Configuration command hierarchies

Ethernet commands

The following commands are supported on 7705 SAR-Hm series nodes. See the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide for the command descriptions.

Note: Not all commands that are visible in the CLI, and described in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide and the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Clear, Monitor, Show, and Tools CLI Command Reference Guide, are supported on 7705 SAR-Hm series nodes. Only the commands that are listed below are supported.
    - [no] port {port-id}
        - ethernet
            - autonegotiate [limited]
            - no autonegotiate
            - dot1q-etype value
            - no dot1q-etype
            - down-on-internal-error [tx-disable]
            - no down-on-internal-error
            - duplex {full | half}
            - egress-scheduler-override [create]
            - no egress-scheduler-override 
                - levelpriority-level rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
                - levelpriority-level percent-rate pir-percent [percent-cir cir-percent]
                - no level priority-level
                - max-rate rate
                - max-rate percent percent-rate
                - no max-rate
            - egress-scheduler-policy port-scheduler-policy-name
            - no egress-scheduler-policy
            - encap-type {dot1q | null}
            - no encap-type
            - hold-time {[up hold-time up] [down hold-time down] [seconds | centiseconds]}
            - no hold-time
            - mac ieee-address
            - no mac
            - min-frame-length byte-length
            - mode {access | network | hybrid} 
            - no mode
            - mtu mtu-bytes
            - no mtu
            - speed {10 | 100}

Ethernet access and network commands

    - access
        - bandwidth bandwidth
        - no bandwidth
        - booking-factor factor
        - no booking-factor
        - egress
        - ingress
    - network
        - accounting-policy policy-id
        - no accounting-policy
        - [no] collect-stats
        - egress
        - queue-policy name
        - no queue-policy

Cellular MDA and cellular port configuration commands

    - card 1
        - mda 1
            - cellular
                - active-sim {1 | 2 | auto}
                - b125-max-tx-power power-level
                - no b125-max-tx-power 
                - down-recovery-interval interval
                - no down-recovery-interval 
                - down-recovery-criteria criterion [criterion...(up to two)]
                - no down-recovery-criteria 
                - max-tx-power maximum-tx-power
                - preferred-sim {1 | 2}
                - no preferred-sim 
                - sim sim-card-number
                    - band-list band-num [band-num...(up to 4 max)]
                    - no band-list
                    - description description-string
                    - no description 
                    - failover-criteria
                        - [no] bgp-neighbor-state 
                        - failure-duration minutes
                        - [no] port-oper-state 
                        - [no] rssi-threshold 
                    - pin 
                    - pin pin-value [hash | hash2]
                    - no pin
                    - rssi-alarm-wait-time wait-time
                    - rssi-threshold rx-power
                    - no rssi-threshold 
    - port port-id 
        - description description-string
        - no description 
        - cellular
            - cbsd-authorization
                - antenna-gain gain
                - no antenna-gain 
                - category {a | b}
                - client-tls-profile tls-profile-name
                - no client-tls-profile 
                - sas-server-primary url-string
                - no sas-server-primary 
                - sas-server-secondary url-string
                - no sas-server-secondary 
                - [no] shutdown 
                - userid userid-string
                - no userid 
            - pdn
                - pdn-profile pdn-profile-id 
                - no pdn-profile 
            - [no] sync-system-time
        - [no] shutdown 

Serial interface configuration commands

    - [no] port port-id
        - serial
            -  rs232 
                - character-length {6 | 7 | 8}
                - control-lead {input | output}
                    - input
                        - dtr-dsr {high | low}
                        - rts-dcd {high | low}
                    - monitor
                        - dtr-dsr off
                        - rts-dcd off
                    - output
                        - cts-alb {high | low}
                        - dcd-rts {high | low}
                        - ri-rdl {high | low}
                - hold-time {[up hold-time-up] [down hold-time-down]}
                - no hold-time
                - loopback bidir-e
                - no loopback
                - parity {odd | even | mark | space}
                - no parity
                - [no] shutdown
                - speed {600 | 1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 
57600 | 115200}
                - stop-bits {1 | 2}

Serial raw socket interface configuration commands

Note: To enable the serial transport over raw socket functionality on 7705 SAR-Hm series nodes, configure an RS-232 raw socket serial port and create an IP transport subservice within a VPRN service. For information about how to configure an IP transport subservice within a VPRN, see the "Serial raw socket IP transport configuration commands hierarchy" in the 7705 SAR-Hm and SAR-Hmc Main Configuration Guide.
    - [no] port port-id
        - serial
            - [no] rs232
                - socket 
                    - rx 
                        - eop
                            - idle-timeout milliseconds
                            - length bytes
                            - special-char value
                            - no special-char
                        - squelch-delay seconds
                        - no squelch-delay 
                        - squelch-reset
                        - unsquelch-delay seconds
                        - no unsquelch-delay
                    - tx
                        - inter-session-delay milliseconds

WLAN port configuration commands

    - port 
        - description description-string
        - no description 
        - [no] shutdown 
        - wlan 
            - access-point 
                - [no] broadcast-ssid 
                - client-limit clients
                - client-timeout seconds
                - dhcp 
                    - [no] shutdown 
                - dot1x 
                    - radius-plcy policy-name
                    - no radius-plcy 
                    - re-auth-period seconds
            - mode {access | network}
            - network network-id ssid ssid-name [create]
            - no network 
                - wlan-security [type {wpa2-psk | wpa2-enterprise}]
                - no wlan-security
                    - station 
                        - authentication {eap-ttls | eap-fast | eap-peap}
                        - no authentication 
                        - password password-string [hash | hash2]
                        - no password 
                        - username username-string
                        - no username
                    - wpa-encryption [tkip | aes]
                    - no wpa-encryption
                    - wpa-passphrase ascii-passphrase [hash | hash2]
                    - no wpa-passphrase