Chapter 9: Classic management security
What is NFM-P system security?
How do I change an NFM-P main database password in a standalone system?
How do I change an NFM-P main database password in a redundant system?
How do I update the supported NFM-P TLS versions and ciphers?
How do I manage NFM-P user accounts and groups?
What is user activity logging?
How do I configure sample span rule?
Workflow: configure and manage NFM-P user security
How do I reserve an admin account login?
How do I create a scope of command role?
How do I create a scope of command profile?
How do I create a span of control?
How do I create a span of control profile?
How do I create an NFM-P user group?
How do I add or remove workspaces for a user group?
How do I create an NFM-P user account?
How do I copy an NFM-P user account?
How do I configure global user account and password expiry?
How do I configure the GUI client inactivity timeout?
How do I configure the minimum allowable user name length?
How do I configure authentication failure actions?
How do I configure suspended account actions?
How do I configure automated E-mail notification?
How do I list inactive user accounts?
How do I suspend or reinstate an NFM-P user account?
How do I change an NFM-P user password?
How do I update the admin-user password for NSP XML API access?
How do I disable an NFM-P user password?
How do I change the password of the current NFM-P user?
How do I export the local tab preferences of one or more users?
How do I assign local tab preferences to users?
How do I send a broadcast message to GUI clients?
How do I view and manage the active GUI client sessions?
How do I disconnect an XML API JMS client connection or remove a durable subscription?
How do I view the user activity log?
How do I view the user activity associated with an object?
How do I change the maximum number of concurrent NFM-P admin operator positions?
How do I configure the number of allowed client sessions for a client delegate server?
How do I change the NFM-P Task Manager settings?