificate request.
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl ca -out CAcert.pem -keyfile private/CAkey.pem
-batch -days 3650 -selfsign -create_serial -passin "pass:" -extensions v3_ca
-infiles CAreq.pem
Create the following file if it does not exist already:
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# echo 01 > /etc/pki/CA/crlnumber
Generate an empty certificate revocation list (CRL):
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl ca -out CAcrl.pem -keyfile private/CAkey.pem
-batch -gencrl -cert CAcert.pem -passin "pass:"
Generate a server certificate
This section provides an example of how to generate a server certificate (for example LI_X1). Because a server certificate is needed for every MAG-c instance supporting LI, it requires some unique identification. The following example utilizes a lab environment, so it does not have a DNS and this example uses the hostname "pe3"; therefore, the name of the private key is pe3-key.pem and the name of the certificate is pe3-cert.pem.
Generate a private key for the MAG-c server certificate, as follows:
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl genrsa -out private/pe3-key.pem 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus (2 primes)
e is 65537 (0x010001)
Although the preceding example uses OpenSSL on a Centos 8 server to generate the key, it is equally possible to generate the key on an MAG-c server using the admin certificate gen-keypair command.
Generate a certificate signing request and reference the generated key. Note that the preferred value for the common name (CN) is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), but a simple hostname can be used if DNS is not used.
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]#
openssl req -out pe3-certreq.pem -key private/pe3-key.pem -new -passin "pass:" -subj
Once again, although the example uses OpenSSL to generate the certificate request, it is possible to generate the request from an MAG-c server using the admin certificate gen-local-cert-req command.
Sign the certificate request using the CA’s certificate. Note that, if a FQDN is not used as a CN in the certificate request, the certificate must include the IP address of the gRPC server in the subjectAltName (in this case the system address of PE3).
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl ca -out pe3-cert.pem -keyfile private/CAkey.pem -batch -passin "pass:" -days 3650 -cert CAcert.pem -policy policy_anything -extensions SAN -extfile <(printf "[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=IP:") -infiles pe3-certreq.pem
Using configuration from /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
Serial Number:
Not Before: Nov 24 09:39:13 2020 GMT
Not After : Nov 22 09:39:13 2030 GMT
countryName = UK
stateOrProvinceName = SU
localityName = Guildford
organizationName = IPD
organizationalUnitName = CE
commonName = pe3
emailAddress =
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
IP Address:
Certificate is to be certified until Nov 22 09:39:13 2030 GMT (3650 days)
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
Verify that the server certificate has been correctly generated and view the certificate.
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl verify -verbose -CAfile CAcert.pem pe3-cert.pem
pe3-cert.pem: OK
[root@centos8-dot32 telemetry]# openssl x509 -text -in pe3-cert.pem
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C = UK, ST = SU, O = IPD, OU = CE, CN = CA, emailAddress =
Not Before: Nov 24 09:39:13 2020 GMT
Not After : Nov 22 09:39:13 2030 GMT
Subject: C = UK, ST = SU, L = Guildford, O = IPD, OU = CE, CN = pe3, emailAddress =
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit)
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
IP Address:
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption