Integrating WaveSuite components
The following integration procedures describe how to:
enable WS-NOC Release 24.6 or later compatibility with the NSP; see To enable NSP and WS-NOC Release 24.6 or later compatibility
fully integrate a Release 24.6 or later WS-NOC with the NSP; see To integrate a Release 24.6 or later WS-NOC and the NSP
map NSP user groups to WS-NOC roles; see To map external user groups to predefined WaveSuite roles
optionally add the WS-SE or WS-HA to a fully integrated WS-NOC and NSP deployment; see To add WS-SE or WS-HA to an integrated WS-NOC and NSP deployment
Note: In the event that an integration attempt fails, you can roll back the integration as described in To roll back WS-NOC and NSP integration.