Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report

Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report overview

The Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report includes utilization data for NEs managed by the NFM-P only or by the MDM (model-driven Nokia) only. The Interface Utilization Summary report provides a summary of utilization data for a selected group of interfaces.

Note: The Interface Utilization Summary report is based on different statistics from the Interface Overview report. The utilization values shown in the two report types will be different.

The default display is a set of graphs and a table showing ingress and egress speeds and minimum, maximum and average utilization percentages. Utilization results in the table are colored red when utilization reaches or exceeds user-defined thresholds.

Utilization calculation varies by interface type:


Report limitations include:

Use cases

Capacity planning—Use the report to examine interface utilization patterns for planning future capacity requirements.


To view the report for granularities other than raw data, the aggregation rules must be enabled; see How do I configure analytics aggregation?. Enable aggregation and configure telemetry subscriptions; see the Telemetry information on the Network Developer Portal and the NSP Data Collection and Analysis Guide.

The following table describes the aggregation rules and the accounting policies that must be configured for the NEs on which statistics are to be collected; see the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide for information about configuring an accounting policy.

Table 19-4: Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report prerequisites for MDM-managed NEs

Aggregator name

Monitored object class

Statistics class

Statistics collection

NE types






Accounting, file and log policies

7750 MD SR






Accounting, file and log policies

7750 MD SR


Telemetry Base Interface


Telemetry statistics

7750 MD SR

Table 19-5: Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report prerequisites for NFM-P-managed NEs

Aggregator name

Monitored object class

Statistics class

Statistics collection


NE types

SAP Interface Stats Aggregator Egress



Accounting, file, and log policies

completeSvcInEg policy

7705 SAR

7705 SAR Hm

7750 SR

SAP Interface Stats Aggregator Ingress



Accounting, file, and log policies

completeSvcInEg policy

7250 IXR-R6

7705 SAR

7705 SAR Hm

7750 SR

Service Egress Octets Aggregator



Accounting, file, and log policies

svcEgressOctet policy

7210 SAS-D

7210 SAS Dxp

7210 SAS-K

7210 SAS-M

7210 SAS-Mxp

7210 SAS-R

7210 SAS-S/Sx

7210 SAS-T

7210 SAS-X

Service Ingress Octets Aggregator



Accounting, file, and log policies

svcIngressOctet policy

7210 SAS-D

7210 SAS Dxp

7210 SAS-K

7210 SAS-M

7210 SAS-Mxp

7210 SAS-R

7210 SAS-S/Sx

7210 SAS-T

7210 SAS-X

Mpls Interface Stats Aggregator



Performance statistics


7210 SAS

7250 IXR

7705 SAR

7705 SAR Hm

7750 SR

Omnisystem NEs

GNE Interface Utilization Stats Aggregator



Note: Only GNE interfaces without multivendor drivers are supported.

Performance statistics



Note: The report does not support the 7250 IXR, Release 22.0 or later.

Report characteristics

The following table lists the principal report characteristics.

Table 19-6: Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report characteristics



Data type


Source database

Auxiliary database

Interface types supported

Access interface

Network interface

Report inputs



End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time

Report Range

Length of time to be reported, in minutes (minutes, min), hours (hours, h), days (days, d), or months (months, m)


Aggregation types:

  • None (raw data)

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Monthly

NE Types

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Select individual items or click Select All.

Name or name pattern for NEs


Port modes

Select Access, Network, or Hybrid

Port and port mode inputs are not required for GNE interfaces. Selecting a GNE in the NE list will automatically display GNE interfaces.

Name or name pattern for ports

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Select individual items or click Select All.

Interfaces whose associated port speed is 0 will not be displayed in the Interfaces input prompt.

Physical ports or LAGs

Interface Type

Name or name pattern for interfaces


Total threshold

Specify in bps/Kbps/Mbps/Gbps

Ingress threshold

Egress threshold

Logo resource ID

The logo to add to the report. Enter the resource ID for the logo image uploaded to the Images folder, if any. If no logo ID is provided, the logo area will be blank.

Logo Position

Choose Left, Middle or Right. The logo will be placed on the left of the first page of the report for both the left and middle options.

Show report output on one page

Select the check box to enable pagination.

Note: Using the Show report output on one page option when creating reports as drill-downs may impact report rendering time. Nokia recommends disabling the Show report output on one page option when creating reports.

Drill-down support

Yes—Click on an entry in the Interface Name column for a 7750 SR, VSR, 7450 ESS, or 7950 XRS NE interface to launch an Interface Overview report.


The following figures show a report example.

Figure 19-2: Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report
Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report
Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report
Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report
Interface Utilization Summary (NSP) report